The next morning the kids were better than I could have hoped for. They slept almost the entire way. We made it to North Jersey, close to Greg & Danielle's exit, before stopping for lunch and a break. When we got to Rockland we had a quick visit with Ed's mom, Janet. She was so happy to see the little ones. And I think Nathan enjoyed her little dogs.
Saturday I enjoyed a walk with Joanne around Rockland Lake (a usual event on the weekends I like to participate in if I can). Dad was left with the boys. When I was walking out the door he was bent over a dirty diaper exclaiming "Oohhhhhh." See ya later Dad! They survived.
A quick shower and we were off again, to Pearl River. We met up with Christine and Liza and their kids. Again, who would have imagined it, all of us sitting around with our kids. Nathan was only slightly amused with the girl toys laying about. He was more interested in abusing the dog. Our visit didn't last long after that. Benny of course is so easy still - he's either sleeping or looking around smiling at the world. I would have liked to visit with other cousins in the area but nap time was looming. We were only 10 minutes in the car and Nathan was passed out. Aahhh....a little break.
Later in the afternoon we went up the Haverstraw to a park Pop wanted to take the boys (well, Nathan). It's up near where Bay View used to be, right on the river. It's a huge playground area next to picnic areas and a 9/11 memorial. We were there for hours watching Nathan run between all things he could climb and explore. Seriously, this kid is so lucky he gets to play so much. And I'm so lucky he can get his energy out and climb. He's so very good at it. We were getting ready to leave when Dad told me to hurry with the camera. There was a red-tailed hawk just sitting there by the cars with a squirrel in his claws. We watched for a good 15 minutes or so as he tried to escape the crowd with his heavy dinner. It was so cool.
Sunday started out early and I was eager to get up and go and not just because I was leaving both boys with Pop and Jo. (Well, Pop. Joanne went out walking again. Thanks Pop!) I met friend and photographer Sarah at the hook to take pictures of Greg, Danielle and Lily. I was excited to witness one of her shoots and of course to see the beautiful Lily without my wild one running all over the place. I enjoyed watching her work, being out in Nyack and being without the boys for a little while. They were literally on me the entire time otherwise, or so it felt, but that's another story. I saw the pictures from the shoot later that week and they are amazing. I would have liked to get a session with Sarah the Great but you know what they say - you get what you pay for. We are going to have to save our pennies for a session with her someday!
Sunday night we were of course zonked. Every night felt like that actually. Which would have been good. If Nathan didn't fight me every single night. The one night at Jim and Janes he did sleep with me but the rest of the time he had his own little bed. That he did not want to sleep in. But I fought it. I so wanted to big bed just for me. Just a for a few hours before I had to get up to feed Ben again! After much fighting, for many hours, Nathan did sleep. But the last few nights I was exhausted. And caved. And was surrounded by little bodies. Oh how I love those little bodies but I'd rather not get smacked in the face at 2am! Nathan doesn't stay still even in his sleep! (This is why I'm sick now people. No solid sleep will really wear you down.)
Tuesday was a rainy, lazy day. We had some last minute visits and errands, laundry and collecting of stuff throughout the entire house. I spent time in the basement getting together Nathan's first stash of big boy legos. This was a great investment of time. We have been playing legos every day since we got home. For more than 5 minutes at a time. This is a big deal for him as he appears to have ADD at times between all the toys and activities. But legos are a winner!
Wednesday we headed home. Dad dropped us off at Greg's where we hoped into Mom's (newly repaired) car and off we went (yet another story!). It was nice to have one more little visit (and some NY bagels) before we left (thanks Greg!). The ride home was rough. It's a long way for little boys. But we made it. And we were very happy to see Daddy. Next time he's coming with us. Being both mommy and daddy was exhausting!
I don't know when we will be back but I'm glad we got all those visits in. As much as we missed Daddy, I was happy to reconnect with my Nathan, my little buddy. And there won't always be a reason to get up to Rockland. Our parents are retiring and getting ready for a new phase of life. Moves are in the future for many of them. So visits "back home" won't always be there so I'm glad for the chance to enjoy it all a few more times.
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