Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My last post was super long and I didn't even get to talk about Halloween. So here it is. Nathan had a ball!

Weeks earlier, Leo and I discussed what Nathan should dress up as. We tossed around a few ideas and I went looking on-line for some ideas. By some stroke of luck I found what I needed that fit the criteria. It came in the size I needed, a character he loves and it was on a super sale. A monkey it is!

When we got the said costume I tired it right away. Nathan was not pleased with this idea. At all. I managed to snap a few shots but he was uninterested. We tried a few more times and even tried to associate candy with it. We would give him a little bucket and tell him to say "trick or treat"and he would get something yummy. He just really liked to candy part. He would get a piece then want to get the heck out of that thing and fast. Halloween was coming and I was not excited. He won't even dress up!

Halloween arrived and so did the kids. After a few visitors, Nathan was running for the door to see who was there. I think it clicked for him. Oooohhhh . . . NOW I get it! When it was time to take him out to give this trick or treating thing a try he was all over it. We put the monkey on, gave him a bucket, went across the street and collected candy for real. I had anticipated just a few minutes of resistance and then Leo and I giving up. But he was out for a solid 40 minutes or so enjoying the neighborhood festivities. Now of course he walks around saying "Trick or Treat" when he wants candy. We had to hide the candy. Toddlers really do make holidays more fun. I can't wait to see his face on Christmas!

But Thanksgiving is first. Does anyone else feel like this holiday is kinda passed over? Everyone is all about Christmas already. I can relate - I'm really excited about getting our tree up. But still, Thanksgiving is an important one I think. But then again, we should be thankful every day for what we have - not just one where we stuff ourselves with turkey! Well, I am thankful that we will have a houseful. Mom, Ed, Sharon, Stan, Kerri, Rob and Logan will be joining us next Thursday. We are looking forward to having our first holiday here in our new home (which we are also very thankful for) with our close family (and our cute little boys). Yay for the holidays!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Aahhh. . . . you hear that? Silence. Just the heat and Leo watching poker on his computer, which is a pretty quiet  activity to watch. I approve. I can finally write in peace. Now you'll just have to excuse my typos as I am still adjusting to my new keyboard. This will be a long one . . . we've been busy.

October was non-stop. In addition to the State Fair we also enjoyed some other Fall Activities, of which there are many to choose from around here, like a local corn maze. Nathan was much more into picking up old pieces of corn than anything. We didn't exactly follow the path to look for all the hidden "stations" but rather cut through to the other side to see the cows. We were able to get right up close to see them. Nathan was amazed by all this real-life mooing. He tossed the corn in to the cows in return for the entertainment. He is so cute when he moos now, even if he is seeing a horse, goat or other four-legged animal instead of a cow. Nathan also loved climbing on the tractors that day. Give him anything with a steering wheel and he is a happy boy.

A few days later, Nathan and I went to another farm with a big group of people where the entire point of its' existence is to entertain kids. Hill Ridge Farms is the place to go. They have the traditional sand box, ducks and swings but they also have goats and chickens, an entire little structure for kids to jump in the hay and another to jump in kernels of corn. Nathan's favorite turned out to be the train. He wasn't so sure at first and didn't appear to enjoy our short ride around in it. But after we got off and he realized where that "choo choo" sound came from he was all about it. He ran in that direction and waved every time it came by. We took a hayride to where you pick out pumpkins and you can sit and eat lunch. I think he had fun and I know he was tired but the pictures I got do not reveal any smiles. He must has been concentrating on all this new stuff. Next year we hope to bring Daddy along.
Friday of this same busy week we were off to NY. October 22nd was Lily's due date, and although there wasn't much activity to indicate she would be coming out to party soon, I couldn't wait around until she was born. I had to go to NY! So on her due date, we ventured up, Nathan and I. My Mom was going too but in her own car. I called her to tell her we were on our way and she said she had already gotten a call that morning. Being 4:15 am there were few other possibilities; Lily knew we were coming to meet her! How perfect! We were anxious for news all day but in the end, Friday was not the day. She didn't wait too long. On Sunday afternoon I was there in the hospital holding my first little niece, only a couple hours old. She was born at 10:21am, 7lbs 4oz, 19" long and with the cutest little round face you ever saw. New mommy and daddy seemed to be naturals from the start and handled all the company in the hospital room really well. This little girl is so loved already - she had better get used to the company!

While the trip was centered around Danielle, Greg & Lily, there was much to do otherwise. By the way, in case you were wondering, Nathan did great in the car. I was really nervous about doing this alone. While mom was out there on the same road at the same time for support, I managed it fine on my own. On the way up Nathan slept on and off several hours, we stopped in DC to visit their small aquarium (yes, there is one there!) and we stopped at Greg's new house in Jersey before getting to Rockland. Nathan whined only a small amount compared to what I envisioned. Once again he made me a proud mama.
Saturday we visited with Greg & Danielle at their place (while poor Danielle was suffering from back labor!) and Nanni was hanging around with us as well. It was a full car as Joey and Matthew had come home from college in hopes of meeting Lily also. (Oh yeah, they wanted to see us too. Nathan has a way of convincing people to travel!) Little did we know that would be the last day we saw them as just a couple. After a short visit (and a quick mow of their lawn - you gotta do something nice, right?) we were off to the Nyack Halloween Parade. Back home I was missing out on a neighborhood Oktoberfest, so to do something else that brought back many memories made up for it. Nathan, at that point was not into his costume but I think he enjoyed watching the other kids all dressed up. He was very excited to spot an "Elmo" who also happened to be holding a monkey. I thought he was going to knock the poor kid out of his wagon he was so excited . . . and probably confused. The crowd got a little thick but Grandma Jo was able to get down low in the front to make sure Nathan didn't miss a thing - especially a GIGANTIC t-rex that swooped down to "take a bite". Fire trucks, dinosaurs and elmos -oh my. We had a fun night.

Sunday, as a I said, turned out to be Lily's Birthday. We got word late the previous night that they went to the hospital. That back labor was unbearable. When I woke up the first thing I did was call for an update. Thinking this may take all day we took our time enjoying the morning. But when we got the call around 10:30 we wished we were already there as Lily had finally arrived and we were all more excited than words could express. Matt came down to meet her, but Joey had to go. As I said, the room was packed with Martins and Keplers and even Nathan got to meet little Lily, whose name he can say very well, btw. I think he was a little unsure of the shift of attention that had most definitely taken place. This is a lesson we will continue to practice.

After the hospital visit, Tim & Jen came along with Dad, Jo, Nathan and myself. We stopped at a small playground for Nathan to monkey around with his uncle then we were off to Brooklyn. We saw Tim & Jen's apartment and then went out for a delicious dinner. Brick oven pizza, bread and yummy desserts with Nutella inside. A fantastic way to celebrate a great day. (In case you didn't know, Nutella is my new fascination. I sadly cannot get enough)

On Monday Nathan, Joanne and I went to Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn where TJ (Tim's Jen) works. Since we were visiting the new Kepler Family at the hospital in the city anyway, going further south to Brooklyn again worked. It was super cool to get back stage VIP treatment. We saw fish, frogs,snakes and lizards all up close. She showed us the best place to sit and eat lunch (watching the monkey's and their babies play) and she gave us food to give to the cows, goats, sheep and alpaca. Nathan did well putting his hand out and feeding them. He was so cute taking it all in. Seeing as we are very into monkey's (in addition to Elmo's - more on that later) he really enjoyed seeing all the different types that were there.

Tuesday we visited with Grandpa Truck in Orangeburg. He was prepared with the great idea to go to a local playground where there was not one or two but at least four different play sets to explore. Nathan enjoyed this  as his spidy, climbing skills are quite impressive. We saw ducks in the pond and I enjoyed the amazing leaves all around - it was definitely the peak of leaf season that week and it was so amazing! We returned for lunch and then off we were to our next destination. But not before he passed out in the car not five minutes after we left. He slept for a solid three hours. We did it Truck - we wore him out!

Later that day I went shopping at good old Shop Rite (Which took me forever. I'm so used to my own grocery store. I felt very lost!) to get items and made dinner for Dad and Jo. I think they were pleased to have dinner waiting for them. Dessert too - Pumpkin Pie!
Wednesday was another visit with the Keplers. I was very much looking forward to holding Lily for a bit longer and enjoying the company of my brothers and sisters (in laws!). I wasn't thinking much about it then but now I realize how cool it is that we were all sitting around with another little new person, in Greg & Danielle's new place . . .  when did we grow up? And aren't we so lucky to be so close and enjoy each others company so much. I would have liked to stay all afternoon but someone was once again feeling a little left out. Nathan didn't have things to keep him entertained and the poor kid kept getting yelled at only because he's curious in a non-baby-proofed home. We had to get out of these before we both went crazy so we made a quick stop at Hunters office to say hello (I always have a list of people to visit, even for a quickie) then off to Grandpa Trucks again for dinner.

Babci and neighbor Faye were there as well. Nathan was happy to be in the spotlight again as he received gifts from the moment we got there. He got a Halloween goodie bag from Faye and from Truck he received his first Elmo. He was super excited and so was I. I was beginning to feel guilty he didn't have one to snuggle. Fortunately, his grandparents pay attention. When we got home later that night he got his 2nd Elmo from Pop and JoJo and yet another from Gigi when we got home from NY. He has a cute little family of Elmos, all different sizes. And he loves them all! We had a quick visit with friends Jay and Kerry as well. (I got to see her baby bump. I hate missing all this stuff in NY!)

Thursday was a day of leisure as I wasn't sure if I was going to stay or go. But Pop decided to take the drive back to NC with us and we were leaving on Friday together.  So my long-time friend Suzi came over and we enjoyed a few hours together. Much more than we have been afforded in several years. I miss my old friends dearly, so the time together is always cherished. We went to Rockland Bakery to get some good stuff to bring home (I wouldn't have been allowed to come home without bagels) and then Nathan and I went to Twin Ponds to feed the ducks and enjoy the weather and changing leaves.

Friday Dad, Nathan and I left by 5am and got home at 2pm exactly. That's the trick - leave early! Dad ventured off for a few hours then returned for a nice dinner at home. We went wondering together (with Leo!) the next day too. Pop and Nathan enjoyed trains and just being together. I was so sad to drop him off at the airport on Sunday. But being together for over a week was just the thing we needed. A little taste of home, time with our growing family and new adventures to show my little man. It was well worth the long drive up. And we get to do it all over again in December!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I had hoped that today I would be able to sit and fill you in on the last few weeks. A blog has been requested and I try to deliver when someone has asked something of me. 

But I'm a little annoyed. I got a new laptop. This is not the annoying part. I love it and I'm super excited about it. But my spacebar is a little temperamental. Or I'm  just not used to it. So when I just type normally everyword seems toruntogether like thisand it's really a pain to slowdown and/ or goback to fix it. So I'm annoyed that basic typing is a challenge for me. 

And Nathan loves me. This is also a wonderful thing. But he only appears to be happy when we are practically attached to each other. I deal with it during the week but by the weekend I expect to get a bit of a break with Leo around. But no, Nathan is only completely ok in the world if he is sitting on me, touching me, playing around me (loudly) or a combination of these so that there is little I can do. And so I am annoyed at that too. I need some room to breathe and someone to listen to me when I say "STOP!!!!" a billion times. 

So stay tuned. When I work out the wonderful kinks in my life, I'll update you.