The other day we were Skyping with Dad and Jo and I put Ben on the floor in front of the computer. He went from his belly to his back for the first time with an audience! Now when he is on his back he will fling his feet over and try to go from back to belly - making it all the way half the time. He moves in a circle, kicking his feet around. He smiles all the time. He will coo and agoo at you, even more when you talk to him. And when he needs something, it's usually pretty easy to figure out. He gets fussy when he's hungry, dirty or tired. Other than that he's happy as can be in someone's arms. He sleeps a lot but is certainly more awake as the days go by. He pays attention to the TV now. We find he loves to watch hockey, like Nathan did. We put him in one of those exersaucer things and he does well. Now of course we have baby and big boy stuff all over the place. But it's ok. It's a sign of a fun and busy house full of kids. He sleeps through the night for the most part and today I have been putting him him his own crib during naps to get him used to his own room.
The newborn stage is over. . . Damn that was fast!
I remember this part too; wanting to say so much more about your beautiful little baby but not having the words. Just wanting to look at him and the feel the feelings since no words can match the moment. That's where I'm at. Just happily in love with Baby Boy #2. My newest beau. And his name is Ben.
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