Friday, April 27, 2012

Picture Update

I have a love/ hate thing with technology. It makes our lives easy but at the same time I always feel behind, especially with pictures. I had a few minutes of peace while the kids are sleeping so I updated our PicasaWeb pictures. You can see them here: I don't always post a bunch onto facebook but I try to put most of them on picasa. I mean, how many places can I put pictures people? I try not to get too overwhelmed. I know someday more time will come to me and I just try to organize the best I can in the meantime.

Anyway, even if I don't have time to blog about our lives at least there are a few pix here and there to capture the moments. And boy do we have moments! Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Celebration Trifecta

Yesterday we celebrated all the good stuff we have going on around here. Benny being born, Nathan's 3rd Birthday and our 5th Wedding Anniversary. How lucky to have so many things to be grateful for. Our small celebration turned into the regular Trend Haus 35. It's the average number of adults that come to our events these days, not counting the dozen or so kids that come attached. But we don't mind one bit. The more the merrier and that was true yesterday as well. The weather was perfect for a silly little Easter egg hunt on the front lawn (to throw in another celebration) and for the kids to play outside. They all loved Nathan's birthday present from Tim & Jen, his air rocket that is easy and safe and fun - the ideal gift for a 3 year old!

The night before, the weekend was kicked off with Monster Jam. Leo took Nathan along with Grandpa Truck, Kerri, Rob and Logan. I was glad they went and even more glad to stay home with Benny. We enjoyed sushi and a movie and peace and quiet. Well, kind of. Ben's nose has been on and off congested since birth but was worse over the weekend and sounds much like Darth Vader with a cold. As if just sounding like Darth Vader isn't bad enough.

The hours of quiet was awesome and was broken quite quickly when they all returned home by 9:30 or so. The boys didn't last the whole thing through - it's very loud and very scary according to the boys - but they still had fun. And continued to overnight. Logan stayed over for the first time and the two of them chased each other through the house for the next 18 hours. They are super cute together. And double trouble. At one point, when the party was winding down on Saturday, I found Nathan and Logan in the bathroom. With their hands in the toilet. Splashing. Laughing. And drinking the water! I wish I could have approached with poise and forethought. I would have taken a picture to show them 18 years from now. But instead I reacted and yelled at them. They were drinking toilet water after all. And who knows if it was clean. They each were pulled in different directions to be washed up and reprimanded while I wiped up the floor, walls and toilet bowl. Good grief. "Bendy" (as Logan calls Ben) decided to get in on the action and pee all over the changing table, wall AND crib and mattress. Ah the stories we will tell years from now. Just try to think of the stories, that's what I tell myself.

I wanted to say that I hated that Nathan's birthday went by without much mention. As mothers know, it's a celebration for us as much as it is for our babies. And I wanted to mark the time in writing, to tell what he is up to and how special he is. But there is so little time to sit and reflect. Even when I was writing out Leo's anniversary card there was so much I wanted to say and there were barely 5 minutes in the day where I could sit quietly and do just that. There are always distractions and things to be done and people needing me. But having all those things going on is the product of the life we have right now. As much as I want more quiet time and to be needed less, I know I would (and will someday) miss it. I will try to take some time to reflect on my growing boys as the months go by. But in the meantime, when I look back I will know that while I had little time I had to write about it, the more time I was spending living it!