Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry & Happy

One holiday down, one more celebration to go. Can you believe 2009 is days away? I'll no longer be saying I'll be a mommy next year but rather this year!!! We are ready. Well, Baby Trend of course is still cooking but when he is ready I will be too. It's hard work being the source of shelter and food for another human being! But the good news is I slept through the night - 2 nights in a row actually. Let's hope I can keep that up for a while. It doesn't mean I'm feeling completely refreshed though. The 3rd trimester sleepies are coming and I feel a need for a nap rather early in the day. The trick is to not sit too long in one place. So the house is pretty clean these days.

Christmas here was quiet as expected. We hung out around here watching movies and stuff. I have been enjoying reading while Leo has been doing some work too. It's great he can work AND be with me! I hated missing the holidays in NY but I spoke to most everyone on the phone. Leo and I even opened one gift each on Christmas Eve since that's what we usually do with my Dad. It's a nice tradition, that little teaser, that I think we will continue. Our neighbors Kate and Todd invited us over for dinner Christmas evening. It was a last minute surprise we were happy to take them up on. I didn't plan to cook much anyway and we enjoy their company so it was perfect!

The day after Christmas we went down to Wilmington to visit Sharan and Stan. It had been too long since we made the trip! We had a great time with them as always. We brought the Wii with us and played some tennis, bowling and racing. Seriously, those Japanese are some smart people. Saturday we went to Southport and shopped around a bit. They have some very cute stores that I look forward to visiting again. It was right near the water and the sun peeked out while we were there. By the time we got back, he rain had begun. Just in time for Jen to take a nap before dinner. We went out for some Italian and vegged out for the night. It was a nice, relaxing time together.

Tomorrow we are off to friend Eleni & Mike's for some New Years fun. How I will stay awake until midnight I'm not sure. Maybe I will clean their house too. Haha. After that we have a few more days of leisure until Leo gets back to a regular work week and I . . . will take it one day at a time. I do have some networking and Arbonne appointments as well as the random lunch/ dinner plans with friends to keep me sane. My friends here are thowing me another baby shower soon and I have more solid ideas for the baby's room I plan to execute soon. AND mom and Ed will soon be permanent NC residents. AND Leo's sister Kerri is expecting baby #1 in July so Baby Trend will have a cousin and playmate early on. AND the very latest is Truck finally got a cell phone. We have been giving him crap forever about being the last person in our civilized world not to have one. Everyone sure is growing up! Lots going on in 2009!

We hope your Christmas was Merry and you have a Happy and safe New Year!

PS - If you wait long enough you can see another belly pic to the right. He's getting so big!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Retired Rings & Christmas Cookies

Sooo....I officially can't wear my wedding rings anymore. It was getting close but now they are so tight I would rather not have to have them cut off my finger in order to be removed. (Another lovely pregnancy side effect.)So I put them in a safe plac and replaced them with a $10 silver ring I bought in Nyack years ago that slips on and off nicely. I can't be ringless - I just feel too naked in such a state.

In more exciting news, we got a package from Nanni today. Nanni's packages, especially around Christmas, are always exciting because I know exactly what's inside. Every year, for a long as I can remember, she has sent out Christmas cookies to just about everyone. If you are aware of the size of the family then you know how huge this task is. It must be growing exponentially as the years pass with kids getting married and having kids and whatnot. I don't know how she does it. But she has been faithful to the task for years. She aslo sends along a calendar for the coming year with important dates circled or marked in some fashion. We now have our birthdays, our anniversary and now the anticipated due date of Baby Trend marked in blue ribbon on there. Amazing how each year adds new events to the calendar every year. And she stays on top of every since one. Nanni also included her cookie recipes in the package this year. Perhaps she is sending a hint?! Maybe we should all give her a break next year and send her cookies instead. Anyway, thanks Nanni! You're the best!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa and Mother Nature

I don't have too much to say but since I am awake at 5:18am for no good reason I figure I would write and see what comes. I know, 5am is the usual for many family members (thanks mom and dad - perhaps it's in the genes), but for me it's not the norm. I take that back - it is the norm but only since being pregnant. I think since the ability to sleep on my stomach has been taken away I have had these strange night habits. Never predictable mind you - some nights I sleep like a rock, others much like a newborn; awake every few hours only to be cranky. I would like to tell Mother Nature that "I get it!" I know what I'm in for - can we just sleep through the night more than once or twice in a row? Perhaps I'll write a letter to Santa - he must know people who know people who can give the message to Mother Nature herself.

This month has been pretty quiet since settling in from our NY trip. The holiday decorations are up and I love our tree! Leo wasn't into having it up this year, but I love looking at it. And the mothers have been sending cute little pregnancy/ baby-related ornaments this year. Thanks Gigi and Nonni! We even have a few gifts under the tree already. This part Leo likes and would like to play Christmas Morning already. But he must wait. It's only a week or so away.

I think the rest of the month will continue to be quiet as work slows for both Leo and I and people start leaving town for family visits. I am partly sad to not be going to NY for the holidays (and the snow!) but I am also kinda glad to be hanging around here and not traveling. I was thinking this morning (around 4am when I first awoke) that I wish I had gotten some webcams for my dad. It would have been cool to see the siblings opening up gifts like we usually all do together. I suppose after this year we will have things like that set up since we will have a little one that everyone will be anxious to see. As far as what we will actually do since we won't be up in NY, I beleive I will be doing much reading and watching movies. We will be visiting Sharon and Stan in Wilmington the day after Christmas and there will be a party here and there starting this weekend. I'm trying to think of all the little things I take for granted while I still have my freedom (AKA no kid at my hip). Perhaps I will conquer a photo project or two. . .

I guess I had more to say than I thought. Well that killed 15 minutes or so. Maybe I really should take up knitting or something. Or at least get a good reading light so I can stay in the warm bed and read a bit without waking Leo, like those cool light wedges they have at Barnes and Noble. I wonder if it's too late to talk to Santa about that too . . .

Thursday, December 4, 2008

NY Visit

I feel like a blog post is almost unnecessary since we saw almost everyone who reads it in the past couple weeks. But here it goes.

As previously mentioned, we went up to NY for the last week of November. Our ride up was great. The new car gave us lots of room and it was fun to drive. We made it in a little over 8 hours and it was still light when we got there. We spent some time with Mom & Ed and Greg & Danielle (we had to get our taste of NY pizza right away of course). Sunday morning we met with Truck and Babci for some diner breakfast - it's just better in Jersey for some reason!

The rest of Sunday and Monday were both long days with Uncle Tommy's wake then funeral. As sad as it as to gather for this particular occasion, it really was nice to see so many faces. So many cousins, aunts, uncles and even faces from the past appeared. We were able to enjoy each other and visit for long periods of time which usually doesn't happen for us. The services were very nice and Tommy now has a perfect view of Nyack and the River from his spot in Oak Hill next to Grandpa.

Tuesday we recovered a bit from all the visiting. I'm guessing we slept a bunch because I don't recall the details! Wednesday was filled with plans. We went to lunch with old work/ high school friends at the River Club in Nyack. It was fun to recreate what ended up being a Nyack Drama Club reunion. So much time passes - there is so much to catch up on! Our lunch ran a bit long and I ran out of time to shop like I had planned at the good 'ol Palisades. Although once I got there I was overwhelmed by the choices I didn't have much direction in terms of actually doing any shopping. I hung out with Greg and Danielle briefly before returning to Dads for dinner.

Joanne was great at keeping us well fed the entire week. There was turkey and pot roast and chili oh my! Egg nog and pies and muffins. I still have not weighed myself since coming home - I don't want to know!

Wednesday evening we all decided we didn't want to do the going-out-the-night-before-Thanksgiving-thing. I had the pregnancy excuse and everyone else was free to use the same one too. So Leo, Greg, Danielle, Tim and Jen and I went to Danielle's parents house to hang out. We played a fun game that I got for Tim's b-day, "Who, What, Where?" It was a silly drawing game that we played for a few hours then watched a little TV.

Thursday we took our time getting ready since the day was going to be pretty leisurly anyway. Around 2pm we went to The Martin's for some Thanksgiving Goodness. It was really nice of Danielle's parents to have our whole family over to celebrate with them. We really enjoy spending time together. And it showed - we were there for hours, eating, drinking and passing out on the couch. Baby Trend was pretty excited about shrimp, turkey and choice of seven desserts - mom finally felt the litle booger kicking around in there as did Danielle. It was fun sharing that with everyone.

Friday was another catch up day before we finished out the week. We relaxed a bit before going to Pearl River to have lunch with friends. Afterwards, more hanging out. I went to visit Geraldine later on in the evening who I was lucky to visit with again - a nice treat after not seeing her for YEARS since she has been away in Nepal teaching and getting married. I left after a short time since I had to get my "beauty rest" before our long Saturday.

In the morning Leo and I were ready to go by 8am. We had a long drive to Long Island to make! The drive was not as long as we anticipated and we got to the church for our friends wedding pretty early. As we sat in the parking lot I attempted to clean my windshiled with everything but windex and paper towels thinking I could fake it and clean it somehow. Don't do that. It doesn't work. In the meantime I was looking at the church thinking "we've been here before." Leo wasn't so sure until we got inside. I was pretty positive we had been there for another wedding . . . when I got home I confirmed it. We had been there, about 4 years ago for our freind from work. Of all the churches . . . !

The wedding was very nice. Amy was so beautiful and Dan was pretty cute too all dressed up as the groom. Afterwards we made our way to the reception. By then, some of the familiar back pain that has been coming and going came back. I tried to walk around the very nice hotel/ reception lobby (all done up for Christmas) but I was having trouble enjoying it because of this awful discomfort! We made it through a dance to our song during the festivities (and I didn't let the pain keep me from the amazing cocktail hour spread!)but otherwise I stayed immobile. We sat next to a nice couple who live near Amy and Dan here in NC and got to know them better. We look forward to seeing them again down here.

We made good time getting home and were back in town by 8pm. Although I really wanted a long bath and bed, we went to Rick's to visit yet another group of my freinds. I swear we hit every part of my life with all these visits! The old flower shop crew were enjoying their cocktails when we got there but their laughter and jokes made the evening fun, despite the fact that I had to sip on water instead of a nice glass of wine! No matter, we had fun reminicing and catching up. How lucky I am to have such life-long freinds!

Sunday morning I was able to take my time before getting ready for Baby Trend's Shower. But I got up just in time for SNOW! It was snowing and sticking and it was perfect. It changed to rain shortly after but still - it made me happy. Joey went to get us some fresh bagels, then soon Joanne and I were on our way to Stony Point where mom, Aunt Kate, Jess, Megan, Danielle and Liz were alerady there setting up.

It was so wonderful. In the corner was a clothesline with little clothes already pinned up, a table with gifts had been started, and a diaper cake was sitting on another table with bibs and booties and books all around it. Mom had stayed up making this clever diaper cake - wrapping 85 little diapers to make it!

Soon everyone was there and I was opening gifts for this little boy. He sure is spoiled already! He has more clothes than I know what to do with - and no repeats! Nanni made one of her wonderful quilts, there were diaper bags and toys a-plenty and, one of my personal favorites, Greg and Danielle got us some "Rock A Bye Baby" CD's where they take well-known music and turn it baby-friendly with instrumentals. They got us Metallica and The Beatles. They so know us. Also Baby Trend is all set for game day - he has a jets T shirt, onsie and booties ready for him!

There were so many gifts. So many people who came to celebrate with us. It was touching, especially since the weather wasn't great and some traveled pretty far to get there. Thank you ladies!!!

Sunday night we packed (or rather stuffed) the car with all the gifts and lots of other things we barely had room for. How did we run out of space so fast? Sunday night I didn't sleep so well and so Monday was a bit if a challenge. We were very ready to get back home even though we really enjoyed being in NY for so long. The drive seemed long and home was more cozy than I remembered.

This week was a whirlwind as usual trying to catch up. The best part was when Leo made sure he saw all the things Baby Trend got at the shower. He enjoyed looking at all the little clothes and socks and bibs and toys. We managed to put things away - for now. How does such a little thing take up so much space?! We can't wait to put up the crib next!

And so it is December. Thank you's and Christmas cards are on the to-do. And thankfully a majority of the shopping is complete. Soon I will get to putting up some holiday decorations (or at least puting away the pumpkins) and we will settle into the rest of the year - the last holiday just US!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Circle of Life

When it rains it pours - or so they say. That's what's happening in our world anyway. . . .

Last night our beloved Uncle Tommy passed. He had been sick for a while and we saw the end was coming but it was still deeply saddening when it finally happened. And so, we are headed up to NY a few days earlier than originally planned to be with the family.

This does give us a few more days to enjoy being with people and being "home". This is especially good since the rest of the week is filled with even more events. Thursday we will spend time with the Martins for Turkey Dinner which we are very much looking forward to. They aren't my in-laws (other than Danielle) but they are pretty darn close and I love when we get to spend time with them. And yay for not having to cook - mom and ed could use the break!

Saturday we will join our Raleigh friends in LI to celebrate their marriage. We are glad to be able to incorporate our travel plans with their happy day. And an excuse to get a cute pregnant outfit to party in!

Sunday will be my baby shower that I am very excited about. Family and friends will gather with us to celebrate Baby Trend. It will be a nice way to spend the day and end the week with the family.

As Leo pointed out this morning, we are faced with all these different events that really are the circle of life - from death to birth. We are sad to say goodbye to Uncle Tom but very grateful to be able to have so much more to celebrate.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Some people have been asking so I thought I would post it here. I feel funny doing it since it feels like I'm making sure you all know how to get gifts for Baby Trend -but you asked! We are registered at the ever-popular Babies R Us. I have also done a little additional dabbling at MyRegistry.com. There are some other items I had my eye on - classics for the DVD and book shelves for the little one and this was the only other way to keep track of it all. You can find both registries by looking up 'Trendowicz'. Have fun and THANKS!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend

My Civic has officially found a new home. The money and papers have been deposited, exchanged and notarized. My baby now belongs to a friend of mine and is off in the streets of Raleigh as we speak. I was sad to see her go. But it helps that my new car is fabulous!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hello November

Yay for November. Why? Why not!

Let's see . . . Halloween itself was pretty uneventful. The kids came later than we expected but I'm sure since it was a Friday, they were allowed to stay up a bit later than a school night. Also we realized the doorbell is broken. Oops. We put up a sign, "please knock", but then I realized little kids probably can't read for the most part which is why they were whispering and peeking in the windows, looking at the candy sitting just on the other side of the door! My favorite costumes were the Target employee, the mini tootsie roll and the army uniform with the words "Major Flirt" on the shirt. Very cute.

Now that I think of it, Halloween was not uneventful for other family members. My mom made it to Area Manager. In the Arbonne world this is a pretty big deal. It means she's kicking some butt and growing a big team of people who use and love Arbonne and teach others to do the same. It also means bigger paychecks! Yay MOM!!!

Saturday was busy. I got a new car!!! We had been looking for a while and I finally decided, once a Honda girl, always a Honda girl. I really wanted a CRV. We saw one on-line that looked perfect! While planning to sell my civic the car I wanted disapeared. That particular day was a bit hormonal and emotional - I was not happy. But a couple days later the car reappeared and we made plans to take it for a spin. It was perfect and we got it! It's an '05, and it's got all the bells and whistles - leather, 6-disc changer, seat warmers. Even the back seats recline! It is more than I could have asked for and I'm so very happy with it!

Our time at the car place lasted longer than we thought. In the evening we had to rush to get ready for the evening festivities - halloween parties! As you know, Leo has this wonderful red hair that gets nice and thick as it gets long. He decided to use it to his advantage for the costume this year and I followed his lead for my own. You can see for yourself here . . . (click pic to see bigger)

We had a nice time out with friends. I was pretty much feeling tired all day so lasting until about 12:30 was a surprise but I did. And today that extra hour was great. At least for those who sleep. I was up switching stuff between the two cars getting ready to send my other one off to it's new owners. Now I'm thinking about our next road trip. I can't wait to go in our new car!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Change is here

Looking back to about 3pm on Saturday I saw myself in a very clean house, food ready to be served, friends on the way over for a party and me, a little pregnant but happily very comfortable in my environment. I'm very thankul for that last hour in a peaceful, organized environment. Because our world has already changed in the few days since then.

It starts with FedEx. (Or UPS, but the white truck pulled up first.) A box arrives. Yay! Presents! And then FedEx comes back. Again. And again. And suddenly I can't open the door all the way. Wow. Presents! Leo's Grandmother and Aunt had fun shopping for our nursery furniture and it has all arrived. (Thanks Babci and Aunt Julie!) It is exciting and surreal and crazy. A crib! In my house! Leo and I thought we would maybe move it someplace else for a little while but when I got home yesterday I found him spread out on the floor among directions, wood pieces, a screwdriver and a beer in the baby-room-to-be. He was putting together the dresser! I knew he couldn't wait! So we finished the first of many assembly evenings to come. And it was so fun! The bedding set arrived and today a stroller got here. (Thanks Kate, Jess and Meghan!) Whoohooo! And now I am having wedding flashbacks. How exciting to come home to a new package! Fortunately I learned a thing or two and the thank you cards will get a permanent spot on the coner of my desk and a place designated for all reciepts and packing slips had been arranged. Anal or not - you need to do this!

And so it has begun. Our house will no longer be a model of perfect organization, efficiency and cleanliness. It will now be overrun with baby items - possibly the most spoiled child around already and he's not even here yet. What a lucky kid! I'm glad I have a lot of time to get used to this. . .

I'm going out for a bit tonight. I wonder what Leo will put together next . . .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Event, Another Successful Party

Last night we had about 30 people milling in and about our house for my birthday party. I feel like I'm 10 when I say birthday party but that's what it was, sans the cake with candles, pin the tail on anything and silly hats. Mom and Ed were awesome help with the food - everyone loved the sausage and pepers and meatballs. And my penna vodka was a success as well (as usual I must say!). We have an excess of bread and desserts - both of which Leo and I can handle. Our regular party going friends came, as well as some of my friends who have never been to one of our shin-digs but had a great time. And everyone was o generous with gifts and cards - so not neccessary but so very thoughtful. I admit the beer pong is always a hit and gets people out of their shells. When Leo wanted the actiivty to be a centerpiece many parties ago I wasn't so sure. But it's actually a lot of fun and gives people something to do. What else can I say? We just got good at entertaining!

Still, I think it may be the last of the large parties for a little while. And that's ok with me. I'm ready to focus on making over the guest room and transforming it into a little boys room, finally getting that new vehicle (in which to transport the items which will transform that room) and finish up other projects before March next year. This was a nice way to welcome me into the 30's Club and into the next phase.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Birthday Surprises

There were many! First, Greg and Danielle showed up on our doorstep on Saturday to surprise me for my birthday. Yay! Well, I guess technically they appeared well before I opened the door for them as they got in earlier and headed out the back door to hide and then reappear at the front for me to find them. It was really nice to have them here and we had a great time - if only for a few short days. Sunday night we al went to mom & Ed's for my favorite - homemade lasagne. Godparents Kate and Larry were there too so it was like a little piece of home for me!

This week has been another whirlwind of activity and today was definitely no exception. We went to the doctors where we found out the gender of our littl bun in the oven. This was not a huge surprise but a wonderful piece of news all the same. We're having a little boy! This was eveident from the beginning apparently. Still, I teared up and was very happy to hear (and see) that we know the sex now. No more "its" in this house!

So now what? We have a party to prepare for this weekend. Cleaning, cooking, etc. And then the rest - so much to prepare for in general. And I have to Christmas shop?! I might get you all "Aunt", "Uncle", "Gramps" or whatever shirt would be appropriate for you. Hope you like green and blue!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Next Thirty Years

Here is my theme song for today. I don't know how to play things on here - but it's the words that matter. . .

My Next Thirty Years

Think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years

Hey my next thirty years I’m gonna have some fun
Try to forget about all the crazy things I’ve done
Maybe now I’ve conquered all my adolescent fears
And I’ll do it better in my next thirty years

My next thirty years I’m gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I’m doing here
In my next thirty years

Oh my next thirty years, I’m gonna watch my weight
Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late
Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers
Maybe I’ll remember my next thirty years

My next thirty years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here,
In my next thirty years

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Videos

Jens fabulous write up of our weekend is below - here is our 2 part video documentary of the Blue Ridge Mountains including several Overlook points and a hiking adventure. And yes, Jen really did film me peeing behind a tree. Thanks Jen!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We are back in Raleigh from a wonderful little getaway. Friday morning we climbed high into the mountains to enjoy a town called Asheville.

Asheville is about 4 hours west of Raleigh and only an hour or so southeast of Tennessee and is considered a mountain town at 2,000+ feet. And it's a great place to get away.

Friday we got there around 11:30am and found our first destination pretty easily. But we had first planned to stop at a local hotel for discounted tickets to the Biltmore. We got the tickets but visited the wrong hotel with a similar name - so no discounted tickets as planned. Lack of communication on both our parts there - but no worries. We found where we were going with relative ease. After a quick bite for lunch (at the nicest McD's you ever saw!) we were on our way to being the picture-taking tourists we haven't been in so long.

The Biltmore, in case you don't know, is the largest private residence in the US. with 250 rooms, 65 fireplaces, an indoor bowling alley and swimming pool and surrounded by 228 square miles of land. Woah. It was built at the end of the 1800's so you might think it would be a bit primative - but it is extremely ornate and even included indoor plumbing and electricity. (All they are missing are some satellite dishes and wifi!) You can tour much of the house on your own and you can get some headphones to hear the history as you go through. We skipped the headphones and maybe sacrificed a little history but we did it a little quicker than most and enjoyed each others company. We finished touring the house in aboout 2 hours then we sat for a snack and short rest. We then took the paths that lead down to the gardens and greenhouses. It was getting much warmer and I was getting much more tired, but it was worth it to walk down to see it all. Leo later said the outside of the house was most impressive. I really liked the pictures of the house being built and the model of the entire house that was put together before the house existed. It is an exact replica and quite amazing being so old!

After the house we made the next stop on the windy roads through the property to the winery. This section is considerably smaller but also very organized in the way they cycle visitors through - it is the most visited winery in the US! We sat through a short film talking about the history and wine-making process then up to oversee the vats and barrels. The wine-tasing room was buzzing with noise - it sounded like a fun party going up up there - and I guess it was. You could try up to 8 wines they make right on the premises. This was pretty much lost on me - I took an itty bitty sip of a red (and it was delicious - what a tease!) so we bought a bottle for when I can celebrate and appreciate it. It will be nicely aged another 23 weeks or so!

After Biltmore we made our way to our B&B, taking a less direct route than we later discovered was necessary. Turns out the Biltmore was literally right down the road from the B&B. The house was nice. It was old, pretty decent sized and friendly, and tucked into the hills on a residntial street. It wasn't fancy and formal like many I researched on-line but I think it was ok where we ended up. The people were nice, and were able to direct us on hikes and to restuarants and had many maps and to help up find our way around. More on that later.

Our room was a nice size and the only complaint is the bathroom. The shower was basically a hand-held shower head attached in an old-fashioned tub. I knew that it would be but imagined the shower head attached to something. Alas this was not the case and showers literally had to be made while holding the damn head over yourself. This was interestesting and somewhat amusing - but only because it was a short stay. Now I know to ask more questions about such things next time in an older home.

After checking in we found our way to downtown Asheville. It was also easy to find and not too far away. We picked a pizza/ taproom place where the pizza really was awesome. The beer, I hear, was good too. :(

We walked a bit through town and found some cute shops still open at 8pm. Asheville is known for it's local arts and crafts and someday when I am sitting around with extra time and cash, I will most definetely return for some of this wonderful art. Paintings, sculptures, and everything in between. The town was super cute and is not lacking coffee shops and restuarants (and sushi places!). The only thing that surprised me a bit was the poeple. There are some wacky folks there. The artsy musical ones sitting on the sidewalks making music I can tolerate. The homeless less so, but even more scary are the random wackies with pink mohawks and skater outfits (on an overweight middle aged woman!). Too weird for me.

Saturday we woke early enough for the breakfast portion of the bed and breakfast concept. They served it at 8:30 and Leo made it out of bed in time! There was a wedding party staying there as well so the room was mostly dominated by a party that all knew eachother. But we were seated with another young couple from Atlanta. They happen to also be expecting so conversation turnd back to pregnancy and babies several times. This was their 3rd (!) so she had some tips for me. Breakfast was good; eggs, bacon, grits, homemade biscuits and muffins, fresh fruit, juice and coffee. It was a very nice way to start the day.

One of the innkeepers pulled out of of his hand-drawn maps to help us on our way into the moutains. We decided to explore on the Blue Ridge Moutain Parkway and it was a great way to spend most of the day. He described several hikes and what they were like so we could pick. Not being able to physically challenge myself too much right now, we found a perfect hike to go on where there were many paved paths and stairs in addition to easy trails to follow along a creek. We saw a nice little waterfall from the top and then trekked down the side of it and also saw from the bootom. At this point in the mountains the leaves had turned into their beautiful reds, yellows and oranges - dramatically different from the plain green we saw most of the way up the parkway. It seems that when you get to a certain elevation (over 4,000 feet) the cold does its job and makes autumn happen sooner. It was beautiful and exactly what I had in mind.

After several hours exploring the parkway and the outdoors we stopped at Mount Pisgah Inn and Restuarant and had some lunch. The view was wonderful and the food pretty good too. After, we looked at each other and decided naptime was in order before we continued on with the day. So back to our room for a little shut eye we went. Naps are blissful on vacation!

Before it got dark we ventured back to downtown once more to see some different shops and things. There were many. I didn't get anything but it was fun to window shop and even be inspired. Having some talent hidden in there myself, I was reminded of the things I used to do and thought how nice it would be to pick up drawing again. I'll let you know if my pencils take to paper again anytime soon.

Being full from our large lunch, I got some takeout sushi (how could I not) and Leo fended for himself for dinner. We were back in our room relatively early but completely spent. We played cards and watched football and read. I was asleep by 11 and was sorry I had to wake up for breakfast at 8am. But it was worth it as we sat with the other young couple again and one of the breakfast treats was a warm, thick home-made coffee cake along with an egg dish, sausage and the other morning staples.

Leo was concerned about getting home in time to enjoy Sunday Football but he did offer to stop at one of the other towns on the way home to Raleigh. Those towns are mostly good for serious furniture shopping, which we are not in the market for currently, so we just went straight home. I enjoyed a wonderful shower (in which I did not have to hold the shower head!), a leisurly lunch and luxurious nap that could have taken me well into the night if I let it. But I had to keep up with this blog before the week got started so here I am - just for you!

So that was the weekend. We had a wonderful time and absolutely perfect weather. It really was a perfect fall/ birthday trip! We will definetely go back. Next time with Baby Trend in a stroller instead of my tummy!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh the Horrors

I just realized . . . this will be my last full week in my twenties . . . and I can't even celebrate. Well, not the way the rest of you can. At least I will remember it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No News

I'm sorry to report there is no news. This doesn't make sense unless you knew we had a dr's appt today. We did. We went. And there isn't much to report. I peed in a cup, we listened to the heartbeat and I was told I can still sleep on my stomach for the time being. Yay! Next time will be another sonogram visit and we will find out the sex. If you want to find out too, send a self addresed stamped envelope and $5 to . . . Haha . . . we could start a serious little college fund if we actually did that. We are as anxious to find out as you are but it will be another four weeks of guessing and calling he/ she "it".

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello and Happy Sunday. And what a happy Sunday it is - especially since I was able to nap his afternoon. I haven't been sleeping well so whatever I can get during the day helps a lot. Mother Nature knows what she is doing. If it takes sleepless nights and random naps now to get used to how life will be in 25 weeks or so, then so be it!

The last week was very busy for both Leo and I. Leo worked well into the late hours of the day doing his whole recruiting thang. Pray for lots of hires! I have been busy too and this week will be much of the same - an Arbonne meeting here, an Uppercase appointment there and then all the other miscellany I have going on. However will I find the time to register for the little one's new belongings?! That is next on the list. I have been doing some research but Leo and I just have to make that Babies R Us trip and investigate all the doodads in person. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not.

In other pregnancy news, let me answer the questions you are dying to know the answers to. . .

No, we don't know the sex yet. We should be able to find out in a month or so. There is the smallest of chances our next appointment will reveal something but I'm not expecting to walk away with that knowledge just yet.

Yes, my belly is growing but I don't think it's much to gawk at. Well, I personally do since I look down and see less of my feet than usual, but that's just my perspective. Soon it will be more apparent (rather than an akward guess) and we will find some way to post a slideshow of the changes so far. I would never put pictures up that just show my belly in a before without the after. I don't even like being photographed at the beach. But when there is comparison and a human being growing inside me involved it's a little different.

Moving on, no I have no specific cravings. I am pickier some days; I get an idea of what I want to eat in my mnd and there is nothing else I desire until I get it. But since it's different every day I don't know if that would be classified as a craving. Sometimes I want salty (and yes pickles do taste more delicious on some days) and some days it's all about ice cream. But I do alway have a large baggy of goldfish crackers near by and everyday is a new eating adventure.

No, I still have not been sick (knock on wood). One day last week I did have a little heaving attack but it was just because I took my vitamin on an empty stomach. Never do that. But since my stomach was empty, nothing came of it so it doesn't count as getting sick. Hey, you asked!

And finally there are no names picked and we're not likely to tell you anyway. Leo and I are having fun throwing different ones back and forth. Maybe I wouldn't call it fun - it's a bit stressful when the fate of your childrens popularity and possibly it's personality rides on your idea of what's cute, unique and meaningful in a name. I'm sure that all our ideas will be thrown out the window anyway when he/ she is born. They will probably come looking like something we never thought of and it will stick. I've heard it happen!

So that's that. We are resting before another busy week begins and I am counting down the days until we leave for our weekend trip to Asheville. Enjoy the first day if Autumn!

BTW, don't mind our freaky looking baby twirling around over there on the right. I couldn't find a better one. I figure as long as ours looks better than that then we are ok!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Apparently we are scheduled to experience a bit of weather from Hannah this weekend. This tropical storm is not yet a Hurricane but we should be getting rain and wind and all tha good stuff. I don't know about you, but as long as there is nothing planned I'm all about rain on a Saturday. What a nice time to sleep in, watch movies and be a rag-a-muffin in general. Ike, though is something to worry about (I guess) or at least if you are in it's path, close to the ocean (Mommy Sharon and Stan can always come stay here!).

In other news, since I wear both the weather man hat as well as news reporter in general, Leo and I saw there is a new attraction in downtown Raleigh. The new convention center is done and will open soon. The cool thing they have added to it is called the Shimmer Wall. It's a wall (duh) with squares on it that reflect light with the wind. Here you see a tree - because Raleigh's nick name apparently is the City of Oaks. Who knew? Anyway, at night there are lights too. It's pretty cool.

This week, a friend of mine just gave birth to a little girl (on Labor Day!). Congrats Meredith and Marco. And we found out not too long ago our neighbors are expecting their 2nd, very close to us on the calendar!

As for me, I am getting my energy back slowly and digging out of the e-mails and papers that have been multiplying everywhere. Tomorrow I will be 13 weeks along and officially through with the first trimester. Yay!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Baby Trend

How lucky are you . . . two posts in one day.

We went to Target today. I wanted to scare - I mean SHARE with Leo what is involved with choosing all the necessary items for baby. We have plenty of time but it never hurts to look and see what's out there. And we will need plenty of time to work through all the choices. It's truly mind-boggling.

Anyway, we were walking past the car seat section when Leo saw one that had "Baby Trend" written right on it! I got all excited I can't even explain. There are already products with our baby's name right on it! Apparently Baby Trend is a company and they have everything we would ever need. If there was ever an easy way to weed through the choices this is the way. It's a good enough reason for me.

As an add-on to my earlier post Leo reminded me of another Prince Charming moment this week. When I was having a chocolate craving and playfully suggested he go to the nearest gas station and get some goodies, he dutifully put on his shoes, took his keys and wallet from the table and made the trip. Really, he's the best ever!

Luckiest Girl in the World

I really do have a prince charming on my hands. Yesterday it was time to mown the lawn, AKA cut those damn weeds in our yard. Along with some lovely fungi I might add. If only I could grow beautiful flowering bushes like the mushrooms that appear in our back yard. Anyway, Leo went out to fulfill his duties as landscaper and I went out to help with the trimming. When he was done with his part he came over and took the edger from me and said "I'll finish. You go get some water and rest." What a wonderful man! He won't let his pregnant wife to too much and he reminds me to stay well hydrated. Actually I call Leo the water nazi because he has to constantly remind me to keep my glass full of h2o - I'm terrible at drinkng enough.

So although he may not be perfect in every way, he is perfect where it really matters!

Last week I went to the dr's again and got a wonderul new picture to share. It's actually quite amazing . . . Cool huh?! Leo did not come with me to the appointment but I'm sure he will next time so he doesn't miss out on the cinematic adventure that is a 3-D sonogram! They can turn the picture every which way to check out every part you like. And no . . . we do not know the sex yet. It's still several weeks away until we will know.

Today we are just hanging out around the house. We've been keeping our eyes on the weather channel and the storm footage down south. It's scary and interesting at the same time. I saw that Al Roker was right there in the heart of it and I had to wonder - does he like putting his life at risk or did he just get the short end of the stick in this case? I don't get it. I wish they would put Ann Curry or that stupid Viera woman down there. They drive me nuts.

Since when am I so opinionated about anchor-people?

Anyway, enjoy your labor day wherever you are. And Happy Birthday to Grandma Lilian who is 94 today and Mombo! And another Happy to Timothy tomorrow. Love & Miss you!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The News

Hello Family and Friends. We are excited to announce our latest news . . . we got a puppy! Ok, we didn’t really get a puppy. I don’t think we’re dog people. But seriously, we do have news. We’re pregnant!

Hopefully you have heard the news by now but if not I apologize for breaking it to you on a blog. How impersonal! But what can I say? We held it in for this long so when the time was right to share – like now – we had to tell the rest of you somehow and this is it.

We found out on July 6th that we are going to be parents around March 14th ’09. Wow that’s weird. We were going for this outcome, but it’s still a surprise when it actually happens. Leo and I enjoyed the news between just us for a day and then by the end of the following day we couldn’t wait any longer and had to tell our closest family. The parents were first (moms of course) then the dads, then the siblings. Everyone is very excited, surprised and happy!

Since then, I have been going through all that fun pregnancy stuff. A little of this and a little of that, and a whole lot of tiredness. I’ll spare you the details. Thankfully – no sickness. I’m told this means a boy . . .One of the most surprising things was the hunger that seemed to spring up out of nowhere. Suddenly I will find myself ravenous!

One afternoon I was out running some errands when one such hunger pang struck. I was without a snack but close to going home and eating. But the wait kept getting longer. My customer wouldn’t stop talking, the red lights wouldn’t change sooner and my tummy just wasn’t happy with the wait. I decided to do what any sane person would do – and that was takeout! I stopped for Chinese for me (pizza for Leo). I ate faster than I should have but boy was it good. At the end I cracked open my fortune cookie to find the funniest message ever . . . “You may be hungry soon, consider takeout now.” How did the cookie know what I had just been through?! Fortunately I had plenty leftover for when hunger struck again, mere hours later.

No, I’m not packing it on and using it all as an excuse to be lazy. Oh how easy that would be. I’m taking all the vitamins, eating all the fruits and veggies and even exercising, as directed. But man, that couch sure is comfy when I do get to rest at the end of the day. And admittedly there has been a nap or three that I never usually indulge in.

Anyway, we have been having fun telling family and friends slowly. It is always better in person but most times the phone is all we have and even then we can hear the giddy smiles. It’s such a wonderfully fun time.


Well, we just got back from our trip to NY where we had the congratulatory hugs we were waiting for and the announcements to the other family members. The parents were bursting at the seems to tell someone – anyone! Even my Dad told a stranger walking around where he was the minute he found out and was happy to finally share it with the family last week. We went to my Nanni’s 90th birthday celebration (where every single family member was present, by the way. 5 children, 17 grands and 11 or so great-grands! All from two only children!) My Uncle Roy took pleasure in announcing the news to the room and then Leo and I danced to our wedding song. Boy was I surprised when we were center of attention when it was promised we merely had to stand and wave – yet suddenly we were dancing all alone! It was nice though to share with the family.

The day after we got back it was time for our first doctor’s appointment. I was a little nervous but it went well. The dr. was very nice and of course we got to take a peek inside to see what was going on. Turns out there really is a little one in there! We saw him/ her dancing around and got a great shot of his/ her head and body with its little arm and leg buds sticking out. Amazing.

And this week continues to be more of the same on the physical front. Very tired, some uncomfortable-ness in the tummy and did I mention tired? I have been asked several things while out and about spreading the news and I thought I would compile some answers for you.
1. Are you going to find out the sex? Probably. Leo is all about “yes” and at first I wasn’t so sure. But the reality is that it’s nice to prepare as much as you can and if you know me you know that I am little miss practical and will want to start the baby’s life in such a fashion too.
2. Do you crave pickles or anything specific? I crave food. That pretty much covers everything. Lately I have been wanting lemon and lime stuff or sour things. I got those sour belt things – you know the long belts of gummy candy with sour sugar on there. Yum. And to drink I get sick of plain waiter so I’m going for seltzer or tonic with lemon and limes. Makes me feel less like I’m missing out somehow.
3. Do you have names picked out? No. It’s a tad early for that I think. I have some favorites in mind – I’m sure we both think about it more. I’m even thinking that maybe we will keep it to ourselves and surprise everyone. We’ll see.
4. When are you due? March 14th
And the strangest question:
5. When did you conceive? Excuse me?! Leo’s old neighbor wanted to know the month of conception so she could calculate the sex according to some system she knows of. She says boy. . . We’ll have to let her know if she’s right.

That’s all I have for now. Stay tuned for more news . . . !


A while ago, Leo said to me how good it would be to have twins the first time around and get it over with. I was shocked and offended. How could someone want to take away my pregnancy experience! I told him plenty of women enjoyed the journey and I’m sure I would too.

Today I told him maybe he was right. Maybe doing two at once would be more painful initially but it would get this whole thing over with faster! That sounds awful I know, but I have been so tired lately that I feel like I have a permanent sickness. I know it’s not forever and I know it’s not as bad as it could be. But today I have this in between feeling of nausea. I’m ok one second, then the next….I reach for my crackers and hope for the best. It’s just a drag feeling like a drag.

Speaking of drag . . . sorry if that’s all we talk about from now until – forever. I’ve seen it happen and I swore it wouldn’t be me. But what else can you think about when there is a human being living inside your body? Seriously?! I also said I would never be one of those women who can’t complete a conversation without turning to yell at a child. I said I lot of words that I’m sure I will eat . . .

Which is what Leo wants to do soon – eat. He’s messing around in the kitchen getting things ready for his favorite meal. I’m tempted to wait and see how far he will get on his own. Only I’m pretty hungry too. I better go save him!


As I write this one last piece before posting, it is Monday and we have just celebrated Leo’s birthday over the weekend. His last birthday before daddy-hood! Everyone had fun teasing him about that. I’m sure he will attempt another of these shin-digs in a year but I’m pretty sure the biggest birthday party happening from now in will be for someone else in the house. Sorry Leo!

We had a nice time having people over. Mommy Sharon and Stan came up, Kerri and Rob were over and some other family friends made the trip too. We had friends in and out all night and we even got some fun news too. A neighbor of ours is expecting her 2nd and it looks like she is due when I am. Also, an old friend from our NY days is expecting as well. It’s fun to be in the wave of babies going on. We were afraid we would be alone for a while!

As for me, I had to break down and get my first pair of mommy-to-be pants. It wasn’t as bad an experience as I thought. Maternity wear is quite comfy and I’m told I will never want to take them off. It’s true. My regular jeans were getting a bit uncomfortable wearing all day so the new pair I got fits like a glove. A glove I will be wearing every other day for the next seven months!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gorgeous Raleigh Morning

This morning it was a lovely 54 degrees outside. By the time I went for a walk it as closer to 60 and rising. What a wondeful break from the heat! There is a nice breeze and crisp air. We actually have our doors and windows open for once. And I get to enjoy it while having a delicious Rockland Bakery Roll with breakfast. Yum!

More to updates for you later . . . pictures too.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July Floats By

Hello all. July is still floating by in it's humid hazy way. It is usually much too warm to be outside getting sunshine and so I am forced to deal with indoor projects that need to be finished anyway. Wedding Album #2 was mostl finished last night, with only small additons to be made in order to show it off. I hope to have it complete and ready to bring with me when we venture up to NY in a couple weeks. It is fun to relive the whole wedding hing expeciayl when there aer so many silly little thingas I kept the entire time to add to my masterpiece. Like the response cards with thier messages, wedding and shower cards with precious handwriting from the grandmothers, and the well wished left for us on our wedding day with thier messages that remind Leo to mow to lawn and of course to not go to bed angry. All these things make our memories of wedding time complete!

I have had my nose in books lately, as usual of course. I joined a new book club this past weekend and met a nice group of girls. I'm really looking forward to meeting with them again.

This weekend I will be heading off to RI for some training. I wlll get to spend some time with people I rarely see and spend the night in a Marriott. I love Marriotts! But I am really counting down to the days until we can enjoy the shores of NJ (I would prefer Hawaii or the Caribbean but you can't be too picky!). We'll join my dad and the fam for a few days in a beach house before we head up to NY for that big party for Nanni's 90th. I'm so excited I'm able to put aside the thought of the long car-rides . . . for the most part.

We have some visitors coming in a week or so as well and hopefully the heat won't be too oppresive so we can go out and do something fun. We shall see!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

July Thunder

Happy July. The 4th passed with some fun as usual. We went to a friends place for some grilling and hanging out. We ended somewhat early but it was ok with me. I was so tired from my week long project of painting!

Last weekend I decided it was time to pull out the paint chips and rollers and just get this gaint task done. So out I went to the local home improvement store to get what I needed. It didn't take me long to pick what I wanted. I have been dreaming of fresh creamy walls since we moved in. So all week I have been doing it in pieces - trim here, cutting in there. Friday afternoon Leo and I finished up and it looks great. I will post a pic soon. Now for the next project . . .

Mom and Ed were in town this week and we saw them a couple times. We tried out a new Italian place too that was pretty darn good. For non-NY food it was quite tasty.

Today we are enjoying our "new" living area and watching the storms move though the area. We have had several lately - part of the fun of the summer months.

The next few weekends are filled with events here and there - helping a friend move, a concert (for Leo) and Arbonne training in RI (for Jen), visitors and hopefully we will get to the NC beaches too. Don't worry visitors - I won't ask you to help paint. That job is in the bag. But we could use some help with the gutters . . .

Monday, June 30, 2008

Durham Bulls Game

As part of our Semi-Annual meeting, Valiant Solutions got a suite at the AAA Durham Bulls game last week. The suite was fully stocked with hot dogs, chicken tenders, and beer (my kind of party!). The Durham Bulls won (yay?) - and we played a pretty interesting gambling game, called 'hit the mound' I think.

At the end of every inning, players usually (or sometimes) throw the ball back towards the mound to leave for the other team. If the ball lands on/stays on the pitchers mound, whoever holds the money, wins the money. So every half inning, each person puts in $1 and if the pot isn't won it's handed to the next person.

I had it the very first inning, and after a strikeout, the catcher threw it right back on the mound! But since it was the first half inning I only won like $6! They proceeded to not throw it anywhere near the mound for several innings, building the pot to $60+. For the 2nd time through we added a bunch of stuff like $3 for a strikeout, $5 for a double play, $10 for a homerun, etc. I didn't win much after the first inning but I broke even with some strikeouts, fun times.

Here are the pictures:

Saturday, June 14, 2008


So as some people know we got a camcorder - and we have been filming a bunch of stuff the last couple months. I have finally captured the video onto the computer and uploaded some stuff to youtube. Check it out!

*PS- Jen calls the lilies calla lilies but they are casablanca. Does it matter? Not at all but she doesn't want you to think she doesn't know her own flowers!

A little tour of our backyard

Our Hummingbirds

Some random stuff: Birds, Bugs, and Flowers

Friday, June 6, 2008

It's Hot!

Here are some recent pictures:

Yes that is 100.7 degrees outside!

No, the flowers are not blue...but Jen took the good camera and my phone isn't meant for professional pictures :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rock Band, BBQ's, Wii Injuries and Birds

This weekend has been busy every minute it seems. Actually my past week was jam-packed. It's nice when everything seems to fit and work in your favor. I wonder if going to the gym first thing in the morning is part of it. I get it done first thing and there you have it - a major goal accomplished from the start.

Friday we started our long weekend out to dinner with Sharon, Stan, Kerri and Rob. We walked to a casual Italian place near their apartment. Then we went to a friends house. Leo's co-worker Dena and her husband Kent had us over to their place in Garner. They have a young son, Keaton and they had their other friends over too who also have a son only 3 weeks younger. When the boys went to bed, they broke out Rock Band. I had only played once before, but having some experience on Guitar Hero I confidently played a song or two. We switched and I tried my hand at the drums. It was fun even though you feel kinda dumb - I mean I could just as easily be hitting real drums with sticks to make the same amount of noise. But I went along with it. Leo and I both avoided the microphone. The toy microphone, unfortunately, does not transform your voice into a super star singer like colored buttons can really make you sound like a guitar hero.

Saturday Sharon and Stan came by and we went to the flea market together. Leo and I hadn't been in a long time and it was a nice day so there were lots of vendors out. I bought a beautiful hand-made ceramic birdhouse. I'll have to take a pic and post it later. I'll tell you about our bird/ animal adventures later . . .

After the flea market, we went to a Taste of Durham which is a little festival where you can sample food from various restaurants, beers and wines of different kinds and some other vendors. Even a snow-making company. I attempted to nail Leo with a snowball but missed horribly - my aim is non-existent. (You will see I made up for it later . . . ) We stayed a little while but there wasn't a whole lot to see and do. Some of our friends were there as well but we left early knowing we would see them later in the weekend.

Saturday afternoon I was faced with hours of time before our evening plans and a yard that needed some help. I finished some additional weeding, transplanted lilies to the new garden area I hope to cultivate, planted some sunflower seeds and cleaned up parts of a dead animal. Yeah, there was something furry and very dead hanging out on the side of the house. Whatever it got into a fight with - it lost terribly. It looked like part of a rabbit to me but there wasn't enough to know for sure. Ick.

Saturday night I was somehow convinced to go watch a UFC Fight at a local bar/ restuarant. I could care less about fighting matches but it turned out to be fun and even slightly entertaining.

Sunday morning we slept in a bit. I had time to make it to the gym before we got ready for a party at friends Eleni and Mike's house. Most parties in the last year or so have been either our house or Eleni's. I like to host, but I also really enjoy just being at the party. Last night was no exception. There was lots of food and drink as always and our Raleigh gang were all there. It's so great having a group of people you can feel really comfortable with.

After stuffing ourselves with burgers and dogs a few of us went for a little walk through the neighborhood. We found a Greenway nearby which we didn't know about. Greenways, by the way, are paved paths to run/ walk/ bike on that usually run through neighborhoods behind houses and such. This ones runs a long way around the area but we veered off the path to follow a different one with a small waterfall. We ended up in someone's backyard and on another block but we made it to where we started feeling a little better having walked off a bit of dinner.

We hung out on the hammock strung out between trees in Mike and Eleni's massive backyard. They have about an acre of land, most all of it fenced in and very long. There's tons of room for dogs to run, people to play games in and, we have joked, tents to be set up and slept in. The yard is so big that if we set up the tents a certain way we could probably trick ourselves into feeling like we are "roughing it". Or we could actually go camping. We'll see.

When nighttime arrived we moved from the back yard and deck to the inside. We fired up the Wii and started a couple games of tennis. Leo and I were playing. I was standing and he was sitting on an ottoman to my right. It was my turn to swing and I connected my right hand and wii remote with Leo's left ear. Oops. I clipped the side of his head pretty hard. His hat flew off one way and his body went the other. In classic Leo form he dropped to the floor like dead weight. In classic Jen form I bent over laughing my butt off. Oh man...I'm still laughing. It was hysterical. Leo didn't think so and he laid on the ground while everyone else worried he was in major pain, but I could see his face. It said "Ow, that really hurt you jerk but yeah it was a little bit funny. Ow." Evenutally I cought my breath, he sat up again and we finished the game. I lost. But I was the most entertained.

Today we are just hanging around the house. While we were eating lunch in the kitchen we saw something cool. For Christmas I got a hummingbird feeder from Greg & Danielle. I put it up a while ago hearing that hummingbirds come through in early April down here. I was giving up on seeing any. Leo saw one a while ago but today I finally saw one myself. He was using the feeder and he danced around a bit for us. We got a little bit of it on tape - we got a camcorder not too long ago. I'll post some of that when we get a little more footage. I feel like the little things I'm doing in the yard are making a difference. I put a birdfeeder out there a month or so ago, along with the new birhouse. Of course the stupid squirrels always find a way to feast on the bird treats. Grrr . . . Otherwise. I can't wait to get more flowering plants out there and start on my little garden off to the side. Soon it will be a fun place to hang out everyday. Just ask the squirrels - they love it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring Fever

I hope that wherever you are reading this that you have a beautiful day to walk out into. If not then you really should consider life here - it's gorgeous! We have had consistent rain lately (and our lakes and whatnot are at capacity so I had better not hear about the stinkin' drought one more time!), mixed in with enough sunshine as well. Saturday was nice and most of Sunday too - with some evening storms. I love that. Today is perfect.

I spent some time in the yard finally. I hate to admit that I hate our yard b/c it is nowhere near what I want it to look like but I have to start putting some time in so I can enjoy it more. The trees in the back are filling in and it feels like we have more privacy and some of our lilies are about to open any day now. I pulled some weeds on one side of the yard and I have a vision for what I want it to look like by the end of summer. It involves, more lilies I think, sunflowers, and some nice stone or concrete. We finished our little project of extending the patio a few feet too. Baby steps.

I also spent some time on wedding album #2. That wll also be finished sooner than later I hope. It's actually a lot of fun to look through the pictures everytime. But sometimes it makes me miss everyone more. Maybe that's why I stopped for a while . . .

Today I continued with this random burst of energy and joined a gym! I had been thinking about it for a while and there is one not to far away that is only $10 a month and low sign up, etc. They include personal trainer sessions as well which I like a lot. I'm sure they are no Bob and Jillian (Biggest Loser anyone?) but they know more than I do. So it's a start. The trick is to get up and go workout . . .

And that's about it. I have a busy work week ahead of me so I had better hop to it. By the way, I established a new e-mail so take note. It's jen@jentrend.com. The other works still and they all go to the same place but this one is current and shorter.

Have a great week!

Monday, April 28, 2008

April Stuff

Well, April has been a long and eventful month - starting with our one year anniversary! Leo and I were very excited to celebrate and it was fun to think back to what we were doing one year before. Preparing, partying, rehearsing, etc. That night we went to dinner at Maggiano's (where we had our rehearsal dinner) and then came home for champagne and cake. Yes, the cake was awesome. I wrapped it several layers deep in plastic and foil - there was no way freezer burn was going to take that last huge piece from us!

That part of the month seems so long ago. Since then I went to Atlanta, GA for my Arbonne conference. I had never been and I wished I had more time there. I would have liked to enjoy the aquarium and centennial park. But it was still a good time. I got to see all those Arbonne girls I talk to all year long and lay eyes on only once a year. Mom went too and she enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing all those Arbonne "celebrities". And when you meet people who have gone through it all and made it to the levels of management that they are at (making LOTS of $ too!) they truly become celebs to us.

We had a fair amount of time to enjoy each other over meals and between training sessions. And we got to see some awesome new products (think Spa and Detox! Let's just say I look, feel and smell great!). As a treat we also got a special performance from Tim McGraw. No, Faith did not grace us with her presence but Tim was enough for me.

I was home after Atlanta for only a few days when we packed up again for California. Ed's Nephew Jeremiah got married in LA and we were there to represent the family. The wedding and reception took place at the Marriott. The Marriott rocks! In Atlanta we stayed at the Marriott Marquis and I was excited to sleep in their beds again. The hotel was beautiful. As was the bride. It was the first time we had met Jen (another!) and she was even nicer than everyone said. She is perfect for Jeremiah.

Tim and his Jen were already in LA when we arrived as they had just finished their week-long vacation. We met up with Mom and Ed and the rest of the Gleasons for the rehearsal dinner. The bride is Hawaiian and Japanese and her families culture was a great treat - we had the most amazing selection of seafood - fresh tuna, seafood salad, clams, shrimp, wow!

Saturday morning I woke before everyone else and got ready to pick up Greg & Danielle who were flying in from NY mid-morning. This was their 2nd attempt to get to LA as they missed the flight the night before. It was good for me though - I had the chance to be out on my own in LA again . . a place I used to know so well. It has definitely changed since I was there last. More buildings, more people, more traffic! I drove through the beach towns though - right passed where I used to live - and found a favorite place on the beach. It was a chilly morning but I enjoyed sitting in the rental car with the heat on (it was barely past the mid-50's!) and cracked open the window to hear the ocean waves while I read a book and waited to go to the airport. It was probably one of the best parts of the trip for me - a quiet moment to relax.

From then on, there was always something going on. Us kids went to Denny's for brunch then I got to share the beach towns with them. It was nice to relive it and make new memories of the place with my siblings.

We relaxed a bit before getting ready for the wedding. Time flew! We wanted more time to catch up - the time change kicked our butts. But it was time to party. The ceremony was beautiful outdoors and the sun was finally peeking through. The huge bridal party looked great - I loved the girls dresses. Flowing brown with gold pearl accents.

The reception was fun because it had a different flair from what I have seen so often. They included family introductions and a slideshow of the bride and groom from childhood on. The food was great and we partied as long as we could.

Sunday Tim and Jen had to leave for the airport early :(. But Leo, Greg & Danielle and I were ready for some tourist action. We packed up and took the drive up the 405 (on the west side of LA) to the Hollywood area. Packing up all our bags into the little rental car was hysterical. We kind of didn't think that part through. But we managed and made the trek to the hotel on Sunset Blvd to unload.

The hotel was funky. It was not a chain, which we were looking forward to for something unique. That is was. Over each bed was a giant close-up picture of a woman's body parts. Greg & Danielle got legs. We got boobs! The rest of the hotel was ok - nothing too crazy, just different. I was in a great location though. We walked to the Saddle Ranch for dinner that night. They had bull-riding but it wasn't going on - I might have been persuaded. They did have two guys playing guitar walking around taking requests and serenading us. It was kind of weird and cool at the same time. "Do I look at them or just keep eating?"

Before that we spent much of the day in the car driving around. We went passed another old address of mine, drove around Griffith Park (for what felt like forever - sorry guys! I forgot my way!) then finally to one of my favorite places - The Observatory. From here you can see the Hollywood sign and all of LA (at least as far as the smog will allow). It was yet another trek to get there and I had to circle a few times for parking but the view was worth it I think. We also took a drive downtown to check out the Disney Concert Hall designed by Frank Gehry. For those who don't know, he does some funky stuff and this building does not disappoint.

Monday we took our time getting up only to realize that maybe we should have planned better. We had plans to go to a taping of the Tonight Show and thought we would try to get into a tour of the Warner Brothers or NBC studios. We didn't ave much time for either so we enjoyed $2.50 margaritas (Margarita Monday!) at a local mexican place. It passed the time perfectly.

The Tonight Show was a lot of fun. It was exciting to be in a real studio with all those camera, lights and crew. We saw some animal guy (who Danielle had just met through work ironically), Norm McDonald and Ashlee Simpson. It was a good show - well worth the time you spend getting in line to get in. A highlight for sure.

Leo and I were then off to the airport. It was early but we figured we would try to get an early flight to Las Vegas as that daily route is common. Good thing we did since our original flight was cancelled so we were put on another, earlier flight anyway. What a relief. I was so hunger and tired I was practically kissing the Las Vegas ground when we got there hours before we were supposed to. Leo's dad and grandma were already there enjoying a few days of vacation and he had a van so he picked us up. We dumped our stuff and had a late dinner. We watched Leno on TV later to see if we could see ourselves(you would have too!). It was weird to see it again on TV hours later in another city.

Tuesday we met with Leo's poker friends - the first time meeting in person - for lunch. We wandered around a bit and met up with Greg & Danielle who took an afternoon flight to Vegas. We hung out around where a poker tournament was taking place an ran into our buddy Daniel Negreanu. Ok so maybe he didn't run over and say "hi guys!" But Leo said hi and I'm sure if he hadn't just lost a big hand he would have talked and reminisced!

The rest of this day and the others run into each other. I had a couple mornings of sun time by the pool, we went downtown to the old parts of town to gamble and entertain ourselves and we had one very late night out. Leo taught G & D craps and I got into some of that action too towards the end of the trip. I found a new slot game that was fun - I'm not much of a gambler but I can see why some people just love it. When you get lucky it's hard to stop!

One night we were getting tired of eating out so we had pizza delivered to the room. Cool huh? Pizza and beer for dinner hit the spot. This was the day that almost didn't exist - we were out late so we got up late then we were so tired we went to bed early. Man, we are getting old!

We met another of Leo's poker friends while there. He was super nice and even offered to bring up to the airport for our flight out since he had a car. That was really nice. What wasn't as nice was the wait for our flight home - delayed and long. But we made it. It was wonderful to come home to a clean house and our own bed!

Friday was a rough day and even Saturday we felt we were fighting the time zone again. But it was a great trip. I really enjoyed the time with family, sharing old places, and discovering new ones. I hope we can continue to do that as we get old and have families. Even if it means we go to bed earlier as the years pass!

And now we are back to the real world. We have both been busy making plans for the months ahead. We hope to get down to Wilmington to visit with Mommy Sharon & Stan and I am thinking about a solo trip to NY in June. I just can't stay away for long!