Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A diamond in the rough (morning)

Like all kids should, they really love their mama. But my kids REALLY love me. The stages where they can't seem to breathe if I'm not in their presence are especially surprising and frustrating. They both did it. (They probably all do it.) But I feel like we may be turning a corner. 

Two Tuesdays a month we have our MOPS meeting. Yesterday was a MOPS day and I knew we had to get up early and to set up for the meeting.This meant getting everyone up, dressed and fed by 7:45a to go. This is done daily by those that work everyday, and often much earlier. I know this and I feel for you. Not having to do this regularly, it was not easy. Oh yeah, did I mention I had to do this in the dark? 

Just outside our development, a car crashed into a pole which took down the power to around 300 homes. It happened around 1a but I woke around 2a to the sound of beeping and pitch black. You never realize how much electronics light up your life until you don't have the blue and green lights to show the way through a dark house. I stumbled around to find my phone (for time since I had to get up. So much for setting an alarm). The beeping was from a smoke alarm upstairs (I guess we need some 9 Volts around here). And with the hall light off, I knew Nathan would wake up and freak out since he always likes the light on. An hour later he joined me in bed after a minor pitch-dark-freak-out. 

When morning finally came,the lights were still out (as was the heat) it was still kind of dark outside but we had to go. Guess what you can't do in a black out? I may have found my way around the shower, but the hair dryer wasn't going to work! Guess what you can't make on your way out the door with no power? Crap. At least there would be hot coffee at the meeting! Guess what doesn't open without electricity? D'oh! Leo is tall enough to release the latch on the garage door to open it. But we both still have no clue how to lock it once it's closed! 

I was able to get everyone up and dressed. The food came later when I was setting up the room. I put the boys at one of the big tables and set out their cereal and some juice. This was actually a genius idea I may use again - they were so busy eating that I was able to do stuff without them underfoot like usual. 

After set up it was time to drop off the boys in their child care rooms. Leo was saying the other day that Nathan goes fine when he is with Gigi or at school, but sometimes there is a sad look of hesitation. But he marches forward. Then I become even more proud of him as I am reminded of how far he has come. He was just like Benny. Which is to scream, cry, limp-body-no-don't-hand-me-over-to-these-strange-people dance. Ugh. This is typical so I'm getting used to it. But it still sucks. Thank goodness there are women who say just the right thing at the right time which was, "You're doing the right thing." (If you are a mommy reading this, please repeat that to another mommy sometime in the appropriate situation. We like to know there are other soldiers out there!)

Finally I was able to relax. And relax I did. With friends and some socializing. Despite the wacky circumstances we woke up to and pushed through, it was good. And here's the icing. When it was time to get Benny, he had a big smile on his face. He was laughing and having FUN! He reached for me as a happy boy. So happy I almost cried. Just like the first time Nathan turned a corner. Hopefully each visit will get noticeably better instead of incrementally.

So that's the diamond - Benny's smiling face. Not to mention Nathan's excitement when I went to get him too. He made a drawing of our house with a ninja turtle outside. (Obsessed with ninjas!) Maybe they were the ones who fixed our lights. They were on when we came home. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Birthday Surprise

I wish I could write more than once a month but that seems to be the norm. Sometimes I wonder where the month has gone! This month has been a good one though.

We celebrated moms birthday last weekend (wow, this week flew by). While Mom and Ed were finishing up their two weeks in Florida, Greg and family were driving down from NJ. It was all a surprise, planned for months and carried out perfectly. My mother is a busy lady but the weekend was perfect as they had no plans so were free to enjoy the family.

Friday, before mom and Ed got home, we showed them Pullen Park and the Farmers Market. All the kids did really well while we ate. It helped that they were super hungry and the food came out fast. And hush puppies to munch on while waiting didn't hurt either. That night Uncle Matt came up and we let the kids stay up late for a dance party. I loved that they stayed at our place for lots of time to just be together. We don't always get that on our visits to NY and it's hard to plan when there are kids of various ages involved. (Seriously, getting us all out the door was quite a feat.)

Saturday we had to wait until 12:30 for the guest of honor to arrive. We had Lily open the door for mom where, as mentioned, she stood there in shock and then crumbled into tear of utter joyfulness as she took us all in and realized Ed was in on it too. Just the day before, Mom was sad and missing her grandbabies. Then there was was surrounded by them. (We were so missing Tim and Jen!) We spent the day just hanging out and letting everyone just be. I'm very happy to have the cozy space to be the hostess!

After a taco dinner we watched some videos that the boys and I worked on all year. One was a montage of pictures from moms life. Tim picked a good song and made the room weapy at the first note. The 2nd video was a collection of birthday messages I have been collecting for months. That was really fun and funny - we have some creative people in the family. (I'm creative but I was not one of them. Me and video cameras have a weird relationship.)

Sunday Greg, Danielle, Lily and Julia went to mom and Ed's place for a visit before we met out at Maggiano's for dinner. While Leo and I have been there many times, it was the first time we were all there together since our rehearsal dinner in '07. The kids were pretty good (even though there was little food actually eaten by my boys). We don't go out to eat much because so often we can't enjoy the meal when they are being crazy. But it gets better as they get older. Anyway, we returned to our place for cake and presents. It seemed that the surprises finally came to an end. Mom was thrilled to pieces over the whole weekend. A success!

I hated to see those Keplers leave. I bonded with Julia a little. She is such a cute, content little thing. I was able to feed her a bottle and she fell asleep on me more than once. I'm so happy we got to snuggle. Lily is a pleasure to have around too. Her personality shines through and she and Nathan can really play together now. I made up her own little "bedroom" between the guest room going into the play room. We sectioned off the area with a curtain, put Nathan's old toddler bed in there, hung some things on the wall and end laid down a piece of leftover carpet from the living room. It was the prefect little nook for a perfect little girl.

This week was somewhat quiet compared to the weekend, and a little less fun since we didn't have something so big to look forward to. But it was still good. We watched some friends' kids one night (5 kids running around all at once!). They are good kids and we plan to do a little babysitting swap so Leo and I can get a date night in too. Nathan had asked me "on a date" last week and we finally had the chance to go this week. We went to Brixx for pizza. (He asked for Domino first. Uh, no thank you.) We had a nice time but I'm sure the specialness was somewhat lost on him. Yes, he must have known how cute it was for him to even ask.

Friday is upon us and we have a few things going on here and there. Thanksgiving is upon us and then that Christmas rush. We're looking forward to staying put and enjoying being at home.