Saturday, December 21, 2013

Twas a few days before Christmas

Just a few days until Christmas. But I feel like I have been in the midst of it for a while. Leo, on the other hand, hasn't had that feeling. But I have been submersed in decorating, shopping, wrapping, (and partying!) for a while. I feel lucky I get to enjoy it so thoroughly. Or rather glad that I have let myself enjoy it so much. It's easy to get lost in doing without stopping to look around at what and why. 

Today is a beautiful day in NC. We are in Greensboro at a children's museum I heard great things about. It is a whole world made for little ones and the boys have enjoyed it. A mini hospital, post office, market, camp site, news station and even a real life truck, plane, race car, police car and firetruck. This place has it all. We stopped for lunch and sat outside in the 70 degree sun. Heaven. Benny couldn't wait to fall asleep so Nathan and Leo are back inside for round two. Quiet time for mommy to blog in the car. Technology is simply amazing isn't it?

This past week I took Benny to get assessed since he hasn't been talking much. They tested him in several areas and he scored well above average in every area except for expressive language. This isn't news of course but it's nice to know he's ok with every other area. Benny didn't say anything the whole time we were there of course. Until we left. When he was clearly ready to leave he said "bye!". He had only said bye a time or two so to hear him say it loud and clear like that made me laugh and shake me head at the same time. He hears everything we talk about so maybe he just didn't want to be sent to a speach therapist! Anyway, he's been saying hi and bye and tons of other words more and more. He had been showing progress in only the last few weeks. It's nice to hear his little voice say mommy and up and even no (which will get old but I'll take it right now!). 

Nathan has the next few weeks off school. They have a little thing they put on for the parents, singing songs for us, and each class has a different part. Some are angels, some are animals, some are wise men. Nathan got to be Joseph! The teachers were all very excited. Nathan barely mentioned it to me. I understood why later when I saw him on the stage. He didn't have to say a thing, just sit next to Mary and Baby Jesus in an outfit he didn't like. Still, it was cute. And he did a good job for a kid who rarely sits still.

The last few weeks have been so hectic. Like I said, I have been deep into holiday prep. But there have been so many other things. A couple weeks ago the family came with me to the Natures Pearl plant. They got to meet some of the people I have met in the last year and see the machines where they process all those wonderful grapes! We also had Holiday dinner with friends, MOPS events, Leo's work dinner, an NP event at home, and on and on. So to be on the other side, enjoying the season is lovely.

I have taken this last week and tackled a project I didn't even know was in me (I guess this isn't strange. When an idea strikes I usually attack it full force). I wanted to redo my office so I went for it. Rearranging, buying a new bookcase here and there. It feels so nice in there now. Peaceful and open. I don't want to think about where to put stuff. There is simply a place for it all now. 

Next up is visitor time. Uncle Matt hung out with us yesterday then took off early for NY. Today G'pa Truck drove down and he will be over with Logan and Patrick tomorrow. Tim and Jen are driving down tomorrow and I expect to see them a bunch this week. Christmas Eve we will be with my side, and we will fit in our us usual secret Santa exchange via Skype. Christmas Day we will all be together, both sides of our family. Then next week when Matt comes back he will be bringing Joey back too. We look forward to having him for a week or so. Nathan will love having a Lego building partner! 

I am personally excited to see those little faces on Christmas Day. Obviously Nathan "gets it". Almost too much at least in terms of the gimmes. It's tough to teach a kid what it's all about when all it seems to be about is gifts. Benny though has no idea. And really, before you can explain it, it really is all about spoiling them with gifts. It will be fun to see his face for the first time. In the coming years though, I do hope to make it more about sharing and giving. For now they can enjoy the toys.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pajama Holiday

We are coming off a long holiday weekend and it's been one of the best. I often feel like everyday slides right into another. But the last four or five have been especially . . . special!

Wednesday I feel like we officially unplugged from the world and hung around the house. Well, Daddy was still working. But we played. Day one of Pajama Jam. We had a dance party in the morning and the boys were generally good while I was busy cleaning and cooking on preparation for Thanksgiving. When mommy and daddy are busy, the two usually find things to do. Playing upstairs, in the bedrooms, in laundry baskets, with swords, legos, trains . . . they are getting more awesome as the weeks pass as far as playing together and keeping busy. (It's super cute when Nathan calls, "Come on Ben.")

The house tidied up and most of my dishes made, Thursday was a breeze. Not only because of the prep though. Mom and Ed always do a wonderful job of bringing the turkey and making sure the bird and all the trimmings are perfect. This year was no exception. The rest of the family was around as well. Nathan and Benny were running around with Logan and Patrick. They keep each other entertained and it's fun that Patrick can (kinda) join in too.

Friday gave way to another Pajama Day. I've decided this is my favorite day of the year. Not because of Black Friday (although I did my fair share of cyber shopping all weekend). But because Thanksgiving is over and the next holiday can be prepared for next. I do love my autumn decorations (they looked fabulous on the new shelf in the living room!). But having the tree out is a treat. We switched seasons in a few hours and by the time Nonni, Poppi and the boys came back for another afternoon visit, we were Christma-fied! We played and enjoyed another lazy afternoon. I let myself relax too. This is the difference. Having time to get it all done including ME time. I have to allow for it. And I did.

Saturday we had a nice breakfast and actually left the house for a few hours of errand running together, as well as a quick visit to a nearby playground. This didn't last long. The chill has set in for good I think.

Sunday, another pajama day. We slept in (yes, all of us! This was a trend all weekend that will be hard to break tomorrow) and had a slow morning. I finished my book for book club and managed to finish laundry. We put up some lights outside, blew some leaves out back. All the little things the season calls for. Now, at 6ish, I feel like it's nine! But in a good way. We did so much. The best part was just hanging around, not having to be anywhere. Just together. We have a couple busy weekends and weekends ahead. This was a nice calm before the storm.