Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A New Person

I'm feeling much better now. Like a new person even. Unfortunately I gave the cold to my mom. Sorry mom.

Despite not feeling my best we went ahead with our visitor plans. We had dinner at Mom & Ed's with my godparents last weekend. Mom's homemade lasagne was delicious and a temporary fix! We hosted dinner for them on Thursday and it was a hit. I love to experiment with different recipes. I never cook as much as I like to. We loved the company!

Friday we had a Trendowicz dinner at the Carolina Ale House. Truck treated us and we had a long relaxing dinner. Friend Mario arrived later that night and the house was full for the rest of the weekend. I love the sound of people in the house - it makes me feel even more at home. I think it just reminds of what it was like to have a houseful of brothers around.

We enjoyed breakfast together then went to the movies later in the afternoon and saw Jumper. Hhmmm.....my thoughts on this are still not concrete. It was an entertaining movie but the end was unsatisfying. Another half hour of story would have been better.

We then did a quick supermarket run before dinner. Penna Vodka a la Jen was on the menu. It's easy and everyone loves it. Mario made some chicken and Leo got a cookie cake for his sisters birthday. What a good guy! Kerri, Rob and Truck came over to enjoy dinner and dessert and before we knew it more company arrived. Our regular friends came by as did Mom and Ed and it was nice to have everyone meet one another. It often feels like my NY life and my NC life rarley overlap. So when people from both places exist at once it makes me feel more complete.

We were up late, as usual. In fact the next day I slept until 11am. That may not sounds crazy for some, but for me - I was living on the wild side! Our day started late and slow but we made up for it at the gym. Ok, don't tell anyone this . . . but we ended up going back to our old apartments to use the raquetball court. We weren't sure the code to the gym would be the same but it was. While Mario and Leo played some ball I used the gym and happily tread-milled on my merry way, i-pod in tow. I feel guilty about it but truth be told there was only one person we encountered the whole hour we were there. Someone should be using it right?

We settled in to watch another movie later in the afternoon - Michael Clayton. Not a winner in my book. It was slow until halfway through and when it was over I wasn't really left pondering any new revelations in life. I guess I'm a little numb when it comes to movies as I have watched to many while getting better!

So that was the past week. Things are a little slow at the start of the week - I have to get myself back on track after being out of it for so long. I started up my workout routine again though. No more being sick in this house anytime soon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still Sick

Uugghhhhh. . . . I don't know if that's really the sound you would be hearing me make if you were here but I'm not sure how to spell out the sound of me sniffling, blowing my nose and whinning about being sick still. But you get the picture.

So this is the middle of week 2 and you know what I realized this morning as I lay awake at 6am completely stuffed, head throbbing? Hey, I'm kinda sick. I should probably take it easy. In case you haven't noticed I can be somewhat of a stubborn ass. I have been pushing myself to keep going and work through appointments and meetings and whatnot. But I just have to let it go and accept that my defenses are down and I have to rest. UUgghhhhhh......

This is especailly disappointing as we have a lot of people in town this week/ end and I'm looking forward to enjoying it. But I figure today I go rent yet a another couple of movies and stay put in hopes of having energy for the weekend. Any theatrical suggestions?

Thursday, February 14, 2008


It is only day 4 or 5 of my sickness but poor Leo is in the middle of week 2. I am personally going a little batty being in the house all day. After 5 movies, catching up on tivo, going through 4 boxes of tissues, and having that constant achy feeling all week I'm pretty much done with being sick. Leo commented that I'm a bad patient. My mom also reminded me that when I get sick, I really get sick. Being as I haven't had so much as a sniffle in several years now I guess I forgot. And yes, I am a bad patient. I hate feeling so cruddy! (Although I don't mind the movies. Good Lcuk Chuck and 3:10 to Yuma were both good.)

But I see the light. I'm hoping the last of this will lift this week as I have some parents to visit with in the weeks ahead. Mommy Sharon & Stan will be around this weekend as will my mom and Ed. My godparents will be down also, for the whole week. I look forward to making them lovely meal at our house! The following weekend Big Truck will be here, and I think our friend Mario. When it rains it pours. We are looking forward to it.

Not much else to report. When you are sick it feels like the week is sooo loooooong and so much time as passed I must have something to say. It must be the naps that throw me. I keep expecting it to be Saturday when I wake up eventually.

Well Oprah's on and I'm due for another dose of Theraflu. That stuff kicks butt!

Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Superbowl Sunday

While I don't usually care about the superbowl, when we are expecting a dozen or so people and the house needs some attention before we welcome anyone into it, I tend to care a little more.

We expect a small crowd of our closest friends and neighbors later today to enjoy some million dollar commercials, pizza, these wonderful peanut butter rice crispies things I made yesterday, beer and . . . what am I forgetting? Oh yeah, the game. Good times.

Lately things have been pretty busy for both of us. Leo had some work stuff that required him to be downtown for a few days. I had the house to myself! But I didn't have too much time to enjoy it since being an entreprenuer means getting out of the house to make things happen in my world. And what a different world it is.

I have been venturing out to local meetup and business groups lately. A few weeks ago I was worried there weren't enough ways for me to meet people. Now I am faced with several meetings in a day. This has been great for me as I am naturally a bit introverted and I really hate walking into a room of people I don't know. But, the practice has already benefitted me as I've met some really nice people that wil help me to grow in many ways as I am finding my way as a full-time, self-employed, working woman.

As far as being that working woman, I am working on something new these days. It's creative, fun, unique and very exciting for me. I may actually make use of my education with interior design! More news on that soon . . .

Well, I must go. The house hasn't cleaned itself in the 20 minutes I've been spending on-line. Sigh. . . .