Tuesday, June 30, 2015

One Year Down . . .

Today was Nathan's last day of Kindergarten. Funny how the first few days (weeks, months....) the mornings were filled with angst, crying, procrastinating, tooth pulling and feet dragging. This was a lot of emotion to fit in 40 minutes. As time went on, Nathan became more and more confident, he made friends, and then, a whole year later, he barely looked at me when he got on the bus. Even as the year wore on and he was more likely to run around the bus stop with neighborhood kids, but always came back to mama for one last hug and kiss. Today - nuthin'! He got in line and it was me who had to go to him to give him one last hug. He did, however, crowd into the windows with all the other kids to wave at us moms on the corner. I tried to catch a picture of their cute little faces, hands waving, but the reflection didn't allow it. But having watched him day after day, I think it will be something I will always remember.

Being year-round, he will start right back up next week into First Grade! It's a quick break but I think it will be for the better - no laying around all summer whining about a new teacher. And yet, there is something weird about no break that makes me feel a little sad. I wanted to at least celebrate the end of this year before the next. So tonight we will gather with some friends at the pool and have cupcakes and cocktails. The adults deserve the celebration too - it was hard on us as well.

Nathan brought home an endless collection of school stuff he did all year, which makes me dizzy since he has brought stuff home every week as it is and there is still MORE! Leo says not to worry so much about keeping so much of it (I desperately try not to be a pack rat), since it is the younger years where they are still making pictures and paintings, magnets and crowns. He is right of course. But I can't say I'm not overwhelmed by the piles in the dining room. It's fun to look back though. He has learned so much this year. He's an amazing reader and writer. I am constantly surprised at the things he does. It's cool to get a peek into his brain.

Benny finished with school a few weeks ago and we have just been hanging around. I was getting antsy about not having a project so we started to finish the bar top upstairs. We decided we have to glue down every single cap (ugh) and then we will fill the top with resin. Leo is nervous about us doing it but I think it will be great when we get there. It's hard to spend time on it though since it's usually hot in that room upstairs and often Benny just wants me to play with him. And so I've only gotten a small portion done so far. By the end of the summer I hope it will be complete.

So we are looking at the next few days with not much planned. I'm so ok with this. As much as I would love to be someplace like the beach, I don't do crowds. So we will stick with our pool and maybe a local outing or two. Personally I'm looking forward to the cupcakes and cocktails tonight to start.