Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pee Party Day

In case you didn't know, it's official. No pink in this house. I get to open up all those boxes of boy clothes and use them all over again come February because we're having another baby boy! I had convinced myself it would be a girl. I was experiencing things slightly different at the start of this pregnancy but I was also so set on wanting another boy I prepared myself for a girl. I had accepted that's what "it" would be and even had a name picked out. (I'm sad about the name. I'm not sharing but man it was perfect.) So when we saw the tell-tale pee-pee I was surprised. Leo was not. He was hoping for and I guess "knew" what the outcome would be. We would have been pleased either way, but of course it sure it easy to use what we've got!

Soon we will have a baby and a very grown up little boy. Today we are taking a stab at real potty training for the first time. It involves very little clothing, lots of juice and snacks and more patience than you can imagine. Leo and I have been watching with eagle eyes all morning and we both managed to miss a couple pees on the carpet. But he did #2 on the pot and later a really long #1 that he must have been holding and afraid to let go off all morning. He even did it standing up! Now it is nap time and the diaper is back on but only for a short time. We have a long afternoon ahead of us with more vigilant watching and waiting. I should probably go rest myself. This is only the start of a long weekend. But I'm already looking forward to our next few activities - lite brite, play doh and perhaps another go at Candy Land (he so does not get this but he seems to like to move the little men around and look at the colored cards. It keeps him busy anyway.) Wish us luck on our on-going adventure. I hope to report a successful weekend soon.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Splishy, splashy, sploshy

Friends and family were worried about me catching whatever Nathan had earlier in the week. With good reason of course. I'm his mommy. I have to clean up his messes, all types, and snuggle and bathe and make him all better. So it was bound to happen I guess. But when Wednesday had come and gone we didn't think twice about it - sickness gone! When I woke up with nausea Thursday morning at 4am, I still didn't think much about it. I am pregnant after all. But when I threw up a few hours later and couldn't really stand up for more than a minute I figured something else was going on. I caught the bug. Damn.

Nathan was feeling fine and playing but I was confined to the couch. I cried with joy when a friend offered to watch him for a few hours at her house. I send Leo to drop him off and I relished the silence and being stationary for a couple hours. He napped when he got home and then we just had the afternoon to get through. Even though I was not feeling better as the day progressed, I felt guilty about saying no to his every plea to go outside. Nathan wanted to play baseball so I went out with him and sat on the grass. He never lasts long with that so he was soon playing in the car and I was laying in the back of it. He wanted to play upstairs so I sprawled on the floor next to him trying to be enthusiastic about playing with legos. I really wanted to die. I finally said no to swings and we stayed in for the night.

You would think that would be the end of it but it only got more fun from there. Around 8p Nathan was looking for a snack. Suddenly he looked up at Leo, made a face, then threw up all over the place. Splishy, splashy, sploshy.... three days worth of food and drink it seemed like. Already fed up with the day I just jumped into action to clean up the mess. Leo cleaned up Nathan, I mopped the floor, walls, doors, chairs, etc and did a wash. I said I wanted to die before but at this point I was convinced I already had and this was my hell. He threw up one more time, I used up the rest of whatever towels I could find and my shark steam mop was already out and ready to go. How about everyone just vomits on the floor. We'll make a party of it. Jeez!

I had Leo put Nathan to bed shortly after (whose bed was surrounded by towels and a bucket) and I took something to help me sleep and went to bed too. Leo asked,"Going to bed already?" It was only 9p. I was afraid of what else might happen if I stayed awake. Good night world. Don't bother me. Ever.

This morning there was no nausea or aching or headache. I think the storm has passed. For me. Leo feels a little off. Hopefully he can fight it or get it over with quickly. But first I have to finish the wash. I need more towels for the next emergency.