Thursday, February 21, 2013

Growing, reaching, learning, changing

I am always at odds with what to do with my time since MY time is so limited. But stopping to record what is going on with the boys is essential. They are growing and changing at lightening speed. I fear I may have already missed recording some things that we will never get back!

Benny. Oh that Benny. I can never get tired of looking at his cute little face. Or watching him toddle around. He is a full time walker now and he moves very quickly. I move him from trouble in one area and before I know it he is behind me making more. He reaches up high to feel around for things on the kitchen table. He grabs across the ends of the couch to the side tables for drinks, remotes, phones, magazines or whatever is there. He climbs like Nathan always has. Over pillows, under toys, through the legs of the tables and chairs. He discovered he can move things! He will climb up under the legs of the bar stools in the kitchen and move them around. He pushed a chair across the kitchen floor just because he can. And he does it all with a big proud grin.

He makes sounds. The latest is "weee". Actually is just sounds like "we" but he seems to do it in appropriate places like going down the slide or climbing down the bed. He will play with a truck or plane and move it around appropriately making noises along with it. Given a paper towel, he will "wipe" the floor with it. Push a broom across the room. Put the tops on containers. Blocks back in the box.

He is very excited to do the things Nathan does too. He eats like a big boy, often using a fork or spoon or at least trying to. Drinking from big boy cups. Last night he got his own "go-gurt" (frozen yogurt you eat like an icee) and he was so proud to walk around sucking on that thing like his big brother.

Benny has been a good sleeper and will more and more take longer naps. Not everyday but there are some good nap days and they are great! We love a happy Benny after a nap!

Nathan continues to run circles around us all. Literally. The kid doesn't sit still. But he does have his wonderful moments too of course. Even though he is already the big boy, he wants to do everything as an even bigger boy would. Helping put away dishes, and bringing the step stool to the counter to "help cook" (which Benny happily climbs up right after him!). He helps to pat Benny's back when going to sleep. He will whisper like we do, "go to sleep, it's ok, put your head down sweetie."

He proudly brings home masterpieces from school ("I made this for you Mommy!") and is slowly writing his letters. His drawings are becoming more recognizable and I can officially declare him a lefty like his Mommy.

The things he says are what cracks us up daily. He yelled out to Gigi and Grandpa one day, "Ok, bye, take care!" (What little kid says take care?), and then followed it up with "I love you more than a garbage can!" Uh, ok. He attempts to use big words all the time still and says them over and over to make sure he's getting it right. "Did I say it right?" And his recall is still amazing. He was singing Ghostbusters the other day and Leo and I couldn't remember the last time we had played the song for him. Yet he knew the words from whenever that was.

Aside from the everyday growing, learning, changing and causing trouble at home, we have had a couple fun outings too. The circus was in town and it seems like every year I wanted to take Nathan, something else was going on (which sounds odd as he hasn't been on this earth for that many years but it seems like he has been!). I finally took him, just me and Nathan. I had to get him excited by watching You Tube videos of it first and then he seemed to "get it." He liked the animals and the motorcycles that ride round and round in the "ball of steel!" It was a fun time for just the two of us even if he did get antsy towards the end. The following week Leo took Nathan to a hockey game at the same arena. They were last minute free tickets and even though it was Valentines Day I told them to go. I ended up having some time to myself anyway after Benny went to sleep so it was a win-win for everyone. It sounded like they both had fun and once he warmed up to what was going on, he won the fellow game-goers over with his "Let's go Canes" chant. Anywhere he can stand up on the chairs and yell at the top of his lungs ranks high up on the list of cool stuff to do.

Which reminds me; according to Nathan, Daddy is more fun than Mommy. But he loves Mommy the most. I guess I can settle for that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Here's a tip - do not purchase a childs' toy that can only work with a remote. The remote will be lost, rendering the toy useless. We bought Nathan a light up moon for his bedroom wall. It lights up at different phases and it's super cute for our little astronaut. He was using it one night and then a mere 24 hours later the remote disappeared. I don't need to explain the scene a typical tired almost-four-year-old out on when we couldn't find the remote. Daddy gave in to looking for it although I was all about the take-care-of-your-stuff lesson. It doesn't seem possible the thing was not in the room anywhere unless it walked away (meaning it was walked away by curious one-year-old). Either way, it was found. A day later. When I happen to be laying on the floor in the living room and I happened to spot it  under the couch. I'm thinking Velcro or glue is the answer here.

Benny has been cranky this week. The loss of a feeding, the gaining of teeth, growing pains....I don't know. It's being more usual to see him this way rather than happy all the time. He is starting to throw himself on the ground in little fits here and there, he gets mad when you take things from him and of course he is unhappy when he sees mommy leave the room. He has had some trouble eating lately too - again, possibly because of the change in some feeding patterns around here. Hopefully this will settle soon. He continues to sleep well and walk all over the place. And he really misses his brother when they are not together!

Nathan is his usual wacky self. I worry he is getting pickier by the day in the food department. (Oh no!) But I continue to introduce new foods and then bribe him into eating them. I fear I have already done the damage and given into chicken nuggets one too many times. Before I know it I will be eating sushi alone and my three guys will happily be slurping down past and bread at every meal. Sigh. At least it's delicious homemade bread I guess . . .

I made another loaf today, meant to resemble regular white sandwich bread. It is awesome.

For Nathan's birthday weekend we are going to Virginia. Cousin Jill is expecting her first and instead of an all girls event, it will be a whole family shin dig. We can't wait to celebrate and party with the family. I have to figure out a way to make it special for Nathan too. Maybe decorate our hotel room?!

What's next? Not much. Leo and I discussed an adult-only beer fest in the Spring. A no-kid event?! Yes! More details to follow . . .