Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry & Happy

One holiday down, one more celebration to go. Can you believe 2009 is days away? I'll no longer be saying I'll be a mommy next year but rather this year!!! We are ready. Well, Baby Trend of course is still cooking but when he is ready I will be too. It's hard work being the source of shelter and food for another human being! But the good news is I slept through the night - 2 nights in a row actually. Let's hope I can keep that up for a while. It doesn't mean I'm feeling completely refreshed though. The 3rd trimester sleepies are coming and I feel a need for a nap rather early in the day. The trick is to not sit too long in one place. So the house is pretty clean these days.

Christmas here was quiet as expected. We hung out around here watching movies and stuff. I have been enjoying reading while Leo has been doing some work too. It's great he can work AND be with me! I hated missing the holidays in NY but I spoke to most everyone on the phone. Leo and I even opened one gift each on Christmas Eve since that's what we usually do with my Dad. It's a nice tradition, that little teaser, that I think we will continue. Our neighbors Kate and Todd invited us over for dinner Christmas evening. It was a last minute surprise we were happy to take them up on. I didn't plan to cook much anyway and we enjoy their company so it was perfect!

The day after Christmas we went down to Wilmington to visit Sharan and Stan. It had been too long since we made the trip! We had a great time with them as always. We brought the Wii with us and played some tennis, bowling and racing. Seriously, those Japanese are some smart people. Saturday we went to Southport and shopped around a bit. They have some very cute stores that I look forward to visiting again. It was right near the water and the sun peeked out while we were there. By the time we got back, he rain had begun. Just in time for Jen to take a nap before dinner. We went out for some Italian and vegged out for the night. It was a nice, relaxing time together.

Tomorrow we are off to friend Eleni & Mike's for some New Years fun. How I will stay awake until midnight I'm not sure. Maybe I will clean their house too. Haha. After that we have a few more days of leisure until Leo gets back to a regular work week and I . . . will take it one day at a time. I do have some networking and Arbonne appointments as well as the random lunch/ dinner plans with friends to keep me sane. My friends here are thowing me another baby shower soon and I have more solid ideas for the baby's room I plan to execute soon. AND mom and Ed will soon be permanent NC residents. AND Leo's sister Kerri is expecting baby #1 in July so Baby Trend will have a cousin and playmate early on. AND the very latest is Truck finally got a cell phone. We have been giving him crap forever about being the last person in our civilized world not to have one. Everyone sure is growing up! Lots going on in 2009!

We hope your Christmas was Merry and you have a Happy and safe New Year!

PS - If you wait long enough you can see another belly pic to the right. He's getting so big!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Retired Rings & Christmas Cookies

Sooo....I officially can't wear my wedding rings anymore. It was getting close but now they are so tight I would rather not have to have them cut off my finger in order to be removed. (Another lovely pregnancy side effect.)So I put them in a safe plac and replaced them with a $10 silver ring I bought in Nyack years ago that slips on and off nicely. I can't be ringless - I just feel too naked in such a state.

In more exciting news, we got a package from Nanni today. Nanni's packages, especially around Christmas, are always exciting because I know exactly what's inside. Every year, for a long as I can remember, she has sent out Christmas cookies to just about everyone. If you are aware of the size of the family then you know how huge this task is. It must be growing exponentially as the years pass with kids getting married and having kids and whatnot. I don't know how she does it. But she has been faithful to the task for years. She aslo sends along a calendar for the coming year with important dates circled or marked in some fashion. We now have our birthdays, our anniversary and now the anticipated due date of Baby Trend marked in blue ribbon on there. Amazing how each year adds new events to the calendar every year. And she stays on top of every since one. Nanni also included her cookie recipes in the package this year. Perhaps she is sending a hint?! Maybe we should all give her a break next year and send her cookies instead. Anyway, thanks Nanni! You're the best!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa and Mother Nature

I don't have too much to say but since I am awake at 5:18am for no good reason I figure I would write and see what comes. I know, 5am is the usual for many family members (thanks mom and dad - perhaps it's in the genes), but for me it's not the norm. I take that back - it is the norm but only since being pregnant. I think since the ability to sleep on my stomach has been taken away I have had these strange night habits. Never predictable mind you - some nights I sleep like a rock, others much like a newborn; awake every few hours only to be cranky. I would like to tell Mother Nature that "I get it!" I know what I'm in for - can we just sleep through the night more than once or twice in a row? Perhaps I'll write a letter to Santa - he must know people who know people who can give the message to Mother Nature herself.

This month has been pretty quiet since settling in from our NY trip. The holiday decorations are up and I love our tree! Leo wasn't into having it up this year, but I love looking at it. And the mothers have been sending cute little pregnancy/ baby-related ornaments this year. Thanks Gigi and Nonni! We even have a few gifts under the tree already. This part Leo likes and would like to play Christmas Morning already. But he must wait. It's only a week or so away.

I think the rest of the month will continue to be quiet as work slows for both Leo and I and people start leaving town for family visits. I am partly sad to not be going to NY for the holidays (and the snow!) but I am also kinda glad to be hanging around here and not traveling. I was thinking this morning (around 4am when I first awoke) that I wish I had gotten some webcams for my dad. It would have been cool to see the siblings opening up gifts like we usually all do together. I suppose after this year we will have things like that set up since we will have a little one that everyone will be anxious to see. As far as what we will actually do since we won't be up in NY, I beleive I will be doing much reading and watching movies. We will be visiting Sharon and Stan in Wilmington the day after Christmas and there will be a party here and there starting this weekend. I'm trying to think of all the little things I take for granted while I still have my freedom (AKA no kid at my hip). Perhaps I will conquer a photo project or two. . .

I guess I had more to say than I thought. Well that killed 15 minutes or so. Maybe I really should take up knitting or something. Or at least get a good reading light so I can stay in the warm bed and read a bit without waking Leo, like those cool light wedges they have at Barnes and Noble. I wonder if it's too late to talk to Santa about that too . . .

Thursday, December 4, 2008

NY Visit

I feel like a blog post is almost unnecessary since we saw almost everyone who reads it in the past couple weeks. But here it goes.

As previously mentioned, we went up to NY for the last week of November. Our ride up was great. The new car gave us lots of room and it was fun to drive. We made it in a little over 8 hours and it was still light when we got there. We spent some time with Mom & Ed and Greg & Danielle (we had to get our taste of NY pizza right away of course). Sunday morning we met with Truck and Babci for some diner breakfast - it's just better in Jersey for some reason!

The rest of Sunday and Monday were both long days with Uncle Tommy's wake then funeral. As sad as it as to gather for this particular occasion, it really was nice to see so many faces. So many cousins, aunts, uncles and even faces from the past appeared. We were able to enjoy each other and visit for long periods of time which usually doesn't happen for us. The services were very nice and Tommy now has a perfect view of Nyack and the River from his spot in Oak Hill next to Grandpa.

Tuesday we recovered a bit from all the visiting. I'm guessing we slept a bunch because I don't recall the details! Wednesday was filled with plans. We went to lunch with old work/ high school friends at the River Club in Nyack. It was fun to recreate what ended up being a Nyack Drama Club reunion. So much time passes - there is so much to catch up on! Our lunch ran a bit long and I ran out of time to shop like I had planned at the good 'ol Palisades. Although once I got there I was overwhelmed by the choices I didn't have much direction in terms of actually doing any shopping. I hung out with Greg and Danielle briefly before returning to Dads for dinner.

Joanne was great at keeping us well fed the entire week. There was turkey and pot roast and chili oh my! Egg nog and pies and muffins. I still have not weighed myself since coming home - I don't want to know!

Wednesday evening we all decided we didn't want to do the going-out-the-night-before-Thanksgiving-thing. I had the pregnancy excuse and everyone else was free to use the same one too. So Leo, Greg, Danielle, Tim and Jen and I went to Danielle's parents house to hang out. We played a fun game that I got for Tim's b-day, "Who, What, Where?" It was a silly drawing game that we played for a few hours then watched a little TV.

Thursday we took our time getting ready since the day was going to be pretty leisurly anyway. Around 2pm we went to The Martin's for some Thanksgiving Goodness. It was really nice of Danielle's parents to have our whole family over to celebrate with them. We really enjoy spending time together. And it showed - we were there for hours, eating, drinking and passing out on the couch. Baby Trend was pretty excited about shrimp, turkey and choice of seven desserts - mom finally felt the litle booger kicking around in there as did Danielle. It was fun sharing that with everyone.

Friday was another catch up day before we finished out the week. We relaxed a bit before going to Pearl River to have lunch with friends. Afterwards, more hanging out. I went to visit Geraldine later on in the evening who I was lucky to visit with again - a nice treat after not seeing her for YEARS since she has been away in Nepal teaching and getting married. I left after a short time since I had to get my "beauty rest" before our long Saturday.

In the morning Leo and I were ready to go by 8am. We had a long drive to Long Island to make! The drive was not as long as we anticipated and we got to the church for our friends wedding pretty early. As we sat in the parking lot I attempted to clean my windshiled with everything but windex and paper towels thinking I could fake it and clean it somehow. Don't do that. It doesn't work. In the meantime I was looking at the church thinking "we've been here before." Leo wasn't so sure until we got inside. I was pretty positive we had been there for another wedding . . . when I got home I confirmed it. We had been there, about 4 years ago for our freind from work. Of all the churches . . . !

The wedding was very nice. Amy was so beautiful and Dan was pretty cute too all dressed up as the groom. Afterwards we made our way to the reception. By then, some of the familiar back pain that has been coming and going came back. I tried to walk around the very nice hotel/ reception lobby (all done up for Christmas) but I was having trouble enjoying it because of this awful discomfort! We made it through a dance to our song during the festivities (and I didn't let the pain keep me from the amazing cocktail hour spread!)but otherwise I stayed immobile. We sat next to a nice couple who live near Amy and Dan here in NC and got to know them better. We look forward to seeing them again down here.

We made good time getting home and were back in town by 8pm. Although I really wanted a long bath and bed, we went to Rick's to visit yet another group of my freinds. I swear we hit every part of my life with all these visits! The old flower shop crew were enjoying their cocktails when we got there but their laughter and jokes made the evening fun, despite the fact that I had to sip on water instead of a nice glass of wine! No matter, we had fun reminicing and catching up. How lucky I am to have such life-long freinds!

Sunday morning I was able to take my time before getting ready for Baby Trend's Shower. But I got up just in time for SNOW! It was snowing and sticking and it was perfect. It changed to rain shortly after but still - it made me happy. Joey went to get us some fresh bagels, then soon Joanne and I were on our way to Stony Point where mom, Aunt Kate, Jess, Megan, Danielle and Liz were alerady there setting up.

It was so wonderful. In the corner was a clothesline with little clothes already pinned up, a table with gifts had been started, and a diaper cake was sitting on another table with bibs and booties and books all around it. Mom had stayed up making this clever diaper cake - wrapping 85 little diapers to make it!

Soon everyone was there and I was opening gifts for this little boy. He sure is spoiled already! He has more clothes than I know what to do with - and no repeats! Nanni made one of her wonderful quilts, there were diaper bags and toys a-plenty and, one of my personal favorites, Greg and Danielle got us some "Rock A Bye Baby" CD's where they take well-known music and turn it baby-friendly with instrumentals. They got us Metallica and The Beatles. They so know us. Also Baby Trend is all set for game day - he has a jets T shirt, onsie and booties ready for him!

There were so many gifts. So many people who came to celebrate with us. It was touching, especially since the weather wasn't great and some traveled pretty far to get there. Thank you ladies!!!

Sunday night we packed (or rather stuffed) the car with all the gifts and lots of other things we barely had room for. How did we run out of space so fast? Sunday night I didn't sleep so well and so Monday was a bit if a challenge. We were very ready to get back home even though we really enjoyed being in NY for so long. The drive seemed long and home was more cozy than I remembered.

This week was a whirlwind as usual trying to catch up. The best part was when Leo made sure he saw all the things Baby Trend got at the shower. He enjoyed looking at all the little clothes and socks and bibs and toys. We managed to put things away - for now. How does such a little thing take up so much space?! We can't wait to put up the crib next!

And so it is December. Thank you's and Christmas cards are on the to-do. And thankfully a majority of the shopping is complete. Soon I will get to putting up some holiday decorations (or at least puting away the pumpkins) and we will settle into the rest of the year - the last holiday just US!