Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Look

See "the look"

We like to teach Nathan all sorts of tricks and my favorite so far is "the look". You know, the look someone gives you, like "Whatchoo talkin bout Willis?" Nathan has mastered it and it's hilarious. He puts his chin down and looks up with arched brows and makes a serious face. Priceless.

Tonight we were hanging out before bedtime and he just turned around and fake sneezed at me. As in, opened his mouth, made the sound and even covered his mouth! He did this several times and thought he was most amusing, especially when I almost fell off the couch laughing. This was as good as the time he turned around and gave me a thumbs up/ gun with his fingers as he imitated Steve Colbert on TV. It came out of nowhere and was never seen again but I swear he did it perfectly and with intention.

We have been teaching Nathan to "play" instruments too. He knows air guitar (at least part of the way), air drums and almost air piano. We better get this kid some real instruments soon - there could be real talent at the end of those fingertips.

He is getting a little better everyday at repeating words and getting the right sounds. He's got a way to go on this of course but sometimes he will surprise us. Just tonight I said "animals" and he tried to copy me without prompting. He got "ani-" down pat but the sounds falls into a garbled puddle (next to the milk he intentionally likes to spill out all over the place).

The kid is a crack up and makes us giggle most of the day. He's such a big boy. And he soaks it all up like a sponge. You better watch what you say and do, or else you may get "the look".