Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July Floats By

Hello all. July is still floating by in it's humid hazy way. It is usually much too warm to be outside getting sunshine and so I am forced to deal with indoor projects that need to be finished anyway. Wedding Album #2 was mostl finished last night, with only small additons to be made in order to show it off. I hope to have it complete and ready to bring with me when we venture up to NY in a couple weeks. It is fun to relive the whole wedding hing expeciayl when there aer so many silly little thingas I kept the entire time to add to my masterpiece. Like the response cards with thier messages, wedding and shower cards with precious handwriting from the grandmothers, and the well wished left for us on our wedding day with thier messages that remind Leo to mow to lawn and of course to not go to bed angry. All these things make our memories of wedding time complete!

I have had my nose in books lately, as usual of course. I joined a new book club this past weekend and met a nice group of girls. I'm really looking forward to meeting with them again.

This weekend I will be heading off to RI for some training. I wlll get to spend some time with people I rarely see and spend the night in a Marriott. I love Marriotts! But I am really counting down to the days until we can enjoy the shores of NJ (I would prefer Hawaii or the Caribbean but you can't be too picky!). We'll join my dad and the fam for a few days in a beach house before we head up to NY for that big party for Nanni's 90th. I'm so excited I'm able to put aside the thought of the long car-rides . . . for the most part.

We have some visitors coming in a week or so as well and hopefully the heat won't be too oppresive so we can go out and do something fun. We shall see!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

July Thunder

Happy July. The 4th passed with some fun as usual. We went to a friends place for some grilling and hanging out. We ended somewhat early but it was ok with me. I was so tired from my week long project of painting!

Last weekend I decided it was time to pull out the paint chips and rollers and just get this gaint task done. So out I went to the local home improvement store to get what I needed. It didn't take me long to pick what I wanted. I have been dreaming of fresh creamy walls since we moved in. So all week I have been doing it in pieces - trim here, cutting in there. Friday afternoon Leo and I finished up and it looks great. I will post a pic soon. Now for the next project . . .

Mom and Ed were in town this week and we saw them a couple times. We tried out a new Italian place too that was pretty darn good. For non-NY food it was quite tasty.

Today we are enjoying our "new" living area and watching the storms move though the area. We have had several lately - part of the fun of the summer months.

The next few weekends are filled with events here and there - helping a friend move, a concert (for Leo) and Arbonne training in RI (for Jen), visitors and hopefully we will get to the NC beaches too. Don't worry visitors - I won't ask you to help paint. That job is in the bag. But we could use some help with the gutters . . .