Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yin & Yang

I love my Benny. He doesn't have a lot of words yet but he sure knows how to get what he wants. His point and grunt routine remains the same but he imitates sounds more often. He has said what sounds like "apple", "woah", "bubble", "yeah" and "doodoo". It's annoying but really kind of interesting to watch him express himself without words. Once he talks I'm sure I won't be able to get him to shut up.

Like Nathan. He will go on for days if you let him. Making up stories. Throwing all sorts of random stuff in there. Including made up words that end in feet, poop or butt. Where do these kids get it? He does have quite an imagination though. He will be a good storyteller someday. When he drops the potty mouth. Or he will keep it and be a comedian.

My current favorite and least favorite part of the day . . . bedtime. Nathan resists as he always has. He wants to make a deal every time. One more this, one more that. Good God child - why aren't you tired?! Whereas Benny is tired and he knows it. We will go into his room with the lights off, play his same CD that we put on at night and he puts his head on my right shoulder. He snuggles and we rock for a while. I love it. One song and I put him down. He either spreads out on his tummy or curls up into his little fetal position and there usually isn't a peep out of him for the most part until morning. When he's not ready, you know it. But really, he is a super star at bedtime. I wonder if he will always be like that. Was Nathan?

Usually the 8-9p hour is the one that breaks me. Bedtime arguing gets the best of me. ~sigh~

No point here. Just reflecting on the differences of the two. The age and the personalities. The way the days feel so long right now. How it feels to think about another round of it tomorrow. Thank goodness for preschool.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Last Visit

Sadly, yet another grandmother has passed on. Leo's Grandma (Babci) died almost two weeks ago, only one day after we came back from our trip to NY. Thankfully, we did visit her for a while. She was very different from the last time we saw her. Being on pain meds and being out of it, she was not her spunky old self (and I'm pretty sure it freaked out Nathan to see her in the wheel chair, with oxygen and not really responsive). Still, we sort of got to say goodbye and give her a kiss one last time. Leo will join the family in celebrating her life next week. As much as I would love to go as well, handling these kids on yet another trip is a little much at the moment. But we will be there in spirit (and pictures!).

Other than the sad goodbye, the NY trip was good. The trip up was a success (no traffic - even in VA. Can't say the same on the return trip.). We were out and about every day. But the first stop (and most important) was meeting Julia. What a sweet little munchkin. Less than 7 pounds when I saw her, she was tinier than either of my boys ever were out of the womb. She is a sweetie pie and I hate that I will miss seeing her all the time as she grows. Lily, of course, is a little angel as well and Nathan and Benny enjoyed time spent together. We went to Lego Land together in Westchester, went swimming and played a bunch at Pop's. Give them a flat piece of grass and they are happy to run.

Leo and I went to my friend Hadas' wedding over the weekend while we were there. The short trek into the Catskills are beautiful and seriously, it was the most breathtaking gorgeous day to be in the mountains. We had time to hang out in the hotel before the wedding (without kids!), then leisurely make our way on the ski lifts on the top of Hunter Mountain where the the wedding took place, right on the edge with amazing vista views. It was weird to be hanging in the sky like that, afraid my high heels might just fall off my feet into the forest below. But if the bride did it, everyone could too. The mixed culture ceremony of Jewish and Indian was interesting and even entertaining. They did a nice job marrying their traditions together. There was down time before the reception as well. We considered it an extended date night. It was so nice to just be. And it went too fast. I would have loved to make use of the pool and hot tub, talk more with my friend and get to know her groom. but they will be moving back to the states next year (they are currently in Africa) and I plan to persuade them to visit. And possibly con them into making an authentic Indian meal. The food at the reception was awesome!

While we were away, the boys were "angels" as they are often called when I'm not around. Stinkers. They were busy in kyacks on the Hudson River, trips to the farm, swimming and playing on Pop's truck. They were very good for Pop and JoJo. That made me very happy and proud.

We caught up with some friends up there as well but of course the time goes fast and there are always others I wish I could have seen. Maybe one summer I will take the boys for a few weeks and visit the places I used to spend time as a kid, like the Adirondacks.

Home, we are already back into school (Nathan) and MOPS (me) and work (me again) and all the other social stuff that fills our calendar. House parties, birthday parties, etc. The weather here is cooling for a few days. We can't wait for open window nights as fall approaches.