Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Benny's First Day

Here is Benny on his first day of school. Leo just took him this morning. That was not something I would be able to do with a dry face. We went to meet the teacher last week, only hanging around for a half hour and not even leaving him and I cried! (I did go to bed late the night before and sleep terribly so I'm going to place a little blame on that too.) When we went the other day, of course, Benny had a great time. New toys! A playground! A sand box! But mommy and daddy and even Nathan were there still. Today, I know his little fall will fall when he realizes daddy won't be staying. He can be distracted but this is yet another change in our lives that will take some time getting used to.

On the way out the door he put his new bag over his shoulder like a big boy and even asked me earlier if he could take the bus.

A friend of mine said she looks at school as a gift. I like that. I will have to keep that in mind today as I get sad thinking about him.

As for other transitions, Nathan slowly got better adjusting to school - just in time to track out for three weeks. We haven't talked about it a lot, though I plan to. We slipped back into our old routines and have been busy with pool and park days, packed lunches and even and overnight with Gigi. He needed a little bit of familiarity. But I'll be nervous once it starts up again. It was not fun to see his little face crumble when the bus came and I had to wave goodbye to a sad Nathan for the day. Won't it be fun in two weeks when they are both crying in the morning?!