Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Snow

They "threatened" snow and snow it did. I don't know why they say "we'll be lucky" if the storm passes us. I say, we're lucky we got all this white stuff! I mean really, who doesn't like snow?! Who doesn't want an excuse to stay inside in their PJ's all day?! Who?! We got around 4" or 5" and it's beautiful.

We had a great time in the snow too. We, meaning Mommy & Daddy. Nathan wasn't so thrilled with keeping his mittens and hat on. Those little hands hitting the fresh cold snow was so cute but so not fun for Nathan. I told him so - but he didn't listen. Needless to say, our first trip outside lasted about a quarter of the time it took us to get outside to begin with. But our second visit outside went much better. We happen to live on a very busy street - when it snows. We have a great hill and lots of fun people who come out to enjoy it. The kids are back out there right now playing on the new coat that came last night. It's a great street we hope we won't be living too far from.

As for news with the house, there isn't much to tell. Ours is completely staged and ready for viewing (except this weekend since Raleigh shuts down with weather of course) and we have put an offer in on the potential new one. And now we wait. We wait for phone calls to kick us out of ours when people want to come see it. And we wait for news from our Realtor on the other one. More to come when things start happening.

In Nathan News, I did not forget to take his 10 month picture, I just haven't had a lot of time to post. He is sporting his crazy hair as usual. Yesterday we spent time with him on his feet. You stand him up and let go and he can pretty much stand on his own for a while. It's adorable. He's been starting to take steps and we agreed that yesterday will officially count for his first day of stepping on his own. He uses his push toy that he got from Nonni to stand/ hang on to and walk! We have it on video and will share soon. It's so cool to see him so mobile on his own. He continues to babble and point and play hide and seek. He's so much fun to be around. This weekend has been a pleasure to be house-bound to enjoy it all without interruption.

This coming week will be busy once again. Between work, keeping things clean and a little trip to NY, I will be busy. Yes, Nathan and I are taking a long weekend trip to NY. Hopefully he will do as well on the plane this time as he did when he was 11 weeks old. He does get restless at times but usually he likes to take it all in and observe. He went to church with Gigi and Grandpa Ed last weekend and didn't make a peep, so we'll see how he does on a plane. Since he likes to look at new faces, hopefully the faces around us won't mind being stared at for an hour.

One more thing, congrats to Geraldine & Kieran and the birth of their son Liam! (Irish - can you tell?) I can't wait to meet the new little one - this trip to NY truly came at the perfect time!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's Official . . .

. . . we're on the market. Our Realtor came today and put a sign in our yard and flyers in a plastic stand so people can come by and take a peak at what we're offering. Scary. Exciting. That's all I can say. Those two emotions stand out right now. We had our kitchen, bathroom and hallway painted, we hauled extra stuff and many, many boxes into the garage. Our windows are clean. Our mirrors. Everything! And now we have to find a balance between living in it and not making a mess. Well, in case you didn't know - life is messy! So it will be an interesting couple of weeks/ months (?!) where we learn to keep the place pristine and what to do with our time when we have to leave for showings. Oh boy. We are officially available to be shown starting tomorrrow. Wish us luck!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Some Place New

A little over a week ago I was casually looking on-line at houses. I found a site that has a good search feature and, hey, we all know we are growing out of these walls already. When I looked that particular day I found something that made me stop in my tracks and run to Leo to show him. The price was good. Really good. Especially for the size. And that location, location, location couldn't be better. I said to Leo, "I want to see it." Leo said "I want to buy it." I called the realtor to see if we could walk through it. Sunday we walked down the road (yes, down the road) and walked into our next home.

There are many details to share about the home and the whole situation, but the short story is that in order to put an offer on the house we need to put ours on the market. And so today we had a stager come in and tell us what we ned to do to make it show-able (pretty much pack the house and make it devoid of details and personality), we have a painter coming this weekend and I'm scouting the area for boxes. Woah. We have much to do. But if all works out we will be making a great move - and so close by!

I won't tell you too much now - I have things to do people! When more happens on our end we will keep you posted. And when we can, we'll post pictures as well. Wish us luck as we venture into something, and some place, new as a family.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Perfect Day

Today was a perfect day. After the busy week of holiday excitement, visitors, parties, food and STUFF, today was a day of calm. Nathan joined us for some mid-morning napping, we had a nice breakfast together and then went to explore a new activity. Friends had been telling me about the Life and Science Museum in Durham so we decided to go and explore. It was so much fun. Nathan of course can't do too much to participate but I think he still had fun observing his new surroundings. I like to watch him look around. He actually likes to watch people more than anything - even if there is movement and lights. He's always got his eye on people. And he is always moving to the music as well. He's my tiny dancer.

The museum will be so much fun to return to when Nathan is bigger. So many things to learn and play with! Even the outside has a great park, a section of animals, a train, and a butterfly house among other things. The weather was cold today and will be for the next week or so but it was nice and clear. And in the sun it didn't seem too bad. Next time we will get to enjoy the outdoor part a bit more I hope.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Aahhhhhh . . . I'm so glad to have another day of just us. Days like today are what I have always wanted. How lucky am I to not only have what I want, but want what I have!