Saturday, December 21, 2013

Twas a few days before Christmas

Just a few days until Christmas. But I feel like I have been in the midst of it for a while. Leo, on the other hand, hasn't had that feeling. But I have been submersed in decorating, shopping, wrapping, (and partying!) for a while. I feel lucky I get to enjoy it so thoroughly. Or rather glad that I have let myself enjoy it so much. It's easy to get lost in doing without stopping to look around at what and why. 

Today is a beautiful day in NC. We are in Greensboro at a children's museum I heard great things about. It is a whole world made for little ones and the boys have enjoyed it. A mini hospital, post office, market, camp site, news station and even a real life truck, plane, race car, police car and firetruck. This place has it all. We stopped for lunch and sat outside in the 70 degree sun. Heaven. Benny couldn't wait to fall asleep so Nathan and Leo are back inside for round two. Quiet time for mommy to blog in the car. Technology is simply amazing isn't it?

This past week I took Benny to get assessed since he hasn't been talking much. They tested him in several areas and he scored well above average in every area except for expressive language. This isn't news of course but it's nice to know he's ok with every other area. Benny didn't say anything the whole time we were there of course. Until we left. When he was clearly ready to leave he said "bye!". He had only said bye a time or two so to hear him say it loud and clear like that made me laugh and shake me head at the same time. He hears everything we talk about so maybe he just didn't want to be sent to a speach therapist! Anyway, he's been saying hi and bye and tons of other words more and more. He had been showing progress in only the last few weeks. It's nice to hear his little voice say mommy and up and even no (which will get old but I'll take it right now!). 

Nathan has the next few weeks off school. They have a little thing they put on for the parents, singing songs for us, and each class has a different part. Some are angels, some are animals, some are wise men. Nathan got to be Joseph! The teachers were all very excited. Nathan barely mentioned it to me. I understood why later when I saw him on the stage. He didn't have to say a thing, just sit next to Mary and Baby Jesus in an outfit he didn't like. Still, it was cute. And he did a good job for a kid who rarely sits still.

The last few weeks have been so hectic. Like I said, I have been deep into holiday prep. But there have been so many other things. A couple weeks ago the family came with me to the Natures Pearl plant. They got to meet some of the people I have met in the last year and see the machines where they process all those wonderful grapes! We also had Holiday dinner with friends, MOPS events, Leo's work dinner, an NP event at home, and on and on. So to be on the other side, enjoying the season is lovely.

I have taken this last week and tackled a project I didn't even know was in me (I guess this isn't strange. When an idea strikes I usually attack it full force). I wanted to redo my office so I went for it. Rearranging, buying a new bookcase here and there. It feels so nice in there now. Peaceful and open. I don't want to think about where to put stuff. There is simply a place for it all now. 

Next up is visitor time. Uncle Matt hung out with us yesterday then took off early for NY. Today G'pa Truck drove down and he will be over with Logan and Patrick tomorrow. Tim and Jen are driving down tomorrow and I expect to see them a bunch this week. Christmas Eve we will be with my side, and we will fit in our us usual secret Santa exchange via Skype. Christmas Day we will all be together, both sides of our family. Then next week when Matt comes back he will be bringing Joey back too. We look forward to having him for a week or so. Nathan will love having a Lego building partner! 

I am personally excited to see those little faces on Christmas Day. Obviously Nathan "gets it". Almost too much at least in terms of the gimmes. It's tough to teach a kid what it's all about when all it seems to be about is gifts. Benny though has no idea. And really, before you can explain it, it really is all about spoiling them with gifts. It will be fun to see his face for the first time. In the coming years though, I do hope to make it more about sharing and giving. For now they can enjoy the toys.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pajama Holiday

We are coming off a long holiday weekend and it's been one of the best. I often feel like everyday slides right into another. But the last four or five have been especially . . . special!

Wednesday I feel like we officially unplugged from the world and hung around the house. Well, Daddy was still working. But we played. Day one of Pajama Jam. We had a dance party in the morning and the boys were generally good while I was busy cleaning and cooking on preparation for Thanksgiving. When mommy and daddy are busy, the two usually find things to do. Playing upstairs, in the bedrooms, in laundry baskets, with swords, legos, trains . . . they are getting more awesome as the weeks pass as far as playing together and keeping busy. (It's super cute when Nathan calls, "Come on Ben.")

The house tidied up and most of my dishes made, Thursday was a breeze. Not only because of the prep though. Mom and Ed always do a wonderful job of bringing the turkey and making sure the bird and all the trimmings are perfect. This year was no exception. The rest of the family was around as well. Nathan and Benny were running around with Logan and Patrick. They keep each other entertained and it's fun that Patrick can (kinda) join in too.

Friday gave way to another Pajama Day. I've decided this is my favorite day of the year. Not because of Black Friday (although I did my fair share of cyber shopping all weekend). But because Thanksgiving is over and the next holiday can be prepared for next. I do love my autumn decorations (they looked fabulous on the new shelf in the living room!). But having the tree out is a treat. We switched seasons in a few hours and by the time Nonni, Poppi and the boys came back for another afternoon visit, we were Christma-fied! We played and enjoyed another lazy afternoon. I let myself relax too. This is the difference. Having time to get it all done including ME time. I have to allow for it. And I did.

Saturday we had a nice breakfast and actually left the house for a few hours of errand running together, as well as a quick visit to a nearby playground. This didn't last long. The chill has set in for good I think.

Sunday, another pajama day. We slept in (yes, all of us! This was a trend all weekend that will be hard to break tomorrow) and had a slow morning. I finished my book for book club and managed to finish laundry. We put up some lights outside, blew some leaves out back. All the little things the season calls for. Now, at 6ish, I feel like it's nine! But in a good way. We did so much. The best part was just hanging around, not having to be anywhere. Just together. We have a couple busy weekends and weekends ahead. This was a nice calm before the storm.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A diamond in the rough (morning)

Like all kids should, they really love their mama. But my kids REALLY love me. The stages where they can't seem to breathe if I'm not in their presence are especially surprising and frustrating. They both did it. (They probably all do it.) But I feel like we may be turning a corner. 

Two Tuesdays a month we have our MOPS meeting. Yesterday was a MOPS day and I knew we had to get up early and to set up for the meeting.This meant getting everyone up, dressed and fed by 7:45a to go. This is done daily by those that work everyday, and often much earlier. I know this and I feel for you. Not having to do this regularly, it was not easy. Oh yeah, did I mention I had to do this in the dark? 

Just outside our development, a car crashed into a pole which took down the power to around 300 homes. It happened around 1a but I woke around 2a to the sound of beeping and pitch black. You never realize how much electronics light up your life until you don't have the blue and green lights to show the way through a dark house. I stumbled around to find my phone (for time since I had to get up. So much for setting an alarm). The beeping was from a smoke alarm upstairs (I guess we need some 9 Volts around here). And with the hall light off, I knew Nathan would wake up and freak out since he always likes the light on. An hour later he joined me in bed after a minor pitch-dark-freak-out. 

When morning finally came,the lights were still out (as was the heat) it was still kind of dark outside but we had to go. Guess what you can't do in a black out? I may have found my way around the shower, but the hair dryer wasn't going to work! Guess what you can't make on your way out the door with no power? Crap. At least there would be hot coffee at the meeting! Guess what doesn't open without electricity? D'oh! Leo is tall enough to release the latch on the garage door to open it. But we both still have no clue how to lock it once it's closed! 

I was able to get everyone up and dressed. The food came later when I was setting up the room. I put the boys at one of the big tables and set out their cereal and some juice. This was actually a genius idea I may use again - they were so busy eating that I was able to do stuff without them underfoot like usual. 

After set up it was time to drop off the boys in their child care rooms. Leo was saying the other day that Nathan goes fine when he is with Gigi or at school, but sometimes there is a sad look of hesitation. But he marches forward. Then I become even more proud of him as I am reminded of how far he has come. He was just like Benny. Which is to scream, cry, limp-body-no-don't-hand-me-over-to-these-strange-people dance. Ugh. This is typical so I'm getting used to it. But it still sucks. Thank goodness there are women who say just the right thing at the right time which was, "You're doing the right thing." (If you are a mommy reading this, please repeat that to another mommy sometime in the appropriate situation. We like to know there are other soldiers out there!)

Finally I was able to relax. And relax I did. With friends and some socializing. Despite the wacky circumstances we woke up to and pushed through, it was good. And here's the icing. When it was time to get Benny, he had a big smile on his face. He was laughing and having FUN! He reached for me as a happy boy. So happy I almost cried. Just like the first time Nathan turned a corner. Hopefully each visit will get noticeably better instead of incrementally.

So that's the diamond - Benny's smiling face. Not to mention Nathan's excitement when I went to get him too. He made a drawing of our house with a ninja turtle outside. (Obsessed with ninjas!) Maybe they were the ones who fixed our lights. They were on when we came home. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Birthday Surprise

I wish I could write more than once a month but that seems to be the norm. Sometimes I wonder where the month has gone! This month has been a good one though.

We celebrated moms birthday last weekend (wow, this week flew by). While Mom and Ed were finishing up their two weeks in Florida, Greg and family were driving down from NJ. It was all a surprise, planned for months and carried out perfectly. My mother is a busy lady but the weekend was perfect as they had no plans so were free to enjoy the family.

Friday, before mom and Ed got home, we showed them Pullen Park and the Farmers Market. All the kids did really well while we ate. It helped that they were super hungry and the food came out fast. And hush puppies to munch on while waiting didn't hurt either. That night Uncle Matt came up and we let the kids stay up late for a dance party. I loved that they stayed at our place for lots of time to just be together. We don't always get that on our visits to NY and it's hard to plan when there are kids of various ages involved. (Seriously, getting us all out the door was quite a feat.)

Saturday we had to wait until 12:30 for the guest of honor to arrive. We had Lily open the door for mom where, as mentioned, she stood there in shock and then crumbled into tear of utter joyfulness as she took us all in and realized Ed was in on it too. Just the day before, Mom was sad and missing her grandbabies. Then there was was surrounded by them. (We were so missing Tim and Jen!) We spent the day just hanging out and letting everyone just be. I'm very happy to have the cozy space to be the hostess!

After a taco dinner we watched some videos that the boys and I worked on all year. One was a montage of pictures from moms life. Tim picked a good song and made the room weapy at the first note. The 2nd video was a collection of birthday messages I have been collecting for months. That was really fun and funny - we have some creative people in the family. (I'm creative but I was not one of them. Me and video cameras have a weird relationship.)

Sunday Greg, Danielle, Lily and Julia went to mom and Ed's place for a visit before we met out at Maggiano's for dinner. While Leo and I have been there many times, it was the first time we were all there together since our rehearsal dinner in '07. The kids were pretty good (even though there was little food actually eaten by my boys). We don't go out to eat much because so often we can't enjoy the meal when they are being crazy. But it gets better as they get older. Anyway, we returned to our place for cake and presents. It seemed that the surprises finally came to an end. Mom was thrilled to pieces over the whole weekend. A success!

I hated to see those Keplers leave. I bonded with Julia a little. She is such a cute, content little thing. I was able to feed her a bottle and she fell asleep on me more than once. I'm so happy we got to snuggle. Lily is a pleasure to have around too. Her personality shines through and she and Nathan can really play together now. I made up her own little "bedroom" between the guest room going into the play room. We sectioned off the area with a curtain, put Nathan's old toddler bed in there, hung some things on the wall and end laid down a piece of leftover carpet from the living room. It was the prefect little nook for a perfect little girl.

This week was somewhat quiet compared to the weekend, and a little less fun since we didn't have something so big to look forward to. But it was still good. We watched some friends' kids one night (5 kids running around all at once!). They are good kids and we plan to do a little babysitting swap so Leo and I can get a date night in too. Nathan had asked me "on a date" last week and we finally had the chance to go this week. We went to Brixx for pizza. (He asked for Domino first. Uh, no thank you.) We had a nice time but I'm sure the specialness was somewhat lost on him. Yes, he must have known how cute it was for him to even ask.

Friday is upon us and we have a few things going on here and there. Thanksgiving is upon us and then that Christmas rush. We're looking forward to staying put and enjoying being at home.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween

Leo doesn't leave the house much. But I'm glad for him when he does. He should have time away from this nut house too! I was thinking about how nice it would be to have a quiet evening once I got the boys to bed. I could catch up on blogging, pictures, you know - stuff. Well Nathan is finally asleep but Benny is screaming his head off. Most nights he does well. And really, once both of them are asleep they stay that way. But getting there is tough. They don't want to let go of the day. Benny has a little bit of a lingering cold too. But still, of all the nights . . .

Ah, I hear quiet. And of course Leo just got home.

Anyway, tomorrow is Halloween. Nathan is a pirate this year and Benny...well, we dressed him in his grey Adidas track suit from Christmas last year (that was always said had a gangster look about it), put a "gold chain" around his neck, unzipped the top and drew a curly hair on his chest. He was the cutest mobster ever. That was for some parties over the weekend (Leo went as Bat Dad - look it up, it's funny - and I put on my shiny clothes and devil horns. Sexy Devil of course.) I don't like the dress up part of Halloween. Or Halloween at all really. I just see myself arguing over how much candy the kids should get. Ugh. But we were all able to play the part at least a little to get into the spirit. For me it's about the colors, the leaves, the crisp air . . . the desserts! We are having various people over to trick or treat with of course but I afterwards we'll have some cider and pie. I was thinking warm cider but I hear it's going to be a very mild 78. Better than rain I suppose but hot is not Halloween weather. Oh well. You can have pie in any temperature.

We went to Pullen Park this week. Nathan has been begging to go. Tomorrow maybe we will hit the museum in Durham. It gets hard to fill the days sometimes. I don't mind down days at home but the boys get bored. They have been playing better together lately. Nathan makes his "spaceship" of blankets and pillows and Benny tries to climb under it all too. More and more Nathan will sit in the playroom with his legos and build things. I can hear him from the kitchen, him digging around the giant bins looking for the perfect pieces. And Benny is loving the trains. He makes sounds, pulls tracks apart and then together again, making one long train and trying to keep it together as he pulls it along, not quite understanding why the little magnets aren't quite strong enough. It's fun to watch them both play and figure things out. For a while I thought they would never go off and do things on their own. But they are getting there.

Benny is not yet saying much. I sometimes worry, thinking he should be saying more. He has this way of saying something perfectly once. You turn around to encourage him to say it again and he won't do it. But you know he just said it perfectly! Stinker. But looking back at most motherhood worries, there wasn't much need to worry after all. So we will just keep talking to him like we always do, because he does understand it all, and hopefully her's taking it all in and will spit it all back out at us soon. God knows Nathan doesn't hush most of the time; I'm sure it will be the same with Benny. It's funny to imagine the two of them talking to each other someday. I can't wait to hear those conversations.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Sweet Mundane Life

So MOPS started for us last month. I may have mentioned that this year I took on kind of a big role. It's working out now but for a while it bummed me out. Our group is growing in numbers again, but the girls that are joining are in a much different place than I am. I'm thinking this is my senior year and I will graduate at the end of it.

Nathan is doing great in preschool. He claims to not want to go but then always has a good time. He comes home with projects, singing new songs and an stamp or fake tattoo on his arm and always lots of sand in his shoes from the sand box where they dig for "treasures". I'd say he's doing just fine there.

This week Nathan had his first Little Kickers Soccer practice. It's only once a week for four weeks but it's good for him to participate, learn to respect other adults and have time just for Daddy and Nathan. And Benny and I get some time together too.

Pop was here last week. They had plenty of time to bond as we went to the beer fest on Saturday (where Leo forgot his ID and Pop had to take a picture of it for him to get in!) and then to see Beauty & The Beast the following Tuesday. Pop watched the boys both nights (or rather, the boys watched Pop sleep that Saturday night. He was a bit tired from the drive down!). Pop helped with some yard work, hung out with me and Benny on my birthday while Nathan was at school, then left to make his way down to Florida for the week. Being retired seems to agree with him.

Did I mention our new living room? The new carpet is still a thrill for me and the long shelf Uncle Matt helped me make is the icing on the cake for me. My autumn decorations look amazing in there. I love it - I finally feel like an adult!

Halloween is fast approaching and as usual Leo and I are dragging our feet on what to dress up as. We were invited to four parties next weekend and costumes are pretty much required. Being that we have kids, we will only go to the two that are kid friendly (boo - the other two sounded really fun!). But if we could go to the adult ones and had to dress up, we decided we would have done with the Dexter theme. Leo in his "kill outfit" of his special shirt, black gloves, rubber apron and long needle. I guess I would have had to be victim #375, wrapped in cellophane, covered in blood. Ew. That doesn't sound fun actually. But it would have been a good idea.

Today is Friday and it feels like a Dance Party kind of night. Margarita's anyone?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yin & Yang

I love my Benny. He doesn't have a lot of words yet but he sure knows how to get what he wants. His point and grunt routine remains the same but he imitates sounds more often. He has said what sounds like "apple", "woah", "bubble", "yeah" and "doodoo". It's annoying but really kind of interesting to watch him express himself without words. Once he talks I'm sure I won't be able to get him to shut up.

Like Nathan. He will go on for days if you let him. Making up stories. Throwing all sorts of random stuff in there. Including made up words that end in feet, poop or butt. Where do these kids get it? He does have quite an imagination though. He will be a good storyteller someday. When he drops the potty mouth. Or he will keep it and be a comedian.

My current favorite and least favorite part of the day . . . bedtime. Nathan resists as he always has. He wants to make a deal every time. One more this, one more that. Good God child - why aren't you tired?! Whereas Benny is tired and he knows it. We will go into his room with the lights off, play his same CD that we put on at night and he puts his head on my right shoulder. He snuggles and we rock for a while. I love it. One song and I put him down. He either spreads out on his tummy or curls up into his little fetal position and there usually isn't a peep out of him for the most part until morning. When he's not ready, you know it. But really, he is a super star at bedtime. I wonder if he will always be like that. Was Nathan?

Usually the 8-9p hour is the one that breaks me. Bedtime arguing gets the best of me. ~sigh~

No point here. Just reflecting on the differences of the two. The age and the personalities. The way the days feel so long right now. How it feels to think about another round of it tomorrow. Thank goodness for preschool.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Last Visit

Sadly, yet another grandmother has passed on. Leo's Grandma (Babci) died almost two weeks ago, only one day after we came back from our trip to NY. Thankfully, we did visit her for a while. She was very different from the last time we saw her. Being on pain meds and being out of it, she was not her spunky old self (and I'm pretty sure it freaked out Nathan to see her in the wheel chair, with oxygen and not really responsive). Still, we sort of got to say goodbye and give her a kiss one last time. Leo will join the family in celebrating her life next week. As much as I would love to go as well, handling these kids on yet another trip is a little much at the moment. But we will be there in spirit (and pictures!).

Other than the sad goodbye, the NY trip was good. The trip up was a success (no traffic - even in VA. Can't say the same on the return trip.). We were out and about every day. But the first stop (and most important) was meeting Julia. What a sweet little munchkin. Less than 7 pounds when I saw her, she was tinier than either of my boys ever were out of the womb. She is a sweetie pie and I hate that I will miss seeing her all the time as she grows. Lily, of course, is a little angel as well and Nathan and Benny enjoyed time spent together. We went to Lego Land together in Westchester, went swimming and played a bunch at Pop's. Give them a flat piece of grass and they are happy to run.

Leo and I went to my friend Hadas' wedding over the weekend while we were there. The short trek into the Catskills are beautiful and seriously, it was the most breathtaking gorgeous day to be in the mountains. We had time to hang out in the hotel before the wedding (without kids!), then leisurely make our way on the ski lifts on the top of Hunter Mountain where the the wedding took place, right on the edge with amazing vista views. It was weird to be hanging in the sky like that, afraid my high heels might just fall off my feet into the forest below. But if the bride did it, everyone could too. The mixed culture ceremony of Jewish and Indian was interesting and even entertaining. They did a nice job marrying their traditions together. There was down time before the reception as well. We considered it an extended date night. It was so nice to just be. And it went too fast. I would have loved to make use of the pool and hot tub, talk more with my friend and get to know her groom. but they will be moving back to the states next year (they are currently in Africa) and I plan to persuade them to visit. And possibly con them into making an authentic Indian meal. The food at the reception was awesome!

While we were away, the boys were "angels" as they are often called when I'm not around. Stinkers. They were busy in kyacks on the Hudson River, trips to the farm, swimming and playing on Pop's truck. They were very good for Pop and JoJo. That made me very happy and proud.

We caught up with some friends up there as well but of course the time goes fast and there are always others I wish I could have seen. Maybe one summer I will take the boys for a few weeks and visit the places I used to spend time as a kid, like the Adirondacks.

Home, we are already back into school (Nathan) and MOPS (me) and work (me again) and all the other social stuff that fills our calendar. House parties, birthday parties, etc. The weather here is cooling for a few days. We can't wait for open window nights as fall approaches.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Disney Extravaganza

Only days after my last post, an amazing opportunity fell into our laps. Cousins Jeff & Karen had a timeshare they booked but couldn't use in Orlando, Florida and offered the chance to use it for the week. It took a split second for me to yell out to Leo, ask him if we should do this, then respond with a very excited "YES!" Days later we were packing the car.

Looking at the map we saw the resort we would be staying at would be right across the street from Disney. We looked at each other and asked "should we?" It didn't take long to decide. Yes, we should and yes we will!

After much discussion, research and planning, we found ourselves at the Disney Store buying passes for Disney World. Aaaahhhh! We're going to Disney! If only the boys could understand what was about to happen. Nathan, at one point, said the mall rides were much better than Disney. Puuhhleeeze!

Sunday morning we were on our way. We were already tired. I had crammed like I was taking a final (there is so very much to know about Disney before you do it!) and Leo and I had a couple nights where we were up late and awake early, both excited and restless as well - even more so than the kids since we knew what was in store!

After a very long ride (GPS says 8 hours, friends say 10, traffic and rain said 12!). We made it to the Vistana Villages. Unfortunately, it was the wrong resort. But the right one was only a few miles away. The right Vistana welcomed us around 7p and we couldn't be happier. We explored our two-bedroom apartment and made ourselves at home. The 3rd floor was not cool. The jacuzzi in our room was and we made use of it right away. Best. Bubble. Bath. Ever.

Having prepared for the Monday rush, we decided not to do Disney on the first day. This was a good decision but a tough one I admit. I understand why it's so busy at The Magic Kingdom at the start of the week - it's awesome and you can't wait to go! But we did wait and did Hollywood Studios instead. Making use of the wonderful Fast Pass (FP) system, we got tickets for rides we would get on later and went to enjoy another side of the park.

First up, Star Tours. I knew this would be a great way to set up the day. Leo and Nathan went on the Star Wars ride together and when they got out, Nathan and I went again. Having arrived before the parks official opening time allowed us the run of the place for the first hour. This was awesome!

We went on rides, saw some shows and signed up Nathan for Jedi Academy. Imagine how proud Leo was. Except that Nathan was too shy and didn't go through with it. The show was still cool but we were a little let down Nathan did not want to train to fight against the dark side. A favorite of Benny's was Disney Jr Live - a puppet show with all the characters you see on Disney Jr these days. Benny stood up, pointed and grunted in his own excited way to show us he recognized Mickey, Donald, Doc and Jake. I loved seeing his little face light up. We weren't sure how much he would "get". His favorite part in this and every show that had it was the bubbles that fell from the ceiling.

We took an afternoon break where we thought we could all get some rest. NOT! "Vacation" with kids is no joke. Thinking you will relax ever, is. We hung around a while before returning and doing a couple things we missed earlier in the day. I was really looking forward to seeing the animation section. I remember this the best from a childhood trip. 20 years ago they were still drawing by hand and using the studios as actual studios. I wish I could remember what they were drawing then. I do remember how fascinated I was by the process and how it stirred my creative side. I desperately wanted to work for Disney. For a long time I really wanted to be an animator. Fast forward all these years later. It's all computerized and probably located in CA. No more animation rooms. This was a disappointing reality after having such strong, fond memories. I wonder if it's too late to get a job with Pixar?

We stayed late for the 9p showing of Fantasmic - a light/ water/ character show. It's a mishmosh of story lines and pyrotechnics. Entertaining,
but ridiculous that you really have to be in there by 8:15 to sit (with wiggling tired kids). We left early to beat the crowd and it was a good choice to make. The first day was long and we were pooped.

Tuesday we took it easy and discovered one of the many pools in the resort. It had a slide and a baby pool and lots of other little kids. Benny napped on Mommy (again - the whole time when he was tired he fussed until he just dropped on whoever was holding him) and Nathan made new friends (again - he seems to meet new people everywhere and every day!).

After a slow afternoon we went to Sea Dog, a new restaurant and brewery up the road. The drinks were good and cheap ($2.50 happy hour drafts
!) and the food really delicious. Wish we had one in Raleigh. We then headed over to cousin Jeannine's house for a little visit. She took us to her local park for a while where the kids ran it off some more and met another friend or two. The boys made use of all of Jeannine's musical instruments and made themselves at home. Nathan taught her how to be Iron Man.

Wednesday morning went well. After the trial of the first park day we knew what to do. The Magic Kingdom, of course is a whole other ballgame. There is so much involved in getting there just from the parking lot. But this is the day when all the tips came in handy, from which monorail to take to which FP to get. We followed my plan for the most part and despite what you might think, it was fun fun fun! We tackled Tomorrowland first and did space stuff (Buzz and Astro Orbiter) then went into Fantasyland for the tamer and popular kid-stuff - Small World and Peter Pan. By noon we were on our 8th ride. This is a big deal at the height of summer heat and tourists. We powered through, saw the show going on at the castle (Princesses and all the favorites!) and did a little in Adventureland before calling it a day. On our way out, we ran into the afternoon parade. We considered not staying to watch but once it began it was hard not to watch. I for one, was not all that romanced by the characters and parades. But at Disney it's different. I wanted the kids to see them all up close and personal. We watched the whole thing before leaving for the day
. I made dinner at our place and we enjoyed a quiet family night in. I love that we were able to do this together instead of going out for every meal. This made it feel right.

Thursday we got up to do much the same as the day before, only we went to the other side of the park. We planned to do Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain but the first was closed and stayed that way all day, sadly. But, Nathan loved Splash Mountain and he and Leo went on it again later in the day (thank you FP!). Actually, we spent much of the day doing some things over again - Tea Cups and Winnie the Pooh. I was worried Benny wouldn't like Pirates of the Caribbean but as we were walking out he was singing to himself in his own Benny way. We recorded it to remember how he makes up his own sounds, yet we know exactly what he is singing.

By the end of another hot day, we took it all in knowing this would be the last of Cinderella Castle for us. I wasn't ready. We lingered in stores, got a frozen lemonade and then begged Daddy to let us stay for the parade again. We popped a squat in the front of Main Street USA and waited. It was worth the sizzling heat of the sidewalks under our behinds. The parade walked right in front of us and so many of the characters stopped and reached out to Benny. With that face, how could you not? Both boys were mesmerized by the experienced. I was touched too. It was a perfect way to end the day there.

While we considered going back for the electrical parade and fireworks, the late timing of it, the afternoon rains and how exhausted we all were, we knew we would have to do that the next time we came back to Disney.

Friday, the final park day, we decided on Animal Kingdom. This day, by far, felt the hottest in the morning. There were no clouds in sight. Just people. Having missed Thunder Mountain, Leo snuck away to ride Everest, a big fast roller coaster we knew Nathan might not be ready for. Leo loved it. We went on a safari ride and saw amazing animals; a bird show; a Lion King show; Nemo The Musical. Characters were everywhere in this park as well. There was a short wait to see Mickey and Minnie and we hadn't spent time doing it before so we decided this was the time. Benny was sleeping on my shoulder and I was afraid she would miss it but just as we were getting ready for the picture, he woke up to see Minnie in his face. He was surprised and delighted. It was my favorite moment.

Before we knew it, the afternoon parade was coming through. This was the longest day but it went by fast. We found a shady spot to wait and there were some activities set up for the kids. They even got little certificates for their participation.

Saturday was pool day. We explored the very awesome pool that had splash fountains and shallow areas for the kids, and a waterfall in the deep end. As always, Nathan made friends and shared a raft with someone else. Here is the time I would have loved to veg out in a chair with a book and get lost. Alas, the kids made that difficult. Later we visited Downtown Disney. The Lego store is worth the trip and we got a few little things as reminders of the trip. Though I don't know how we could forget it. We had such a great time.

Aunt Dot, Uncle Rich and Jeannine came by in the late afternoon. It was so nice for everyone to come visit. Cousin Steve made the effort earlier in the week too. Everyone is so busy but really wanted to see us. It made me so happy! I wish we could have seen the rest of the people we know in the area. I guess next time?!

Sundays drive went better on the return trip. We were so eager to be home we left before the sun rose, and as we got close to home, made Nathan pee in a cup instead of stopping. This made him giggle, especially when he got it on my hand. At that point, I would have done anything to make him giggle. They handled the ride well but it's a long time to be in the car. I just want to see my boys laughing.

And then back to the real world. Doctors appointments and other commitments are on the calendar, as well as laundry and food shopping and mail sorting. Going away with kids was work but the reward of their faces was worth it. Even if they don't remember it all, Leo and I won't soon forget.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Point & Grunt

Benny does the cutest things these days. Although we feel like he is behind where Nathan was at this age (at least with talking) he is catching on to other things quickly. He manages to communicate his needs despite his lack of words. His pointing/ pulling/ directing in some fashion gets you in the right room. His more annoying grunts gets his point across - for the most part. He copies Nathan's every move - from climbing on every surface and jumping off, to running around with arms outstretched "flying", to holding on to the outside of the stair rails and using the steps to ascend. Awesome. Not. It's scary to watch that little body make such big boy maneuvers, but it's also good to see that he can handle more and more of the world and it's obstacles. After all, he is no longer a baby. He is suddenly a year and a half (about) and is very much aware of that fact.

Our favorite game of late: he will be between me and Leo and alternately run into a hug or kiss between the two of us. Of course I love this one. I will have to force it out of him someday. Also, we know he knows how to do things (high-five, fist bump including 'blow it up', blow kiss, etc). But when he doesn't feel like it, or just wants to get a reaction, he will shake his head no and giggle when asked repeatedly. The key is repeatedly. Everything is over and over until you think of a different way to entertain him. This is usual for kids but still exhausting!

When we was a baby, he was a good sleeper, as in when he was asleep, we would put him down and that was it. He's always been good through the night but at some point he wasn't so great about just going to sleep when it was time, and so we went through the horrible (but effective) cry it out stage. From about six months on, he would cry when put to sleep. For months! Then, it slowly changed and it would be a little less, then it was only a few minutes or no crying at all. Hooray! Recently though he too has realized he is becoming more a kid and less a baby. He started crying again at bedtime. Ugh. It's normal at this age and I vaguely remember Nathan doing it too. But it's still painful. Then, before you know it you turn another corner. Just now in fact, we went to his room to change him (without pointing you can tell him what's next - 'bath' or 'change' and he will lead the way). I closed the door, turned off the lights and put on his music. After a moment, he looked at me and pointed to his bed. I put him in and he snuggled right up, ready and willing for nap time. Hallelujah! All the little things over time have paid off. He knows the ques and he practically asked to go to bed. We are doing something right!

Nathan is proof we have been doing ok too of course. He is as bright and funny as ever. And head strong and independent as ever. He has been testing out his place in the world, trying to make deals with us as we do with him ("If I finish my beans and take one more bite of chicken I get dessert, ok mom?") He tries and even sometimes comes up with decent compromises. But mostly, they come out as angry attempts to control things when they aren't going his way. He even boldly shouted to me, "I'm not going to bed early because that's not the way the world works!" Oh my. My words come back at me full speed but from a four-year-olds attempt to get out of punishment. Sorry, buddy, that definitely isn't the way the world works. But nice try. It gets harder to keep him in line as he tries to push back on every front, but we just have to become more consistent at discipline while still taking into account he's a smart kid with feelings and he's taking in every detail of how human interaction works. You can't yell at a kid in frustration and not expect him to yell back at you later on in the way he's just been taught. We're learning every day.

Nathan's funniest thing is he loves to dress us. When we are at a friends house, if there is dress up things - masks, play outfits, boots, helmets, knee pads, etc, he is in them. We went to Marbles not long ago and they have lots of little areas for dress up. He spent lots of a time as a doctor, then a fireman. I almost couldn't find him underneath the coat and hat. I love his sense of make believe and pretend play. He gets better at making up ways to spend time. It's finally translating into less TV time which is knows we are trying to spend less time doing. Also, Benny and Nathan are playing together. Another Hallelujah moment! Even though their play results in giant messes (blocks, under cabinet tupperware, pillows and blankets, books, etc), they pass the time easier these days when they are together. Organized activities are less successful: they are on such different planes still that number and letter practicing for one equals marker on the wall for the other. But still, we are making some progress as a family unit. It's hard to keep things interesting, fun and productive for four different individuals. Today is a bad example of cohesiveness. Mommy and Daddy want to veg and the boys simply don't do much of that - so we are all in different parts of the house doing our own thing. On the other hand, how cool is that?!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer Calendar

At the start of summer I didn't have too much planned. I was thinking about how summers are supposed to be - you are off from school and it's just time to hang around and play. But Nathan only went to school a few days a week last year so that doesn't change things much just yet. My weekends and week days flow into one another, so seasons of course follow suit, so that doesn't change over the summer. And our kids are young yet so no matter where we are we are just playing. So how did I think summer would be different? How did I think I could get away without planning anything?! I envisioned lazy days. But guess what? That doesn't always work so well with little ones. Just one unplanned day at home can remind a mother that getting out and doing something will almost always result in a better day with kids! So before I knew it I was urgently filling up the calendar.

Nathan's summer camp sessions went well. There were tears for a few of the days, even though we were going to his school that he already knows (and even some familiar classmates). But he got over it quickly and I count that as another little hump we got over - leaving him someplace without mommy (we will have many of this type of milestone in the years to come. A tough one for everyone but necessary and worth the tears.) We have spent time at the Museum of Life & Science, Marbles and various friends houses. The Mommy & Me Book Club has been a fun addition too. I hosted one today, the theme of course being July 4th. The book reading part wasn't spectacular (for a room full of kids age 1 - 5, you can't expect much), but the theme-y crafts and snacks were appreciated. We have gotten in a bit of pool time too - around all the crazy rain. Every day there has been some combination of storm, or random midday rainfall followed by sudden sunshine. It's weird.

Nathan and Benny spent a night at Gigi and Grandpa's house so Leo and I could have a date night. It was Benny's first time without either one of us. I had to sneak out so he wouldn't freak out, so I hated to leave without last snuggles. But he did fine. In fact he seemed to not really miss me until morning. We went out to dinner, browsed through Barnes & Noble like we used to do pre-kids, and went to a movie, then slept in the next day. A wonderful time for everyone!

Grandpa Truck is here for a few weeks. We already had a cousin sleep over (coupled with poke night at the same time. Smart? Not sure . . . ) Logan turned four and we went to his birthday party last weekend. Thankfully it was not over 100 degrees like last year, but NC humidity is no joke. I'm sure there will be another cousin play date coming up in the weeks ahead - probably involving the pool.

I dove into a new business at the start of June. That has been fun, fascinating and profitable! I am getting connected with old friends and meeting new people every day. I didn't know I needed something like this - something for me, something that will make a difference in people's lives. But I did! And I didn't think I had time for it either. But it's fitting into my life rather well. I also signed up to be the Hospitality Coordinator for the MOPS group I'm involved in. I'm shaking in my boots a little bit about that role. It involves a lot of summer planning and getting ready for the bi-monthly meetings starting in September. I have some time and I know I will have help, but I'm still wrapping my head around all the duties involved. I'm thinking Nature's Pearl will have to be tucked in there somehow too, to make the most of my time. Girls nights and book clubs are always on the calendar too. My girls are so much fun and so important to me - when I don't get to see them I really do miss the social time.

We have a couple trips planned - but not the traditional summer ones most are taking.
I am going away for a training in Charleston for Nature's Pearl. Then we are all going to NY in August to meet Baby Kepler #2 (I can't wait to meet her!).

Looking at my calendar I'm quite amazed I even had time to type this as our lives are so full and busy! Thankfully, a friend offered to take Nathan to play this afternoon and Benny is taking a marathon nap today. Whew... I needed the break!

Tomorrow we will celebrate the holidays at a friends house and possibly fireworks. We'll see if the rain and /or humidity continu
es to curb plans. That's summer for you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Days

You know what's cool about Spring in NC? Strawberries. We missed going last year but we made it out this year with friends. Benny was so cute. He just wanted to eat them - just like Nathan's first time. I learned though - bring wet wipes with you!

Nathan finished up his first year of preschool. He had a great time and has a lot of fun projects to show for it. He is doing a couple weeks of summer camp at his school too. Then, on to three days next year. Then there is "graduation' before heading of to Kindergarten. This is, by the way, stupid. I'm sure I will gush over how cute they are in mini caps and gowns. But really, it's dumb and makes actual hard-earned graduations less special. So you know how I really feel.

We had the Koker boys here overnight. They all played well together as always (they love the play room), ate well and (for the most part) slept well. I was worried Patrick would be the one to keep us up but it was the older boys who had to pee or just couldn't sleep or whatever. Other than that, no drama. Just fun playing.

The next day we took a drive down to Leland/ Wilmington for a visit to Nonni & Poppi's for an overdue visit. We spent the afternoon at the pool - a lovely day to do so. Nonni is a pool monitor there part time. (A nice way to spend time making money!) The next morning looked a little bleak so we visited the Battleship. We had been talking about going forever. This was a perfect time to go. Nathan had a great time checking everything out (after taking a spill down the first set of stairs. Oops!). It was a fun tour I'm glad we went on. The sun came out eventually and we took the short ride over to downtown Wilmington for lunch. The boys were worn out and slept the whole ride home. Memorial Day was a lazy one. A welcomed one.

Other than the few weeks of camp, the days of summer are stretched out long before us. The pool opened weeks ago and we have already been a few times. Nathan loves it. Benny not so much. This one will take time to get right. For all the prep to get there I sometimes wonder if it's worth it. By summers' end I'm sure we will have a good system and everyone will enjoy it. That is the hope. We went to the museum last week, which I'm sure we'll do several times a month at least. And then friends' pools of course to mix things up. Then there are the other days when we're not quite sure what to do. Mommy's going to have to get real creative a motivated. . . .

My MOPS year ended too and we finished up with a nice dinner at a friends house. But the MOPS stuff doesn't end. I have signed up to be Hospitality Coordinator for next year which means I oversee the setup for each of the meetings. I'm not sure how I got myself into that role but the group has been so wonderful for me that I had to step up to make sure it was just as great for the next mommies to come along. It will be interesting since both boys really don't like being in the child care there. Another thing they will just have to get used to.

As if I didn't have enough on my plate I also signed myself up with Nature's Pearl ( They offer all sorts of products using Muscadine Seed Extract, a super antioxidant that reduces inflammation - the root of all disease! (Google it. Interesting stuff.) This sounds involved and he products do wonderful things, for every person, sick or not. So I'm on board to spread the word and build a little something for myself on the side. I gotta wake up this mommy brain somehow so it doesn't get too mushy.

Looking forward to playdates, a trip to the Zoo, and even a Mommy and Me Book Club. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself for having some downtime in the afternoons. We have a full calendar.

Project Girl

For the most part, I live for projects. They keep me looking forward to something, keep my creative wheels spinning, and give us all something to do to break up the days and make our lives better in some way. The saying "when it rains, it pours" is true in all aspects of life including projects!

We got new countertops last month and a new backsplash was installed last week. These were fun
items I didn't really expect for a long time but things are going well so Leo gave me the ok. Picking out the stone for the counters was a breeze (Leo and I are often in sync when  it comes to design decisions  but the tile for the back was a little more complicated.  But that's part of the fun, right? Thinking of new ideas and overcoming the challenges to get you to a new place. We were short a few last pieces but they should be in soon and then the project will be complete. With the new sink and faucet, the room looks wonderful and I love being in there. Good thing since I'm in the kitchen half the day.

In the living room I had made some new doors to cover up a built in shelving area where we store our junk. Shoes, hats, flash lights, etc. I was sick of looking at it. So I covered it artfully and I love it. By the fireplace I  notices a draft in the winter that was bugging me so I came up with a design to have one big panel of cloth with magnets inside to stick to the metal surround and cover up the glass (to protect the kiddies and the glass itself) and close up the draft. I didn't get it done in time for winter but it's up now and ready for whenever. This was my first foray into using a sewing machine. I have mixed emotions about that learning curve.

Then comes the carpet. While it has been on my long wish list to replace it someday (after the kids have finished spilling things on it every freaking day!) we noticed an odd wet area under a piece of furniture. The stain is big and smelly and mysterious. We have an idea of where it may have come from (an overloaded washing machine on the other side of the wall?) but we're not completely sure. We had a plumber come look in case it was a major thing going on and all that we got from that visit was a couple holes in the wall and some guy scratching his head about the whole thing. We are still shrugging our shoulders too and not sure what to do. I guess it will remain covered for a while until we figure out where it came from before we replace the carpet. While thinking about what to do I thought out loud about putting a wood floor there instead. After all this other stuff going on, Leo gave me a look that suggested I might be slightly off my rocker and I better lay off the DIY ideas for a while.

For Mothers Day I received four carpet roses to plant outside. Brother Matt delivered them and mentioned he would be happy to put them in the ground. Although I hadn't planned for roses in front I casually mentioned how maybe they would look good in front instead of the awful bushes we have always had and always hated. The suggestion turned into a project in three minutes and suddenly we were pulling the awful things out of the ground. Matt made quick work of it while I ditched the
cut up branches to the woods behind the house and Leo came out to help between work e-mails. (We love being backed up to the woods more every year!) The clean slate has my wheels spinning once again . I visited a local nursery yesterday and fell in love with a couple plants. I got three Dwarf Nandina and one Heavenly Bamboo that will go nicely with the small Japanese Maple Orangeola I got at the farmers market last weekend. As for the giant holly tree - that monster is coming down as soon as we can get our hands on a chainsaw. I plan to get a nice Japanese Maple there too someday. As for the roses, Leo dug up a strip of grass on the south side of the house especially for them. They will be lovely to see when we come home everyday and less grass to cut!

One of my friends noticed all that was happening and called me the Project Girl. It's true. It doesn't stop around here. And I hope it doesn't. Even though I'm tired, it's so much fun!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Taking Off & Catching Up

At the end of last month, right after a last minute trip to NY for an unfortunate circumstance, there was need to return for another. My step-dad's mother, Janet Gleason, passed. Her health was iffy for a while, so while it was not completely unexpected, it always feels surreal to say your final goodbyes. Of course I rounded up the boys and drove up to do just that. She was so good to us and counted us as her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

On the way we stopped to stay with Cousin Jill since she is an easy half-way point and just wonderful company anyway. She let us take over the basement each way to and from NY. Thank goodness for Jill & Greg! I never could have made that trek without the stopover!

The boys were pretty good and the drive not completely unbearable (though I don't want to have to do it again for a while). But being a single parent for a few days was really rough. I felt like I was "on" the whole time, worrying about them,"are they fed?", "are they safe?", "where are they?!" There was help on the other end as always but still, they are a handful. Restaurants are no fun with busy boys and we had to endure a couple of those. And Benny of course it still very much glued to my right hip. You would think I would have just fallen into bed each night exhausted. I was exhausted, but I never relaxed completely until we got home and barely sleep the whole week. I super tired and missing Leo very much by the time we got home.

Still, the visit was nice as we spent some quality time with the Grands, the Aunts, the Uncles, and Lily. We had beautiful weather the whole time. Nathan loved being outside, running non-stop. I love to see him able to just go and not worry (too much). Benny was less easy as mentioned, and he got a little banged up on his outside adventures (a missing chunk of his nose, a scrape on his chin and forehead were proof). But we survived.

While we were there, Babci went into the hospital (and we all feared - another grandmother?!). She recovered, but the hospital visit brought Leo's aunt and uncle down from Boston to see her. So I brought the boys over to see them. Nathan had only met Paul & Julie once and Benny not at all so we stopped by Grandpa Trucks house on the way out of town.

Despite my GPS not working, then the DVD player not working on the way home, several potty breaks and  some hungry and I'm-sick-of-the-car complaints, we made it work. I was very happy to collapse on the couch when we got home, and let Daddy take over.

Since then I feel like it's getting harder and harder to catch up. True we have a lot of little house projects going on (as you will see in another post). But the kids seem to require non-stop attention. Meals are a series of getmethis and getmethat. Each room of the house is a trail of objects from other rooms. Dust, dirt and dropped food and drink are everywhere. And this isn't even taking care of shopping for and preparing meals, doing laundry, getting ready to go one place or another. If you're a mom, you know. It's endless. Then there is the overnight shennanigans. For the most part it's under control here. But there are nights where Nathan wakes with his awful high-pitch whine that wakes Benny 50% of the time. Last night Benny took forever to get back to sleep. Then it takes ME forever to get back to sleep. Then there is a Nathan in my face at 5:30 saying he doesn't want to sleep in his room alone (I let him sleep on the floor for a quick solution that didn't require me to move). And then Benny wakes at 6:30 for the day, just when I planned to wake up to fit in a little me-time. Ugh! I'm not complaining - this is parenthood. But sometimes I just have to throw my hands up in the air and say "It's not fair." Stomp around like a child and get it out. So I did. And now I feel better. But now I must get back to the to-do's. Dinner doesn't make itself over here.

PS - My Mothers Day was great. I left the house for a few hours. ALONE! Then we went to Gigi's for dinner. A needed break indeed. I think we should have mothers day once a week at least!

Friday, April 26, 2013

1 + 4 = Tired

(((Yawn))) I'm tired. I've been forcing early morning workouts lately. I'm not bragging. Just reminding myself that I am doing this when I re-read it again someday. It's totally worth it to get up and get that out of the way first thing (especially when I have time to shower too). But I won't lie; I'm beat at the end of the day. But then again, that may be all about these boys I am chasing around. One and Four are no joke.

I have to say, Nathan as a four year old (as tiring as he can be) has been better than threes. He is suddenly so grown up! I met with his preschool teacher a few weeks ago and of course he got stunning golden reviews (like at Gigi's!). I told Miss Christy (his teacher) that it sounds like a totally different kid. This is not unusual. I decided to force my little golden child to do more of the things he does at school and he's been doing more on his own. This can be good and bad but mostly good.

For starters, Nathan enjoys the shower more than a bath lately. He will go into our shower, start it, get in and wash himself. Occasionally he will even get out on his own without threats and warnings. He has been getting up to pee at night (accompanied by random cries and squeals but let's focus on the good stuff here). When I was told he is totally wiping his own butt at school I put my foot down at home and guess what - the kid is a good butt wiper. (One down, one to go) He can get dressed on his own, gets water from the fridge, and sometimes his own snacks (which is where it can be less a good thing). The other day Leo must have told him to get him some tea (perhaps joking?) and then I found Nathan at the fridge, glass mug in hand, filling it with water to start some tea. (Yes, countertop climbing was involved here) We went for a walk today and Nathan was determined to cross the street on his own, assuring me he could look both ways (which he did non-stop the whole way across the street). He can turn the TV on and off. Put on his shoes and socks. Clicks in his own seat belt. He is quite the independent child when he wants to be. And thank goodness. Because the other one is obviously not.

Benny on the other hand is all over the place. A busy, climbing, curious, expressive little person. He is a copy cat (which is tough when big bro can do it all). He is a runner. He would be a weeble wobble, but really the kid does fall. All the time. His head is developing that tough shell that Nathan has though. His bumps and bruises heal quickly and he is easy to distract for the most part. Think food. The kid is non-stop. He is really funny. He knows when he is being silly or bad and giggles and runs away. He loves to climb on the bench in my office and look out the window. He plays with the shoes by the front and often tries to put them on. He continues to sleep well at night, though we are challenged with one nap or two. None is never an option. Benny is whiny for sure. But like I said, food or mommy is likely to cure him. Or Nathan. He is always laughing at the things Nathan does, even when I'm trying to get Nathan to stop the annoying thing that Benny is laughing at.

Right now it's hard to do things with them. Nathan wants to go, go, go and so does Benny. But Benny can't go without me. But Nathan has already taken off while I'm putting on shoes, changing a diaper, preparing a bag, etc. I feel like I'm often behind trying to keep up. I try to go out and do things with them but this is often stressful. Then again, being at home often is too. Demand after demand, mess after mess. The witching hour is often my breaking point and I sometimes really can't wait for Benny to be entertained by TV as easily as Nathan is. By dinnertime I need that virtual babysitter help! By bedtime I'm cooked.

As hectic as it all is, of course it's all good. I get out to enjoy friends often and so does Leo. Tonight he is out playing poker and Uncle Matt has gone along with him. That means a little Jen-Time. A book? A movie? Maybe early bed time!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Revolving Door

How is it the middle of April and how do I cover what I have missed when I didn't even know I missed it? Well, let's back track. Today is a beautiful spring day. I mean gorgeous! Except for the pollen. That stuff is nasty and we are at the thick of it. But that soon will dissolve in the spring rains and we will have the wonderful spring colors left behind. (And cicadas apparently. That's a whole other thing to look forward to. Ick!) Despite the pollen it was a nice morning to get up, dressed and do some family photos. My wonderful friend Carrie did them for us and even though I asked for a couple different various shots, I'm really hoping to just get one good one. Just one! It's not a lot to ask until you have a family of your own that squirms, runs, and does whatever they want.

This past week was back to our usual - play dates, preschool, stuff around the house. I am thankful for routine since the previous week was anything but. Since Nathan was off school for a week and my mother was taking a trip up to NY, we decided last minute to go with her. Until very last minute when we had a terrible night of sleep and I developed chills, fever, aches and a cough overnight. That did it for me and I decided it was best to not go. We were all disappointed and Nathan begged to go to Pop's house all week after that. But being in the car and then caring for the boys alone would not have been ideal.

Just when we were getting used to not going, Joanne's mother passed and I was suddenly planning to go to NY after all for the services. Poor Leo was prepared for a week alone and then he was stuck with two boys over the weekend. I was only gone a mere 36 hours though (the longest of my life!) and they survived. Super Daddy had it covered and I was able to be with family. I flew up and drove back with my mom. I was glad for the chance to pay my respects and even a little time without the boys. but I was super glad to be home. (11 hours in the car. So. Not. Fun.) That entire week was boring, uncertain, painful and unusual. I'm glad it is behind us. My only regret is that our anniversary went by without much fanfare. But Leo knows I love him and how wonderful the last six years have been. We'll have to make up for it next year!

Before that we were dealing with a very cold March and trying to pass time inside. It has since changed, as I mentioned, and we spent lots of time outside this week, much of it in water. The small pool and sprinkler have already been set up in the front a few times this week and I expect the rest of the summer to be similar. Nathan loves the water and spent hours playing with the hose the other day. He rarely stays interested in anything for long so this is a wonderful discovery! Benny was not as interested and was rather annoyed when I tried to get him involved in water play. He likes to put rocks and chalk and whatever else he can find, in and out of buckets and bowls. I don't know how this will turn out when the pool opens. It's always a new adventure with each changing season and each changing stage for the boys. It keeps me on my toes, that is for certain.

This week G'pa Truck, Kerri and boys were here for a visit. And friend Mario came down for a day to hang too. It's a revolving door I tell ya!

Monday, March 25, 2013


My baby boy is four years old. I don't need to ask where the time has gone. We are all asking the same thing. How does it pass so quickly? How can some days seem so long yet in a blink my first baby is so very much not a baby anymore?!

For Nathan's birthday we spent time with family. Cousin Jill is having her own first baby next month so we used the event to gather. Greg, Tim, Mom (and their respective mates and off spring) were all there. The hotel we all stayed at was right off 95, near Jill's house and near the Metro (and had delicious food there!). I think we will be staying there again as it was so nice to be close to it all.

We were busy all weekend with lots to see and do. And at every turn there were two things: running and climbing (by Nathan and therefor Lily when she could keep up) and whining (by Benny when he wasn't attached to mommy, by Mommy who is still sore from a tetanus shot a week ago, and by Daddy who had to deal with all of us). So just insert those extra conditions to every event and come up with your own conclusions about how it all went!

Friday we got in around lunch at the same time as Greg, Danielle and Lily. The kids were so happy to see each other and proceeded to run around the lobby at top speed. We settled quickly and walked to the Metro station to get into the DC area. This is, in theory, awesome. Except that they make it really complicated to get tickets. Long story short, four of us couldn't figure it out and had trouble part of the way. And we did have to switch lines at some point. But overall it was a quick trip, the kids loved it (Nathan wanted to go back on the next day) and it was probably a lot easier and less expensive than trying to park in DC.

Once there we had a little something to eat before we explored a little. A speed bump here is the security you go through when going in and out of the buildings there. It was no problem but it's an extra hoop to jump through. We finally got into the museum to see the giant elephant at the entrance, the dinosaur bones and space exhibit. Truthfully, the kids were only so-so interested, we are all pretty tired and we were uninterrupted by bathroom visits and all the above conditions. There was a nice photographic exhibit that I enjoyed. We were all happy to move on though and see the sites outdoors. I almost wished we had done more of that. The mall is such a big wonderful place to run and the buildings of course are awesome. I would love to go back when the kids are older and get up close to the monuments, memorials and the White House. Or better yet, alone with my camera to enjoy the architecture. It's on the bucket list.

The evening dinner was a necessity but, as stated the above conditions made it less than relaxing. But then again it was the kids in a restaurant or a cramped hotel room. Hhmmmm....

Let me just stop here and say I am sorry if I seem less than interested, engaged, funny or talkative if you have seen me in the last, say, four years. I am totally one of those moms who isn't fully present if my kids are. I feel like I miss out on good conversation, or even just conversations that are logical and made of complete sentences. It's motherhood and no matter how much you hate it and try to avoid it, you can't. It's just one of those things - like stretched out skin, shedding and uninterrupted sleep. It's awful. I'm sorry.

The following morning was better as we all had some sleep (not great since there were some immature teenagers on a school trip in the hallway making noise) and plenty of time to hang out. While we were sleeping the Birthday Fairy came too. She put balloons and crepe paper all over the room for the birthday boy. He was thoroughly surprised. I was super tired - I had to wait for everyone to finally fall asleep and then quietly blow up balloons in the bathroom. Totally worth it though.

As mentioned, the breakfast was really good and the lobby area was open, modern, clean and relatively safe for kids to wander around. Benny even napped while Nathan and Lily played and I got to read a little. A little.

Jill's house was a quick ride up the road and it was wonderful to see everyone. There was really only a small smattering of Garrisons but we hadn't seen them in so long. And actually we had time for catching up - hard to do when there is a giant group. The sun came out and it was a lovely day. Nathan ran around with another little girl, Mackie. The two hit it off wonderfully and they were sad to say good bye at the end of the day. Aunt Mary and Uncle Lee made sure to have a little birthday gift for Nathan. It was so sweet and he really loved it.

One gathering spilled to the next and we prepared for pizza and cake and presents back at the hotel. 8 adults and 3 children in a hotel room is a tight squeeze but we made it happen and it was nice to be together. Again, I wish I could have enjoyed it differently. Benny is so very attached and simply isn't happy unless he is on me or distracted by something. And my wild child, Nathan is often running and climbing and pushing the limits of the furniture and our patience. I was so tired by 8:30, I hated pushing people out the door. But such is life with kids. And yes, I know it will pass. But I don't like to miss out or do things half-assed. In any event, Nathan enjoyed his gifts - the highlights being the glow-in-the-dark PJ's from Greg & Danielle (best PJ givers ever!) and the amazing cake from Tim & Jen. (Not to mention the bike from Gigi and Grandpa earlier in the week. Spoiled!)

Sunday morning we spent more time together and then parted ways. We were all pretty spent, even though I would have loved to see the downtown part of Alexandria. The above conditions would not have made for a pleasant time though so going home was the best choice.

We were happy to not return home to any disasters - we noticed a leak coming from upstairs just before we left on Friday morning. No emergencies - just laundry.

 Despite the madness of kids in hotel rooms, it was worth the trip. Jill looked fabulous with her cute little belly and seeing family is always a plus. It all made for a busy month. Especially for the birthday boy who got to go to a hockey game with Daddy and Monster Jam with Logan earlier in the month. He's going to be disappointed when we just hang around in the driveway on bikes for the next few weekends.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Growing, reaching, learning, changing

I am always at odds with what to do with my time since MY time is so limited. But stopping to record what is going on with the boys is essential. They are growing and changing at lightening speed. I fear I may have already missed recording some things that we will never get back!

Benny. Oh that Benny. I can never get tired of looking at his cute little face. Or watching him toddle around. He is a full time walker now and he moves very quickly. I move him from trouble in one area and before I know it he is behind me making more. He reaches up high to feel around for things on the kitchen table. He grabs across the ends of the couch to the side tables for drinks, remotes, phones, magazines or whatever is there. He climbs like Nathan always has. Over pillows, under toys, through the legs of the tables and chairs. He discovered he can move things! He will climb up under the legs of the bar stools in the kitchen and move them around. He pushed a chair across the kitchen floor just because he can. And he does it all with a big proud grin.

He makes sounds. The latest is "weee". Actually is just sounds like "we" but he seems to do it in appropriate places like going down the slide or climbing down the bed. He will play with a truck or plane and move it around appropriately making noises along with it. Given a paper towel, he will "wipe" the floor with it. Push a broom across the room. Put the tops on containers. Blocks back in the box.

He is very excited to do the things Nathan does too. He eats like a big boy, often using a fork or spoon or at least trying to. Drinking from big boy cups. Last night he got his own "go-gurt" (frozen yogurt you eat like an icee) and he was so proud to walk around sucking on that thing like his big brother.

Benny has been a good sleeper and will more and more take longer naps. Not everyday but there are some good nap days and they are great! We love a happy Benny after a nap!

Nathan continues to run circles around us all. Literally. The kid doesn't sit still. But he does have his wonderful moments too of course. Even though he is already the big boy, he wants to do everything as an even bigger boy would. Helping put away dishes, and bringing the step stool to the counter to "help cook" (which Benny happily climbs up right after him!). He helps to pat Benny's back when going to sleep. He will whisper like we do, "go to sleep, it's ok, put your head down sweetie."

He proudly brings home masterpieces from school ("I made this for you Mommy!") and is slowly writing his letters. His drawings are becoming more recognizable and I can officially declare him a lefty like his Mommy.

The things he says are what cracks us up daily. He yelled out to Gigi and Grandpa one day, "Ok, bye, take care!" (What little kid says take care?), and then followed it up with "I love you more than a garbage can!" Uh, ok. He attempts to use big words all the time still and says them over and over to make sure he's getting it right. "Did I say it right?" And his recall is still amazing. He was singing Ghostbusters the other day and Leo and I couldn't remember the last time we had played the song for him. Yet he knew the words from whenever that was.

Aside from the everyday growing, learning, changing and causing trouble at home, we have had a couple fun outings too. The circus was in town and it seems like every year I wanted to take Nathan, something else was going on (which sounds odd as he hasn't been on this earth for that many years but it seems like he has been!). I finally took him, just me and Nathan. I had to get him excited by watching You Tube videos of it first and then he seemed to "get it." He liked the animals and the motorcycles that ride round and round in the "ball of steel!" It was a fun time for just the two of us even if he did get antsy towards the end. The following week Leo took Nathan to a hockey game at the same arena. They were last minute free tickets and even though it was Valentines Day I told them to go. I ended up having some time to myself anyway after Benny went to sleep so it was a win-win for everyone. It sounded like they both had fun and once he warmed up to what was going on, he won the fellow game-goers over with his "Let's go Canes" chant. Anywhere he can stand up on the chairs and yell at the top of his lungs ranks high up on the list of cool stuff to do.

Which reminds me; according to Nathan, Daddy is more fun than Mommy. But he loves Mommy the most. I guess I can settle for that.