Aaahhhh.....a break. I so needed this. Sleep has continued to be a challenge for me. When sleep is scarce, so is patience. But I have had a couple good days of catch up and here I am. All caught up. It's blissfully quiet and clean. I literally have done everything on my to-do list and so I'm waiting in the quiet of the clean house for the holiday fun to begin. Gigi has had Nathan for over 24 hours. I'm starting to sound like I prefer him not being home. But of course that's not true. We both miss him when he's not home. But the catching up and resting - oh how I needed it! He will be home soon - hopped up on french fries and chocolate milk from McD's (thanks Mom...hahah) and I will be able to enjoy him more and give him attention when I am not disctracted (or sleepy). Then the Kepler crew will be following soon after. They are probably in VA by now. Yay!
The break isn't just about getting things done and even sleeping. It's just being alone. Although even right this very minute I'm not. This little boy kicking my liver reminds me that I'm never alone and that soon there will be less and less of that alone time, even when he's outta me. The time we have as a threesome is coming to a close too. And being a frazzled tired mommy is coming fast. Knowing what's coming the 2nd time around is as scary as it is comforting. We know what to expect (that's good). And we know what to expect (that's bad!). It's a mixed bag of emotions, a growing family. But I think we are ready for it.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Crazy Christmas
Ok, Christmas is seriously out of control. There's so much to do to prepare for the holiday and it's smooshed in, in the four or so weeks after Thanksgiving. The time when the most has to be done in the least amount of time. It's crazy! And this year I feel extra crazy since I'm carrying around a tad extra weight while trying to put shoes on a 2 1/2 year old who wants only to test the limits of his parents repeatedly. (Talk about out of control, Nathan has a special ribbon for this!)But, even though I've been quite overwhelmed by the activities and to-do lists, I have to stop and be thankful for the madness. Without people to care for and take care of - where would I be? So I joyfully make cookies and give them away when I can even though my feet are killing me and my back hurts. I wrap gifts with love and try not to curse when I run out of tape. I think about how lucky Nathan is to have ALL is grandparents present on Christmas day instead of whether or not the house will be clean enough. I count each of the recipients on my Christmas card list as I would gold coins and wonder at the richness that is our family and social circle, instead of get angry that I have to stand in line at the post office again to get postcard stamps. Big Breath. I consider all the people who don't have the money to buy whatever gifts they want for the people they love and all the food so many don't have. I think about the cute face we will be meeting soon (yes, 2/7 is the date!) and adding to the family instead of how much I really hate being physically limited and tired all the time. It's not easy, but we have to remember. Life is good!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Birth Date
In case you were all waiting and wondering, we don't have an official birth date for Baby Trend just yet. We are looking at February 7th but I haven't gotten word back from the office/ hospital that it's a go. I hope to know soon. But then again babies usually have their own plans don't they?
My Little Einstein
Happy Monday. It is 5:30 and way too early to be up. But here I am, up and blogging. I expect to be here more and more in the 10 or so weeks ahead. I think I started losing sleep much earlier when I was pregnant with Nathan so I consider myself lucky. And, my body and brain need to get used to being up at odd hours again anyway, right? May as well be productive.
I was laying in bed thinking about how amazing our little man is. There is no better word to describe him these days. There is a show called Little Einsteins and Nathan loves it. These four kids go on these adventures in a rocket ship. They learn about music and use big words and familiarize kids with the classic Mozart and Beethoven tunes we all know but could never name. He probably could. Anyway, Nathan has become his own little Einstein these days. We were reading Peter and the Wolf and along the bottom of the page, they show an instrument and a bar of notes. The first time we read it Nathan says, "Those are notes! From Einsteins!" He imitates playing a violin and hums music now. Just from one show! He hums Star Wars all the time now too, from listening to his Star Wars CD's all the time. (Well, just one. Daddy confiscated the rest of the collection. Nathan can put the CD on at will but is still a little rough with it.) We were tossing a ball into a hoop upstairs yesterday and missing. So he turns to me and says, "We just need a little pixie dust!" He gestures putting "pixie dust" on the ball and tosses it to "help it fly." He's seen the Tinkerbell movie a time or two - this is what he got from it. A appropriate solution that he remembered and suggested all on his own. "That is the planet if Saturn!", he says to me when he sees a picture of it. The Milky Way, Earth! He knows this!
Leo and I will often see ourselves mirrored in the things he says and does too. (This idea of being like your own mother starts from birth I realize.) He says "that's fantastic!" like I do when he's excited. "Whatever you say Mommy" like I do when I'm exasperated and give in to whatever silly thing he insists on. He even throws in a sigh like my own. Last week it was "now, now, now!" and I heard myself demanding things of him and adding now at the end when he was dawdling or just ignoring me. And of course he says the bad things too, as I've shared before. He will sometimes insist on saying "Holy Crap" even though we say over and over the things he can say like "Oh my goodness" and "Holy Canoli." He knows when he's being good and when to push buttons. He knows all expressions and uses them how he wants - depending on how much he thinks he can get away with I'm sure. He can even use the F word properly. I'm not proud of it, but man, the kid is too stinkin' smart for his own good!
He has an amazing memory of things we did too, long before he was so articulate. He will see something like fireworks and remember that we saw fireworks at the beach six months ago. Or he'll name a friend out of mid-air who we haven't seen in weeks. Like he was really sitting there thinking about them. He went to a Christmas Parade a few weeks ago with Gigi and Grandpa and when he came back he said he saw Storm Troopers. I asked my mom to confirm and yes, there were many. And Princess Leila and Jabba the Hut even. "Really?" I ask to confirm. "The big blobby guy?" Yup, that's him. He isn't even three and knows every Star Wars character there is and the names of some of the ships. Millennium Falcon - really? He remembers everything he sees and hears. He just pulls out concepts, words, names and memories out of nowhere. And when he says he sees a firetruck outside or hears a train in the way distance or sees a certain character or image in the background of a picture or TV, he is usually right. He notices the details in everyday life that we tend to ignore. He sees it all. We know this about him but are constantly floored by his mind. I had no idea he would be so smart.
A lot of this has to do with his own uniqueness of course, but Leo and I have to take some credit here as well. Yeah, the TV is on a bunch in our house - something I do try to curb even though it's so easy to let the boob tube babysit! But he hears us talking to each other about lots of different things. Nathan has a lot of friends. We do different activities, and lately, we make him repeat long sentences after us just to see if he'll do it. And he usually does. He masters big words with no problem. Leo taught him "fermentation" or some other such word relating to beer brewing just yesterday. He may not use it right away, but someday he will turn to me and tell me something about fermentation and I will fall off the couch in shock.
I hope he stays like this - absorbing, inquisitive, GENIUS!
I was laying in bed thinking about how amazing our little man is. There is no better word to describe him these days. There is a show called Little Einsteins and Nathan loves it. These four kids go on these adventures in a rocket ship. They learn about music and use big words and familiarize kids with the classic Mozart and Beethoven tunes we all know but could never name. He probably could. Anyway, Nathan has become his own little Einstein these days. We were reading Peter and the Wolf and along the bottom of the page, they show an instrument and a bar of notes. The first time we read it Nathan says, "Those are notes! From Einsteins!" He imitates playing a violin and hums music now. Just from one show! He hums Star Wars all the time now too, from listening to his Star Wars CD's all the time. (Well, just one. Daddy confiscated the rest of the collection. Nathan can put the CD on at will but is still a little rough with it.) We were tossing a ball into a hoop upstairs yesterday and missing. So he turns to me and says, "We just need a little pixie dust!" He gestures putting "pixie dust" on the ball and tosses it to "help it fly." He's seen the Tinkerbell movie a time or two - this is what he got from it. A appropriate solution that he remembered and suggested all on his own. "That is the planet if Saturn!", he says to me when he sees a picture of it. The Milky Way, Earth! He knows this!
Leo and I will often see ourselves mirrored in the things he says and does too. (This idea of being like your own mother starts from birth I realize.) He says "that's fantastic!" like I do when he's excited. "Whatever you say Mommy" like I do when I'm exasperated and give in to whatever silly thing he insists on. He even throws in a sigh like my own. Last week it was "now, now, now!" and I heard myself demanding things of him and adding now at the end when he was dawdling or just ignoring me. And of course he says the bad things too, as I've shared before. He will sometimes insist on saying "Holy Crap" even though we say over and over the things he can say like "Oh my goodness" and "Holy Canoli." He knows when he's being good and when to push buttons. He knows all expressions and uses them how he wants - depending on how much he thinks he can get away with I'm sure. He can even use the F word properly. I'm not proud of it, but man, the kid is too stinkin' smart for his own good!
He has an amazing memory of things we did too, long before he was so articulate. He will see something like fireworks and remember that we saw fireworks at the beach six months ago. Or he'll name a friend out of mid-air who we haven't seen in weeks. Like he was really sitting there thinking about them. He went to a Christmas Parade a few weeks ago with Gigi and Grandpa and when he came back he said he saw Storm Troopers. I asked my mom to confirm and yes, there were many. And Princess Leila and Jabba the Hut even. "Really?" I ask to confirm. "The big blobby guy?" Yup, that's him. He isn't even three and knows every Star Wars character there is and the names of some of the ships. Millennium Falcon - really? He remembers everything he sees and hears. He just pulls out concepts, words, names and memories out of nowhere. And when he says he sees a firetruck outside or hears a train in the way distance or sees a certain character or image in the background of a picture or TV, he is usually right. He notices the details in everyday life that we tend to ignore. He sees it all. We know this about him but are constantly floored by his mind. I had no idea he would be so smart.
A lot of this has to do with his own uniqueness of course, but Leo and I have to take some credit here as well. Yeah, the TV is on a bunch in our house - something I do try to curb even though it's so easy to let the boob tube babysit! But he hears us talking to each other about lots of different things. Nathan has a lot of friends. We do different activities, and lately, we make him repeat long sentences after us just to see if he'll do it. And he usually does. He masters big words with no problem. Leo taught him "fermentation" or some other such word relating to beer brewing just yesterday. He may not use it right away, but someday he will turn to me and tell me something about fermentation and I will fall off the couch in shock.
I hope he stays like this - absorbing, inquisitive, GENIUS!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wild Wedding Weekend
Late November and it's been in the 70 outside. Wacky! Wish it was like this a few weeks ago when we were all decked out and wearing little dresses while getting our pictures taken for Timmy's wedding. Oh well, you can't ask for everything can you?
Yes, we are back from a wild wedding weekend. Tim has been married off and we officially have another Jen Kepler in the fam. Weird!
We started the week in NY early to get a few extra days of visiting in. We won't be making the trek up there for quite a while now. I'm ok with that since I've made at least three or four other trips up this year. I tried to make the best of it before I am truly home bound for several months.
We were nervous about the ride up since we have a newly-potty-trained kid. We stopped often and had his little potty right next to him in the car. We had to use it too. There was a lot of construction in Jersey and there was hardly a place to stop but we needed to at one point for a pee pee break. We unstrapped Nathan, scooted him over a seat and had him do his business right in the pot. He did well - I think he thought this was super cool actually. And back on the road we went.
Once there, we slipped into life as if we never left it and this is the norm. The uncles love to entertain Nathan and even the little girl neighbors like to come by and see him too. The kid has friends everywhere we go! We got in a visit with Grandpa Truck, Babci, Jay, Kerry and baby Kevin - who is 9 months old. Nathan is cute with other little kids. I like that he gets some practice in.
After a few days of rest and relaxation (and warm weather actually), the madness began on Friday (as did the wind and less warm weather). We left for Long Island, where the festivities would take place, earlier than we planned and good thing we did. Traffic is soooo not fun. We got caught up in traffic at the Throggs Neck bridge - awesome. We made it to the hotel in time to check in and eat super quick. The Marriott was nice, right next to the Coliseum and close to everything else we were doing that weekend (most of it anyway). We had a great room too, right next to Greg, Danielle and Lily. Our rooms connected and they had a huge corner room that afforded the kids lots of room to run around (and make a mess). It was ideal (except for the hoodlums across the hall the first night. Security took care of that).
The first stop for me and Danielle was a trip to the nail place. We met the Plummer clan there and enjoyed a relaxing few hours while Leo watched the kids and Greg went to get the tuxes. I got the good end of the deal, huh? We had some time to relax before going off to the rehearsal dinner at a nearby Italian place. Fortunately we were able to stuff into Dads van. Unfortunately, there was traffic getting there. I forget this is what LI is! Traffic! The dinner was nice though. Tim & Jen were so good about saying something special and thanking everyone. Jen was very generous with her bridesmaids gifts, giving us each a necklace, cute flat shoes that fold into a purse, an additional black purse, a red shawl to match our dresses AND a gift certificate for the salon for hair and makeup. I'm still in awe of all she did for each of us. She was dead on with all her gifts - they were all perfect! The families get along well and it was fun to see Tim's friends again, who were in the wedding party. The only stressor for me was out little monster, Nathan. Being confined isn't his favorite activity, and although I'm glad he was there to be with us, it just wasn't the ideal situation for him. He didn't eat much and preferred to play in the carts and stands the waiters use to serve food. His uncles took turns taking him out to run around and go to the bathroom though. Between that and crawling around under the table, we made it through the night. But I was tired and wished I could have more than a small bit of wine to help me relax!
Something that kinda made up for Nathan's 2-year-oldness was when he was chanting J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets in front of everyone. Tim was about to thank everyone, so the room was quiet. Nathan got up on a chair and somehow the Jets came up and Nathan was all over it. He chanted several times until we had to tell him to cool it. He was so cute though. He made mommy and daddy so proud.
Saturday started early. I left Nathan and Leo in the room while Danielle, Joanne, Mom and I went off to the salon. We were expected to be there at 9. Grumpy and hungry, our moods changed when we were offered coffee and bagels in this large, swanky and very busy salon. I had never been in a place like this and it ended up being a lot of fun watching everyone get transformed. We spent many hours there and made some new friends in our stylists. I got the one pregnant hair stylist and we had a nice time talking babies. Someone was sent to get lunch at a local diner (ahhhh, diners!) and back to the hotel we went.
The next part of the day was going to be tricky - how to transition the kids over to the sitters. Thankfully there was family around to help out. Aunt Denice and Uncle Glenn from Colorado took Nathan outside to run around with cousin Kiley for an hour or so. Boy did that kid need it! We were able to get in a quick introduction to cousin Jamie and her friend Danielle who would be watching all three of the kids in the hotel room during the wedding. It was hard to make the switch with confidence and balance getting dressed and being where we were supposed to be. But it worked. The kids were fed and well-cared for all night and didn't have much to worry about. Again, the potty training part made me nervous but Jamie handled it like a pro.
Meanwhile, we had to get to the brides room to assist in the getting ready part. Danielle and I watched her mother, sisters and friend get her ready but it was fun to be part of it anyway. Much the way Jen was there for our weddings but not actually in them. It's cool the three of us could share in that.
Then the limos arrived and off we went. The Swan Club was beautiful. Right on the water, fall flowers and fountains everywhere. I would love to see this place in the spring. Pictures happened right away and started with Tim turning to see his beautiful bride all dressed up for the first time in front of everyone. The long picture session went from there and seemed to take an eternity, but only because the wind was so chilly. Our feet were killing us and we were already hungry. And the wedding was hours away! We settled into the bridal suite for a while and waited for everything to start. The bus carrying the wedding guests from the hotel was delayed which pushed everything else 20 minutes or so, but it didn't matter once we got to the room where the wedding was taking place. (I was even able to forget about the fact that the strap on my dress broke twice in the hour we were waiting. The third time was right after the ceremony and I just tucked in into the dress.) the room was amazing - all romantic with white gauzy material and soft lights. It was long and narrow, thus a long aisle walk. But Leo was right beside me. We made a cute threesome all dressed up - Leo, Me and Baby Trend #2!
The ceremony was nice....and interesting. The officiant seemed to forget Jen's name and pronounced Kepler as "Klepper" but we made the most of that and had some giggles to break up the tears of joy that threatened to mess up our professional makeup!
By the time we got through the cocktail hour and into the reception I was more than happy to take off my fabulous but painful heels and into those cute little flats I had in my new purse. Oh relief! I wish I didn't have the extra worry of carrying a baby all this time. I enjoyed the wedding, and it was fun to show off the bump, but it definitely made me tired and longing for bed when I would normally have danced the night away with the rest of the cousins. But, still we all enjoyed ourselves. The best part being the photo booth. It was a fantastic idea that everyone really had fun with. No wedding should be without one! Another highlight, Greg's best mad speech that went on a little long - Tim had to tell him to wrap it up. But he did well for someone who doesn't like public speaking. And the wedding cake - canoli cake is the way to go!
The new couple were so cute together and were really enjoying themselves too. Once again they were very gracious and thanked everyone - when they were able to wrestle the mic away from 'Tank' the MC. Let's just say he was very Long Island.
The old me would have loved to join the stragglers in the bar after the wedding but the current me was more than happy to get into bed next my sleeping boy, as well as be in charge of a sleeping Lily if she needed me. Everyone else went to the bar.
We had a little breakfast before hitting the open road back to Rockland for a few days. Ha - no traffic!
The fun family time continued as the 'Kleppers' filled my Dads house for hours. As usual it was a nice easy day to just be with one another. I got the good old baby name book out and begged for suggestions for Baby Trend. My Dad chose Samuel George. Nice try Dad. Leo and Nathan went to Grandpa Trucks for the Jets game and I enjoyed a night of quiet; panning to read for hours only to be asleep by 9:30 I was so tired.
The next day, there were still several people in town for us to hang around with. It was our last day up there as well as the day Matthew would be leaving for boot camp. The kid went and joined the Army! Dad gathered the family into the living room on Sunday and presented Matt with a little something to go away with - a squished penny with the image of the statue of liberty on it. We all handled it before Dad said a few nice words about him being proud of Matt. He was teary eyes of course, as was I. It was hard not to be.
Monday we hung around and enjoyed the weather that had once again turned warm. The kids enjoyed the giant leaf pile in the street. Joanne made us an apple pie to take home with us. We got last minute pictures of the kids together. A nice relaxing end to a long week.
Tuesdays' ride home was mostly uneventful until the last hour when I thought Nathan was going to lose his mind. Well, maybe he did. He thrashed like a mental patient when he had enough. We finally came up with a game to keep him busy in the last 20 minutes or so. It was the longest hour of my life! But we made it.
Now here we are home bound for a while, surrounded by holiday decorations. Goodbye leaves and pumpkins, hello tree lights and snowflakes. Yet, it's unseasonably warm again so it feels more like spring. No worries. The cool weather will catch up with us this week, along with December fun.
Yes, we are back from a wild wedding weekend. Tim has been married off and we officially have another Jen Kepler in the fam. Weird!
We started the week in NY early to get a few extra days of visiting in. We won't be making the trek up there for quite a while now. I'm ok with that since I've made at least three or four other trips up this year. I tried to make the best of it before I am truly home bound for several months.
We were nervous about the ride up since we have a newly-potty-trained kid. We stopped often and had his little potty right next to him in the car. We had to use it too. There was a lot of construction in Jersey and there was hardly a place to stop but we needed to at one point for a pee pee break. We unstrapped Nathan, scooted him over a seat and had him do his business right in the pot. He did well - I think he thought this was super cool actually. And back on the road we went.
Once there, we slipped into life as if we never left it and this is the norm. The uncles love to entertain Nathan and even the little girl neighbors like to come by and see him too. The kid has friends everywhere we go! We got in a visit with Grandpa Truck, Babci, Jay, Kerry and baby Kevin - who is 9 months old. Nathan is cute with other little kids. I like that he gets some practice in.
After a few days of rest and relaxation (and warm weather actually), the madness began on Friday (as did the wind and less warm weather). We left for Long Island, where the festivities would take place, earlier than we planned and good thing we did. Traffic is soooo not fun. We got caught up in traffic at the Throggs Neck bridge - awesome. We made it to the hotel in time to check in and eat super quick. The Marriott was nice, right next to the Coliseum and close to everything else we were doing that weekend (most of it anyway). We had a great room too, right next to Greg, Danielle and Lily. Our rooms connected and they had a huge corner room that afforded the kids lots of room to run around (and make a mess). It was ideal (except for the hoodlums across the hall the first night. Security took care of that).
The first stop for me and Danielle was a trip to the nail place. We met the Plummer clan there and enjoyed a relaxing few hours while Leo watched the kids and Greg went to get the tuxes. I got the good end of the deal, huh? We had some time to relax before going off to the rehearsal dinner at a nearby Italian place. Fortunately we were able to stuff into Dads van. Unfortunately, there was traffic getting there. I forget this is what LI is! Traffic! The dinner was nice though. Tim & Jen were so good about saying something special and thanking everyone. Jen was very generous with her bridesmaids gifts, giving us each a necklace, cute flat shoes that fold into a purse, an additional black purse, a red shawl to match our dresses AND a gift certificate for the salon for hair and makeup. I'm still in awe of all she did for each of us. She was dead on with all her gifts - they were all perfect! The families get along well and it was fun to see Tim's friends again, who were in the wedding party. The only stressor for me was out little monster, Nathan. Being confined isn't his favorite activity, and although I'm glad he was there to be with us, it just wasn't the ideal situation for him. He didn't eat much and preferred to play in the carts and stands the waiters use to serve food. His uncles took turns taking him out to run around and go to the bathroom though. Between that and crawling around under the table, we made it through the night. But I was tired and wished I could have more than a small bit of wine to help me relax!
Something that kinda made up for Nathan's 2-year-oldness was when he was chanting J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets in front of everyone. Tim was about to thank everyone, so the room was quiet. Nathan got up on a chair and somehow the Jets came up and Nathan was all over it. He chanted several times until we had to tell him to cool it. He was so cute though. He made mommy and daddy so proud.
Saturday started early. I left Nathan and Leo in the room while Danielle, Joanne, Mom and I went off to the salon. We were expected to be there at 9. Grumpy and hungry, our moods changed when we were offered coffee and bagels in this large, swanky and very busy salon. I had never been in a place like this and it ended up being a lot of fun watching everyone get transformed. We spent many hours there and made some new friends in our stylists. I got the one pregnant hair stylist and we had a nice time talking babies. Someone was sent to get lunch at a local diner (ahhhh, diners!) and back to the hotel we went.
The next part of the day was going to be tricky - how to transition the kids over to the sitters. Thankfully there was family around to help out. Aunt Denice and Uncle Glenn from Colorado took Nathan outside to run around with cousin Kiley for an hour or so. Boy did that kid need it! We were able to get in a quick introduction to cousin Jamie and her friend Danielle who would be watching all three of the kids in the hotel room during the wedding. It was hard to make the switch with confidence and balance getting dressed and being where we were supposed to be. But it worked. The kids were fed and well-cared for all night and didn't have much to worry about. Again, the potty training part made me nervous but Jamie handled it like a pro.
Meanwhile, we had to get to the brides room to assist in the getting ready part. Danielle and I watched her mother, sisters and friend get her ready but it was fun to be part of it anyway. Much the way Jen was there for our weddings but not actually in them. It's cool the three of us could share in that.
Then the limos arrived and off we went. The Swan Club was beautiful. Right on the water, fall flowers and fountains everywhere. I would love to see this place in the spring. Pictures happened right away and started with Tim turning to see his beautiful bride all dressed up for the first time in front of everyone. The long picture session went from there and seemed to take an eternity, but only because the wind was so chilly. Our feet were killing us and we were already hungry. And the wedding was hours away! We settled into the bridal suite for a while and waited for everything to start. The bus carrying the wedding guests from the hotel was delayed which pushed everything else 20 minutes or so, but it didn't matter once we got to the room where the wedding was taking place. (I was even able to forget about the fact that the strap on my dress broke twice in the hour we were waiting. The third time was right after the ceremony and I just tucked in into the dress.) the room was amazing - all romantic with white gauzy material and soft lights. It was long and narrow, thus a long aisle walk. But Leo was right beside me. We made a cute threesome all dressed up - Leo, Me and Baby Trend #2!
The ceremony was nice....and interesting. The officiant seemed to forget Jen's name and pronounced Kepler as "Klepper" but we made the most of that and had some giggles to break up the tears of joy that threatened to mess up our professional makeup!
By the time we got through the cocktail hour and into the reception I was more than happy to take off my fabulous but painful heels and into those cute little flats I had in my new purse. Oh relief! I wish I didn't have the extra worry of carrying a baby all this time. I enjoyed the wedding, and it was fun to show off the bump, but it definitely made me tired and longing for bed when I would normally have danced the night away with the rest of the cousins. But, still we all enjoyed ourselves. The best part being the photo booth. It was a fantastic idea that everyone really had fun with. No wedding should be without one! Another highlight, Greg's best mad speech that went on a little long - Tim had to tell him to wrap it up. But he did well for someone who doesn't like public speaking. And the wedding cake - canoli cake is the way to go!
The new couple were so cute together and were really enjoying themselves too. Once again they were very gracious and thanked everyone - when they were able to wrestle the mic away from 'Tank' the MC. Let's just say he was very Long Island.
The old me would have loved to join the stragglers in the bar after the wedding but the current me was more than happy to get into bed next my sleeping boy, as well as be in charge of a sleeping Lily if she needed me. Everyone else went to the bar.
We had a little breakfast before hitting the open road back to Rockland for a few days. Ha - no traffic!
The fun family time continued as the 'Kleppers' filled my Dads house for hours. As usual it was a nice easy day to just be with one another. I got the good old baby name book out and begged for suggestions for Baby Trend. My Dad chose Samuel George. Nice try Dad. Leo and Nathan went to Grandpa Trucks for the Jets game and I enjoyed a night of quiet; panning to read for hours only to be asleep by 9:30 I was so tired.
The next day, there were still several people in town for us to hang around with. It was our last day up there as well as the day Matthew would be leaving for boot camp. The kid went and joined the Army! Dad gathered the family into the living room on Sunday and presented Matt with a little something to go away with - a squished penny with the image of the statue of liberty on it. We all handled it before Dad said a few nice words about him being proud of Matt. He was teary eyes of course, as was I. It was hard not to be.
Monday we hung around and enjoyed the weather that had once again turned warm. The kids enjoyed the giant leaf pile in the street. Joanne made us an apple pie to take home with us. We got last minute pictures of the kids together. A nice relaxing end to a long week.
Tuesdays' ride home was mostly uneventful until the last hour when I thought Nathan was going to lose his mind. Well, maybe he did. He thrashed like a mental patient when he had enough. We finally came up with a game to keep him busy in the last 20 minutes or so. It was the longest hour of my life! But we made it.
Now here we are home bound for a while, surrounded by holiday decorations. Goodbye leaves and pumpkins, hello tree lights and snowflakes. Yet, it's unseasonably warm again so it feels more like spring. No worries. The cool weather will catch up with us this week, along with December fun.
Open Doors
When we got home from our NY trip it seemed we had an endless cycle of visitors come to our door. Our friends and neighbors dropping off or picking up something. Catalogs, checks, gifts, books. We look more like a storefront than a residence when there are so many visitors. But I don't mind. It makes me think of the open door policy demonstrated by my family. At my aunts house in Big Indian, NY, I remember noticing how there were always people in and out of the house. Cousins, other aunts and uncles, their friends. The same for my grandparents and aunt and uncles houses in Nyack too, now that I think of it. It may even be that it wasn't about people visiting - there were just that many people living in the house! I have such a large family on both sides, it's normal and necessary to have people going in and out at all times. And all hours. The same goes for my Dads house. When all the kids are in town, plus spouses and now kids - the door is always open, quite literally.
I remember thinking how I wanted to have an Open Door Policy too. Of course I realized that could be a bad thing - I like to know what's going on, who's coming and going, and if I have to clean or put makeup on for my visitors! But overall, I like that people like to be at our house. I like that we host, dinners and playdates often. I like that my friends know they can come by to pick up and drop off and swing by and that most of the time I'm here! And I am often dressed and ready for them too.
I remember thinking how I wanted to have an Open Door Policy too. Of course I realized that could be a bad thing - I like to know what's going on, who's coming and going, and if I have to clean or put makeup on for my visitors! But overall, I like that people like to be at our house. I like that we host, dinners and playdates often. I like that my friends know they can come by to pick up and drop off and swing by and that most of the time I'm here! And I am often dressed and ready for them too.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Extra Time
Ahhhhh, an extra hour. How often do we ask for an extra hour? Once we get it, what do we do with it? My mom, for one, is enjoying her extra hour this morning as Nathan stayed the night with Gigi and Grandpa. Her reports usually include the words "angel", "perfect", "funny", "smart", etc, etc. I'm sure this time will be the same. He loves to be with them and has such a great time. They were supposed to make cookies and watch movies and do whatever else he wants to do. Spoiled rotten. But happy as can be.
While we had the night to ourselves we went to a new restaurant (it was so-so) and met up with friends for bowling. It was a couples night out, 4 other couples joined us, and it was a perfect night out. Last year at this time we were just meeting most of these people. And now we are able to have personal conversations, joke with each other and feel as though we have known one another forever. I have to say, I never really felt like I had such an amazing circle of people around me before. Aside from family, this community of people we encounter all the time - literally every day this past week - is the closest I've felt to anyone. We are both so grateful to know them all. All of them,the husbands, wives and even kids, are friendly, loving and generous. There's really something about that saying, "It takes a village..." I'm glad for our little village and I wish everyone had the same support and friendships.
Tomorrow Kerri and Logan will be coming over for long overdue playdate. Nathan begs to see everyone through Skype daily, Logan included. How excited he will be when he realizes he can see him in person! I have a dr's appointment for BT2 so it comes at a perfect time. I'm sure I will also have last minute errands to run before we skip town for a few days. We are really excited to be headed to NY. More time to see family, and not through a computer. And, it doesn't look like any snow should be in the forecast. I think it will be a perfect autumn day for Tim & Jen's Big Day.
And now, for my extra hour - I think I'll start to pack, do laundry and otherwise organize ourselves. It doesn't sound special but doing that without a kid underfoot is the best way I can think of to spend the time. Doing most things without a two year old attached to me is always easier. Still....I miss him.
While we had the night to ourselves we went to a new restaurant (it was so-so) and met up with friends for bowling. It was a couples night out, 4 other couples joined us, and it was a perfect night out. Last year at this time we were just meeting most of these people. And now we are able to have personal conversations, joke with each other and feel as though we have known one another forever. I have to say, I never really felt like I had such an amazing circle of people around me before. Aside from family, this community of people we encounter all the time - literally every day this past week - is the closest I've felt to anyone. We are both so grateful to know them all. All of them,the husbands, wives and even kids, are friendly, loving and generous. There's really something about that saying, "It takes a village..." I'm glad for our little village and I wish everyone had the same support and friendships.
Tomorrow Kerri and Logan will be coming over for long overdue playdate. Nathan begs to see everyone through Skype daily, Logan included. How excited he will be when he realizes he can see him in person! I have a dr's appointment for BT2 so it comes at a perfect time. I'm sure I will also have last minute errands to run before we skip town for a few days. We are really excited to be headed to NY. More time to see family, and not through a computer. And, it doesn't look like any snow should be in the forecast. I think it will be a perfect autumn day for Tim & Jen's Big Day.
And now, for my extra hour - I think I'll start to pack, do laundry and otherwise organize ourselves. It doesn't sound special but doing that without a kid underfoot is the best way I can think of to spend the time. Doing most things without a two year old attached to me is always easier. Still....I miss him.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Life is good. It's just hard work!
Two weeks from today and we will be gathering for Tim & Jen's rehearsal dinner. How the time flies! We are super excited about being with family and celebrating the occasion and I think the next few weeks will be short. But there are some things I wish I had more time for and in some ways I wish the wedding was tomorrow.
We have had some successful potty time these days. Nathan has gotten good at just going to use the bathroom when he needs. He even cleans up his own messes from time to time, which of course sends me over the moon I'm so happy. We have some accidents but for the most part the pee process is working well. I don't miss changing diapers all day! The #2 issue continues to remain just that - an issue. I've scoured the internet looking for helpful ideas that stay within our standards. We are trying not to give rewards for doing something he should do anyway (this is hard but the best way in the long run). And I'm trying not to put too much pressure and emotion into accidents when they do happen(which is even harder). This process is sooooo not fun. But we try to keep track of the positive and praise the good stuff when we can. He actually really likes when we say "Yay Nathan!" and will some times remind me to say it if I don't.
I wish the wedding was tomorrow b/c I know for sure my dress fits right now. The way I'm growing though scares me. I'm on a strict regimen of lots of water and walks when I can and healthy snacks whenever the hunger strikes. No dieting for me of course. But I have to stay away from that Halloween candy! This is a bad time to refrain! Otherwise, baby is doing just fine and is kicking all the time to remind me he is here. It's funny when you already have one running around the house. You truly almost forget there's another bun in the oven when you are too busy to think about it. He reminds me often though with karate chops to the bladder and left hooks to whatever causes heartburn. I think I'm going to be handling another active little boy.
Anyway, it's a good thing we are not facing a wedding tomorrow as we would be shivering in our shoes - NY is expecting snow this weekend!
We will not be expecting any snow for Halloween here(although it went from pleasant 70's to crummy 50's in 24 hours) but it looks like it will be a bit chilly. Nathan will be cozy in his homemade costume though. Ask him and he will proudly tell you he will be a "blue crayon!" It was a fairly simple costume to assemble and one that won't last long I fear. But he's all set up to be a skeleton underneath his cardboard getup so he can still be festive when the has to take it off. I have a super easy plan for myself and Leo doesn't much care either way I think. It's much more fun to focus on the kids this time of year. Yes, that does mean there will not be a mohawk this time! Pictures to come soon.
Other than potty training woes mixed in with fun holiday festivities we are dealing with new bedtime drama nightly. Our Nathan has been such a good sleeper for so long that we aren't sure where to start now that we have something to fix again. I don't know if it's his defiance against potty training, a time to change his sleeping habits overall or his newly realized power over both. But what once was a peaceful separation around 9p has become a daily struggle and yelling match that consists of "I don't wanna go to bed" over and over and alternately "MOMMY!" and "DADDY!" at the top of his lungs, depending on who is up next. He alternates. He's very fair about his annoying behaviors. This even ensued at 5am when he decided he was done sleeping. Yeah right, my rear! We ended up giving in to him joining us in bed (sneaky brat) but we slept past 9a which rarely happens around here. ~Sigh~ The power struggle gets worse the older and smarter he gets. It's no joke when people say 3 is worse than 2. You don't hear it much though b/c the parents that have gone through it just want to forget it ever happened. I can't wait to be past it myself and pretend my child was always an angel.
Well, it's about that time of day so dinnertime here I come. (Another not so fun struggle if you ask me. Between multiple meals to make everyone happy, Nathan not sitting still long enough to consume enough calories to make me happy and the fact that I have to cook every stinkin' day of my life other than pizza take out, it's TIRING!) Despite all the not so fun aspects though - I can't complain. Life is good. It's just hard work!
We have had some successful potty time these days. Nathan has gotten good at just going to use the bathroom when he needs. He even cleans up his own messes from time to time, which of course sends me over the moon I'm so happy. We have some accidents but for the most part the pee process is working well. I don't miss changing diapers all day! The #2 issue continues to remain just that - an issue. I've scoured the internet looking for helpful ideas that stay within our standards. We are trying not to give rewards for doing something he should do anyway (this is hard but the best way in the long run). And I'm trying not to put too much pressure and emotion into accidents when they do happen(which is even harder). This process is sooooo not fun. But we try to keep track of the positive and praise the good stuff when we can. He actually really likes when we say "Yay Nathan!" and will some times remind me to say it if I don't.
I wish the wedding was tomorrow b/c I know for sure my dress fits right now. The way I'm growing though scares me. I'm on a strict regimen of lots of water and walks when I can and healthy snacks whenever the hunger strikes. No dieting for me of course. But I have to stay away from that Halloween candy! This is a bad time to refrain! Otherwise, baby is doing just fine and is kicking all the time to remind me he is here. It's funny when you already have one running around the house. You truly almost forget there's another bun in the oven when you are too busy to think about it. He reminds me often though with karate chops to the bladder and left hooks to whatever causes heartburn. I think I'm going to be handling another active little boy.
Anyway, it's a good thing we are not facing a wedding tomorrow as we would be shivering in our shoes - NY is expecting snow this weekend!
We will not be expecting any snow for Halloween here(although it went from pleasant 70's to crummy 50's in 24 hours) but it looks like it will be a bit chilly. Nathan will be cozy in his homemade costume though. Ask him and he will proudly tell you he will be a "blue crayon!" It was a fairly simple costume to assemble and one that won't last long I fear. But he's all set up to be a skeleton underneath his cardboard getup so he can still be festive when the has to take it off. I have a super easy plan for myself and Leo doesn't much care either way I think. It's much more fun to focus on the kids this time of year. Yes, that does mean there will not be a mohawk this time! Pictures to come soon.
Other than potty training woes mixed in with fun holiday festivities we are dealing with new bedtime drama nightly. Our Nathan has been such a good sleeper for so long that we aren't sure where to start now that we have something to fix again. I don't know if it's his defiance against potty training, a time to change his sleeping habits overall or his newly realized power over both. But what once was a peaceful separation around 9p has become a daily struggle and yelling match that consists of "I don't wanna go to bed" over and over and alternately "MOMMY!" and "DADDY!" at the top of his lungs, depending on who is up next. He alternates. He's very fair about his annoying behaviors. This even ensued at 5am when he decided he was done sleeping. Yeah right, my rear! We ended up giving in to him joining us in bed (sneaky brat) but we slept past 9a which rarely happens around here. ~Sigh~ The power struggle gets worse the older and smarter he gets. It's no joke when people say 3 is worse than 2. You don't hear it much though b/c the parents that have gone through it just want to forget it ever happened. I can't wait to be past it myself and pretend my child was always an angel.
Well, it's about that time of day so dinnertime here I come. (Another not so fun struggle if you ask me. Between multiple meals to make everyone happy, Nathan not sitting still long enough to consume enough calories to make me happy and the fact that I have to cook every stinkin' day of my life other than pizza take out, it's TIRING!) Despite all the not so fun aspects though - I can't complain. Life is good. It's just hard work!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Miscellany of Life
Sooooo....potty training didn't turn out as well as we had hoped. Day 1 was ok, Day 2 ok but by the end of Day 3 the poor kid had a tummy ache. I think he was holding it in b/c, quite frankly - learning to go "doo doo" is kinda of a scary process for the first few times. And after a big accident down the pants and on the floor I think he freaked himself out. So we had to remedy the solution with a little extra fiber. The poor kid went the other way and we spent days and diapers keeping track of that mess. Ugghhh!!!! Potty training was obviously abandoned for a while so that Nathan's little body can get back to normal. But I'm hoping that by the end of October that we will have a potty trained little man.
In the midst of all this "fun" JoJo came down from NY for a few days. It was really nice to have the extra hands to help out as I was definitely on my last nerves last week. We made the best of it and spent Thursday at the Museum of Life and Science. Jo had never been. The rain held off and we enjoyed the train ride there, the butterfly house, lunch, the outside barn and a little bit of time inside too. Even though Nathan was suffering from horrible diaper rash, he was quite the trooper and wanted to keep going. By Friday he was doing much better and we went to a home show to check out the latest in . . . ya know - home stuff. Nathan was kept quiet with lollipops and misc giveaways. I don't know what we will do with a bobble head doll of the Empire Carpet Guy, but now we have one.
I also was not able to share my weekend away two weeks ago, since life was so busy from the moment I returned. I flew up to NY for Jen's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Night Out. Every leg of my flight was delayed due to "work on the runway" in Baltimore and at one point I thought I would be getting there at 6p instead of 11a! But it worked out and I was able to make the shower just in time for lunch and presents! The rest of the day was nice. I sat back and let everything happen. No worries about kids, driving, doing anything the next day. Just enjoying the company (Danielle, Jen and her friends)
We went out in NYC Sat night. While driving in from Brooklyn we saw the twin tower lights lit up in honor of 10 years. We drove right under them (they were set up on an overpass) and we saw they were made up of several small lights close together. It was cool and clear and they shot straight up for miles. A pretty cool site to see.
I managed to stay up late. We left the city around 2a and I hit the pillow by 3:30a. Last time I did that was due to a sick child I'm sure. We slept in a little but the naps later on the couch were the real treat. We had a nice diner breakfast, a super quick visit in Rockland to get Lily and see the Keplers and then just hanging out. I was very glad to see that little girl. We even cuddled a bit on the couch. Just the few minutes was enough - I know little people have a lot to do and see! I'm glad the wait is short to see them again. Just a few weeks until Tim & Jen's wedding!
In the midst of all this "fun" JoJo came down from NY for a few days. It was really nice to have the extra hands to help out as I was definitely on my last nerves last week. We made the best of it and spent Thursday at the Museum of Life and Science. Jo had never been. The rain held off and we enjoyed the train ride there, the butterfly house, lunch, the outside barn and a little bit of time inside too. Even though Nathan was suffering from horrible diaper rash, he was quite the trooper and wanted to keep going. By Friday he was doing much better and we went to a home show to check out the latest in . . . ya know - home stuff. Nathan was kept quiet with lollipops and misc giveaways. I don't know what we will do with a bobble head doll of the Empire Carpet Guy, but now we have one.
I also was not able to share my weekend away two weeks ago, since life was so busy from the moment I returned. I flew up to NY for Jen's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Night Out. Every leg of my flight was delayed due to "work on the runway" in Baltimore and at one point I thought I would be getting there at 6p instead of 11a! But it worked out and I was able to make the shower just in time for lunch and presents! The rest of the day was nice. I sat back and let everything happen. No worries about kids, driving, doing anything the next day. Just enjoying the company (Danielle, Jen and her friends)
We went out in NYC Sat night. While driving in from Brooklyn we saw the twin tower lights lit up in honor of 10 years. We drove right under them (they were set up on an overpass) and we saw they were made up of several small lights close together. It was cool and clear and they shot straight up for miles. A pretty cool site to see.
I managed to stay up late. We left the city around 2a and I hit the pillow by 3:30a. Last time I did that was due to a sick child I'm sure. We slept in a little but the naps later on the couch were the real treat. We had a nice diner breakfast, a super quick visit in Rockland to get Lily and see the Keplers and then just hanging out. I was very glad to see that little girl. We even cuddled a bit on the couch. Just the few minutes was enough - I know little people have a lot to do and see! I'm glad the wait is short to see them again. Just a few weeks until Tim & Jen's wedding!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Fall Beerfest
This past May we hosted our first Beerfest. We had some previous experience with some friends - going to actual local beerfests (research!) and having impromptu gatherings. But in the Spring Leo decided to make a real go of it and it was quite a success. You can't have a Spring one without a Fall one - all those Oktoberfests and Winter Ales! - and so our First Annual Fall Beerfest was born. Some say I am crazy for letting Leo put on such an event while I am pregnant and unable to enjoy all the beer. But our friends are generous as always and other treats were present. Let's just say being able to eat my calories instead of drink them is not such a bad trade-off.
We started around 3:30p and the people piled in from there. It was nice to start early when there was such a beautiful day to enjoy. Our neighbors invested in a bouncy house for their daughter and they were kind enough to share it yesterday. They set it up in the front yard and the kids were soooooo happy. Actually, so were the parents. They all bounced and enjoyed all the garage toys for hours. As usual Nathan was inside and out, enjoying all the people. No worries about him. Except for the potty. I am still fearful of Nathan forgetting or just getting lazy about going but with a little reminder here and there we did well. No accidents!
I enjoy cooking and baking and for party time I usually try to come up with something unique. This time around I decided to make it simple and it was the best way to go. Who doesn't love pasta?! 3lbs later (2 loaves of bread, sausage and peppers and meatballs too), everyone was so happy and I got more compliments that usual. Carbs and beer go together I guess.
The kids begged for a bonfire before it was even dark. Leo bribed then into cleaning up the front yard with promises of a fire in the back. It worked and the yard was cleaned up super fast. Fact: Our playground will withstand the weight of half a dozen small children and two medium-sized adults no problem. The slide was popular among some adults (skirts should not be worn when attempting this). Marshmallows appeared and all were happy. Nathan was having a ball. He looked so tired but he just kept going. I eventually set him up in our bed to watch Cars in hopes he would pass out but he loves a party as much as we do. He said goodnight to our guests with us around 11p. Since he was up, I figured I could go ahead and vacuum up the mess we all dragged in. It was nice not having such a mess to look at in the morning. When I could drink, this never happened - cleaning up right after the party, yeah right. Another upside to not drinking. Always looking for the bright side.
Today we are trying to relax and enjoy Sunday. Relax is not in Nathan's vocabulary. And it's a nice day anyway so out we go I suppose. And working on the Halloween costume. I'll let you see it when it's done. You can tell me if I did a good job. If you think of one for me, let me know. Apparently I have to come up with one for myself too.
We started around 3:30p and the people piled in from there. It was nice to start early when there was such a beautiful day to enjoy. Our neighbors invested in a bouncy house for their daughter and they were kind enough to share it yesterday. They set it up in the front yard and the kids were soooooo happy. Actually, so were the parents. They all bounced and enjoyed all the garage toys for hours. As usual Nathan was inside and out, enjoying all the people. No worries about him. Except for the potty. I am still fearful of Nathan forgetting or just getting lazy about going but with a little reminder here and there we did well. No accidents!
I enjoy cooking and baking and for party time I usually try to come up with something unique. This time around I decided to make it simple and it was the best way to go. Who doesn't love pasta?! 3lbs later (2 loaves of bread, sausage and peppers and meatballs too), everyone was so happy and I got more compliments that usual. Carbs and beer go together I guess.
The kids begged for a bonfire before it was even dark. Leo bribed then into cleaning up the front yard with promises of a fire in the back. It worked and the yard was cleaned up super fast. Fact: Our playground will withstand the weight of half a dozen small children and two medium-sized adults no problem. The slide was popular among some adults (skirts should not be worn when attempting this). Marshmallows appeared and all were happy. Nathan was having a ball. He looked so tired but he just kept going. I eventually set him up in our bed to watch Cars in hopes he would pass out but he loves a party as much as we do. He said goodnight to our guests with us around 11p. Since he was up, I figured I could go ahead and vacuum up the mess we all dragged in. It was nice not having such a mess to look at in the morning. When I could drink, this never happened - cleaning up right after the party, yeah right. Another upside to not drinking. Always looking for the bright side.
Today we are trying to relax and enjoy Sunday. Relax is not in Nathan's vocabulary. And it's a nice day anyway so out we go I suppose. And working on the Halloween costume. I'll let you see it when it's done. You can tell me if I did a good job. If you think of one for me, let me know. Apparently I have to come up with one for myself too.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Hillridge Farm
Today was our first big outing with our MOPS group for the year. We went to Hillridge Farm in Youngsville. I remember it being so fun last year so we were excited to go again. A year later, Nathan was able to enjoy it much more. A train and hay ride, slide, sand, swings, corn and hay to roll around in, animals, pumpkins, mazes and tunnels. Oh yes, and a bouncy house. This place is worth every penny and we could have easily spent the entire day there. I put up a bunch of pictures on Picasa. Take a look. There are some good ones in there. I went to a photo class last week and have been playing with my camera more and more. The cooler weather and the seasonal activities have pushed me into a really fun place. I love fall!
In two weeks - The Zoo!
In two weeks - The Zoo!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Pee Party Day
In case you didn't know, it's official. No pink in this house. I get to open up all those boxes of boy clothes and use them all over again come February because we're having another baby boy! I had convinced myself it would be a girl. I was experiencing things slightly different at the start of this pregnancy but I was also so set on wanting another boy I prepared myself for a girl. I had accepted that's what "it" would be and even had a name picked out. (I'm sad about the name. I'm not sharing but man it was perfect.) So when we saw the tell-tale pee-pee I was surprised. Leo was not. He was hoping for and I guess "knew" what the outcome would be. We would have been pleased either way, but of course it sure it easy to use what we've got!
Soon we will have a baby and a very grown up little boy. Today we are taking a stab at real potty training for the first time. It involves very little clothing, lots of juice and snacks and more patience than you can imagine. Leo and I have been watching with eagle eyes all morning and we both managed to miss a couple pees on the carpet. But he did #2 on the pot and later a really long #1 that he must have been holding and afraid to let go off all morning. He even did it standing up! Now it is nap time and the diaper is back on but only for a short time. We have a long afternoon ahead of us with more vigilant watching and waiting. I should probably go rest myself. This is only the start of a long weekend. But I'm already looking forward to our next few activities - lite brite, play doh and perhaps another go at Candy Land (he so does not get this but he seems to like to move the little men around and look at the colored cards. It keeps him busy anyway.) Wish us luck on our on-going adventure. I hope to report a successful weekend soon.
Soon we will have a baby and a very grown up little boy. Today we are taking a stab at real potty training for the first time. It involves very little clothing, lots of juice and snacks and more patience than you can imagine. Leo and I have been watching with eagle eyes all morning and we both managed to miss a couple pees on the carpet. But he did #2 on the pot and later a really long #1 that he must have been holding and afraid to let go off all morning. He even did it standing up! Now it is nap time and the diaper is back on but only for a short time. We have a long afternoon ahead of us with more vigilant watching and waiting. I should probably go rest myself. This is only the start of a long weekend. But I'm already looking forward to our next few activities - lite brite, play doh and perhaps another go at Candy Land (he so does not get this but he seems to like to move the little men around and look at the colored cards. It keeps him busy anyway.) Wish us luck on our on-going adventure. I hope to report a successful weekend soon.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Splishy, splashy, sploshy
Friends and family were worried about me catching whatever Nathan had earlier in the week. With good reason of course. I'm his mommy. I have to clean up his messes, all types, and snuggle and bathe and make him all better. So it was bound to happen I guess. But when Wednesday had come and gone we didn't think twice about it - sickness gone! When I woke up with nausea Thursday morning at 4am, I still didn't think much about it. I am pregnant after all. But when I threw up a few hours later and couldn't really stand up for more than a minute I figured something else was going on. I caught the bug. Damn.
Nathan was feeling fine and playing but I was confined to the couch. I cried with joy when a friend offered to watch him for a few hours at her house. I send Leo to drop him off and I relished the silence and being stationary for a couple hours. He napped when he got home and then we just had the afternoon to get through. Even though I was not feeling better as the day progressed, I felt guilty about saying no to his every plea to go outside. Nathan wanted to play baseball so I went out with him and sat on the grass. He never lasts long with that so he was soon playing in the car and I was laying in the back of it. He wanted to play upstairs so I sprawled on the floor next to him trying to be enthusiastic about playing with legos. I really wanted to die. I finally said no to swings and we stayed in for the night.
You would think that would be the end of it but it only got more fun from there. Around 8p Nathan was looking for a snack. Suddenly he looked up at Leo, made a face, then threw up all over the place. Splishy, splashy, sploshy.... three days worth of food and drink it seemed like. Already fed up with the day I just jumped into action to clean up the mess. Leo cleaned up Nathan, I mopped the floor, walls, doors, chairs, etc and did a wash. I said I wanted to die before but at this point I was convinced I already had and this was my hell. He threw up one more time, I used up the rest of whatever towels I could find and my shark steam mop was already out and ready to go. How about everyone just vomits on the floor. We'll make a party of it. Jeez!
I had Leo put Nathan to bed shortly after (whose bed was surrounded by towels and a bucket) and I took something to help me sleep and went to bed too. Leo asked,"Going to bed already?" It was only 9p. I was afraid of what else might happen if I stayed awake. Good night world. Don't bother me. Ever.
This morning there was no nausea or aching or headache. I think the storm has passed. For me. Leo feels a little off. Hopefully he can fight it or get it over with quickly. But first I have to finish the wash. I need more towels for the next emergency.
Nathan was feeling fine and playing but I was confined to the couch. I cried with joy when a friend offered to watch him for a few hours at her house. I send Leo to drop him off and I relished the silence and being stationary for a couple hours. He napped when he got home and then we just had the afternoon to get through. Even though I was not feeling better as the day progressed, I felt guilty about saying no to his every plea to go outside. Nathan wanted to play baseball so I went out with him and sat on the grass. He never lasts long with that so he was soon playing in the car and I was laying in the back of it. He wanted to play upstairs so I sprawled on the floor next to him trying to be enthusiastic about playing with legos. I really wanted to die. I finally said no to swings and we stayed in for the night.
You would think that would be the end of it but it only got more fun from there. Around 8p Nathan was looking for a snack. Suddenly he looked up at Leo, made a face, then threw up all over the place. Splishy, splashy, sploshy.... three days worth of food and drink it seemed like. Already fed up with the day I just jumped into action to clean up the mess. Leo cleaned up Nathan, I mopped the floor, walls, doors, chairs, etc and did a wash. I said I wanted to die before but at this point I was convinced I already had and this was my hell. He threw up one more time, I used up the rest of whatever towels I could find and my shark steam mop was already out and ready to go. How about everyone just vomits on the floor. We'll make a party of it. Jeez!
I had Leo put Nathan to bed shortly after (whose bed was surrounded by towels and a bucket) and I took something to help me sleep and went to bed too. Leo asked,"Going to bed already?" It was only 9p. I was afraid of what else might happen if I stayed awake. Good night world. Don't bother me. Ever.
This morning there was no nausea or aching or headache. I think the storm has passed. For me. Leo feels a little off. Hopefully he can fight it or get it over with quickly. But first I have to finish the wash. I need more towels for the next emergency.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Stormy in & out
Apparently Mother Nature was not quite done. She came through yesterday and dropped a couple storms on us that were even worse than over the weekend. The wind was so rough a couple more trees went down in the neighborhood (those Bradford Pears don't stand a chance!), hail fell from the sky and rain flooded the backyard in a flash. The thunder was monstrous and unending. But it came through pretty quick and we had a blue and breezy morning.
The last 24 hours inside the house was a little stormy too. Nathan's little sickness that started yesterday turned out to be a 24 hour stomach bug that kept him from keeping down even water and crackers. "My tummy hurts" he would whine, and then get sick all over the place. As the day wore on he begged more and more for food and water. But we did as the dr's office suggested - small sips every 10 minutes for an hour after he throws up, then a small bit of plain food. If he throws that up, start over. Real food wasn't on the agenda until he stopped getting sick. Needless to say the kid didn't have real food until this morning. He got sick again at 5:30 which is when we parked ourselves on the couch for a few hours. But after a little morning snooze, the 24 hours was just about up and Nathan happily gobbled up a bagel in no time and asked for more. He was jumping all over the couch as usual by 9:30! Poor kid. But I have another notch on my mommy belt and I know what to do should it strike again - for him and us. Also, since it was raining, it was an ok time to chill inside and watch Tangled on Netflix (great movie, btw!).
Today we are taking it easy. A little food, a little rest, a little fresh air and a lot of clean up and we are back to normal. Happy as can be until the next storm hits.
The last 24 hours inside the house was a little stormy too. Nathan's little sickness that started yesterday turned out to be a 24 hour stomach bug that kept him from keeping down even water and crackers. "My tummy hurts" he would whine, and then get sick all over the place. As the day wore on he begged more and more for food and water. But we did as the dr's office suggested - small sips every 10 minutes for an hour after he throws up, then a small bit of plain food. If he throws that up, start over. Real food wasn't on the agenda until he stopped getting sick. Needless to say the kid didn't have real food until this morning. He got sick again at 5:30 which is when we parked ourselves on the couch for a few hours. But after a little morning snooze, the 24 hours was just about up and Nathan happily gobbled up a bagel in no time and asked for more. He was jumping all over the couch as usual by 9:30! Poor kid. But I have another notch on my mommy belt and I know what to do should it strike again - for him and us. Also, since it was raining, it was an ok time to chill inside and watch Tangled on Netflix (great movie, btw!).
Today we are taking it easy. A little food, a little rest, a little fresh air and a lot of clean up and we are back to normal. Happy as can be until the next storm hits.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Jumpy Houses
It took a few moments to register why the earth was shaking last week but still, it was only seconds to understand that we were indeed quaking in Raleigh. Nope, not a plane, a truck or the nearby mine. This feeling was too familiar and reminded me of living on the West Coast. Ahhh, to be in fear of "the big one" all the time. I sure do miss that suspense. Not! Actually, earthquakes are exciting but only if nothing bad actually comes of it. And thankfully, nothing did. Just 25 seconds or so of shaking and wondering if we should rescue our sleeping child or what.
I'm glad we didn't have much time to dwell on the event that was kind of a non-event. (Ok, we weren't at the epicenter, but even there things were pretty much ok, so we can move on news media!) Instead we had Irene to focus on for days at a time. The hurricane made her announcement a week beforehand and that too was getting a little exciting as it approached. To get extra bread or not? Do I know where extra flashlights, or any flashlights, are? I guess I'll take in the loose toys on the deck - just in case. The wind blew, the trees swayed, the rain fell. It was more like a rainy day around here. We were lucky to be on the edge of the real action and that's just fine with me. We never lost power and there was a single tree in the neighborhood that fell. The pictures from NY though were pretty amazing. They were right in the path and had flooding and power outages that we didn't even come close to. That too seemed to come and go without too much hoopla. (Yeah, a couple people died but usually those people are too stupid to stay inside and keep still until it's over. Duh.)
So while the coast was getting much more weather than we were here, we went on with our day and had quite a bit of fun. There was a free event at the Fair Grounds where an entire huge building was filled with inflatable jumpy houses and other kid activities. It was big and practically empty which was awesome! Nathan was very excited to jump and be wild for an hour or so - and hardly any lines to keep him back. They had snow cones and popcorn and the only 'admission' was to listen to them preach about Jesus and stuff. It was a church run thing. Don't ask me which. I don't know or really care (sorry, it's just not my thing) but it sure was nice to put together a thing like this. I can smile and wear "Jesus Loves Me" stickers for a few hours if it makes my kid happy.
We were sure Nathan was going to have a nice nap after all that but a quick snooze in the car (like, 2 minutes - seriously) seemed to throw him off kilter. He stayed awake and was ecstatic to see yet another jumpy house at our next destination, a birthday party across the street. The wind and rain moved their party indoors but didn't stop them from blowing up the main attraction in the garage. Nathan and the other kids jumped on and off all afternoon and make me wish we had one of these suckers. They are seriously cool and makes everyone, even the adults, happy.
I left my boys still playing across the street to get ready for a night out. I was off to a bachelorette party that involved BBQ downtown with the girls. After a lovely dinner we headed to Rum Runners, a dueling piano bar. These places are fun but make sure you participate. If you sit up front and they catch you not singing along you're in trouble. Friend Eleni was embarrassed into singing and you can be sure she clapped and sang the rest of the night too. She and I called it a night before midnight. I can hang with the girls, but it's not the same as I nurse my bottled water and know I have to get up in the morning when my kid does.
Leo was a super good husband and daddy the next morning though and made sure to get up with Nathan to let me sleep in a bit. Aahhh....that was nice!
We were all exhausted on Sunday and stayed in to relax. Today I was thinking we would spend some time outside now that the weather has cleared up and has even gotten nice (like not in the 90's). But Nathan had a tummy ache this morning and ended up yacking all over the place. We were on the deck (good boy) so it was easily hosed down. But I have been following him around with a bucket all day to catch his sickness. Poor thing hasn't been able to keep anything down today. We're hoping it's a one-day thing that does not get passed to us.
And that's the news. I'm off to NY for a quick jaunt on my own soon. Tim's wedding is getting closer as is the time to find out the sex of Baby Trend #2. That will be an exciting post. Boy or girl we can't wait to find out!
I'm glad we didn't have much time to dwell on the event that was kind of a non-event. (Ok, we weren't at the epicenter, but even there things were pretty much ok, so we can move on news media!) Instead we had Irene to focus on for days at a time. The hurricane made her announcement a week beforehand and that too was getting a little exciting as it approached. To get extra bread or not? Do I know where extra flashlights, or any flashlights, are? I guess I'll take in the loose toys on the deck - just in case. The wind blew, the trees swayed, the rain fell. It was more like a rainy day around here. We were lucky to be on the edge of the real action and that's just fine with me. We never lost power and there was a single tree in the neighborhood that fell. The pictures from NY though were pretty amazing. They were right in the path and had flooding and power outages that we didn't even come close to. That too seemed to come and go without too much hoopla. (Yeah, a couple people died but usually those people are too stupid to stay inside and keep still until it's over. Duh.)
So while the coast was getting much more weather than we were here, we went on with our day and had quite a bit of fun. There was a free event at the Fair Grounds where an entire huge building was filled with inflatable jumpy houses and other kid activities. It was big and practically empty which was awesome! Nathan was very excited to jump and be wild for an hour or so - and hardly any lines to keep him back. They had snow cones and popcorn and the only 'admission' was to listen to them preach about Jesus and stuff. It was a church run thing. Don't ask me which. I don't know or really care (sorry, it's just not my thing) but it sure was nice to put together a thing like this. I can smile and wear "Jesus Loves Me" stickers for a few hours if it makes my kid happy.
We were sure Nathan was going to have a nice nap after all that but a quick snooze in the car (like, 2 minutes - seriously) seemed to throw him off kilter. He stayed awake and was ecstatic to see yet another jumpy house at our next destination, a birthday party across the street. The wind and rain moved their party indoors but didn't stop them from blowing up the main attraction in the garage. Nathan and the other kids jumped on and off all afternoon and make me wish we had one of these suckers. They are seriously cool and makes everyone, even the adults, happy.
I left my boys still playing across the street to get ready for a night out. I was off to a bachelorette party that involved BBQ downtown with the girls. After a lovely dinner we headed to Rum Runners, a dueling piano bar. These places are fun but make sure you participate. If you sit up front and they catch you not singing along you're in trouble. Friend Eleni was embarrassed into singing and you can be sure she clapped and sang the rest of the night too. She and I called it a night before midnight. I can hang with the girls, but it's not the same as I nurse my bottled water and know I have to get up in the morning when my kid does.
Leo was a super good husband and daddy the next morning though and made sure to get up with Nathan to let me sleep in a bit. Aahhh....that was nice!
We were all exhausted on Sunday and stayed in to relax. Today I was thinking we would spend some time outside now that the weather has cleared up and has even gotten nice (like not in the 90's). But Nathan had a tummy ache this morning and ended up yacking all over the place. We were on the deck (good boy) so it was easily hosed down. But I have been following him around with a bucket all day to catch his sickness. Poor thing hasn't been able to keep anything down today. We're hoping it's a one-day thing that does not get passed to us.
And that's the news. I'm off to NY for a quick jaunt on my own soon. Tim's wedding is getting closer as is the time to find out the sex of Baby Trend #2. That will be an exciting post. Boy or girl we can't wait to find out!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Annual Birthday Bash
This weekend we hosted yes another birthday bash. As promised when I met Leo, this is an annual event not to be missed. He sure is lucky he found a girl who likes to entertain. The two of us do a pretty good job of it.
To start the week, we had Grandpa Truck and Babci here for a visit. They arrived with an abundance - no, an overabundance - of NY bread. Bagels, rolls, pretzels, rye bread, challah and my request of 3 lbs of rugula, all from Rockland Bakery. Well, I didn't request 3 lbs of the pastry but I'm not complaining about having a few left still. Yum! We didn't do too much other than hang around and play. Despite his recent knee surgery, Truck did ok keeping up with Nathan. There was lots of time swinging, playing ball and being silly inside too. It was nice for me to get out and do some things without a little boy hanging around me. Going to the store has gotten harder since Nathan demands to walk instead of ride in shopping carts which always leads to touching, pushing, dumping, knocking and playing with everything at his eye level. Yes, it's much easier to do it without him. So I took advantage of the extra hands at home to go out and do stuff.
Party day started with an early visit from Nonni and Poppi who couldn't stay for the evening festivities. But it was nicer to just spend time with them first. Gigi and Grandpa Ed came too so Nathan and Logan (who came with Nonni and Poppi) were spoiled by all the attention for a while. We hung out outside while Leo took care of a live football draft in the living room. I don't have much to say about that - a bunch of football freaks sitting around quietly concentrating on their lists and picks. We shared pizzas and then relaxed in the lull between football and party time.
By 6pm the party was in full swing. Family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances old and new - we had a full house. Probably around 40 people in and out, including lots of kiddies running around making messes and keeping each other busy. I kept it simple this year and got sandwiches and chicken fingers from Harris Teeter, as well as a cookie birthday cake. Unfortunately, Leo was so busy being a good host (and playing games I'm sure) that he only got a half a finger and no cake. :( I will make it up to him with his favorite dinner tonight I think!
It was also our friend Heather's birthday, her 30th, so we made sure to include her in the festivities as well. Kaitie made a pinata filled with all sorts of goodies that the kids loved knocking down. I think Leo eventually busted it open. Eleni bought a giant container of cream puffs from BJ's which was even better than the cookie cake I think. Everyone brought food to share and it was pretty much all gone by the end. We were all stuffed!
The crowd cleared out by 11p or so (early for us!) and I flopped into bed a half hour later. We were hoping Nathan would follow our lead and sleep in the next day. We did let him stay up until about 10:30p. He was such a good boy running in and out and playing with all the big kids. (Our friends are amazing btw, all of them keeping an eye out and hanging out with him. We even have a handful of offers to come watch him!) He was still going strong only minutes before i called for bedtime, he was just rubbing his eyes as he ran around. He went down easy. But he didn't find it necessary to catch up on sleep the next morning. At 7a I set him up in front on Mickey with some milk and he was happy as can be. Thank you Walt Disney - I love you!
Sunday was low key. Truck left to go to Kerri's for a few days and we took our time coming to life. I had to clean up from the party and do laundry. I definitely earned the two hour nap that I enjoyed later on. It was heavenly. Even Nathan slept for two hours.
Today is Leo's birthday and, as mentioned, I have a birthday dinner to create. The heat here is not nearly as bad as it had been so I'm sure we'll get out into the fresh air too. I'll have to post pictures of my other project - the bedroom. It will be complete soon so stay tuned.
To start the week, we had Grandpa Truck and Babci here for a visit. They arrived with an abundance - no, an overabundance - of NY bread. Bagels, rolls, pretzels, rye bread, challah and my request of 3 lbs of rugula, all from Rockland Bakery. Well, I didn't request 3 lbs of the pastry but I'm not complaining about having a few left still. Yum! We didn't do too much other than hang around and play. Despite his recent knee surgery, Truck did ok keeping up with Nathan. There was lots of time swinging, playing ball and being silly inside too. It was nice for me to get out and do some things without a little boy hanging around me. Going to the store has gotten harder since Nathan demands to walk instead of ride in shopping carts which always leads to touching, pushing, dumping, knocking and playing with everything at his eye level. Yes, it's much easier to do it without him. So I took advantage of the extra hands at home to go out and do stuff.
Party day started with an early visit from Nonni and Poppi who couldn't stay for the evening festivities. But it was nicer to just spend time with them first. Gigi and Grandpa Ed came too so Nathan and Logan (who came with Nonni and Poppi) were spoiled by all the attention for a while. We hung out outside while Leo took care of a live football draft in the living room. I don't have much to say about that - a bunch of football freaks sitting around quietly concentrating on their lists and picks. We shared pizzas and then relaxed in the lull between football and party time.
By 6pm the party was in full swing. Family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances old and new - we had a full house. Probably around 40 people in and out, including lots of kiddies running around making messes and keeping each other busy. I kept it simple this year and got sandwiches and chicken fingers from Harris Teeter, as well as a cookie birthday cake. Unfortunately, Leo was so busy being a good host (and playing games I'm sure) that he only got a half a finger and no cake. :( I will make it up to him with his favorite dinner tonight I think!
It was also our friend Heather's birthday, her 30th, so we made sure to include her in the festivities as well. Kaitie made a pinata filled with all sorts of goodies that the kids loved knocking down. I think Leo eventually busted it open. Eleni bought a giant container of cream puffs from BJ's which was even better than the cookie cake I think. Everyone brought food to share and it was pretty much all gone by the end. We were all stuffed!
The crowd cleared out by 11p or so (early for us!) and I flopped into bed a half hour later. We were hoping Nathan would follow our lead and sleep in the next day. We did let him stay up until about 10:30p. He was such a good boy running in and out and playing with all the big kids. (Our friends are amazing btw, all of them keeping an eye out and hanging out with him. We even have a handful of offers to come watch him!) He was still going strong only minutes before i called for bedtime, he was just rubbing his eyes as he ran around. He went down easy. But he didn't find it necessary to catch up on sleep the next morning. At 7a I set him up in front on Mickey with some milk and he was happy as can be. Thank you Walt Disney - I love you!
Sunday was low key. Truck left to go to Kerri's for a few days and we took our time coming to life. I had to clean up from the party and do laundry. I definitely earned the two hour nap that I enjoyed later on. It was heavenly. Even Nathan slept for two hours.
Today is Leo's birthday and, as mentioned, I have a birthday dinner to create. The heat here is not nearly as bad as it had been so I'm sure we'll get out into the fresh air too. I'll have to post pictures of my other project - the bedroom. It will be complete soon so stay tuned.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Good Stuff
I am happy to report some good stuff going on around here. For starters, we had a great Saturday. I was off to a baby shower and Nathan and Daddy had a fun day out together. They went to Monkey Joe's to jump around in the inflatables there. I have been several times and I wanted Leo to experience it himself. Sounds like it was a little harder for a 6' 2" guy to climb around in those things, chasing a 2 year old, than little old me. But I think they had a good time. They had a McD's lunch and I came home to find them in Nathan's new room (more on that in a minute) reading Goodnight Moon (Nathan's new favorite book of the moment). He went down peacefully for the 3rd time in a row . . . .
. . . Which means he's sleeping in his toddler bed now! Yesterday he said "I don't want to sleep in this bed." I asked which bed he would prefer, thinking I would get "big bed" as the answer (meaning ours) but he surprised me with "little bed" in his new room. So he napped in his "little bed" for nap and bedtime and again today for nap. I'm hoping it's just something that happens and stays. It seems too good to be true to ask for such an easy transition . . . but maybe he will make up for it and have a terrible time potty training. Who knows!
The rest of today was fun too. We listened to silly Disney songs and danced in the pouring rain that finally fell from the sky. Hurray! We are looking at degrees in the upper 80's tomorrow which will feel like wonderful arctic weather after all this awful endless heat. I can't wait!
In other news that is even more exciting than rain dances and bed times is the new addition to the family. You probably already know that we are indeed expecting baby #2! I think (I hope) we have told everyone we need to tell ourselves but by way of facebook and general word of mouth, the proverbial cat is out of the bag. We weren't sure how long "to wait" but seeing as I'm starting to look a little different (love those maternity shorts!) and I'm feeling very pregnant these days, I figured it was ok to share. We had two ultrasounds already and everything is looking just fine. In a month and a half or so we will find out the sex and then I can either sit back and enjoy the boy toys that surround me . . . or get busy and transform Nathan's "old" room into a little girls' retreat.
I still owe a little update from our NY trip as well as some pictures. I'll work on that this weekend. Leo and I have also been working on an "around the house" list. There isn't much immediate stuff that needs to be done, but with a baby on the way, there is a new deadline that proves to be helpful when there are things you would like to see done. 'Cuz when there's two running around here, there won't be much painting, fixing or rearranging going on for a while.
. . . Which means he's sleeping in his toddler bed now! Yesterday he said "I don't want to sleep in this bed." I asked which bed he would prefer, thinking I would get "big bed" as the answer (meaning ours) but he surprised me with "little bed" in his new room. So he napped in his "little bed" for nap and bedtime and again today for nap. I'm hoping it's just something that happens and stays. It seems too good to be true to ask for such an easy transition . . . but maybe he will make up for it and have a terrible time potty training. Who knows!
The rest of today was fun too. We listened to silly Disney songs and danced in the pouring rain that finally fell from the sky. Hurray! We are looking at degrees in the upper 80's tomorrow which will feel like wonderful arctic weather after all this awful endless heat. I can't wait!
In other news that is even more exciting than rain dances and bed times is the new addition to the family. You probably already know that we are indeed expecting baby #2! I think (I hope) we have told everyone we need to tell ourselves but by way of facebook and general word of mouth, the proverbial cat is out of the bag. We weren't sure how long "to wait" but seeing as I'm starting to look a little different (love those maternity shorts!) and I'm feeling very pregnant these days, I figured it was ok to share. We had two ultrasounds already and everything is looking just fine. In a month and a half or so we will find out the sex and then I can either sit back and enjoy the boy toys that surround me . . . or get busy and transform Nathan's "old" room into a little girls' retreat.
I still owe a little update from our NY trip as well as some pictures. I'll work on that this weekend. Leo and I have also been working on an "around the house" list. There isn't much immediate stuff that needs to be done, but with a baby on the way, there is a new deadline that proves to be helpful when there are things you would like to see done. 'Cuz when there's two running around here, there won't be much painting, fixing or rearranging going on for a while.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mouth of a Sailor
Nathan looks much older now since he got a close shave the other day. Not his face. His head. I was doing ok with the home haircuts but when I tried to shape and trim it just a tad bit more, Nathan decided he was beyond done with this little project and would no longer participate. The result was a ridiculous looking mess. The only answer was to buzz it. Going to the #2 setting, I tearfully cut the long blonde locks on the top of his head until I couldn't see through my tears. Leo took over saying "it's only hair, it's fine." And it was. Now I see his cute little face even better and his noggin is so perfectly round and fuzzy now I think I fell in love with him all over again.
Until he started talking like a sailor.
The other day he dropped a book he was carrying and I heard him mutter "oh crap." Yeah, oh crap is right. He said with perfect timing and volume as if he's been saying it all his life. He's been watching mommy very closely. Daddy too. We are both guilty of potty mouth and have curbed it when we can. But the little every day things slip through. Apparently we also say,"What the hell?" often. When Leo made a loud noise putting glass in the recycling bin, Nathan responded with this inappropriate question. We still smirk and have to leave the room when he says shit, I mean stuff, like this. It's hilarious to hear his little voice remark in such a grown up way. But then I imagine him saying this in front of our friends, in public, at school, etc and I want to hide. Well, he's still young enough most people would still laugh at this. But still, we can't encourage it. I see a three year old saying, "WTF Mom?! Where the HELL is my dinner?!" This reminds me of a joke . . . let's hope we don't live up to this one.
Until he started talking like a sailor.
The other day he dropped a book he was carrying and I heard him mutter "oh crap." Yeah, oh crap is right. He said with perfect timing and volume as if he's been saying it all his life. He's been watching mommy very closely. Daddy too. We are both guilty of potty mouth and have curbed it when we can. But the little every day things slip through. Apparently we also say,"What the hell?" often. When Leo made a loud noise putting glass in the recycling bin, Nathan responded with this inappropriate question. We still smirk and have to leave the room when he says shit, I mean stuff, like this. It's hilarious to hear his little voice remark in such a grown up way. But then I imagine him saying this in front of our friends, in public, at school, etc and I want to hide. Well, he's still young enough most people would still laugh at this. But still, we can't encourage it. I see a three year old saying, "WTF Mom?! Where the HELL is my dinner?!" This reminds me of a joke . . . let's hope we don't live up to this one.
The Train
Friday, July 22, 2011
Moody Two Year Old
Like the new pic? There are more where that came from but you have to wait. I'm busy. In the meantime, enjoy this video.
BTW, this picture shows exactly what you get from Nathan these days. He's cute as can be but he's got this stubborn, moody two-year-old attitude that comes with faces, voices and commands. He's a trip.
BTW, this picture shows exactly what you get from Nathan these days. He's cute as can be but he's got this stubborn, moody two-year-old attitude that comes with faces, voices and commands. He's a trip.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Beach Days
It's been a while but there's so many reasons why . . . how much time do you have? Right this minute, I have time all to myself as I sit here at my Dad's house in VC. Nathan is sleeping like a rock and I have a few minutes before this long day knocks me out too. We are visiting for a long weekend and enjoying every minute so far. I'm trying to make up for lost time too, revisiting the last month or so.
Late June we went to Carolina Beach with the fam for a weeks' vacation. We got a nice 3 BR house near the beach, and very close to an ice cream place too! Greg, Danielle and Lily came to Raleigh first to see our house, went to Myrtle with friends, then joined me, Leo, Nathan, Mom and Ed at the beach. Overall, there isn't a ton to tell which is the way a beach week should go. Mornings on the beach, afternoon naps, evening dinners (some in, some out) and later evening festivities if time allowed. Nathan fell in love with the ocean and everything about it. He loved the sand knocking him down and dunking him under. If I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now: The kid is a thrill seeker and I'm in trouble. He loved the sand and just being outside. His naps were long and peaceful every day on that living room couch. It takes a lot to wear him down but the beach did it!
I must say it was quite different from other vacations pre-kids. We had the extra grandparent hands to help us along, but having kids with you is just different. We love to sit around and play games but they didn't start until well after 9 and then we were all so tired from being parents all day that 11 was the cut off for bedtime. It's a bit of a let down. Not in a totally bad way - we love our kids! But it's just different when priorities change so much. Kids do that to you.
As for the kids together, Nathan enjoys when Lily is around. I don't know if it's vice versa but mostly because Nathan moves so fast he probably scares her. I tried to keep him out of her face but he was very curious and actually very loving. I'm glad they will get to see each other again soon.
We did the regular things: ice cream, mini-golf, local shopping, etc. The mini-golf was nothing amazing to see, but they had a good rain policy. If it rained before your 10th hole, you get a rain check for another day. It happened to be a potentially rainy evening so we took our time and stopped at the 10th and came back the next day to pretty much play again for free. And it was quite a storm that came through. It was a good decision on many levels- including leaving the kiddies home the 2nd time.
We took turns cooking. I like this a lot because I like to cook for others and I really like when others cook for me! If there is ever taco/ fajita night at Greg and Danielle's, get yourself invited. It's delish!
There was a small boardwalk area at CB, if you can call it that, that we visited one night. It had a free bouncy house, Spongebob walking around and some other free kid stuff. There were fantastic doughnuts there.Nathan was very excited to bounce (since he does all the time anyway) and enjoyed the carousel where they had a little carnival set up. We would go around and he would wave at the rest of our posse every time. He was so excited to wave he would wave early to another family altogether. He did not want to leave. I wanted more doughnuts. I guess it was a success if only for an hour or so.
We took a ferry from Fort Fisher to Southport one afternoon for lunch; Nonni and Lolo came to see us at the beach another day. We kept pretty busy and managed to keep it low key too.
The last night we went to Wilmington for dinner. We met up with Stan, Sharon and Logan again for dinner. The wait was looooong, but the food was good. And although the two boys were getting to me (they were being good, but they were being hyper boys and I was reaaalllly hungry) they did pretty well and had a good time together as always. It was nice to walk around the town a bit and discover Italian sodas with Greg and Danielle, a fence of keys ( and watch Nathan go on a horse-drawn carriage ride with Gigi and Grandpa Ed.
We all enjoyed the week together but were also happy to return to our own beds (the ones there were super squeaky!). We had adventures at home to look forward to and some involved seeing everyone again so it was nice to say "see ya soon!" and mean it. And so here we are. In NY. And the day is catching up with me now .... But soon I will catch you up again. Pictures too I hope.
Late June we went to Carolina Beach with the fam for a weeks' vacation. We got a nice 3 BR house near the beach, and very close to an ice cream place too! Greg, Danielle and Lily came to Raleigh first to see our house, went to Myrtle with friends, then joined me, Leo, Nathan, Mom and Ed at the beach. Overall, there isn't a ton to tell which is the way a beach week should go. Mornings on the beach, afternoon naps, evening dinners (some in, some out) and later evening festivities if time allowed. Nathan fell in love with the ocean and everything about it. He loved the sand knocking him down and dunking him under. If I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now: The kid is a thrill seeker and I'm in trouble. He loved the sand and just being outside. His naps were long and peaceful every day on that living room couch. It takes a lot to wear him down but the beach did it!
I must say it was quite different from other vacations pre-kids. We had the extra grandparent hands to help us along, but having kids with you is just different. We love to sit around and play games but they didn't start until well after 9 and then we were all so tired from being parents all day that 11 was the cut off for bedtime. It's a bit of a let down. Not in a totally bad way - we love our kids! But it's just different when priorities change so much. Kids do that to you.
As for the kids together, Nathan enjoys when Lily is around. I don't know if it's vice versa but mostly because Nathan moves so fast he probably scares her. I tried to keep him out of her face but he was very curious and actually very loving. I'm glad they will get to see each other again soon.
We did the regular things: ice cream, mini-golf, local shopping, etc. The mini-golf was nothing amazing to see, but they had a good rain policy. If it rained before your 10th hole, you get a rain check for another day. It happened to be a potentially rainy evening so we took our time and stopped at the 10th and came back the next day to pretty much play again for free. And it was quite a storm that came through. It was a good decision on many levels- including leaving the kiddies home the 2nd time.
We took turns cooking. I like this a lot because I like to cook for others and I really like when others cook for me! If there is ever taco/ fajita night at Greg and Danielle's, get yourself invited. It's delish!
There was a small boardwalk area at CB, if you can call it that, that we visited one night. It had a free bouncy house, Spongebob walking around and some other free kid stuff. There were fantastic doughnuts there.Nathan was very excited to bounce (since he does all the time anyway) and enjoyed the carousel where they had a little carnival set up. We would go around and he would wave at the rest of our posse every time. He was so excited to wave he would wave early to another family altogether. He did not want to leave. I wanted more doughnuts. I guess it was a success if only for an hour or so.
We took a ferry from Fort Fisher to Southport one afternoon for lunch; Nonni and Lolo came to see us at the beach another day. We kept pretty busy and managed to keep it low key too.
The last night we went to Wilmington for dinner. We met up with Stan, Sharon and Logan again for dinner. The wait was looooong, but the food was good. And although the two boys were getting to me (they were being good, but they were being hyper boys and I was reaaalllly hungry) they did pretty well and had a good time together as always. It was nice to walk around the town a bit and discover Italian sodas with Greg and Danielle, a fence of keys ( and watch Nathan go on a horse-drawn carriage ride with Gigi and Grandpa Ed.
We all enjoyed the week together but were also happy to return to our own beds (the ones there were super squeaky!). We had adventures at home to look forward to and some involved seeing everyone again so it was nice to say "see ya soon!" and mean it. And so here we are. In NY. And the day is catching up with me now .... But soon I will catch you up again. Pictures too I hope.
Talking up a Storm
Nathan has been putting lots of words together for a while now. But the true sentences that have been coming out of his mouth astonish and often entertain me every day. Here are some recent Nathanisms:
I'm ticky-ish (ticklish)
I need a ladder (to get to the M&M's that are his favorite thing ever)
Go for a walk (everyday, all day if he could)
I need ice water (on our nightly walk around the neighborhood)
Do dodo do do dodododo (this is Nathan trying to sing the Thomas song that he loves for me to hum all the time)
Brush your teeth (He gets confused with you/ me, my/ yours, etc. so in the morning when he wants to brush his teeth like mommy does he says "brush your teeth". One morning when I was talking to him first thing in the morning he said, "brush your teeth" which was appropriate and hilarious. I don't know if he knew it.)
I Love you, Mommy (He often says this at night at bedtime but often randomly says it during the day. Wrapping his arms around me while I carried him the other day he looked at me and said it with absolute meaning!)
Next to you (Our bedtime routine involves me laying next to him for a few minutes while he winds down)
Picasso (He put his Potato Head together all silly and said this to me. Either he's watched too much Toy Story or he's a genius. Or both. In the first few scenes of the first movie, Mr. Potato Head arranges his parts all over the place and says "Hey look, I'm Picasso!" Nathan got it. Amazing!)
Car Insurance (This does not sound funny at all but when he suddenly blurts out "car insurance" at the dinner table, it is. It could be a jumble of sounds or too many car insurance commercials with Cars characters in it.)
Piggy says . . . (Then he makes the sound of the piggy, cow, doggie, motorcycle, thunder, school bus, truck - you get the picture.)
Where'd she go? (Tonight he asked where Darth Vader went while we were watching Star Wars and it went to a commercial. We met a little girl at the pool and she went to the other side with her mommy and he asked me where she went.)
The Winner: Dammit. (He copied Daddy at the dinner table who said it when he spilled his drink. Nathan purposefully knocked his own over and repeated after his father. He then did it again hours later with perfect delivery and timing. I'm so going to be the one getting called to the principal's office for cursing!)
The list goes on. I started this weeks ago and it now seems to outdated. It just goes to show how much he is growing and learning every day. It's such a fun stage and despite the sometimes very long days of trying to keep busy, it's my favorite kid stage so far.
I'm ticky-ish (ticklish)
I need a ladder (to get to the M&M's that are his favorite thing ever)
Go for a walk (everyday, all day if he could)
I need ice water (on our nightly walk around the neighborhood)
Do dodo do do dodododo (this is Nathan trying to sing the Thomas song that he loves for me to hum all the time)
Brush your teeth (He gets confused with you/ me, my/ yours, etc. so in the morning when he wants to brush his teeth like mommy does he says "brush your teeth". One morning when I was talking to him first thing in the morning he said, "brush your teeth" which was appropriate and hilarious. I don't know if he knew it.)
I Love you, Mommy (He often says this at night at bedtime but often randomly says it during the day. Wrapping his arms around me while I carried him the other day he looked at me and said it with absolute meaning!)
Next to you (Our bedtime routine involves me laying next to him for a few minutes while he winds down)
Picasso (He put his Potato Head together all silly and said this to me. Either he's watched too much Toy Story or he's a genius. Or both. In the first few scenes of the first movie, Mr. Potato Head arranges his parts all over the place and says "Hey look, I'm Picasso!" Nathan got it. Amazing!)
Car Insurance (This does not sound funny at all but when he suddenly blurts out "car insurance" at the dinner table, it is. It could be a jumble of sounds or too many car insurance commercials with Cars characters in it.)
Piggy says . . . (Then he makes the sound of the piggy, cow, doggie, motorcycle, thunder, school bus, truck - you get the picture.)
Where'd she go? (Tonight he asked where Darth Vader went while we were watching Star Wars and it went to a commercial. We met a little girl at the pool and she went to the other side with her mommy and he asked me where she went.)
The Winner: Dammit. (He copied Daddy at the dinner table who said it when he spilled his drink. Nathan purposefully knocked his own over and repeated after his father. He then did it again hours later with perfect delivery and timing. I'm so going to be the one getting called to the principal's office for cursing!)
The list goes on. I started this weeks ago and it now seems to outdated. It just goes to show how much he is growing and learning every day. It's such a fun stage and despite the sometimes very long days of trying to keep busy, it's my favorite kid stage so far.
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Playground
It's finally done. Yipeee! It took several weeks, one little hour at a time. In the humidity and heat. Ick! But it's done and Nathan is a big fan. Thanks Grandpa Truck and Babci for this very generous gift. And thanks to me for being a work horse and slave driver around here to get it done!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Strawberries, Summer Heat and Beer Fest
I was surprised no one was yelling at me to post pictures or update the blog lately. But it hasn't been that long. It just feels like it because we've been so busy this month. May has been a nice, long productive month. At the start, we went strawberry picking with our MOPS friends. It was a perfect day and I got some perfect pictures of Nathan. That week, Nathan and I started going to a little Tumbling Tots class run by Raleigh Parks & Recreation. There are tons of classes offered all the time and this one looked good - running around and bouncing the prerequisite? We're in! Nathan was very shy about it at first but warmed up with every week. Today is our last one. We'll have to pick something else in the coming months. It's nice to get him acquainted with other kids and having to listen to directions from someone other than me (yeah, like he listens). He's not really into 'circle time' yet but we're getting there.
That weekend we enjoyed a very full Saturday of yard sales and a street fair in Apex, as previously mentioned. The following week was full of playdates and a couple opportunities for me to get out on my own. Yay for me - I need more of those.
Last weekend we hosted the Beer Fest. I say 'the' beer fest because it's become a 'thing' with our group of friends. Instead of going to the ones that Raleigh and Durham have (which can be expensive and don't allow kids to run around) we had people here. Everyone brought a different type of beer, Leo got a million little cups to sample with and all our friends helped with food. It was a long day (2p to about midnight!) but we had a great time, once again ending the night with a little bonfire in the back yard.
During the week, Nathan and I joined our MOPS friends once again for another outing, this time to the NC Zoo. It's about an hour and a half from here but not bad when you have good company. We carpooled out there with friends and had a really nice time. It was hot as hell but seeing all those animals up close was pretty neat and worth being a little uncomfortable. I wonder how much Nathan really gets it - seeing real elephants and giraffes and monkeys. Either way, I was impressed by it and he had a good time running around with the other kids. We were both beat that night and even the day after.
But we still went to the pool in our neighborhood the next day. It's been hot all week and I think we picked the best day to swim. Nathan is really good about putting his swim vest on and staying close by. He loves the water, cold or not. I can dunk him no problem and he's kicking and learning to keep himself afloat. We didn't go much last year, but I think this summer we will be at the pool several days a week.
Between all of this activity we have been slowly constructing the playset. Grandpa Truck and Babci were kind enough to get one for Nathan for the backyard. Yipee! Well, kinda yipee. It came in a million pieces with two million screws. We had a standing structure in no time but it's coming together so slowly it feels like completion is a long way off. I make my way through the pieces though, one tiny step at a time. I'm hoping by the end of the month it will be complete. I think we have to unload Nathan for a day though - he's very fond of 'helping'. When it's all done and Nathan has something that swings, slides and occupies his time you will see a real yipee and yahoo!
Yesterday we did what we did at the start of the month, strawberry picking once again. We got way less berries and the kids had a little less fun - this heat is killer and it's only spring! But the farm has cows and goats and room for running around under the trees. Our fridge is filled with berries, watermelon and other goodies from the farm. Summer is around the corner and it feels like it in every way - the weather, food and activities. I think we're in for a fun few months ahead.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to all my mommies and mommy friends. I know so many more mommies now that I am one, and I'm so grateful for that. There are so many great ones to know. But I won't go all sappy here, go to facebook if you want that.
It's been a nice Mothers Day so far. It kinda started yesterday when Mom and Ed tool Nathan for the rest of the afternoon and overnight. Leo and I drove home from Apex where we met up to enjoy Peak Fest (a great event if you live locally - go next year!), we decided on the fly what to do with the rest of the day. It was fun to think up things knowing we could do and all of it since Nathan was with his grandparents. Yipee! Of course we only had a few hours, not a few days. (Aahhh...there could be so much to do without a kid for several days!) So we took an impromptu trip to a local brewery for a quick beer (I love you Shotgun Betty) and then out for an early dinner. The rest of the night was not so adventurous but very relaxing as we got to actually sit without getting up every other minute for more milk or to clean up spilled milk.
This morning I got up early (but at my our leisure and not to the sound of a little boy banging on the door) and read a bit. Leo is making breakfast as we speak and I have a few more hours of quiet time before Nathan comes home. The silence is nice. But being with my boy later today be a wonderful gift today too. Can't wait to hug him.
It's been a nice Mothers Day so far. It kinda started yesterday when Mom and Ed tool Nathan for the rest of the afternoon and overnight. Leo and I drove home from Apex where we met up to enjoy Peak Fest (a great event if you live locally - go next year!), we decided on the fly what to do with the rest of the day. It was fun to think up things knowing we could do and all of it since Nathan was with his grandparents. Yipee! Of course we only had a few hours, not a few days. (Aahhh...there could be so much to do without a kid for several days!) So we took an impromptu trip to a local brewery for a quick beer (I love you Shotgun Betty) and then out for an early dinner. The rest of the night was not so adventurous but very relaxing as we got to actually sit without getting up every other minute for more milk or to clean up spilled milk.
This morning I got up early (but at my our leisure and not to the sound of a little boy banging on the door) and read a bit. Leo is making breakfast as we speak and I have a few more hours of quiet time before Nathan comes home. The silence is nice. But being with my boy later today be a wonderful gift today too. Can't wait to hug him.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Yes I do, Mama
The cutest Nathanism going right now is his new answer when I ask him a question. "Would you like some milk, Nathan?" "Yes I do, Mama." O.M.G. Can he get cuter? He even says it to Leo, but we are trying to guide him towards saying "Daddy" appropriately as well.
He is getting very independent these days. Faster than I ever imagined. Nathan has been able to open the fridge for a while (last year he had lots of practice with the freezer side when he was obsessed with ice pops) but now he opens the fridge and reaches for anything he pleases. Leo caught him climbing inside the fridge towards the top, to the milk. I don't know what he would have done if he actually got to the milk. I'm sure it was have involved lots of bad words and sticky floors. Other than the fridge though, he helps himself to "snacks" in the pantry. He has reached in to get the bag of goldfish crackers, run over to the Tupperware cabinet for a bowl, then poured himself some fishies into it. All on his own. He spoons yogurt and cottage cheese (a couple favorites) into his mouth reasonably neatly and even navigates around couscous rather well, considering it can be a rather messy food for a toddler.
He is getting to be a big boy in other arenas too. We went out last night and had our neighbor Kate come watch Nathan for the evening. When we came home, she said he went to bed around 9:10p (they must have worn him out!) and he wanted to sleep in his new blue bedroom. He slept there the whole night! It was his first time. We were very proud. Although I didn't sleep well because I was worried he would wake up confused since he hadn't slept there before. He let out a yelp in the morning but I found him sitting in one of his little chairs waiting to be collected. At nap today I tried to put him in there again to get him used to this transition (to see if it would actually stick) and he would only settle in his regular old room. Which was fine but I found him sitting in the glider in there sleeping. What a cutie, sitting in that big old chair cuddled with his monkey. The kid cracks me up everyday.
He does have some other not so fun tendencies though. In line with his two year old ways, he often thinks the world revolves around him and what he says goes. Yeah, goes out the window if you ask me. He uses "no" quite regularly and makes sure you heard him. When he wants something he asks incessantly and when doesn't want to do or go where you want it's a little piece of hell. We went to Lowe's the other day and he was a maniac. I swear we were so close to leaving him there to run the aisles and find a new family to take him home. Yet, he can get cute as quickly as he can get ugly. I have been trying to master this balance and am forced to practice it nightly when it's time for bed. He kicks and screams until I distract him with a few rounds of "ABC" or itsy bitsy spider. (He says the alphabet like this, btw: "W, X, T, U, V, W, X, T, U, V .. ..")
His newest obsession, the movie Cars. I was never a fan personally but I guess it really is the quintessential boy movie. He is crazy over it and wants to watch it all day long. ("Watchin' Cars!" he says.) It was on the other day and I ran to record it on TiVo last week on the off chance he might enjoy it. Let's just say, Woody and Buzz get a little jealous but I'm sure they will always be his special pals regardless. In fact, right now he is running between the bedroom where the TiVo is and the living room where Leo is watching the Simpsons (Yes, he loves that too. I know - not the most kid friendly but these things happen). "Nathan do you want to watch TV with me?" "Yes I do, Mama."
He is getting very independent these days. Faster than I ever imagined. Nathan has been able to open the fridge for a while (last year he had lots of practice with the freezer side when he was obsessed with ice pops) but now he opens the fridge and reaches for anything he pleases. Leo caught him climbing inside the fridge towards the top, to the milk. I don't know what he would have done if he actually got to the milk. I'm sure it was have involved lots of bad words and sticky floors. Other than the fridge though, he helps himself to "snacks" in the pantry. He has reached in to get the bag of goldfish crackers, run over to the Tupperware cabinet for a bowl, then poured himself some fishies into it. All on his own. He spoons yogurt and cottage cheese (a couple favorites) into his mouth reasonably neatly and even navigates around couscous rather well, considering it can be a rather messy food for a toddler.
He is getting to be a big boy in other arenas too. We went out last night and had our neighbor Kate come watch Nathan for the evening. When we came home, she said he went to bed around 9:10p (they must have worn him out!) and he wanted to sleep in his new blue bedroom. He slept there the whole night! It was his first time. We were very proud. Although I didn't sleep well because I was worried he would wake up confused since he hadn't slept there before. He let out a yelp in the morning but I found him sitting in one of his little chairs waiting to be collected. At nap today I tried to put him in there again to get him used to this transition (to see if it would actually stick) and he would only settle in his regular old room. Which was fine but I found him sitting in the glider in there sleeping. What a cutie, sitting in that big old chair cuddled with his monkey. The kid cracks me up everyday.
He does have some other not so fun tendencies though. In line with his two year old ways, he often thinks the world revolves around him and what he says goes. Yeah, goes out the window if you ask me. He uses "no" quite regularly and makes sure you heard him. When he wants something he asks incessantly and when doesn't want to do or go where you want it's a little piece of hell. We went to Lowe's the other day and he was a maniac. I swear we were so close to leaving him there to run the aisles and find a new family to take him home. Yet, he can get cute as quickly as he can get ugly. I have been trying to master this balance and am forced to practice it nightly when it's time for bed. He kicks and screams until I distract him with a few rounds of "ABC" or itsy bitsy spider. (He says the alphabet like this, btw: "W, X, T, U, V, W, X, T, U, V .. ..")
His newest obsession, the movie Cars. I was never a fan personally but I guess it really is the quintessential boy movie. He is crazy over it and wants to watch it all day long. ("Watchin' Cars!" he says.) It was on the other day and I ran to record it on TiVo last week on the off chance he might enjoy it. Let's just say, Woody and Buzz get a little jealous but I'm sure they will always be his special pals regardless. In fact, right now he is running between the bedroom where the TiVo is and the living room where Leo is watching the Simpsons (Yes, he loves that too. I know - not the most kid friendly but these things happen). "Nathan do you want to watch TV with me?" "Yes I do, Mama."
Saturday, April 9, 2011
So our first toddler birthday party went off quite well. You have never seen two hours fly by so fast! The kids were happy, the parents were happy, and most importantly, the birthday boy was happy. Although he does sometimes get overwhelmed by lots of people, Nathan does like to play with other kids. And he certainly likes to open gifts.That went by in a flash of gift bags and tissue paper. The result = 3 Mr. Potato Heads, Jesse, another Woody, backpack, Buzz bowling game, PJ's, clothes, and a toy story blanket among other things. Since Toy Story was the theme of the day, there was lots of that around. The first few days, Nathan was all about bringing every character he had into bed with him. Thankfully that fad faded quickly. It's just about Nathan and his monkey now, and an occasional Elmo.
Last weekend we went to Annapolis for cousin Jill's wedding. What a blast! Unfortunately, Nathan caught some nasty little bug that made him miserable a few days after his birthday party (it's bound to happen with 12 other baby/ toddler noses around) and his sickness lasted into the weekend. But there was no stopping us from attending this party so off we went.
Ten minutes from the house on our way to MD, Nathan said "monkey". I knew instantly that in the rush to hit the road, monkey was left behind. Although Leo was very against making the round trip back, the mother in me couldn't help but go back home to get him. (Seriously, my heart hurt when I heard my sick little boy looking for his best buddy) It was added minutes to the trip but it saved us a couple days of whining, at least whining about monkey. Nathan's mood in general was pretty sour since he really didn't feel good. his fever continued and he was docile compared to his usual energetic nature. He snapped out of it a few days later but the weekend was rough for him.
Thankfully, Pop Pop and Jo Jo came down to Annapolis as well to help with the kids. They took Lily and Nathan and marched the streets of Annapolis over and over all day Saturday. Despite the sickness, they all had a great time. We couldn't have done it without them!
As for the wedding. It was so great for everyone to have time to hang out. Mom and Ed, Greg and Danielle, Tim and Jen were already in town when we got there. (You know, since the monkey adventure slowed us a bit). We had dinner in downtown Annapolis where Aunt Carol and Cousin Kathy from AZ joined us. Afterwards, we went back to our hotel to enjoy a much beloved game of the Kepler Kids - Kings. I used to think we would never have anymore fun when we had kids. We still do and the kids are right there alongside us watching their parents/ aunts/ uncles carry on like kids themselves. I hope we can continue the shenanigans for years to come. It's just too fun.
Saturday, we Kepler Kids borrowed Dad's van to take a short trip to a local brewery. It was Leo's idea and a good one for something different. It was timed perfectly with the wedding commencing at 3pm. We had just enough time for morning silliness. (TJ falling off the bench in the rear of the van is and will be a highlight. Dude, that was hilarious.)
The wedding was beautiful. I really couldn't believe one of my younger cousins was up there in that big white dress getting hitched. (I'm old) When the crowd cheered at the end of the ceremony we all knew it was going to be a really fun night. Jill and Greg's Marine friends sent them off by drawing their swords (so cool) and the fun times were on their way.
The wedding was at a Westin which was absolutely amazing. Contemporary and chic. Loved it! The food was simple, the drinks were flowing and eventually, the music was bumping too. We had to coax the DJ to kick it up a notch but once he did we were all 'jumpin around' on the dance floor. It was a familiar Garrison scene. When we returned to the hotel after the after party, we found the TV on, lights out and Joanne and Nathan snuggled in bed. What a sight. He did well (with some Benedryl) and it seems both kids and grandparents had as much fun as we did.
Sunday morning was a little rough but the brunch hosted by Aunt Mary and Uncle Lee was a nice way to end the weekend. We said our goodbyes and got on the road by noon. It felt like the party was still going on though - Dad and Joanne would be joining us later that night down in Raleigh. Yay for visitors!
The time together in NC was really nice, as it always is. We really just hung around and enjoyed the 83 degrees on Monday (and the strange 58 degrees on Tuesday). They bought us some beautiful roses for our anniversary to put in the backyard (which the deer promptly ate the night after I put them in the ground. But that's another story. I'm too mad to talk about it). Then they were off to Florida to see Aunt Ruth and Nanni. Nathan is still asking for Pop Pop and Jo Jo.
Carol and Kathy came down to NC too for some other family visiting and Thursday Logan was here to play for a few hours. Nathan loved playing with his cousin since it had been so long and even asked the next day "Logan go?"
We are happy for a bit of a slow down now. And now that we are home back in our natural habitat, with a healthy kid again, we are odserving in all the changes that are taking place with our two-year-old. He is putting words together at lighting speed and comes up with a new way to make us laugh everyday.Stay tuned for the Trend version of "Kids Say the Darnedest Things." I'm sure he will come up with many a doozy to make us giggle. Right now we are enjoying the way he enthusiastically says "I Love You!"
Last weekend we went to Annapolis for cousin Jill's wedding. What a blast! Unfortunately, Nathan caught some nasty little bug that made him miserable a few days after his birthday party (it's bound to happen with 12 other baby/ toddler noses around) and his sickness lasted into the weekend. But there was no stopping us from attending this party so off we went.
Ten minutes from the house on our way to MD, Nathan said "monkey". I knew instantly that in the rush to hit the road, monkey was left behind. Although Leo was very against making the round trip back, the mother in me couldn't help but go back home to get him. (Seriously, my heart hurt when I heard my sick little boy looking for his best buddy) It was added minutes to the trip but it saved us a couple days of whining, at least whining about monkey. Nathan's mood in general was pretty sour since he really didn't feel good. his fever continued and he was docile compared to his usual energetic nature. He snapped out of it a few days later but the weekend was rough for him.
Thankfully, Pop Pop and Jo Jo came down to Annapolis as well to help with the kids. They took Lily and Nathan and marched the streets of Annapolis over and over all day Saturday. Despite the sickness, they all had a great time. We couldn't have done it without them!
As for the wedding. It was so great for everyone to have time to hang out. Mom and Ed, Greg and Danielle, Tim and Jen were already in town when we got there. (You know, since the monkey adventure slowed us a bit). We had dinner in downtown Annapolis where Aunt Carol and Cousin Kathy from AZ joined us. Afterwards, we went back to our hotel to enjoy a much beloved game of the Kepler Kids - Kings. I used to think we would never have anymore fun when we had kids. We still do and the kids are right there alongside us watching their parents/ aunts/ uncles carry on like kids themselves. I hope we can continue the shenanigans for years to come. It's just too fun.
Saturday, we Kepler Kids borrowed Dad's van to take a short trip to a local brewery. It was Leo's idea and a good one for something different. It was timed perfectly with the wedding commencing at 3pm. We had just enough time for morning silliness. (TJ falling off the bench in the rear of the van is and will be a highlight. Dude, that was hilarious.)
The wedding was beautiful. I really couldn't believe one of my younger cousins was up there in that big white dress getting hitched. (I'm old) When the crowd cheered at the end of the ceremony we all knew it was going to be a really fun night. Jill and Greg's Marine friends sent them off by drawing their swords (so cool) and the fun times were on their way.
The wedding was at a Westin which was absolutely amazing. Contemporary and chic. Loved it! The food was simple, the drinks were flowing and eventually, the music was bumping too. We had to coax the DJ to kick it up a notch but once he did we were all 'jumpin around' on the dance floor. It was a familiar Garrison scene. When we returned to the hotel after the after party, we found the TV on, lights out and Joanne and Nathan snuggled in bed. What a sight. He did well (with some Benedryl) and it seems both kids and grandparents had as much fun as we did.
Sunday morning was a little rough but the brunch hosted by Aunt Mary and Uncle Lee was a nice way to end the weekend. We said our goodbyes and got on the road by noon. It felt like the party was still going on though - Dad and Joanne would be joining us later that night down in Raleigh. Yay for visitors!
The time together in NC was really nice, as it always is. We really just hung around and enjoyed the 83 degrees on Monday (and the strange 58 degrees on Tuesday). They bought us some beautiful roses for our anniversary to put in the backyard (which the deer promptly ate the night after I put them in the ground. But that's another story. I'm too mad to talk about it). Then they were off to Florida to see Aunt Ruth and Nanni. Nathan is still asking for Pop Pop and Jo Jo.
Carol and Kathy came down to NC too for some other family visiting and Thursday Logan was here to play for a few hours. Nathan loved playing with his cousin since it had been so long and even asked the next day "Logan go?"
We are happy for a bit of a slow down now. And now that we are home back in our natural habitat, with a healthy kid again, we are odserving in all the changes that are taking place with our two-year-old. He is putting words together at lighting speed and comes up with a new way to make us laugh everyday.Stay tuned for the Trend version of "Kids Say the Darnedest Things." I'm sure he will come up with many a doozy to make us giggle. Right now we are enjoying the way he enthusiastically says "I Love You!"
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Birthday Wishes & Free Ice Cream
How can it be that two years have gone by?! Our baby is a becoming a little man. What an amazing miracle to watch grow before me every day! To show off his two-year-oldness he tried to diaper his monkey and sit him on the potty this morning. Oh what an interesting year it will be.
We are looking forward to celebrating his birthday this weekend with some family and friends. We actually have quite a crowd coming, which includes LOTS of little kids. Yikes. I'm hoping we will have enough fun, food, space and toys to keep everyone happy. Better get more beer for the adults. . .
McDonalds wanted to celebrate Nathan's actual birthday though. We went to get some lunch on the way back from the dr's (nice, huh?) and at the window the woman offered us an ice cream sundae. For Free! I don't know if it was an extra, an all day freebie everyone is entitled to or just a lucky birthday surprise, but the three of us enjoyed the sweet afternoon treat. (We need it on a hot spring day like today. Sorry NY'ers with your 3" of snow. We've got shorts and T's on! And my peonies are growing!)
This afternoon we expect a box from Amazon containing some surprise gifts for the birthday boy. I think he's really going to like what's in store for him!
We are looking forward to celebrating his birthday this weekend with some family and friends. We actually have quite a crowd coming, which includes LOTS of little kids. Yikes. I'm hoping we will have enough fun, food, space and toys to keep everyone happy. Better get more beer for the adults. . .
McDonalds wanted to celebrate Nathan's actual birthday though. We went to get some lunch on the way back from the dr's (nice, huh?) and at the window the woman offered us an ice cream sundae. For Free! I don't know if it was an extra, an all day freebie everyone is entitled to or just a lucky birthday surprise, but the three of us enjoyed the sweet afternoon treat. (We need it on a hot spring day like today. Sorry NY'ers with your 3" of snow. We've got shorts and T's on! And my peonies are growing!)
This afternoon we expect a box from Amazon containing some surprise gifts for the birthday boy. I think he's really going to like what's in store for him!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Vegas in Review
When you go away part of the experience (for me at least) is the weather wherever you are going. The weather in Vegas was pretty much the same there as it was here. That's not bad, it just wasn't different. And it's usually hot there. It was not. I missed out on pool time since we didn't have the sweltering heat that is the norm.
The first thing we did after checking in was take a walk down the strip. There were many new buildings to see, namely City Center. We walked past it all to go to a particular favorite restaurant at the Monte Carlo. The end of that long walk did not result in lunch at our fav spot though. The place changed and we had to settle for a random cafe and free margaritas (we waited forever for our meal. We were starving and unhappy. Tequila has a way of making all things better.) I did win $9 here on slots! Later that evening, our friends Dena and Kent arrived and the party began. We went to the "kick off" party for the convention we were there for (Bar Owners Something or Other). We went to a big ball room where passed or devours and free drinks were flowing. That's how the rest of the trip went for the most part. Lots 'o booze!
We enjoyed our favorite haunts on the strip and managed to stay up until 2am or so. I have no idea how this happens but it's really amazing how we were up this late (5am Eastern Time!) with no problem. But sleeping in was not a success for any of us being on East Coast time still and having kids that basically ruin any ability to sleep late ever again. Booo. But we had much to look forward to. We met for breakfast then headed over to the convention center.
As I said, there was a lot of drink. The whole place was vendors with liquor samples, bar ware, glowing items for your bar, and even a beer garden for Leo, who was in heaven. Being the master brewer at home he picked the brains of the other brewers there and had a great time trying everything out. We all managed to swipe some cool glowy things for the kids - ice cubes with blinking lights, light up straws (or light sabers as we knew they would become) and flashing necklaces. We walked, sampled, walked and sampled. The following day was much of the same. We saw a guy who Dena thought was some rocker from the 80's but he turned out to be a different, less famous rocker, than we thought. No matter, we got pictures with him as well as the painted girls who were quite literally only wearing paint. Hey, it's Vegas. What do you expect?!
The cooooolest part happened by complete chance. Walking around at the start of the first day, Leo ran into an old friend from college, Artie. Artie is a co-publisher of a big magazine and his industry brings him to these events all the time. And he has great connections. Which means we suddenly did too. Artie invited us to his suite at the new building of Planet Hollywood, which was sponsored by Bacardi. We didn't even really know what the heck that meant, but it sounded like fun. So later that night, all dressed up and ready for the Vegas evening, we made it over to the 50th floor penthouse. Woooohoooo! This place was pretty cool. A full kitchen, projector TV, amazing bathroom, bedroom, etc. And the VIEW! He had a 270 view of the strip from way up there. It was awesome! We enjoyed cocktails and company for a while before venturing out again. Thanks Artie!
At that point we split up. We ended up playing slots for a while and just enjoying the night, stopping on the way to watch the Bellagio fountains of course. That's my favorite.
The trip did go fast. But it was a good one. Having a little boy at home waiting for you changes things. I really wanted to get home and hug him! Also, living the Vegas lifestyle, even for a few days, is tiring! Not to mention horrendous for your health. So I was ready to call it quits and get back to the real world. Had there been some pool time though I may have been convinced to stay a day longer . . . ; )
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