Nathan is getting adventurous with food. Ok, WE are getting adventurous with what edible objects we put in his hands. He had a cheerio the other day (mostly to see if he could pick it up himself yet. Not quite.). Today we let him have at it with a pancake. Yes, a pancake. It was pretty funny. Then at dinner I let him suck on a french fry. I think he li

Physically, Nathan has been making lots of changes. He's so strong! And quick! And sneaky! He is often facing a different direction than when I left him seconds before and is even doing a bit of an army crawl now and then. The other day we had him sitting on the floor next to the coffee table - did I mention he can sit up now?! - and he got a hold of the bars on the side. He grabbed hold, planted his feet and lifted up! He nearly stood up for a second or two all on his own! We couldn't believe our eyes. We're trying to get it on camera if he does it again - you won't believe it either.
He talks a bunch too. He will pick a new sound and that will be his "trick" for the day. The other day he was doing "ba, ba, ba" in the morning, a little "da, da, da" then graduated to "ma, ma, ma". No, it doesn't count as first words just yet. We're saving that milestone for when he actually looks at one of us and says it. He got creative that day though and we both heard "ooo, baaaa, maaaa". I'm not saying he's so smart he knows who the president is, I'm just saying, that's what it sounded like.
What else. Is there anything else? It's all baby, all the time around here. I did have an Uppercase Living party last night which was fun to get out and do again. Daddy and Nathan spent some QT together, Skying, playing and listening to music (Nate loves the dance parties we have at night). And next week Nonni will be here for a visit as well. It's been too long since she's seen Nathan! Oh yes, and Aunt Dot and Uncle Rich got to meet Nathan a week or so ago when they came thru NC overnight. So fun for everyone to finally meet him!
Tomorrow we are looking at a relaxed day around the house for the most part. Oh, and football. Can't forget about football.
1 comment:
And I must say that Nonni is VERY MUCH looking foward to seeing y'all tomorrow!!! Poppi is sorry he can't come too....but he has to be the "Daddy" and earn the $$$$$
Sorry, Poppi ;o]
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