Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mama Mia

I know Nathan doesn't know what he is saying but I love that he says "ma ma" all day long. It's adorable. I keep looking at him when he says it and say, "Yes?" I'm hoping he catches on that he is talking to me so he can say it with meaning sooner than later. Daddy may be a little jealous but he did let out a "da da" a few times too.

So our little man is six months. We went to the dr's on Tuesday. He is 17 lbs, 4 oz and 27" long. He is doing well and, according to the doc, doing very well with his motor skills. He showed off by sitting up on the table most of the time. He was really good most of the time, until the dr opened his diaper to check things downstairs. Nathan kinda looked at him as if to say, "What the? Hello - that makes me uncomfortable." (If you think of Family Guy's Stewies' voice it's even funnier) Nate also got his regular shots plus a flu shot. It was awful to see him slowly realize what was happening when the sting registered halfway through. He watched the nurse, felt the pain, opened his mouth, held his breath, turned red then let out his cry. Oh the poor thing. He really doesn't cry much (other than when it's time to sleep) so to see such tears hurts us too. We have to go back for more soon to finish with the flu stuff. But he recovers quickly so I'm not too worried about it.

On Monday we went to one of the many parks in Raleigh for a short visit with Cousin Logan. Pullen Park has playgrounds, a carousel and a mini train that rides around the area. It will be much more fun when the boys are bigger and can enjoy the big boy toys! But that didn't stop us for putting them in the swings for a little ride.

Tomorrow Leo and I have an adult night planned with some friends in Durham. Gigi and Grandpa Ed can't wait to babysit. This weekend I plan to get out all the Autumn decorations and make this place feel cozy. So what if it will still feel like summer for a while - that's NC for you.

And here is the monthly pic . . .

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The News

So what's new? That's always the question. I'm glad I have an outlet here to talk about what's new with us, because it's almost always about Nathan and my friends can probably only take so much of baby talk! So I'll spill it here . . .

Nathan is getting adventurous with food. Ok, WE are getting adventurous with what edible objects we put in his hands. He had a cheerio the other day (mostly to see if he could pick it up himself yet. Not quite.). Today we let him have at it with a pancake. Yes, a pancake. It was pretty funny. Then at dinner I let him suck on a french fry. I think he liked it. I know he liked the mashed potatoes we gave him last week. What else . . . the usual otherwise. Avocado, peas, sweet potatoes, bananas and apple. Oh and grapes. He's a big fan. I've tried a sippy cup with him, which he can certainly hold, but doesn't get the whole holding-it-up-and-let-gravity-do-the-work-thing. But he likes new things and it's fun to watch him discover new things. Just tonight we went to a store where they have a HUGE selection of used stuff for kids. There's more clothes than anything (all in good condition and cheap) and some toys. We had to get Nathan a couple little things. How could we not? We had a fun time looking around at stuff to come back for.

Physically, Nathan has been making lots of changes. He's so strong! And quick! And sneaky! He is often facing a different direction than when I left him seconds before and is even doing a bit of an army crawl now and then. The other day we had him sitting on the floor next to the coffee table - did I mention he can sit up now?! - and he got a hold of the bars on the side. He grabbed hold, planted his feet and lifted up! He nearly stood up for a second or two all on his own! We couldn't believe our eyes. We're trying to get it on camera if he does it again - you won't believe it either.

He talks a bunch too. He will pick a new sound and that will be his "trick" for the day. The other day he was doing "ba, ba, ba" in the morning, a little "da, da, da" then graduated to "ma, ma, ma". No, it doesn't count as first words just yet. We're saving that milestone for when he actually looks at one of us and says it. He got creative that day though and we both heard "ooo, baaaa, maaaa". I'm not saying he's so smart he knows who the president is, I'm just saying, that's what it sounded like.

What else. Is there anything else? It's all baby, all the time around here. I did have an Uppercase Living party last night which was fun to get out and do again. Daddy and Nathan spent some QT together, Skying, playing and listening to music (Nate loves the dance parties we have at night). And next week Nonni will be here for a visit as well. It's been too long since she's seen Nathan! Oh yes, and Aunt Dot and Uncle Rich got to meet Nathan a week or so ago when they came thru NC overnight. So fun for everyone to finally meet him!

Tomorrow we are looking at a relaxed day around the house for the most part. Oh, and football. Can't forget about football.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Can you tell?

It's football season!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exerpt From a Parenting Rules Book that doesn't exist but should

# 72 Never let your kid bounce aggressively and for pro-longed amounts of time in his jumparoo if he is due to poo. And if he is jumping and you hear the tell tale signs or the see the expressive face that lets you know he is “deep in thought”, pick him up and run - not walk - to an easy to clean surface or just straight to the tub.

#73 Always have a good carpet cleaner on hand.

#74 Always have a good clothes stain remover on hand.

#75 Always have a good laundry detergent on hand.

#76 Take stock in said carpet cleaner, stain remover and laundry detergent companies. This is the only possible way you may ever be paid for these janitorial efforts.

#77 Know how to remove poopie stains and don’t let it wait until “later” to get them out. There is no later. It’s now or another trashed outfit.

#78 Always put pants on your child. Period.

#79 Don't be surprised if said pants do nothing other than act as a funnel for you know what.

#80 Don't expect that new favorite outfit to stay new and fresh long. Take a picture FIRST thing. Savor the first few minutes of cleanliness and move on. Do not, under any circumstances, become attached. You will be disappointed.

#81 Not only should you know how to put your childs toys together. Make sure you know how to take them apart too. You will need this knowledge when you have to take it apart to clean the various liquids your kid is sure to expel.

#82 Don't dwell on the disgusting, smelly, time-consuming accidents that are sure to plague you when least expected and most inconvenient. Kiss that messy little booger and go on with your day. There will be another adventure around the corner you will need your energy for.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Happy September. This month brings the start of many birthdays in a row. My Grandma (Garrison) turned 95 yesterday. How cool is that? Unfortunately she had to spend it in the hospital but she had some of her kids with her to make the day special. Leo's Grandma celebrated 80 years yesterday as well. Happy Birthday Mombo! (Did you know - our paternal grandma's share a birthday as well. What are the chance of that?) Today is Uncle Timmy's birthday. You're catching up to me Old Man!

In much less happy news, a friend of ours down here just passed. Jennifer Andrews was our Realtor and friend since she helped us find our house three years ago. She came to one of our New Years parties, we went to a hockey game with her family and thier neighborhood block party. She was even at our wedding. We knew she was sick but seemed to make a bit of a come back a few months back when we got a letter from her letting her clients know she would be reaching out and getting back on her feet. Other friends who saw her more frequently called to tell us the news. She had heart problems which later led to liver and kidney issues. Unfortunately she suffered. She was only 36. I am most sad for her family and her 7 year old son. Leo and I will be going to her funeral on Friday. It is so awful, yet I am so glad to have known her. So give your families extras hugs today.

Thankfully the weather has turned and it's been an amazing few days of 80 degrees (or less), no humidity and wonderful breezes. My kind of weather.

Not much else. Just growing and playing over here as usual. Mr. Nathan is on to Sweet Potatoes and frozen grapes in this little teething thing he can suck on without choking. He is currently on his belly half having fun, half complaining. When he figures out crawling, which I swear is mere weeks away, I am in so much trouble. He sees things and wants them. NOW! Even in his bouncy seat he sits forward and nearly tips himself out because he wants to be on the move. Oh boy . . .