We are back! Nathan and I got back Monday afternoon actually. But Tuesday didn't count for me. I was so exhausted I felt like a blob and didn't do anything productive. But now I am getting caught up.
Our trip to NY went great. I was getting nervous as we got close to travel time but as long there is food readily available and I am able to move/ rock to some degree all is good in the world. Nathan and I hung out in the airport no problem and he slept on the way up into the air. When he woke he was fine - I was afraid he would freak out if his ears hadn't popped. But he was fine. He fussed a bit, had a bottle and went back to sleep. The way back I ended up having a whole row by myself so I was able to nurse during takeoff, after which he slept and stayed sleeping for pretty much the entire time. I read a book! Yes - a book! It was great!
When we got to NY we were greeted at the airport by Grandma Jo(anne) and Uncle Matt. It was Matt's first time meeting Nathan. They were both very excited. When we arrived in Valley Cottage we took a walk before the sun set at Rockland Lake. It was so nice to be there - at "home" - getting fresh air. Pop met us there for the walk too. Nathan enjoyed a nap as usual. We had a delicious dinner at Dad's then went to the mall for some shopping while Dad went back to the airport for another pickup. Aunt Denice and Uncle Glenn came in from Colorado for a family wedding on Saturday. They stayed at Dad's too for a packed house and lots of arms to love and hold Nate.
That night was a rough one in terms of sleep - a new place to get used to I'm guessing - but we managed to get out in one piece to visit Grandpa Truck. Babci and neighbor Faye were there as well. We enjoyed a visit and NY pizza. Yummy!
Friday afternoon we got back in time to visit with the Aunts. Aunt Ruth, Aunt Denice, Joanne, Matt, Nathan and I headed into Nyack for some shopping. There is a great little stained glass shop that will soon be going out of business so we had to go check it out for the sales. We also hit a couple other places while we were there. It was a wonderful day and it's my favorite thing to do, being in Nyack. An afternoon well-spent. That night we went to Agnello's in New City for some more pizza. Yes, again. You can't get enough when you usually have to settle for second-rate stuff most of the time. Nathan did pretty good in the restaurant for a while but when it came time for us to eat he was ready for a little freak out. He knows when it's time for me to eat. That's when he likes to make his presence known in case I forgot. This is one of the first few times he has done his new trick - screamig, crying and being generally uphappy until he tires himself out and sleeps. He's been doing this rather consistenly lately and even though Aunt Denice had a knack for calming him otherwise, this time only Mommy would do.
Saturday the people in the house were crazy getting ready to go to a family wedding. (Congrats Dan and Lara!) We hadn't planned to go and I didn't know the policy on kids and stuff so Nate and I hung out. We made a few trips out in the world before settling down for a few hours to relax. I needed it after our errands. I forgot how crowded, fast paced and . . . rude the north can be. What a jerk huh? Can't help it. I'm so spoiled by the pace here and the good-nature people always show. I love it!
Saturday evening Nathan and I went to friend Suzi's. We saw her son Jake too. It was fun to see them again and get a taste of what it will be like when my own guy is his age. At six, the two of them are buddies. They laugh, talk, joke and have a good time. Amazing how much we have to look forward to as Nate becomes a little adult.
By mid-weekend we were sleeping better (it helped that Pop took Nathan one morniong at 4am so I could get a few hours uninterupted!). Good thing we slept better since the house was about to be filled with family and friends for Joey's graduation party. Many got to meet Nathan for the very first time. He loved the attention and he was loved by many arms all day long. He snoozed on and off in the lap of many ladies. I got a break and many got a nice little dose of baby. People where thanking ME for being able to cuddle with him for a little while. It reminds me yet again of how fleeting this time is when he is so young. It's so short in comparison to the time they will grow up and be independent people who don't need their mommies!
We were pooped Sunday night. Monday was not much better. As mentioned, it was tired and I was pretty wiped out from the trip. But it was well worth it and I'm very happy we made the trip up. If I can travel with an infant on a plane I can do anything . . . except travel on a plane with two.
See pictures at our Picasa Web Site . . . http://picasaweb.google.com/JenTrend/