Nighttime is a challenge since he does most of his sleeping during the day and wants to plat at night. But we're working on that. They say you can't spoil a baby but we can't help but think he is spoiled when he gets to sleep in mom and dad's bed every night. I swore I would never do this,

Yesterday was our Two Year Anniversary. Wow! Who woulda' thunk it 2 years ago! My mom offered to watch our little pumpkin while Leo and I went out to dinner - our first time out together without Nate. I got the ok from MY doctor to take a bath and as soon as I got this official green light I had the water running, the wine poured and the bath salts out. OMG! It was awesome! I felt a little bad about taking so much time in there and then getting ready to go out. Well, maybe not that bad. It felt GOOD!
Mom & Ed came over to watch Nathan and out we went. No sooner that the garage door closed behind me and I felt the tears come. Leo looked at me and said he wondered if it would come to this. I really mean it - I never would have thought barely two hours out of the house (not 15 minutes away mind you) would make me such a sap. But cry I did as we drove to the restaurant.
We looked at each other over our pasta trying to decide if it was weird or not. Were we different? Did we miss him? Do we have other stuff to talk about? Amazing how much can change in a relationship because of a little one. Or not change in some ways. We are still Leo and Jen. Just plus one! Turns out we only talked about Nate 30% of the time and mostly because I would get all teary when we did. What the hell is happening to me?!?!
So tomorrow family will start their travels from NY to NC to be with us this weekend. Pop, Grandma Jo and Uncle Joey as well as Grandpa Leo/ Truck (?) and Babci. It will be nice to have family around for visits (and some breaks). We are going to have a small celebration/ blessing ceremony at the house with all (I think?) of the grandparents present on Saturday. What a special occasion - having everyone present at once!
So sorry, it looks like Nonni and Poppi will not be with you on Sat.; due to various reasons. I know you will take lots of pics. and maybe even a video? I hope it's a wonderful day! With Love-
Awwww... that's so cute, you're such a mommy! Wait till you tell teenage Nate you cried the first time you left him and he rolls his eyes at you.
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