The first of these days began last weekend. Saturday morning we enjoyed the company of Sharon, Kerri & Rob for breakfast. It was nice to have a big breakfast together and we plan to do another one this Friday when Sharon and Stan

Sunday was absolutely gorgeous and a perfect day for a Baby Shower! My friends here threw me a wonderful shower and I can't say enough about it. Friends Eleni and Mike volunteered their home and Heather and Kaitie helped in the planning, cooking and giving of the party. They did a fantastic job with everything from the invitations to the decorations, games, food, and fun. I could not have asked for a more perfect time. On top of that, everyone was so very generous. It was awesome to have my NC friends (and some family too!) all together. Where did all these friends come from?! I am so lucky! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us (even Leo stayed to enjoy the day with the ladies - the benefit of Daddyhood! I think he actually had fun).
Sunday afternoon we relaxed (or rather fell onto the couches exhausted) but enjoyed the open door weather the rest of the day.
Tuesday SIL Danielle flew down to NC from NY for a visit. Yipee! I kept her busy from the start since I had some work stuff to get through and errands to run. It has been so nice to have company (and help) while out and about. We were busy for hours, relaxed for only an hour and then we were out again going to a f

Wednesday we had another busy day of last minute shopping for baby necessities and then visiting Mom and Ed in Creedmoor. I helped her hang some Uppercase lettering in the house. They are very settled now since they have picures and things on the wall. It's as if they have lived there forever now!
And then it was Lost night. Yes, as Lost fans it is not uncommon to plan an entire day around that one exciting hour. It was a good episode.
Today . . . I don't know what's on tap for today. A walk in the sun, some food shopping, and I think I may actually cook dinner tonight. I've gotten a bit lazy about cooking lately. But I can't send Danielle home without a taste of my vodka sauce.
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