Let's see . . . Halloween itself was pretty uneventful. The kids came later than we expected but I'm sure since it was a Friday, they were allowed to stay up a bit later than a school night. Also we realized the doorbell is broken. Oops. We put up a sign, "please knock", but then I realized little kids probably can't read for the most part which is why they were whispering and peeking in the windows, looking at the candy sitting just on the other side of the door! My favorite costumes were the Target employee, the mini tootsie roll and the army uniform with the words "Major Flirt" on the shirt. Very cute.
Now that I think of it, Halloween was not uneventful for other family members. My mom made

Saturday was busy. I got a new car!!! We had been looking for a while and I finally decided, once a Honda girl, always a Honda girl. I really wanted a CRV. We saw one on-line that looked perfect!

Our time at the car place lasted longer than we thought. In the evening we had to rush to get ready for the evening festivities - halloween parties! As you know, Leo has this wonderful red hair that gets nice and thick as it gets long. He decided to use it to his advantage for the costume this year and I followed his lead for my own. You can see for yourself here . . . (click pic to see bigger)

We had a nice time out with friends. I was pretty much feeling tired all day so lasting until about 12:30 was a surprise but I did. And today that extra hour was great. At least for those who sleep. I was up switching stuff between the two cars getting ready to send my other one off to it's new owners. Now I'm thinking about our next road trip. I can't wait to go in our new car!

Those pictures dont do those costumes justice...you guys looked freakin awesome
OKAY I LOVED the TATTOO!!!! now you need another one for real!!! well; maybe not til Baby Trend is born.....But THEN YES!!!!????
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