One holiday down, one more celebration to go. Can you believe

2009 is days away? I'll no longer be saying I'll be a mommy next year but rather this year!!! We are ready. Well, Baby Trend of course is still cooking but when he is ready I will be too. It's hard work being the source of shelter and food for another human being! But the good news is I slept through the night - 2 nights in a row actually. Let's hope I can keep that up for a while. It doesn't mean I'm feeling completely refreshed though. The 3rd trimester sleepies are coming and I feel a need for a nap rather early in the day. The trick is to not sit too long in one place. So the house is pretty clean these days.
Christmas here was quiet as expected. We hung out around here watching movies and stuff. I have been enjoying reading while Leo has been doing some work too. It's great he can work AND be with me! I hated missing the holidays in NY but I spoke to most everyone on the phone. Leo and I even opened one gift each on Christmas

Eve since that's what we usually do with my Dad. It's a nice tradition, that little teaser, that I think we will continue. Our neighbors Kate and Todd invited us over for dinner Christmas evening. It was a last minute surprise we were happy to take them up on. I didn't plan to cook much anyway and we enjoy their company so it was perfect!
The day after Christmas we went down to Wilmington to visit Sharan and Stan. It had been too long since we made the trip! We had a great time with them as always. We brought the Wii with us and played some tennis, bowling and racing. Seriously, those Japanese are some smart people. Saturday we went to Southport and shopped around a bit. They have some very cute stores that I look forward to visiting again. It was right near the water and the sun peeked out while we were there. By the time we got back, he rain had begun. Just in time for Jen to take a nap before dinner. We went out f

or some Italian and vegged out for the night. It was a nice, relaxing time together.
Tomorrow we are off to friend Eleni & Mike's for some New Years fun. How I will stay awake until midnight I'm not sure. Maybe I will clean their house too. Haha. After that we have a few more days of leisure until Leo gets back to a regular work week and I . . . will take it one day at a time. I do have some networking and Arbonne appointments as well as the random lunch/ dinner plans with frien

ds to keep me sane. My friends here are thowing me another baby shower soon and I have more solid ideas for the baby's room I plan to execute soon. AND mom and Ed will soon be permanent NC residents. AND Leo's sister Kerri is expecting baby #1 in July so Baby Trend will have a cousin and playmate early on. AND the very latest is Truck finally got a cell phone. We have been giving him crap forever about being the last person in our civilized world not to have one. Everyone sure is growing up! Lots going on in 2009!
We hope your Christmas was Merry and you have a Happy and safe New Year!
PS - If you wait long enough you can see another belly pic to the right. He's getting so big!
Wonderful update, as usual Jen. You keep us all well informed! Love the slideshow of your "belly growth". only 2 1/2 months to go!
Love, Nonni
That baby bump is quite adorable - I love it!
Sure always picking on the "TRUCK" :) lol How do you use this dam thing
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