Judging from the faces I saw in the supermarket last night you wold think there were rainbows and butterflies coloring the sky instead of the thick stormclouds that brought us the blessed rain we have been missing! I mean I know people are generally happier, calmer and nicer here but it still struck me as odd (and wonderful!) that I ran into smiling people, friendly people - people that weren't mad at the world! I really love going to the gorcery store!
So challenge you. Smile at someone today . . . see what happens!
This morning the rain is drying up but it's still overcast which means I can still justify pajamas all day, a late breakfast and a movie. The sun would just ruin the mood I think.
Not much else to report. I think I may finally break out the mixer my wonderful mothers and briedsmaids got me/ us for our wedding. Cookies anyone? I'll take requests.
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