It seemed a change in the blog was needed anyway as life for us is changing too. We have two new Northerers joining us down here, Leo's Sister and Bro-in-Law, Kerri and Rob. They decided just a month after their own wedding that it was time to make the move. In just a few short weeks the notices wee given, the lease was signed and the boxes were moved! After much back and forth they will make their move permanent next week after their going away party and one more Jets game on Sunday. Who knows, maybe the Jets will even win this time in their honor. (Look at me making sports funnies!)

And so our Thanksgiving table grows. We will have Mom & Ed, Amy & Dan and Kerr & Rob join us for Turkey day where we can celebrate many firsts - first hosted holiday in our home, first married and engaged holidays and just plain first Thanksgivings in NC! We're looking forward to a nice day together.
Otherwise, Leo and I have been out enjoying life. The State Fair was here last week. We did not go out to enjoy that. But apparently we are not super hip b

Today is a thunderstormy-day. My favorite. People have been very excited about the rain because it has been so scarce otherwise. The news of course likes to go on and on about floods now since they can't, at the moment, focus on the drought as much - but that's the way of the media I guess.

Thanks for visiting the new blog! As always you can see the old posts at our original spot: http://jentrend.livejournal.com/

Yay! I'm you're first comment. Maybe because I'm a blog checking addict. Miss and love you guys!
Ok; so I have to settle in at #2
But we have been super busy; packing all our belongings-so we too can join all of you down in NC!!!! We'll be there before you know it-more details to follow soon- Love, schmomies
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