What's with these older kids "dressing up" in basketball jerseys and coming to the door on halloween. They give you that sheepish look when they open their plastic Walmart bags for hand outs. "Aren't you a little old for this?" I ask. They shrug and say "I wanted candy".
Then there are the cute ones of course. The $15 Old Navy costumes are the most adorable. The Monkey even comes with a banana. I just love the littlest ones. The ones who can walk around and know enough to hold a bucket out for treats but aren't really sure why and what "trick or treat" means. We really should be tricking them more so we can demonstrate that there is a choice. I could give them either.
When I was little my most vivid hallowen memories are of those at Aunt Jane's house. That is because my jokster cousins Kevin and Vinny woudl hide behind the tall bushes that flanked the front door and they would jump out as you rang the doorbell. Not funny. Ok, funny now but scared the you know what out of me then! I even remember the candy they would have at their house, the sugary bottlecap candies for example. It was different enough I don't remember getting them anywhere else.
Aahhhh . . . the days of full pillow cases and staying up late to count and trade candy. Maybe I was too hard on that older kid. I think I want candy too.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Brrrr . . .
I'm glad the weather has turned in time for Halloween. It just doesn't seem right to dress up and ask for candy when it's 85. But a chilly 6o something - that's more like it.
It reminds me of the couple years I lived in LA. Halloween is kind of a bummer when you live in apartments anyway but the weather always tripped me up. Then Christmas - fhuggettaboutit! There was a lack of spirit in the holiday as I could have easily been outside tanning versus inside baking cookies. True somedays I long to have that choice. But these days I'm perfectly happy to enjoy frost in the morning, steam coming out of my mouth and always hoping for a little snow. We pretty much seemed to have skipped autmn around here so why not be excited to go straight for winter?
I will be glad to be rid of our Halloween candy tonight. Stupid basket keeps calling my name.
Anyway, I hope you are all have a great Halloween today. Be safe and have fun.
It reminds me of the couple years I lived in LA. Halloween is kind of a bummer when you live in apartments anyway but the weather always tripped me up. Then Christmas - fhuggettaboutit! There was a lack of spirit in the holiday as I could have easily been outside tanning versus inside baking cookies. True somedays I long to have that choice. But these days I'm perfectly happy to enjoy frost in the morning, steam coming out of my mouth and always hoping for a little snow. We pretty much seemed to have skipped autmn around here so why not be excited to go straight for winter?
I will be glad to be rid of our Halloween candy tonight. Stupid basket keeps calling my name.
Anyway, I hope you are all have a great Halloween today. Be safe and have fun.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Rainbows & Butterflies

Judging from the faces I saw in the supermarket last night you wold think there were rainbows and butterflies coloring the sky instead of the thick stormclouds that brought us the blessed rain we have been missing! I mean I know people are generally happier, calmer and nicer here but it still struck me as odd (and wonderful!) that I ran into smiling people, friendly people - people that weren't mad at the world! I really love going to the gorcery store!
So challenge you. Smile at someone today . . . see what happens!
This morning the rain is drying up but it's still overcast which means I can still justify pajamas all day, a late breakfast and a movie. The sun would just ruin the mood I think.
Not much else to report. I think I may finally break out the mixer my wonderful mothers and briedsmaids got me/ us for our wedding. Cookies anyone? I'll take requests.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It seemed a change in the blog was needed anyway as life for us is changing too. We have two new Northerers joining us down here, Leo's Sister and Bro-in-Law, Kerri and Rob. They decided just a month after their own wedding that it was time to make the move. In just a few short weeks the notices wee given, the lease was signed and the boxes were moved! After much back and forth they will make their move permanent next week after their going away party and one more Jets game on Sunday. Who knows, maybe the Jets will even win this time in their honor. (Look at me making sports funnies!)

And so our Thanksgiving table grows. We will have Mom & Ed, Amy & Dan and Kerr & Rob join us for Turkey day where we can celebrate many firsts - first hosted holiday in our home, first married and engaged holidays and just plain first Thanksgivings in NC! We're looking forward to a nice day together.
Otherwise, Leo and I have been out enjoying life. The State Fair was here last week. We did not go out to enjoy that. But apparently we are not super hip b

Today is a thunderstormy-day. My favorite. People have been very excited about the rain because it has been so scarce otherwise. The news of course likes to go on and on about floods now since they can't, at the moment, focus on the drought as much - but that's the way of the media I guess.

Thanks for visiting the new blog! As always you can see the old posts at our original spot: http://jentrend.livejournal.com/

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