Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Secret Room

I am overwhelmed by all the things I want to mention but never have the time for. So, I'll bullet point it for you. Something is better than nothing . . .

Last month I caught Nathan pushing on the walls randomly in the living room. When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was looking for the "secret room." We told him when he was 4ish that we have a secret room and we'll tell him where it is when he's bigger. I guess he's big enough now. He continued to look for it and bug Leo about it until he cried and Leo had to tell him there was no secret room. Oh the disappointment. I know buddy, not cool. A secret room would be awesome.

Nathan started First Grade and he's doing great. We started up without a bump. We are on track out now so we shall see how track in goes but honestly, things are going great. He has "the hardest first grade teacher in the school". I say yay to that. He is so super smart - let's challenge the kid! He plays with Leo's old iphone and knows how to text. He writes out the funniest texts to him. I created an email account for him for a couple games he likes to play and he now knows how to actually write an email now too. I got my first one from him the other day. He actually signed it "Your child Nathan". Love it!

We went to visit Nonni & Poppi a few weekends ago. It was overcast at Oak Island but perfect for us. (Leo doesn't do too much sun anyway.) The boys loved the water and sand. They can finally play without too much worry on our parts . . . except for the sharks of course.

Grandpa Truck moved down and into his new house. The Koker/ Trend house is officially moved into while the Orangeburg house is still waiting for a new family. We enjoyed their pool last month. Benny refused to get on the slide but the other boys has no trouble making use of it.

This past weekend we went to DC for Leo's work picnic. Well, it was more like Rockville, MD and it was more like a party than a picnic. Caricature Artist, DJ, pool, food, dunk dank, bingo, corn hole, etc, etc. They did a nice job and was fun for all. We went to the Air & Space Museum on our way out of time and brunch with friend Hadas and her family. We were pooped when we got home. And not prepared to deal with what we came home to . . .

When we left for DC on Friday the front toilet was acting strangely and backed up a bit. We fixed what we could and left it though. Then, Sunday when we came home Nathan used the hall bathroom. Later we discovered the toilet had run and was clogged up and overflowing. All over the bathroom. And into the hallway on the carpet. Oh joy. It was inches deep and had been running over an hour I think. The master toilet had been leaking a bit as well a week or so previously. But when this flooding happened I screamed "Now's the time for the plumber!". The pieces were coming together with all the toilet issues. I wondered if this had anything to do with the work happening outside last week. They were digging all over the neighborhood for fiber optic lines. No we didn't ok this and no we aren't even getting this service. They just do and then take a nap under your tree. We find out that is the issue and they hit our line causing issues. Ugh. It has been fixed but it remains to be seen who pays for the plumbing bill and the possible replacement of tile/ carpet with water damage below. The unasked for saga continues . . .

Benny starts back at school next week. We have had a nice time just the two of us. He says he doesn't want to go back yet he stuffs little back packs with stuff and carries it on his back all over the house. I know he will settle in just fine.

Last month we had a new babysitter come. She is the daughter of one of Benny's teachers last year. Either the boys were ready for us to leave or she just had the magic touch. She came in, they barely said bye, and they behaved all night. No tantrums about us leaving! Whoohoo! More date nights to come.

We finished the bar upstairs. It looks amazing! It was touch and go for a little bit but the finished product is beautiful. We had neighbors over to help christen the new Trendohaus Bar, which it certainly was when Kate spilled her drink. Twice. Irish music blaring, drinks poured, it felt like a real bar. We took the bench that we built last year and added caps and resin to that too. Just in time for company . . .

Leo's b-day is this weekend and we are, as always, hosting the big bash. I always feel a lot of pressure to make the place look amazing for party time. The bench will look nice out front, next to the new cone flowers I got today. Some cleaning inside and food prep and we'll be good to go.

Mom and Ed will have the boys while we entertain. All parties are excited about the visit. The boys do so well there and Mom says they are angels. Leo and I get an extra date night on Friday and then a kid free weekend. I'm working my butt off this week to get a bunch done so I can relax in a clean quiet house Friday afternoon into Saturday.

The boys have actually have been very good lately. They were not too good when we were in DC, but because of that whole scene, I took away all devices and screen time. And it's been the best few days. Less fighting and whining. The boys play together so well now and they are actually figuring out what to do with themselves on their own. They have had to earn back screen time so they have been endlessly offering to help. We've done vacuuming, cleaning windows, clearing tables, laundry, cleaning the car, watering plants, etc. It's great. It came just in time for track out and lots of time together.

Uncle Matt has been deployed for the first time and will be coming home by Christmas. He is doing fine where he is. But we miss him lots.

Julia just turned two, Lily turns five in October. Patrick is three and Logan turned six, When did these kids grow up?!

So much else. so many little things. Benny insisting on one more hug and kiss at bed and saying good night I love you so many times it's almost (almost) not cute anymore. Nathan with his missing teeth (and more soon as he gets some pulled tomorrow. Wow literally pulling teeth! I expect it to be awful!). The boys playing in the hose today and having the best time. Nathan being able to read to Benny. Benny loving Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders.

Life is full and busy and wonderful. Today was busy with yard work and actual work (with a designer doing some staging!), homemade pizza, wine and Leo teaching the boys baseball basics. I have lots on my to-do list but I realized today that I love it all. I'm so fortunate for all of it. Every. Single. Bit.

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