At the start of summer I didn't have too much planned. I was thinking about how summers are supposed to be - you are off from school and it's just time to hang around and play. But Nathan only went to school a few days a week last year so that doesn't change things much just yet. My weekends and week days flow into one another, so seasons of course follow suit, so that doesn't change over the summer. And our kids are young yet so no matter where we are we are just playing. So how did I think summer would be different? How did I think I could get away without planning anything?! I envisioned lazy days. But guess what? That doesn't always work so well with little ones. Just one unplanned day at home can remind a mother that getting out and doing something will almost always result in a better day with kids! So before I knew it I was urgently filling up the calendar.

Nathan's summer camp sessions went well. There were tears for a few of the days, even though we were going to his school that he already knows (and even some familiar classmates). But he got over it quickly and I count that as another little hump we got over - leaving him someplace without mommy (we will have many of this type of milestone in the years to come. A tough one for everyone but necessary and worth the tears.) We have spent time at the Museum of Life & Science, Marbles and various friends houses. The Mommy & Me Book Club has been a fun addition too. I hosted one today, the theme of course being July 4th. The book reading part wasn't spectacular (for a room full of kids age 1 - 5, you can't expect much), but the theme-y crafts and snacks were appreciated. We have gotten in a bit of pool time too - around all the crazy rain. Every day there has been some combination of storm, or random midday rainfall followed by sudden sunshine. It's weird.
Nathan and Benny spent a night at Gigi and Grandpa's house so Leo and I could have a date night. It was Benny's first time without either one of us. I had to sneak out so he wouldn't freak out, so I hated to leave without last snuggles. But he did fine. In fact he seemed to not really miss me until morning. We went out to dinner, browsed through Barnes & Noble like we used to do pre-kids, and went to a movie, then slept in the next day. A wonderful time for everyone!
Grandpa Truck is here for a few weeks. We already had a cousin sleep over (coupled with poke night at the same time. Smart? Not sure . . . ) Logan turned four and we went to his birthday party last weekend. Thankfully it was not over 100 degrees like last year, but NC humidity is no joke. I'm sure there will be another cousin play date coming up in the weeks ahead - probably involving the pool.

I dove into a new business at the start of June. That has been fun, fascinating and profitable! I am getting connected with old friends and meeting new people every day. I didn't know I needed something like this - something for me, something that will make a difference in people's lives. But I did! And I didn't think I had time for it either. But it's fitting into my life rather well. I also signed up to be the Hospitality Coordinator for the MOPS group I'm involved in. I'm shaking in my boots a little bit about that role. It involves a lot of summer planning and getting ready for the bi-monthly meetings starting in September. I have some time and I know I will have help, but I'm still wrapping my head around all the duties involved. I'm thinking Nature's Pearl will have to be tucked in there somehow too, to make the most of my time. Girls nights and book clubs are always on the calendar too. My girls are so much fun and so important to me - when I don't get to see them I really do miss the social time.

We have a couple trips planned - but not the traditional summer ones most are taking.
I am going away for a training in Charleston for Nature's Pearl. Then we are all going to NY in August to meet Baby Kepler #2 (I can't wait to meet her!).
Looking at my calendar I'm quite amazed I even had time to type this as our lives are so full and busy! Thankfully, a friend offered to take Nathan to play this afternoon and Benny is taking a marathon nap today. Whew... I needed the break!
Tomorrow we will celebrate the holidays at a friends house and possibly fireworks. We'll see if the rain and /or humidity continu
es to curb plans. That's summer for you.
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