Let's talk about the weather. Blogs aren't really for that but the weather here has been so wacky it's worth mentioning. About two weeks ago it was so warm on a Sunday I had shorts on. It was in the high 70's and it was necessary (although awkward with pale legs that are very used to jeans and boots these days!). A week later, we has snow. Snow! It was barely an inch but it was a dazzling sight to watch at night and we enjoyed it with fresh homemade bread (more on that later) and wine. A fire going would have been perfect. In the morning there was barely a cover of it left behind but still. Snow is a big deal around here so you enjoy what you get. I feel like we should pretend every day is like a snow day. Even though it may not be filled with anything special all the time, we should take advantage of it like that. A rare gift.
Anyway, let me tell you about this bread. A gift also, but not a rare one. In fact, I plan to have the dough made up and ready most of the time because it's that good. A friend of mine (who I speak of often because she inspires me daily to try new and amazing things!) has a book about baking bread and offered it to me. Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. No joke. This is a great book. I made it last week when we were expecting snow, like I said, and it was a nice treat. Leo often asks me to get bread at the store but now I won't be getting it at Teeter. I will be making it often at home. It's cheap, easy and fresh! If Leo says it's good I'm going to stick with it. It's hard to make him happy in the kitchen.
Bread also makes a great offering to your neighbors when you have to beg for a hot shower. That was the case last week. On a Friday night at 5p, on a holiday weekend (of course), Leo noticed the water heater leaking in the garage. Not dripping but leaking. Awesome. The water was still hot but we weren't sure if we should keep the water on still or what. Unsure, we turned it all off and gradually tried to empty the tank over the next day or so. Long story short, the repair guy didn't come until Monday and $1000 later we got a new one installed Tuesday morning. We are lucky to have amazing neighbors that don't mind a knock on the door, towel in hand, fresh bread in the other, asking for a hot shower.
This hot water dilemma wasn't so bad as it didn't affect Nathan. Over the weekend, Gigi was going to take him for an overnight. Last minute, a trip to NY had to happen to get Teddy (I'll explain later) and Gigi asked if Nathan would like to come too. I wasn't sure what to think of this at first. My baby away from me for several days, in the car for long hours . . . Well what the heck! When I told some friends about this adventure they mostly said they would be nervous and worried about it. I admitted I was too. But I'm glad we went for the opportunity. Not just to have a few days break from our oh-so-lovely almost-four-year-old (I say with motherly love and sarcasm), but because it was really good for him. There are a few things I know for sure about Nathan. He likes new places, people, being outside, having attention, and adventure. He got all this and more on his quick trip to NY. They left early Monday and returned Wednesday evening. And it seems they packed a lot in the very short trip. He saw his cousin Lily (his favorite part of the trip, btw), played with dogs, got to ride in a UTV, went shopping for shoes and a winter jacket, picked out gifts for Benny, went to McDonalds more than once I'm sure, painted, saw lots of various people and had macaroni and cheese at every meal (apparently). The kid didn't stop and it sounds like he did a great at going with the flow. I'm so proud of him. My little road warrior. I hear he only wet the bed once and cried for mommy once too. But for several night away from us, at barely four years old, he was a stellar travel companion.
Now, Teddy is a Shih tzu/ Poodle mix (yes a shih poo. Sounds like shit poo!) and he belonged to Ed's mother. While she is relocating to a different home, her dogs had to be redistributed and so Gigi and Grandpa are now dog owners! Teddy is six years old and actually very cute. He's very calm and well behaved and Nathan just loves him. I'm totally not a dog-lover at all, but I have to say, Teddy is a lovable little guy. It will be fun to visit him up at Gigi's house. I think Benny will get a kick out of him too since they are the same size!
Speaking of Benny, his birthday is days away and while we planned to have a small affair for his birthday we apparently have a guest list of 29. Seems we are incapable of having small parties. So for my next feat, I will product hot pancakes for 18 adults and 15 children. We are having a "pancake bar", something I thought of myself and am quite unsure but proud of. We will be decorating and baking the next two days away. I think it will be nice little celebration for our one year old. I was thinking "keep it simple, he won't remember anyway." But I will. And it's a special day. And like I said, we have to make everyday special to make note of the gift that it is.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
27 Days
His fifth tooth is in and his hair is coming in too. He still has two naps a day and sleeps all night. These are uninteresting and ephemeral facts. But when I snuggle Benny and think about Nathan - cherishing one while thinking about what he will become - I fear I will forget what it's like. Milestones. Smiles. Messes. Firsts. Although I don't want more babies, even I can admit it's sad to think about how my baby isn't a baby anymore. The time is so fleeting.
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