My last post was super long and I didn't even get to talk about Halloween. So here it is. Nathan had a ball!
Weeks earlier, Leo and I discussed what Nathan should dress up as. We tossed around a few ideas and I went looking on-line for some ideas. By some stroke of luck I found what I needed that fit the criteria. It came in the size I needed, a character he loves and it was on a super sale. A monkey it is!

When we got the said costume I tired it right away. Nathan was not pleased with this idea. At all. I managed to snap a few shots but he was uninterested. We tried a few more times and even tried to associate candy with it. We would give him a little bucket and tell him to say "trick or treat"and he would get something yummy. He just really liked to candy part. He would get a piece then want to get the heck out of that thing and fast. Halloween was coming and I was not excited. He won't even dress up!

Halloween arrived and so did the kids. After a few visitors, Nathan was running for the door to see who was there. I think it clicked for him. Oooohhhh . . . NOW I get it! When it was time to take him out to give this trick or treating thing a try he was all over it. We put the monkey on, gave him a bucket, went across the street and collected candy for real. I had anticipated just a few minutes of resistance and then Leo and I giving up. But he was out for a solid 40 minutes or so enjoying the neighborhood festivities. Now of course he walks around saying "Trick or Treat" when he wants candy. We had to hide the candy. Toddlers really do make holidays more fun. I can't wait to see his face on Christmas!

But Thanksgiving is first. Does anyone else feel like this holiday is kinda passed over? Everyone is all about Christmas already. I can relate - I'm really excited about getting our tree up. But still, Thanksgiving is an important one I think. But then again, we should be thankful every day for what we have - not just one where we stuff ourselves with turkey! Well, I am thankful that we will have a houseful. Mom, Ed, Sharon, Stan, Kerri, Rob and Logan will be joining us next Thursday. We are looking forward to having our first holiday here in our new home (which we are also very thankful for) with our close family (and our cute little boys). Yay for the holidays!
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