Our last few weeks have been a flurry of activity. You know, I wouldn't mind a flurry outside. One cold winter day of snow right in the middle of this disgusting heat would be perfect . . .

But the weather rarely behaves when you want it to. Like when we went to the beach. I think I last mentioned we were going to Myrtle. Well we did. And it was fun. But MAN was it HOT! The first day we were there we walked around on the boardwalk a bit but it felt cruel. Poor Nathan's little red face said it all. We took a quick dip in the water - just our feet - to get a feel for it. Nathan was so excited he would have run right in if we let him. We were excited to go the next day. That night we went to Broadway by the Beach, a really big complex of restaurants, shops and entertainment. I had a fantastic steak and we tried some craft beers - Leo always seeks these places out. As long as I get a steak it's cool. We had fun walking around and wearing Nathan out big time. The next morning we were exited to get up early and hit the sand before it got excruciating again. No such luck. It was raining!!! The cool break did feel good and we were able to make the most of it anyway (we went to an IMAX movie that Nathan slept through), but it was disappointing that the weather was being stubborn.

We stopped at a few other places to see more of Myrtle but soon we were back in the Wilmington area to see Nonni and Poppi for a day. We decided we would take a chance and see how the next day worked out weather wise and we finally hit the jack pot. It was a little overcast, the water was a nice temperature and we had a great spot (in the parking lot and the beach) to enjoy the company for a few hours. We had a nice visit as always.

The following week Truck and Babci came down from NY bearing many gifts. A few stems of Casablanca lilies (that lasted for a week and a half), cucumbers, green beans and tomatoes, all from the garden. Bagels and bread overflowed the counter tops as well as some other goodies from the bakery. Ah - NY Treats! We had some people over that night for a little poker game. The rest of the time was passed enjoying Nathan run around and show off his tricks. The Kokers came up for a day too so the little boys could play with the new toys Grandpa Truck spoiled them with. (It was supposed to be a pool day but of course the rains came!) We made a trip downtown to Marbles for the kiddies as well. I think everyone enjoys watching, and even acting, like a little kid once in a while.

Even when company left, we were still shuffling back and forth to people's houses for a dinner here, a brunch there and, most recently, a bowling night just for the grown ups. Our neighbors made the plans and it turned out all 14 of us are on the same street. Leo and I had no idea there was a large cluster of fun people right down the road. We ended up there after bowling to play flip cup. Another game I'm not that good at and probably shouldn't have played. I at least should have had a proper meal. Beer on an empty stomach is not smart and I wasted the next day being sick. Thankfully Nathan spent the night with Gigi and Grandpa Ed so I could sheepishly deal with being hungover. Oh well, who can complain about a good time, discovering new friends and having a night off from being mommy.

Now we are back to the just us three enjoying life. Someone's birthday is around the corner as well as the annual "bonanza" to celebrate the old fart. I also have a trip coming up for NY - just me and Nathan again. I wonder how we will do on the plane this time as he is bigger and more curious everyday. My mom said he sat still for an hour in church. Perhaps I should bring along some gospel on the plane.
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