Over the weekend, our neighborhood hosted a cute little Easter Egg Hunt for the kids in the neighborhood. Within our little jungle gym area they set out dozens of eggs for the 3 and under group to collect. Nathan wanted to

just look at the other kids. He's such an observer. We did finally get him to pick up a colorful plastic egg and he managed to open it up to find a cute little prize. Then he was happy to continue to chase cute little girls around and put eggs into other baskets. What a giver! We may h

ave picked up a couple eggs ourselves - we wanted to see what was inside. We now have half a dozen plastic eggs in every

corner of the house. When we clean up for our next showing it will be an egg hunt all over again.
We are still anxiously awaiting for fate to reveal what will happen with the house. Can you tell it's all we think about these days?! I'm trying

not to obsess - this is difficult to do!
In the meantime, our next visitors are sure to help take our minds off the house stuff. Dad and Jo will be here this weekend. We will celebrate Nathan's birthday again on Saturday, Easter and perhaps acknowledge our anniversary as well. After all, it is tradition we do something special Easter Weekend!
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