Yesterday was Leo's birthday. What a day. We had the annual birthday bash as usual. Last year we kidded with Leo that it was his last before parenthood but it has not slowed us down one bit.

Well, it did for me. I had the little booger to worry about all night as Nathan did not want to sleep but rather party with the big kids. He had a brief nap in Melissa's arms (thanks Aunt Mo!) but woke shortly after and stayed up until midnight. But he had fun flirting with the girls and everyone loves to snuggle and love on him so no worries really. He has already adjusted back to his regular schedule and is sleeping soundly as we speak. Leo seemed to have a great day. He started off the party with a Power Hour. Greg and Danielle joined up via Skype for the festivities. Ahh technology. It was like they were actually present and stopped by. Our parties get larger and more fun with all the people we continue to meet down here. What a blessing to be surrounded by so many great friends.
Today we tried something new

with Nathan - PEAS! He didn't seem to mind one way or another. So we'll continue with that for a few days and see how it goes. Perhaps sweet potato is next, or something fun like apples or bananas. I guess it's whatever I feel like since he'll roll with whatever is happening. And of course today is 5 months - and so a new pic is here . . .
first- I LOVE the pirate hat pic!
second- I can't believe how BIG Nate is getting...So fast!!! He gets cuter every time I see him!
Can't wait to hold him in my arms again....soon, I hope! Give him a BIG Nonni Kiss!
I can not get over how cute he is in his 5 month picture! Just when you think he can't possibly get any cuter....
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