Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still Sick

Uugghhhhh. . . . I don't know if that's really the sound you would be hearing me make if you were here but I'm not sure how to spell out the sound of me sniffling, blowing my nose and whinning about being sick still. But you get the picture.

So this is the middle of week 2 and you know what I realized this morning as I lay awake at 6am completely stuffed, head throbbing? Hey, I'm kinda sick. I should probably take it easy. In case you haven't noticed I can be somewhat of a stubborn ass. I have been pushing myself to keep going and work through appointments and meetings and whatnot. But I just have to let it go and accept that my defenses are down and I have to rest. UUgghhhhhh......

This is especailly disappointing as we have a lot of people in town this week/ end and I'm looking forward to enjoying it. But I figure today I go rent yet a another couple of movies and stay put in hopes of having energy for the weekend. Any theatrical suggestions?

1 comment:

Sharon said...

wow- you really can't shake that off, can you? I wish I had a miracle cure- but you already tried the chicken soup-and I'm sure TEA and OJ are a continuous liquid to your system. Try a REALLY hot steamy bath and just soak it all out of you :o)
Wishing you WELL-WISHES, Love, schmomies