Thursday, March 26, 2015

Two Six Year Olds in the House

We now have a six year old in the house. It was evident it was coming since he list his first tooth only a week before his birthday and the dentist said it would come just about birthday time. We celebrated Nathan's birthday with a "Mine Craft" party last weekend, among a select groups of boys. There are a few things I can say to sum it up. Two hours is more than long enough for a rooms full of five and six year olds. Having this many boys in one room is LOUD. Making one little fart sound is enough make it even louder (with giggles and more fart sounds). Having a husband that loves to be with the kids is necessary. Leo was so good with all those boys. They had a wheelbarrow full of sand and rocks and gems for the kids to find. Between the sand, water, the bikes and balls outside, being outside was a blessing and it was super lucky to have sun shining on us! Nathan had a great time and got a lot of Mine Craft tee's (even though it was a no-gift party! I know how to it feels to come empty-handed. Nathan enjoyed it all!) On Monday, his actual birthday, he received a few more gifts and we had "brinner" (breakfast for dinner), his choice. Last minute I threw together some chocolate cupcakes, since not having anything for dessert seemed sinful on his birthday. He still felt it wasn't very birthday-ish, apparently forgetting the party two days prior. Oh well. The kids' gotta learn it's not always parties and gifts all day long. 

Poor Benny was so upset about it all. He kept saying, "I didn't get my birthday presents!" Benny also still insists he is six, not three. Living in Benny's world is more than a little entertaining. 

Things around the house otherwise are going well. With birthdays behind us, we have a few traveling adventures next - to MD  for a family gathering and then to FL for a wedding. Then Kindergarten will be over and we will have a first-grader in the house. What?! That year flew by. As the rest will I'm sure. Nathan is doing really well in school. He is showing some anxiety still in class and when it's time to go, but he is reading like a champ and seems to retain a lot of what they do everyday. Even if it's not something he tells me right away, a small fact about something will pop up and I will ask how he knows that. "I don't know," he'll say with a shrug. "I just learned it at school." Hopefully the rest of whatever uncertainty he is feeling about school, and life, will go away a bit so he can enjoy it. It's a lot to ask of anyone though, as growing up is not always easy. The trouble has always been that he's so smart - he's much to aware to just run and be a kid, he adds his own worry into the mix as well. 

But, when we are tracked out, things are good. Last track out, in February, we went down to Florida to stay with Pop and JoJo for a week or so at the beach. We saw Aunt Ruth and Nannie and enjoyed the sun and sand. It was a rough ride - we went without Daddy - but well worth the trip. We had some good beach days (that we literally walked 100 feet to), an evening walk to get ice cream one night, and saw gators, manatees, dolphins and all sorts of birds. I spent some time with Aunt Ruth and she and Joanne taught me some Zentangle. (Fun! Look it up!) Everyday there was something neat to do. We could have spent several more! But getting back needed to happen too. We missed Daddy and the extra parent in general. And the snow! We missed a pretty big storm here that took out power for some and closed down the place for days. I guess we didn't really miss anything but I love to see falling snow so I still feel like I missed a little. This sounds silly since I was riding a boat watching dolphins jump out of the water while others were home shivering. But still, I wanted to be in both places. 

Speaking of, I should be out walking right now with the little bit of time I have left before Nathan comes home from school. I have had some terrible back pain and I need to be taking it easy, yet not sitting too long. Ice it, stretch it, walk it, but also rest it. It's the only thing on my mind most days as I wait for it to heal. I'm not very good at waiting or holding back from physical movement for long. Patience. Ugh!