Happy November! The last two months must have flown by. I can tell you they contained mostly day-to-day stuff. With school come routine. I can't complain too much about this.
Benny adjusted well to school. He talks about it on his off days, still asks if he can take a bus to get there and willingly tell us about what he does there from time to time. He gets an ink stamp on his arm when he goes to music class with Miss Lisa and he always has sand in his shoes from playing outside. Also, he is a happy tired boy on his two preschool days so I know he is having fun. When I dropped him off this past Thursday he even walked into the room on his own without tears. A first! He would still cry and grab for me most times but we are making progress. He wears a pull up to school too and big boy underwear at home. Not to say that he is full potty-trained, but we are making slow progress there too. He can go on the toilet like a big boy but when he sneaks out of a room to "go play" I know he is up to other types of business that is frustrating and messy. But this phase was much harder with Nathan and at some point it all worked itself out. I'm sure it will with Benny too.
Even though Benny is tired out from school days and playing hard at home, he doesn't lip to nap. He will often cry, whine and occasionally climb his way out of his crib. Lately, I let him watch TV around nap time and he falls asleep on his own. It seems easier than fighting him these days. He's become very head strong!
Nathan has adjusted once again to school too. We had a tough time in there where he would cry every morning about the bus and "missing us." No doubt he does but he is making friends now and has those interactions to look forward to every morning now. Apparently Pokemon is a big deal again and all the kids trade cards on the bus. This obsession actually helped turn an older "bully" on the bus into a new friend. They trade cards often and Nathan talks about his new friend "Matthew" all the time now. (Matthew called Nathan a cry baby several months back and Nathan responded by calling him a Bully. Pokemon came up and they've been friends ever since.)
Nathan has Rainbow words that he has to study nightly. This and the classroom sight words has propelled him forward in reading like I never thought it would. I was told it would happen but it's so cool to actually see your baby reading words in a book on his own. He and Leo do the work together most nights (Mommy and Nathan don't always work well together). He's so smart in so many ways and so very talented. His drawings are really good. And the sentences he writes with his pictures are usually entertaining. He is encouraged to just write things down however they sound to him. It's fun to see how he thinks are spelled and, according to the plan, see his confidence grow as he writes it. He doesn't worry about spelling stegosaurus right, he just goes at it and we piece it together by his pictures. (I needed spell check for that one myself!)
Around the house, things are tame. With some time on my hands it's nice to have time for whatever I want. And even the things I don't. I don't love laundry and housework but I feel like I can keep up with it a little better without kids always underfoot. I've had time for reading (currently in love with the Outlander Series) and workouts and playdates with friends the mornings Benny is home with me.
Nathan goes to Tae Kwon Do still and is on his 3rd belt. We go 3 or 4 times a week, Leo and I taking turns taking him. Sometimes Benny and I shop or walk around outside and sit and play games on my phone. He's getting harder to entertain some days when he comes with me. But despite his busy state he seems to be picking up the moves and can show you a little Tae Kwon Do himself when he's in the mood.
Uncle Matt moved to Kentucky in September. We were really sad to see him go. It was such an unexpected thing at the start to have him so close by. Then we were lucky to have him around for two years or something close to that. Then when he got his orders that he would go to Fort Campbell I thought only about what it meant for him, not me. But when it left I realized. We miss him coming by on the weekends. And seeing his girlfriend Katie too. We enjoyed some nights out and some fun nights in too. We look forward to seeing them both in NY for Thanksgiving.
That is the next trip planned. We were up in April last and want to be here for Christmas, so Turkey Day is it. Pop and Jojo were here recently, as well as Grandpa Truck, but the brothers and all the rest are really missed. Can't wait to see them all.
Nathan tracks out soon so he will have four weeks off. Oh, what to do with that time with my boys?! Parks and activities of some sort. That's when mom has to get creative. Hopefully I can arrange a quiet hour so mom gets to read!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Benny's First Day
Here is Benny on his first day of school. Leo just took him this morning. That was not something I would be able to do with a dry face. We went to meet the teacher last week, only hanging around for a half hour and not even leaving him and I cried! (I did go to bed late the night before and sleep terribly so I'm going to place a little blame on that too.) When we went the other day, of course, Benny had a great time. New toys! A playground! A sand box! But mommy and daddy and even Nathan were there still. Today, I know his little fall will fall when he realizes daddy won't be staying. He can be distracted but this is yet another change in our lives that will take some time getting used to.
On the way out the door he put his new bag over his shoulder like a big boy and even asked me earlier if he could take the bus.
A friend of mine said she looks at school as a gift. I like that. I will have to keep that in mind today as I get sad thinking about him.
As for other transitions, Nathan slowly got better adjusting to school - just in time to track out for three weeks. We haven't talked about it a lot, though I plan to. We slipped back into our old routines and have been busy with pool and park days, packed lunches and even and overnight with Gigi. He needed a little bit of familiarity. But I'll be nervous once it starts up again. It was not fun to see his little face crumble when the bus came and I had to wave goodbye to a sad Nathan for the day. Won't it be fun in two weeks when they are both crying in the morning?!
On the way out the door he put his new bag over his shoulder like a big boy and even asked me earlier if he could take the bus.
A friend of mine said she looks at school as a gift. I like that. I will have to keep that in mind today as I get sad thinking about him.
As for other transitions, Nathan slowly got better adjusting to school - just in time to track out for three weeks. We haven't talked about it a lot, though I plan to. We slipped back into our old routines and have been busy with pool and park days, packed lunches and even and overnight with Gigi. He needed a little bit of familiarity. But I'll be nervous once it starts up again. It was not fun to see his little face crumble when the bus came and I had to wave goodbye to a sad Nathan for the day. Won't it be fun in two weeks when they are both crying in the morning?!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Less Love
We did love Kindergarten. Here are reasons I am feeling less love this week:
1. Germs
Saturday morning after the first full week of school, Nathan woke with a fever. He ended up missing three days of school. Going back on Thursday was disastrous. Friday, a little better. Monday, awful.
2. Mean bus drivers?
I brought him to the bus this morning and he did not want to get on that bus. Another mom mentioned that her daughter said the bus driver was mean to Nathan last week. Great. Just what I want to hear. Mean or just doing her job - I don't know. At least it's a short ride to school.
3. Subs
After finding some comfort in getting to know the teachers, they were out sick yesterday so he had a sub. In some ways, it's a good thing - get used to it kid! But I still feel sad for him. Not quite being adjusted, I'm sure it was hard to not have a familiar face to go to.
4. More whining
Much of the weekend was on and off complaints about not wanting to go to school. Oh yay, let's whine some more.
5. Spread of germs
Benny had a fever this past weekend and, as I type as 8:40a, he is still sleeping, even after an early bedtime. The kid is exhausted. Yet, somehow, still happy even when he's sick.
I'm sure I can find some good though . . .
1. Early bedtimes
Both kids were in bed and asleep last night by 9p. Many households I know of have bedtimes in the 7 - 8p range but that's never been us. Now, we are working in that direction. It's weird when it's still so light out but it's a good thing to be done with bedtime duties with enough time to actually enjoy the rest of the evening.
2. Quiet mornings
Right now, it's quiet. And it's really nice. Benny doesn't always sleep this late but when he does, having the peace is nice. (Even though inside I'm thinking about the crying Nathan at school today.)
I can't think of others right now. Maybe after some coffee I will . . . .
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
We Love Kindergarten
I forget what it's like to be bleary-eyed. We've been through it, for diaper changes, feedings and pee pit stops, but we've been spoiled for a while. In fact, until last week we were all sleeping in until 8a or so. Then school started.
I'm actually not even going to complain about school. I'm just acknowledging that we were really lucky to have so many wonderful sleep-in days. Nathan and I get up around 7a, I get him ready for the day, and we are at the bus stop at 7:45a. This morning felt tough for some reason and making a peanut butter and honey sandwich only ten minutes after I rolled out of bed felt unnatural. But once the bus left and I came home to a Benny that was already at the table eating his Cheerios (thanks Leo), I was starting to feel glad about the daily wake up call. It's nice to get started the same time every day. It's probably good for all of us, despite the initial reaction at 7a - I'm not ready.
And Nathan loves school. He did so great the first day it was like he had done this a million times already. He slipped right into whatever else was going on. He took the bus home and hasn't had a single second thought about it. And neither have I. We are so pleased we have a school so close, a stop full of friends, and a day of activities he really looks forward to.
At home, Benny and I have been rolling along just fine. He plays legos, trains, lego, trains and then legos again. And he's so happy!
I have been able to get some things done that are much harder with two around and having the majority of the day to do them has felt amazing. Even Leo is benefiting I think - less distraction for him too.
Despite the 7a lunch-making duties, I love Kindergarten!
I'm actually not even going to complain about school. I'm just acknowledging that we were really lucky to have so many wonderful sleep-in days. Nathan and I get up around 7a, I get him ready for the day, and we are at the bus stop at 7:45a. This morning felt tough for some reason and making a peanut butter and honey sandwich only ten minutes after I rolled out of bed felt unnatural. But once the bus left and I came home to a Benny that was already at the table eating his Cheerios (thanks Leo), I was starting to feel glad about the daily wake up call. It's nice to get started the same time every day. It's probably good for all of us, despite the initial reaction at 7a - I'm not ready.
And Nathan loves school. He did so great the first day it was like he had done this a million times already. He slipped right into whatever else was going on. He took the bus home and hasn't had a single second thought about it. And neither have I. We are so pleased we have a school so close, a stop full of friends, and a day of activities he really looks forward to.
At home, Benny and I have been rolling along just fine. He plays legos, trains, lego, trains and then legos again. And he's so happy!
I have been able to get some things done that are much harder with two around and having the majority of the day to do them has felt amazing. Even Leo is benefiting I think - less distraction for him too.
Despite the 7a lunch-making duties, I love Kindergarten!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Vegas Vacation
To get away from it all was a treat. No cooking, cleaning, diapers, demands. Just the lights, the desert mountains and time for just Leo and I. We left Tuesday afternoon after Gigi picked us all up. The boys were packed up to spend a few days with her and Grandpa. I was nervous. About leaving
them. About being so far away. They were well-prepared though and didn't cry or fuss about it. They knew there was fun in store for them.
Our flight was delayed - a slight summer to start the trip. Then the delayed passengers grumbled that the wi-fi wasn't working on this particular flight. Whaddyagonnado? We were happy to catch up on some shows on the laptop and I dug into a new book. With nothing but time, who can complain?
But find some shade and it's do-able. I welcomed the warmth. And the mountains. Sorry if I mention them more than a hundred times. I love the spaciousness of the desert and how it all goes on for miles. It's so different from our dense green surroundings at home. I love it!
We took a cab to the Flamingo, our old reliable. We got a Go Room which is an "updated" room as compared to the old rooms but...I guess they updated a while ago. They were a little worn but still cool with hot pick accents, frosted glass everywhere and white vinyl. It sounds weird, but look it up. They are kinda neat.
Wednesday I was ready to set off for the pool first thing but it was a little overcast so we decided to wander the new area next to Flamingo first, the Linq. This is where the new observation wheel is, The High Roller, the largest in the world. There are tons of new shops, restaurants, etc. bordering a cobblestone street connecting Las Vegas Blvd and the wheel. We walked along, got a couple of mimosas at The Quad (new place), then ventured back for breakfast. It was really cool to be out when no one else was.
After breakfast was pool time where Leo didn't last long. I enjoy the Flamingo pool. It has been updated since our last visit, the music is great and the atmosphere fun. I only wish we were there with friends. I would have spent more time there socializing. Still, the time spent not doing anything else felt wonderful.
The afternoon was spent wandering in the Planet Hollywood/ Paris area some more, then rest before our long night out. We checked out the VIP lounge (with that handy Diamond card) and had some snacks and dri
nks. Then we took a cab to the Hoffbrau Haus for dinner. And beer of course. The giant room was decorated in typical German fashion (I assume) with tall painted ceilings, long wood tables and benches, ginormous mugs of beer and a German band. The atmosphere was lively and welcoming. We met another couple next to us who were going zip-lining at the Rio. We were then off to a concert across the street.
Hard Rock was next. I had never been to the hotel and it did not disappoint. There was tons to look at. Even though I'm not a huge music junkie like some of my brothers are, there are endless cases around the lobby and casino full of musician stuff. Clothes, guitars, instruments, etc. We had lots of time before the Guns n Roses concert was starting at 9p. Lots. We went in a little after knowing Axl would be late (apparently he does that).
I recognized the opening band right away. I had heard of them through a radio show I listen to out of LA, who had helped to discover them years ago.They were good and played for a while. Though by the time GnR came on it was was about 11p. Barely having a day to adjust to the time, it felt like the 2a time that is was on the East Coast. We also were in the General Admission area where there were no seats. Standing all that tim
e to be up close to prove to be worth it as we were really close to the stage. But our bodies were fading fast after all that standing around. We made it until 1a (4a EST!). They were still playing and we were reluctant to leave but we just couldn't hang. We had heard most of the songs we knew (missed a couple but whaddyagonnado?!). All the guys were sooo good. It was a really cool experience.
On the way out I recognized the lead band guy from the first group, Delta Rose. I went up to him to tell him how I had heard of them. He was super nice and was flattered to know they had been heard of. It was funny it was literally three guys just standing around. They had just opened for Guns! Well, in case they make it big someday, maybe they will remember me.
The concert venue, The Joint, was a really nice place. Seems like they have a lot of big names. I would definitely go there again. But probably in seats!
Thursday we enjoyed the laziness of the morning. I spent some pool time before we left Flamingo to move on (and up) to the Wynn. We went to another buffet at The Mirage. Not nearly as good but nothing beats the very first meal on an empty stomach after travel. We had our midday fill, wandered the strip a bit then checked into The Wynn.
We were fortunate to get the room here for free. Leo won it in a sweepstakes. Yes really. I never thought I would encourage him to continue to play those things but after this win and the Wynn, he has my blessing.
Part of the VIP status (back at the Flamingo) was tickets on the giant wheel. We considered going on but were deciding on that or going into the Eiffel Tower at Paris. Free sound
ed good so our decision was made. We asked around and figured out the best time to go: sunset. We checked out the VIP lounge at Paris, walked back to Flamingo and got on right at the perfect time.
The ride all the way around the 550 foot high wheel is about 35 minutes. We saw the sun setting behind the mountains, making the ridges to the East bright orange. By the time we were done, the twinkling lights of the strip started to sputter to life. The only thing more perfect would have been our own pod (thou
gh had we insisted we could have since there was hardly a crowd at this point) and a longer ride. Keep me there at the top for a while and I would have been happy. We were lucky we got this complimentary but it's a trip worth paying for.
We slowly made our way through the Linq from here, stopping for a slice of pizza and a visit into a couple
shops. My fave - the Polaroid Fotobar. This is one of the coolest places I have seen. For $1 you can print out a picture from FB, your phone, Instagram, etc,. onto a hard stock with a white "polaroid" border. They had a bank of computer to sit and play and a great range of frames and other items. We got mom and Ed a picture that she had sent us from the week to thank them for taking such good care of the boys. I could have sat there all night and played. It gave me some great ideas for the future. There was a museum upstairs as well but it was closed at the time. Next visit.
We slept well in that Wynn hotel room. Three words. Best. Pillows. Ever. If anyone is ever in doubt and wants to spoil me, I would like one of those pillows please. They were amazing!
Instead of going to Fremont Street at we discussed we cabbed it back to the Wynn area. The Fashion Mall is across the street and we went there for lunch, and eventually dinner later on. I had the best Mahi Mahi tacos ever (El Segundo Sol). We explored the pool area for a few hours that afternoon - staying out of the sun on purpose. Like the rest it's a luxurious area with a long canal-like shape where you can swim from one end to the other, under walkways. The edges of the place were dotted in fancy cabanas - ones with ceiling fans, TV's, couches and whatever else you can put in there that would spoil you. A mini personal lounge for the very well-off I imagine.
We were pretty much wiped out after that. All the sun and walking throughout the week wore us out. We enjoyed the last evening at the Wynn, the view of those mountains especially and went to bed pretty early.
The reports on Nathan and Benny were good as always. Good eaters and sleepers. They can use some help in the sharing department. But overall a pleasure. I'm glad to know we can likely leave them anytime and have no problems since they are such good boys. Though the break was nice I don't know if I would leave them anytime soon. Next time, I would love to take them on our next adventure into the world. There's so much I want to show them.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Stepping back and switching gears
Here we are in Mid-May but it may as well be July (kinda). It's been warm enough to enjoy the opening of the pool in our neighborhood. I was thinking the pool would be frigid and that Benny would hate the water (cold or not) but it turned out neither was the case. We enjoyed a couple hours in the sun and the comfortable water. Nathan still forgets her can't quite swim on his own yet but he's brushing up on his skills from last year and since he has no fear, he will readjust and learn quickly. Benny was not fun to take last year since he would mostly just scream in terror but this year he has screamed in delight as long as he "old on mommy" (holds on to mommy). If you see me with a starfish-shaped outline on my body at the summers' end it's because Benny attached himself to me and didn't get go. He is still my #1 snuggler in and out of the pool. I will squeeze and snuggle back as long as I possibly can.
Currently, Benny is upstairs where he often just wanders on his own to go play with trains for long periods of time by himself (Nathan never did this!). He is now calling down to Nathan, who is hiding under a pile of stuffed animals hanging out by himself. If only I could bottle up this time of contentment and quiet! It's not as common as I would like. But it is progress. Anyway, the way Benny looks for his big brother is priceless. I'm not sure who will have the harder transition come July when Nathan is the big boy at Kindergarten and Benny has more hours in the day without him.
Yes, Nathan is less than a week away from not being a preschooler any longer. Woah. As I probably stated, it's all good. He needs to attention and stimulation. But when I really look at him and think "not a preschooler anymore" I can't believe how old he is and how much he has grown. He is often pointing to signs and words now and saying."this says..." and then tells me what it says. I am always surprised and say. "I didn't know you could read!" He says, "I can't. It was just a lucky guess." Lucky guess, memorization or actual putting together of letters and sounds, he is progressing well and I don't worry about Kindergarten quite too much. He's much smarter than I think.
Benny too actually. It's easy to forget to teach the younger one all the basics since you're so busy with so much stuff. But apparently they learn it all anyway. We realized that Benny can count to 10 and is piecing together the alphabet. That probably sounds so dumb that a) I wasn't actively teaching him and b) I didn't know he knew so much. But for a while I was so worried about him not speaking enough that teaching him the basics went to the wayside. He's a good listener though and hopefully will learn the good (as well as the bad unfortunately) from his smart big bro.
This week the boys and I attended our last MOPS meeting. It was bittersweet of course since this particular group gave me so much in the way of friends, growth, and daily mommy support. But, as Hospitality Coordinator, it was quite a handful. I have some paperwork and guidelines to pass along but other than that, it is out of my hands now. Thinking back to the first few times we went, Nathan was such a mess when I would drop him off. I cried because it was so hard to watch him be so upset! Fast forward four years, Nathan makes friends all the time (not just MOPS but everywhere and maybe this experience helped him with that, same as it did for me) and Benny finally adjusted to new people as well which will help him in preschool next year. They really loved him in his room this year. Even though he would start out crying, the teachers in the room were tearful when they said goodbye to Benny the other day, saying they enjoyed extra last snuggles and saying I love you. To hear other people say that about your kids is heart melting.
Shedding that responsibility has been good for me. I also had to change some other things around as I wasn't feeling like myself for a few weeks and had to just step back and regroup. Sleep has been an issue and getting worse by the day. It started a while back where I would have trouble in places other than my own bed, then grew into an ugly monster that keep me up in my own house. I'm not completely sure what started it all but what didn't help is my little boys waking in the night, specifically Nathan coming into our room to tell me he couldn't sleep, "tuck me in" or just having to pee but not just going on his own. You can be a kind, patient mama for only so many nights. I did eventually flip out a time or two and I think he's beginning to see he really has to stop doing it. Emergencies and sickness are one thing. Waking me to tell me you can't sleep is so not ok. I'm feeling better now that I'm catching up but missing out on hours of precious rest really threw me for a while. I'm hoping not to revisit that crazy town again anytime soon.
I can feel the change in the air now, for the better, moving forward. Nathan has a couple things happening in the next week with the end of school, I am filling my calendar with sharing Nature's Pearl when I can and making plans for fun things to do in June with the kids before school starts for Nathan. Leo and I will be off to Vegas in less than two weeks where we will stay at the Flamingo and the Wynn for 5 days of fun in the sun. I can't wait to sit by a pool in peace and wander the strip with Leo. We have gotten some date nights in the past several months but it's never enough. And at home of course finishing a conversation above the sound of the motorized three wheeler and fighting over the lego "guys"....well, it's just not worth the yelling. Also, taking a break from the boys will be great. While they were playing nicely while I was sitting here catching up on the blog, I just heard Leo telling Nathan not to bring something large and heavy down the stairs by himself. Uh oh.
Currently, Benny is upstairs where he often just wanders on his own to go play with trains for long periods of time by himself (Nathan never did this!). He is now calling down to Nathan, who is hiding under a pile of stuffed animals hanging out by himself. If only I could bottle up this time of contentment and quiet! It's not as common as I would like. But it is progress. Anyway, the way Benny looks for his big brother is priceless. I'm not sure who will have the harder transition come July when Nathan is the big boy at Kindergarten and Benny has more hours in the day without him.
Yes, Nathan is less than a week away from not being a preschooler any longer. Woah. As I probably stated, it's all good. He needs to attention and stimulation. But when I really look at him and think "not a preschooler anymore" I can't believe how old he is and how much he has grown. He is often pointing to signs and words now and saying."this says..." and then tells me what it says. I am always surprised and say. "I didn't know you could read!" He says, "I can't. It was just a lucky guess." Lucky guess, memorization or actual putting together of letters and sounds, he is progressing well and I don't worry about Kindergarten quite too much. He's much smarter than I think.
Benny too actually. It's easy to forget to teach the younger one all the basics since you're so busy with so much stuff. But apparently they learn it all anyway. We realized that Benny can count to 10 and is piecing together the alphabet. That probably sounds so dumb that a) I wasn't actively teaching him and b) I didn't know he knew so much. But for a while I was so worried about him not speaking enough that teaching him the basics went to the wayside. He's a good listener though and hopefully will learn the good (as well as the bad unfortunately) from his smart big bro.
This week the boys and I attended our last MOPS meeting. It was bittersweet of course since this particular group gave me so much in the way of friends, growth, and daily mommy support. But, as Hospitality Coordinator, it was quite a handful. I have some paperwork and guidelines to pass along but other than that, it is out of my hands now. Thinking back to the first few times we went, Nathan was such a mess when I would drop him off. I cried because it was so hard to watch him be so upset! Fast forward four years, Nathan makes friends all the time (not just MOPS but everywhere and maybe this experience helped him with that, same as it did for me) and Benny finally adjusted to new people as well which will help him in preschool next year. They really loved him in his room this year. Even though he would start out crying, the teachers in the room were tearful when they said goodbye to Benny the other day, saying they enjoyed extra last snuggles and saying I love you. To hear other people say that about your kids is heart melting.
Shedding that responsibility has been good for me. I also had to change some other things around as I wasn't feeling like myself for a few weeks and had to just step back and regroup. Sleep has been an issue and getting worse by the day. It started a while back where I would have trouble in places other than my own bed, then grew into an ugly monster that keep me up in my own house. I'm not completely sure what started it all but what didn't help is my little boys waking in the night, specifically Nathan coming into our room to tell me he couldn't sleep, "tuck me in" or just having to pee but not just going on his own. You can be a kind, patient mama for only so many nights. I did eventually flip out a time or two and I think he's beginning to see he really has to stop doing it. Emergencies and sickness are one thing. Waking me to tell me you can't sleep is so not ok. I'm feeling better now that I'm catching up but missing out on hours of precious rest really threw me for a while. I'm hoping not to revisit that crazy town again anytime soon.
I can feel the change in the air now, for the better, moving forward. Nathan has a couple things happening in the next week with the end of school, I am filling my calendar with sharing Nature's Pearl when I can and making plans for fun things to do in June with the kids before school starts for Nathan. Leo and I will be off to Vegas in less than two weeks where we will stay at the Flamingo and the Wynn for 5 days of fun in the sun. I can't wait to sit by a pool in peace and wander the strip with Leo. We have gotten some date nights in the past several months but it's never enough. And at home of course finishing a conversation above the sound of the motorized three wheeler and fighting over the lego "guys"....well, it's just not worth the yelling. Also, taking a break from the boys will be great. While they were playing nicely while I was sitting here catching up on the blog, I just heard Leo telling Nathan not to bring something large and heavy down the stairs by himself. Uh oh.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Early Spring Roundup
The snow finally stopped. The threat of snow has popped up in the last week or so, but we will have a warm no-jacket day and then BAM another cold day will slap us in the face. We had a lot of school closures and delays. It only kind of affected us, in terms of school. But when it came to making plans, having appointments, etc., it messed up our weeks.
In between the crazy weather, there were quite a few things going on. Namely me not being here. I happened to have an opportunity to go to Charleston, SC for a Nature's Pearl training in February. I had to get myself there and the rest was pretty much taken care of. I'm happy to say I know people who have a "vacation house" who let us use it for business purposes. So my friend Gillian and I spent a couple nights there. She lead some great training, the owners of the house spoiled us with great food, and we were able to get out and enjoy some Charleston night life. It was a really relaxing weekend for me. The first of many eye openers as well.
A few weeks later, I was on the road again. Mom and I drove to Myrtle Beach for the International Convention for NP. The hotel was beautiful, on the beach, pools, hammocks, palm trees. Just the setting was amazing. The training and the company of fellow NP business owners was top notch as well. I realized what a big deal this is; the cancer research attached to our products, the care involved in creating them to be the best, and the idea that there are so many people that want and need them. Light bulbs! The weekend didn't end well, unfortunately. I haven't been sleeping well away from home and Sunday morning it caught up to me. I tried to sleep in the back of the car while mom drove but that resulted in my regular nausea from being in the car. It was the longest car ride of my life. But we made it home in one piece. What I gained from the weekend made it worth it.
About the end of February, I met with a personal trainer for an assessment. Actually having a personal trainer has never really been on my to-do. It's expensive and, frankly, scary. But the guy seemed to have a pretty good feeling about what he could do for me in a relatively short time, and offered a really good price. So, I'm doing it. The first session was grueling. But every session since has been...fun?! I look forward to sweating it out and feeling the burn afterwards. The reward of doing something at your highest capacity, knowing you absolutely did the best you could possibly do, is a great feeling that I wish everyone could experience at least once.
The boys are growing and growing. We went to Amy and Dan's yesterday for Natalie's 2nd Birthday Party and everyone kept saying how huge my kids are. You don't see it when you're with them everyday. But they are. They are big, growing boys.
Nathan turned 5 last weekend. He asked for a surprise party a couple times, and so, we made it happen. Gigi and Grandpa took the boys overnight and all day then came when everyone else was at the house. Nathan was shocked and confused, had a momentary look of tears, then regrouped quickly and lead his friends upstairs to play. He rallied fast. I don't even know if he fully understood it. But everyone got a kick out of his request anyway. What 5 year old asks for such things?!
And for 5, he knows it all of course. At least he acts like it. He pushes back at every turn along the way - which I guess isn't really new. But he becomes more head strong and adamant that he's right. Ugh. The days are long!
And Benny....he's definitely 2! He has his whinny spells where he won't get what he wants and then cries for at least 10 minutes, if not more. The other day, Leo just put him in his room. He stopped out of confusion, then started up again, opened up his door on his own, then came out to cry at us again. But not for long. That may be the best option. Maybe in a random room or closet each time to shake him out of his silliness.
The two of them are playing so nicely these days. This weekend it is rainy but we went out in the morning anyway to do a few things in the garage. While Leo and I transplanted some seedlings we started this winter and had sitting in our tub (!), the boys were crouched over a mud pit, digging, in their PJ's and boots, in the rain. I have better vibes going into the warm season. I can see the two of them playing together outside and me being able to do a little yard work finally. Last year their ages were too different. But now they are slowly catching up and enjoying each other. I might actually be more sad about Nathan being in Kindergarten than I thought since they can actually play now.
This week is Spring Break for Nathan so we will be out and about in the world doing stuff. Leo and I are going to a hockey game on Saturday, possibly a concert on Sunday and then our anniversary is Monday. The Garcia's insisted on taking the kids that night so we can celebrate. But with our busy weekend I don't know we'll need it!
Off to enjoy this sleep Sunday. Nathan is begging to play Mario Galaxy 2. He's officially a real kid now - game obsessed!
In between the crazy weather, there were quite a few things going on. Namely me not being here. I happened to have an opportunity to go to Charleston, SC for a Nature's Pearl training in February. I had to get myself there and the rest was pretty much taken care of. I'm happy to say I know people who have a "vacation house" who let us use it for business purposes. So my friend Gillian and I spent a couple nights there. She lead some great training, the owners of the house spoiled us with great food, and we were able to get out and enjoy some Charleston night life. It was a really relaxing weekend for me. The first of many eye openers as well.
A few weeks later, I was on the road again. Mom and I drove to Myrtle Beach for the International Convention for NP. The hotel was beautiful, on the beach, pools, hammocks, palm trees. Just the setting was amazing. The training and the company of fellow NP business owners was top notch as well. I realized what a big deal this is; the cancer research attached to our products, the care involved in creating them to be the best, and the idea that there are so many people that want and need them. Light bulbs! The weekend didn't end well, unfortunately. I haven't been sleeping well away from home and Sunday morning it caught up to me. I tried to sleep in the back of the car while mom drove but that resulted in my regular nausea from being in the car. It was the longest car ride of my life. But we made it home in one piece. What I gained from the weekend made it worth it.
About the end of February, I met with a personal trainer for an assessment. Actually having a personal trainer has never really been on my to-do. It's expensive and, frankly, scary. But the guy seemed to have a pretty good feeling about what he could do for me in a relatively short time, and offered a really good price. So, I'm doing it. The first session was grueling. But every session since has been...fun?! I look forward to sweating it out and feeling the burn afterwards. The reward of doing something at your highest capacity, knowing you absolutely did the best you could possibly do, is a great feeling that I wish everyone could experience at least once.
The boys are growing and growing. We went to Amy and Dan's yesterday for Natalie's 2nd Birthday Party and everyone kept saying how huge my kids are. You don't see it when you're with them everyday. But they are. They are big, growing boys.
Nathan turned 5 last weekend. He asked for a surprise party a couple times, and so, we made it happen. Gigi and Grandpa took the boys overnight and all day then came when everyone else was at the house. Nathan was shocked and confused, had a momentary look of tears, then regrouped quickly and lead his friends upstairs to play. He rallied fast. I don't even know if he fully understood it. But everyone got a kick out of his request anyway. What 5 year old asks for such things?!
And for 5, he knows it all of course. At least he acts like it. He pushes back at every turn along the way - which I guess isn't really new. But he becomes more head strong and adamant that he's right. Ugh. The days are long!
And Benny....he's definitely 2! He has his whinny spells where he won't get what he wants and then cries for at least 10 minutes, if not more. The other day, Leo just put him in his room. He stopped out of confusion, then started up again, opened up his door on his own, then came out to cry at us again. But not for long. That may be the best option. Maybe in a random room or closet each time to shake him out of his silliness.
The two of them are playing so nicely these days. This weekend it is rainy but we went out in the morning anyway to do a few things in the garage. While Leo and I transplanted some seedlings we started this winter and had sitting in our tub (!), the boys were crouched over a mud pit, digging, in their PJ's and boots, in the rain. I have better vibes going into the warm season. I can see the two of them playing together outside and me being able to do a little yard work finally. Last year their ages were too different. But now they are slowly catching up and enjoying each other. I might actually be more sad about Nathan being in Kindergarten than I thought since they can actually play now.
This week is Spring Break for Nathan so we will be out and about in the world doing stuff. Leo and I are going to a hockey game on Saturday, possibly a concert on Sunday and then our anniversary is Monday. The Garcia's insisted on taking the kids that night so we can celebrate. But with our busy weekend I don't know we'll need it!
Off to enjoy this sleep Sunday. Nathan is begging to play Mario Galaxy 2. He's officially a real kid now - game obsessed!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Snowmageddon (Yeah, I know. Not original. Whatev.)
This morning felt so different from other mornings. With a fresh thick quilt of snow outside, there is a certain kind of quiet you can feel, even from inside the house.
A couple weeks ago, we got our first accumulating snow. We may have had a dusting prior but this was the first for the winter that we could play in. Two or so inches were expected on a Tue
sday and so got all ramped up and excited.
Let me stop here and explain something about snow in NC. It's a really big deal! I mean, I always hears it was but now I know. I feel like snow is something to talk about anyway, even in NY. But when it happens so infrequently, it's a really really big deal. So it's talked up all over the place. For days!
So we were already excited about snow on Sunday and Monday. We had even done all the silly bread and milk errands I used to tease about. (Oh please. How can you not have the necessities already and why bread and milk? Why do you need these to survive? Eggs. Butter. Wine. Yes. Well now I have kids and I get it. It's reminiscent of my days in LA when they were always waiting for "the big one". The big one here would be an ice storm though, not an earthquake. And no amount of milk and eggs could save you from that.) So Monday we watched the weather. And waited. No flakes. The schools watched and waited. No flakes. The weather channel, the news stations....no flakes. Aw heck, let's just close school tomorrow anyway. What?!
Yeah, so Tuesday was closed and no flakes. Until about 7p that night! Grrr...A full day of plans gone to waste.
The snow finally fell through the night and on Wednesday had a nice little two inches to play in. Good old Cutright was busy with sledders when we got there the next morning, lots of families, extra sleds. This is why we love our neighborhood!
Thursday, the snow lingered. Friday it was pretty much gone. Saturday it was a distant memory. But still, schools were closed through the week. And when you go to year-round school, you have to make up your days - on the WEEKEND! Then, even the Saturday make up sessions were closed!
I am still confused about all the closures. They jumped the gun for sure. Then again, if you don't, you have an Atlanta situation on your hands. People got stuck on the roads for hours, abandoning their cars and walking home. Ha! How could this happen?!
Then came Winter Storm Pax. Yeah, this one had a name. Exactly two weeks later, we were told to expect snow. Like the boy who cried wolf, I don't think anyone expected it to come. The schools were open on Tuesday, some even for a bit on Wednesday. Then it actually started. Around 12:30 it started to fall hard and I was completely taken back to NY winter days. The light, frantic flurry of snow in all directions. Piling up in a hurry, hiding the grass in a few hours. It was awesome!
But we were snuggly and warm in our house (with a lot of milk and bread), and out there were so many husbands who got stuck. Within a very short time, the roads got bad (no plows en force here, remember). Suddenly, we were looking a lot like Atlanta. D'oh! I wondered how this could happen again. The traffic maps showed all roadways in red. At least one friend did say via FB, "walking home is punishment enough so I don't have to say I told you so." People finally arrived home after hours on the roads, some had to stay overnight in various odd places.
But the snow itself? Awesome! About 5" or so. Deep and fluffy and wonderful. Leo and I are in heaven when it snows like this. We got the kids all dressed up to go out in it after dinner. They cried their eyes out. Southern Sissies. Nathan is very head strong these days and continues to do what he wants most of the time. When he will end up suffering and possibly learning something from the experience, I'll let him. For some reason, he is not appreciating the magic of layers when you go out to play. And Benny....gloves, mittens? No ma'am. I think I will just stick my hands in the snow then cry bloody murder over how cold they are for the next 30 minutes!
Despite that 15 minute adventure, we did end up going out again. We went up to neighbor Kate's house of course. If the party isn't here, it's there. We hung out for a little while before stomping through our own tracks down the hill back home to bed.
Today, we hope to get some sledding in. Or as Leo put it, Woodlawn Double Luge Competition. It may be possible - we were supposed to be hit with ice too. Our fluffy snow layers have been weighted down with it overnight and icicles hang from the outdoor furniture. We all all home, have power, water and lots of milk and bread, so I'm prepared for whatever this fun snow day brings.
Oh yeah, and this happened . . . .
sday and so got all ramped up and excited.
Let me stop here and explain something about snow in NC. It's a really big deal! I mean, I always hears it was but now I know. I feel like snow is something to talk about anyway, even in NY. But when it happens so infrequently, it's a really really big deal. So it's talked up all over the place. For days!
So we were already excited about snow on Sunday and Monday. We had even done all the silly bread and milk errands I used to tease about. (Oh please. How can you not have the necessities already and why bread and milk? Why do you need these to survive? Eggs. Butter. Wine. Yes. Well now I have kids and I get it. It's reminiscent of my days in LA when they were always waiting for "the big one". The big one here would be an ice storm though, not an earthquake. And no amount of milk and eggs could save you from that.) So Monday we watched the weather. And waited. No flakes. The schools watched and waited. No flakes. The weather channel, the news stations....no flakes. Aw heck, let's just close school tomorrow anyway. What?!
The snow finally fell through the night and on Wednesday had a nice little two inches to play in. Good old Cutright was busy with sledders when we got there the next morning, lots of families, extra sleds. This is why we love our neighborhood!
Thursday, the snow lingered. Friday it was pretty much gone. Saturday it was a distant memory. But still, schools were closed through the week. And when you go to year-round school, you have to make up your days - on the WEEKEND! Then, even the Saturday make up sessions were closed!

Then came Winter Storm Pax. Yeah, this one had a name. Exactly two weeks later, we were told to expect snow. Like the boy who cried wolf, I don't think anyone expected it to come. The schools were open on Tuesday, some even for a bit on Wednesday. Then it actually started. Around 12:30 it started to fall hard and I was completely taken back to NY winter days. The light, frantic flurry of snow in all directions. Piling up in a hurry, hiding the grass in a few hours. It was awesome!
But we were snuggly and warm in our house (with a lot of milk and bread), and out there were so many husbands who got stuck. Within a very short time, the roads got bad (no plows en force here, remember). Suddenly, we were looking a lot like Atlanta. D'oh! I wondered how this could happen again. The traffic maps showed all roadways in red. At least one friend did say via FB, "walking home is punishment enough so I don't have to say I told you so." People finally arrived home after hours on the roads, some had to stay overnight in various odd places.
Despite that 15 minute adventure, we did end up going out again. We went up to neighbor Kate's house of course. If the party isn't here, it's there. We hung out for a little while before stomping through our own tracks down the hill back home to bed.
Today, we hope to get some sledding in. Or as Leo put it, Woodlawn Double Luge Competition. It may be possible - we were supposed to be hit with ice too. Our fluffy snow layers have been weighted down with it overnight and icicles hang from the outdoor furniture. We all all home, have power, water and lots of milk and bread, so I'm prepared for whatever this fun snow day brings.
Oh yeah, and this happened . . . .
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Catching up with 2014
January gone and I've written nothing. How can I when there is always so much going on? Even as I sit down to write this I'm interrupted by a little person begging for food as if dinner wasn't an hour ago . . .
Where was I? Oh yeah, picking up where I left off. This is a pretty good representation of how things go most days.
Christmas was a lot of fun. Although we missed the family in NY, we were really glad to have stayed home. The traffic reports were awful on the roads and staying put allowed us a lot of time to just be together without running around the whole time, as NY visits tend to be. It felt like three long weeks of relaxing and being together. We had Tim and Jen around for a visit, as well as G'pa Truck. A few days of a lull then Matt and Joey were here. It was nice to have the both of them around for a couple nights, including new years. We planned on staying in but after some guitar hero and a dance party to start us off we went to neighbor Kate's for the rest of the night. The kids made it until 10:30p! Matt & Joe hung out there. I was opened one eye for half a second at midnight. Otherwise I was done! Joey stayed for a week and submersed himself into our craziness. We don't get to spend that time together so to have so much was a treat. To see all the brothers within a short period was definitely MY Christmas gift!
After the break we were ready to dive into work and school (well, I was!). We've been going non-stop since. I went away for another Nature's Pearl weekend in Advance, NC and have been sharing it with so many people. I love having this thing that is growing. That is fun and helpful and has so much potential. There are another few weekends of training coming in the next few months.
Nathan is registered for Kindergarten. He will start in July, but we aren't sure when exactly yet. They have tracks down here for the year round schools. It's a weird option but people say they really love it and our base school is the best around so we'll take it. It will be weird to have Nathan in school from 8a - 3p. But I think he will enjoy it when we get into the groove of it. Benny will begin Preschool late August for two days a week. I still can't imagine my little buddy going so young. But it will help him with his talking and socializing, and me with my sanity!
Benny has been quite the little talked though. He suddenly blossomed and has barely shut up since! We will go about our day, all of us talking about whatever, and Benny will copy every word. More like the syllables and some sounds, always leaving off the first consonant. So poop and soup sound the same. You can imagine how this can be confusing. He communicates better but there is often lots of guessing going on still. But we work with him to get it right. He's making progress.
Also, Nathan and Benny play together a lot. Benny goes where Nathan goes. If Nathan wants to do the bouncy house, Benny wants to do the "ouncy ouse." If Nathan jumps across the couch cushions, Benny follows. If it's playtime under the blankets in the bedroom, book reading, flash lights, music, etc - Benny wants in too. Nathan even seems to miss him during nap time. I can't imagine how it will be when school starts. They will have so much less time together. That actually makes me sad. I'm often thinking about how nice it will be for me to have a break or for each of them to have something new. But when it comes to their relationship with each other . . . I wonder if they will be closer because they will miss each other, or further apart because they will be into different things.
Leo is the same, working away upstairs. He's had some good luck playing around in the stock market. I don't understand it all. But he seems to have fun following it and making some extra money here and there. He and I recently went to the movies and then another night out for dinner and a stop at a beer/wine store where they have weekly tastings. We swap babysitting with friends, each of us getting one date night a month. Sometimes, we don't know what to do with our night out- we see each other so often as it is! But it's good to force us to do it, to spend time kid-free.
Benny turned two this past week. TWO! He such a happy, talkative, loving little guy. He is still big into snuggles and makes his way into our bed every so often. I don't sleep much those nights, but I lay there thinking about how I'm happy to have his warm little body next to me. We went to Red Robin for dinner to celebrate, Gigi and Grandpa bringing cake pops for the occasion. Tomorrow is the Super Bowl and we decided to do a joint Super Bowl/ Benny's Birthday party. We said we would keep it small. Apparently we don't know how to do that. We are expecting somewhere close to 40 people. We cleared the playroom for playing and bouncing and we will have enough food for all. I'm looking forward to being surrounded by friends and their families. We are so lucky to have such a big group of close friends we simply couldn't celebrate without.
Where was I? Oh yeah, picking up where I left off. This is a pretty good representation of how things go most days.
Christmas was a lot of fun. Although we missed the family in NY, we were really glad to have stayed home. The traffic reports were awful on the roads and staying put allowed us a lot of time to just be together without running around the whole time, as NY visits tend to be. It felt like three long weeks of relaxing and being together. We had Tim and Jen around for a visit, as well as G'pa Truck. A few days of a lull then Matt and Joey were here. It was nice to have the both of them around for a couple nights, including new years. We planned on staying in but after some guitar hero and a dance party to start us off we went to neighbor Kate's for the rest of the night. The kids made it until 10:30p! Matt & Joe hung out there. I was opened one eye for half a second at midnight. Otherwise I was done! Joey stayed for a week and submersed himself into our craziness. We don't get to spend that time together so to have so much was a treat. To see all the brothers within a short period was definitely MY Christmas gift!
After the break we were ready to dive into work and school (well, I was!). We've been going non-stop since. I went away for another Nature's Pearl weekend in Advance, NC and have been sharing it with so many people. I love having this thing that is growing. That is fun and helpful and has so much potential. There are another few weekends of training coming in the next few months.
Nathan is registered for Kindergarten. He will start in July, but we aren't sure when exactly yet. They have tracks down here for the year round schools. It's a weird option but people say they really love it and our base school is the best around so we'll take it. It will be weird to have Nathan in school from 8a - 3p. But I think he will enjoy it when we get into the groove of it. Benny will begin Preschool late August for two days a week. I still can't imagine my little buddy going so young. But it will help him with his talking and socializing, and me with my sanity!
Benny has been quite the little talked though. He suddenly blossomed and has barely shut up since! We will go about our day, all of us talking about whatever, and Benny will copy every word. More like the syllables and some sounds, always leaving off the first consonant. So poop and soup sound the same. You can imagine how this can be confusing. He communicates better but there is often lots of guessing going on still. But we work with him to get it right. He's making progress.
Also, Nathan and Benny play together a lot. Benny goes where Nathan goes. If Nathan wants to do the bouncy house, Benny wants to do the "ouncy ouse." If Nathan jumps across the couch cushions, Benny follows. If it's playtime under the blankets in the bedroom, book reading, flash lights, music, etc - Benny wants in too. Nathan even seems to miss him during nap time. I can't imagine how it will be when school starts. They will have so much less time together. That actually makes me sad. I'm often thinking about how nice it will be for me to have a break or for each of them to have something new. But when it comes to their relationship with each other . . . I wonder if they will be closer because they will miss each other, or further apart because they will be into different things.
Leo is the same, working away upstairs. He's had some good luck playing around in the stock market. I don't understand it all. But he seems to have fun following it and making some extra money here and there. He and I recently went to the movies and then another night out for dinner and a stop at a beer/wine store where they have weekly tastings. We swap babysitting with friends, each of us getting one date night a month. Sometimes, we don't know what to do with our night out- we see each other so often as it is! But it's good to force us to do it, to spend time kid-free.
Benny turned two this past week. TWO! He such a happy, talkative, loving little guy. He is still big into snuggles and makes his way into our bed every so often. I don't sleep much those nights, but I lay there thinking about how I'm happy to have his warm little body next to me. We went to Red Robin for dinner to celebrate, Gigi and Grandpa bringing cake pops for the occasion. Tomorrow is the Super Bowl and we decided to do a joint Super Bowl/ Benny's Birthday party. We said we would keep it small. Apparently we don't know how to do that. We are expecting somewhere close to 40 people. We cleared the playroom for playing and bouncing and we will have enough food for all. I'm looking forward to being surrounded by friends and their families. We are so lucky to have such a big group of close friends we simply couldn't celebrate without.
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