Nathan finished up his first year of preschool. He had a great time and has a lot of fun projects to show for it. He is doing a couple weeks of summer camp at his school too. Then, on to three days next year. Then there is "graduation' before heading of to Kindergarten. This is, by the way, stupid. I'm sure I will gush over how cute they are in mini caps and gowns. But really, it's dumb and makes actual hard-earned graduations less special. So you know how I really feel.
Other than the few weeks of camp, the days of summer are stretched out long before us. The pool opened weeks ago and we have already been a few times. Nathan loves it. Benny not so much. This one will take time to get right. For all the prep to get there I sometimes wonder if it's worth it. By summers' end I'm sure we will have a good system and everyone will enjoy it. That is the hope. We went to the museum last week, which I'm sure we'll do several times a month at least. And then friends' pools of course to mix things up. Then there are the other days when we're not quite sure what to do. Mommy's going to have to get real creative a motivated. . . .
My MOPS year ended too and we finished up with a nice dinner at a friends house. But the MOPS stuff doesn't end. I have signed up to be Hospitality Coordinator for next year which means I oversee the setup for each of the meetings. I'm not sure how I got myself into that role but the group has been so wonderful for me that I had to step up to make sure it was just as great for the next mommies to come along. It will be interesting since both boys really don't like being in the child care there. Another thing they will just have to get used to.
As if I didn't have enough on my plate I also signed myself up with Nature's Pearl ( They offer all sorts of products using Muscadine Seed Extract, a super antioxidant that reduces inflammation - the root of all disease! (Google it. Interesting stuff.) This sounds involved and he products do wonderful things, for every person, sick or not. So I'm on board to spread the word and build a little something for myself on the side. I gotta wake up this mommy brain somehow so it doesn't get too mushy.
Looking forward to playdates, a trip to the Zoo, and even a Mommy and Me Book Club. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself for having some downtime in the afternoons. We have a full calendar.