Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pee Drama

Everyday I have something new to write about but the day gets away from me and I don't write it down. But not to worry, another new story is right around the corner. Like todays' adventure . . .

Last week Nathan stayed up late to watch a football game with Daddy. At some point, Nathan was put to bed without a diaper. It sounds ridiculous to me that he was still wearing a diaper/ pullups as of last week since he has been potty-trained for almost a year now but holding it in overnight is tough. Anyway, the next morning I discovered the diaperless boy was actually DRY!  I couldn't believe it but was so excited. We had been trying to get into his head and persuade (con/ cojole/ bribe) him with something he really likes - Poptarts! I don't keep them in the house (they are so not good for you but oh so delicious) so this would be a great treat. Although we were proud and thought maybe this would mean he is growing up and learning, I was also very prepared to chalk it up to a fluke. Not so. The next few nights there may have been a drop or two but he didn't wet through like he had in the past. Our little boy was indeed growing up. He even started coming in to us in the night to tell us when he had to go. A nuisance but a small one compared to wet pj's and sheets in the middle of the night.

Last night he came into our room at some point and he was whining in that "Oh, I wet myself" way. I went with him to his room to change. I don't know if he said it or I just assumed, but I just started changing him. He wandered away halfway through into the office and then came back out and shut the door. Assuming he was just being his ADD Nathan self, I waited a moment for him to come back. I then realized he wasn't even wet! I told him to go to the bathroom since he was awake. He tried. He didn't have to go. Okayfine . . . back to bed.

Fast forward to today. I'm in the office looking for something when I see a yellow drip of some sort on the carpet. What the . . . when he went wandering off, Nathan managed to pee in the trash can! It was dark, he's never peed in a trash can before, he was clearly half asleep. How did he manage this?! I called Leo down to tell him the story. We have the picture as proof. I couldn't stop laughing even though I most certainly didn't want to encourage him to do it again. But seriously, it was hilarious. This kid and his pee. . . what's up with that?

Our other little boy is growing up too. Benny now has two little "teefers" popping up and he is assuming the position to crawl any day now. He gets up on his fours, rocks a little . . . then moves himself backwards. Nathan did this too for a short time. But once he got the hang of it he hasn't looked back!

Leo's work has been really busy lately and we don't see him much during the day, and sometimes evening. He's here, but he's just really busy! But it's all good stuff to come. He did, however, find a few minutes to come join our picnic lunch outside today. It has been absolutely wonderful outside and we have been enjoying it with many picnics and walks. (Nice huh? Let's finish the deck so we can eat outside - on the front lawn!) I love the fall and the turn in weather is only one of the many perks.

Other fall perks - pumpkin everything. Decorations. Preschool. Yeah baby. I love school. Just the few hours a couple days a week has afforded me so much more time to myself. It's still lacking some days, but most weeks now I can count on an hour or two just for me. I can workout, catch up on reading, house stuff, shopping with only one (or sometimes no) kid, photography stuff - whatever I want! There still isn't enough time in the day but man - I feel much better about life these days now that I can breathe.

Oh yeah and then there's football. ((Sigh)) . . . . Leo is in heaven and Nathan will join in and root for the appropriate team from time to time too. I'm trying to take it in stride and keep busy otherwise. That's his happy place - what can I do?