Thursday, January 19, 2012

Circle of Friends

I don't know if I've said it before but I think it everyday. I'm so thankful for our circle of friends. You would never know we came here knowing no one. And now, we are surrounded by people; Neighbors, old and new; mommy friends; friends from home; work friends; friends of friends who have become our own; friends with and without kids. We can barely keep track of them all. How lucky are we? And every week we have several encounters with them. This past Saturday a friend brought over food for dinner. We heated up those chicken fingers and garlic bread and feasted then she wore Nathan out for a few hours. Monday, we went to a friends house to install some Uppercase, have lunch and play for a few hours. Tuesday we skipped a playdate in the morning but still managed to get play time in when yet another friend offered us a break and to took Nathan for dinner and a few hours of play. Last night I had friends over for dinner - NYC ravioli and chocolate cake! It fills me up - the friendships, not just the cake. I mean really, how did we manage to create such a huge network of the most amazing people I've ever met? I suppose it's taken time, but the six years (!) we've been here has gone by fast and have been fruitful. It's true that time flies when you're having fun. And now, when I will need them even more, I know they will be there. Baby Trend is coming soon (2 weeks and 5 days, give or take) and I know it will be a challenge to adjust. Or even just to exist at first. But someone has been kind enough to set up a calendar where people sign up to bring meals over several times a week. This is such a huge help I can't even begin to describe. Even if my husband was a cook (which he is not) he will be just as tired as I will be I'm sure. So to be taken care of by people that love us . . . there are no words. I just hope to repay each of them back someday.

If you are wondering about the change of 'tude from last post to this . . . well, so am I. Is it the friend-time? The chocolate cake? The fact that we slept in until 9am this morning? Whatever it is, I feel ok today. Nesting has kicked in and I'm trying to be productive with what I have going for me. I still hate that I can't move and lift things on my own. But the tides are changing soon. So I'm just trying to sit back and read magazines and books like there's no tomorrow. Because let's be honest, tomorrow there may not be time!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How in the world?

How the hell did I do this last time and how the hell do people do this over and over - having kids that is? It is seriously hard. Maybe it's my height or whatever. I don't know man. I'm hoping the difficulty of carrying this little guy far outweighs his true precense in the world. A girl can hope, right?

Right now I'm laying in bed with a movie on for Nathan. Good thing the kid will sit for a movie, however guilty I feel for the amount of time he spends in front of the boob tube these days. Just gotta get through another 30 days (and nights). And then a whole new set of challenges unfold. What a crazy season of life we are in!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Holiday Hoopla

Sorry if this blog has become more about me complaining than anything but at this point, it's all I can do well. I was thinking how glad I am that I am such a perfectionist about so many things. It makes the current tired me look normal. In other words, instead of having the house be pristine clean - it's just a normal clean that most people maintain. I can't handle much more above that. But I still look like I'm holding it all together. HA! Behind the facade I'm tired and sore. So, sorry if I haven't been "me". Hopefully she will be back soon.

At the beginning of pregnancy, for me both times, the tired part was so tough. I don't know how I felt at the end with Nathan in terms of being tired. (I was miserable no doubt but I don't remember the fatigue. Leo says it happened.) In any event, I'm feeling it now and it feels pretty awful. My poor energetic kid just wants to jump around, go outside, be crazy! But all I can do is watch him,encourage him to play and open my door to anyone who wants to play with him. Thankfully, we know many people and all of them are awesome for him to run ragged with.

As far as holiday happenings, The Kepler clan came the Thursday before Christmas and stayed until Monday evening. As usual, we kept busy. Last minute shopping and homemade chicken pot pie was the first night. I was happy that I had thought to make an extra pie earlier in the week when I made one for a friend. The rest of the time I didn't do much cooking but this made up for it - at least in my mind. Friday we spend a good part of the day at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham - a favorite hangout for us. Dad and Jo bought us a membership for the year so we are free to go anytime. That night the boys went bowling while Joanne, Nathan and I went to look at a display of holiday lights set to music. It was a great display we went back the next night to see too.

Christmas Eve must have been a laid back day. I don't know what we did other than wrap last minute gifts and laze around the house. This was ok with me. The museum the day before kicked my butt! We were going to continue the tradition of going out to dinner but opted for Chinese in, instead. We ended the night with a video chat with Greg and Tim and families. We were able to work this out despite being in three different places. We exchanged our Secret Santa gifts and passed on the Fraggle Rock. (It's a Kepler Thing. Don't ask.) It wasn't quite the same as being together - possibly my most favorite thing all year - but it was a decent alternative. Next year we will have to plan to be together for real.

Christmas Day I was actually up before Nathan so I waited for him and Leo to come out and see all the gifts that were waiting under the tree for him. I think the thing that really sold Nathan on the Santa idea was the cookie crumbs and empty milk glass. "He ate the cookies!" Between this 'proof' and our Elf, Binkers, the idea has been placed and I'm looking for many fun Christmases ahead.

We enjoyed gift time and it felt warm and comfortable to have my family here with us. After breakfast we got ready for company and then the day took off from there. We staggered the time of arrival for the many guests that came through the door all day. We hoped to give each set of grandparents a little time on their own to open gifts and hopefully make the transition into a full house an easy one (for Nathan and me!). He ended up having a little quality time with everyone before we had a full house of 16 people and even fit in a much needed nap in there. All Nathan's grandparents and one great grand were present (pictures to come). Friends Eleni and Mike joined us for dinner as well. My Mom and Joanne were champs in the kitchen, making sure our huge Italian meal was perfect. Fresh ravioli from NYC was to die for as well as my favorite dish ever, my mom's lasagna. There was chocolate cake and tiramasu for dessert and enough cookies to 'sink a ship' as they say. (And they continue to linger - cookies, cookies everywhere!) By 8p the house was back to just us and our house guests and we were all pretty beat. After all the company, gifts and food we sat on our butts and enjoyed the after-Christmas coma.

Monday we enjoyed one more beautiful day together. (After Dad and Joanne worked very hard all morning to clean and put the house in spectacular order - THANK YOU!) I had yet to take them all to Chapel Hill so we went up there and had lunch and a nice walk on Franklin Street. The weather was ideal - barely a need for sweaters or jackets. A nice way to exist in December indeed! I was sad to see them all go that evening. The house has been so quiet.

We had a play date here and there this week (another day at the museum with cousin Logan who had never been!) and this weekend we welcomed the year in a quiet fashion, at least compared to years past. It was strange to have no plans at all but to be honest I'm really glad. Nathan stayed up even past me! I slept a little in bed while he and Daddy watched the countdown shows in the Living Room. I came out just in time for the actual New Years countdown. Nathan was drifting off seconds before. We kept him awake to say Happy New Year then let him finally drift off. The kid is a trooper.

Today, the Christmas stuff has been put away and now we are looking at a clean slate for the new year. (Except for those damn cookies!) I am glad to be in this space of newness - it makes me feel extra prepared for the next adventure to come, our new Baby Boy! I don't know how people have babies in the middle of all the holiday madness. In any event, we are ready for him to come, just about 5 weeks from now.