How December is here already I don't know. The days seem to fly by. Thanksgiving included. We had a nice day with everyone here. Kokers, Powers, Gleasons and Trends. A full house and lots of full bellies.
Before I was hungry for leftovers the next day I was putting up the Christmas decorations. I love having lights and ribbons and sparkly things all around me in the house. Yes, sparkly things. It's so festive. And a lot of work. But I still wish it was more than a couple months at the end of the year that decorations are all over the place. I guess I have to work on the holidays for the rest of the year as they come starting with Valentines Day. . .
In addition to the busy holiday season making the time fly, the days are busy with the daily routines. Playtime in the morning and work time in the afternoons (for mommy) while Nathan sleeps (hopefully).Our playtime has recently gotten better since I joined a group called MOPS (Mother of PreSchoolers). They are an amazing group of ladies who have equally amazing kids! The regular MOPS meetings are every other Tuesday and then the other Tuesdays are filled in with things like playdates, outings, brunches, etc ... I look forward to it every time and feel so lucky that Nathan and I found new friends. The ones I have gotten to know all live close to our neighborhood and have similarly aged kids (so many little boys too!). It really makes everyday better when you have fun stuff to look forward to with fun people. We even had a couples night out and the guys seemed to hit off too. You never know with the men - they would rather stay home and watch TV I think. But add bowling and beer and you have their attention.

Anyway, they way our days flow are a nice arrangement that I am enjoying while I can. Things can change so quickly with a growing, changing toddler. The next change, the big boy bed? I question it because although Nathan has proved he can climb out of his crib a couple times, he has yet to do it one his own when he should be sleeping. I think it's only a matter of time when he is desperate enough to want to get out and brave enough to explore the dark hallways. I'm pretty sure it's just around the corner. Like in the next few nights. Nathan is super great about going to be but lately not so happy about staying there after a while. Last night he fell asleep on me in the living room (after going to bed ok and then screaming only half hour after he was put down) and then he screamed and cried in the middle of the night and ended up in bed with us most of the night too. I don't know how much more sleep I can stand being without so I plan to leave him in there regardless of the screaming since I'm pretty sure it's just habit now. He know how to get what he wants. So we'll see how badly he wants to join us. To climb or not to climb . . .

As Nathan gets older (in addition to being taller and better able to climb) he is more and more aware of his surroundings and the holiday has been especially exciting. It helped that we got some real snow to get us in the spirit (2" that lasted a few days!). He had a great time playing in it even thought he wouldn't keep his hat or gloves on long. He also loves the lights, the blow up Santa and Snowmen, and trees. He's a big fan of actual Santa's as well. We went with Mom and Ed to a Christmas Concert where Santa made his appearance. It was Nathan's first in-person experience and he was in awe. He stared and pointed and practically ran after him. Sitting ON his lap was not really his cup of tea when the time came, but seeing his face while he watched Santa from afar was magical. It makes the holidays much more fun and brings back a little something extra that you lose when you get to be an adult.
I'm excited to share the rest of the holiday traditions with Nathan with the rest of the family too.We are all looking forward to our trip to NY coming up very soon. Our Christmas Eve dinner together with all the brothers (and now the babies!) is always my favorite part. And now we do Secret Santa gifts between all the Kepler Kids. A new part of the tradition I can't wait for!
And of course I'm dying to see the Beautiful Little Lily. I'm very jealous of all the NY folk who get to see her every few days and witness the change that happens with newborns. Can't wait to snuggle with my niece.
Such a busy season. I'm so very grateful for lazy Sundays made just for baking Christmas cookies!