Yes, the latest Trend has arrived. Our Nathan Lucas is here - finally! I will give you the low-down but here are the stats.
Born Monday, March 23rd, 9:07pm
Weighed in at 8lbs, 10oz at 22" long
Although we were hoping for a last minute surprise Sunday night, we were waking up to a phone call at 5:55am on Monday morning from the hospital. "Can you come at 7:15?" Gee, let me think about it. We'll be right there!
It was a little surreal to be leaving for the hospital knowing we would be returning with our family a little larger. Even though we weren't in a hurry, it felt like Leo was driving fast. To be honest it was ok with me - we couldn't get there fast enough to get the show on the road.
When we got there we had the most amazing sunrise! I wish we had the camera out to capture the moment. We took it as a sign!
When we got there we were admitted and went into a room quickly. Nurse Rachel got me set up, Dr. Henderson came in shortly after and by 8:15am my water had been broken (don't worry, I will abstain from details here!)and drugs had been administered. Contractions started shortly after. They worked well because by 9:30 I was asking for the epidural. God Bless the man (or woman) who invented such a thing! That part wasn't too bad. When it started working it was even better.
The day went by quickly considering we didn't do much other than lay around waiting. We watched a movie, I tried to nap and I took a few phone calls. Our mothers were all so impressed (and jealous) that I was able to carry on a conversation while having such big contractions. Modern medicine is good stuff and I have no idea how women do it any other way.
By the early afternoon my body was progressing. By early evening we were even closer. The drugs that start the contractions were gradually increased and seemed to be working. At 7pm Dr. Alvarez said the progress was slowing however and the "C" word was mentioned. Uh oh. He said the drugs would be upped and we would give it another hour or two.
You know how we were hoping for BT to surprise us the whole time and just show up? And you know how we put out an eviction notice? Well, surprised we were when the doc finally called for the c-section to happen and it turned out we literally had to kick this kid out.
Around 8:30pm we were preparing for surgery and were shortly on our way. I was sad because I really didn't think this would happen, scared because so matter how common it is it is still surgery and pretty much in shock and disbelief - he was finally going to be here!
The OR staff was super nice and comforting. Still I was shaking like a leaf even before the extra drugs were given to make me extra numb. They prepped me and Leo finally joined me, all prepper as well in scrubs. I wish I could have gotten a picture of that but I (literally) had my hands tied.
In no time I was feeling pressure and Nurse Don was saying to Leo "Do you want to watch?" Surprisingly he said yes and stood up when they pulled the baby out of it's first home. I looked up at him as he watched and saw his eyes change from wonder to amazement. I watched Leo become a Daddy!
Nathan passed by me on the left but I didn't see him. Leo went into the next room with the nurses to get him cleaned up while I was being stitched up. The real shaking had started from the drugs which was a pretty awful experience to be so out of control. It ended about an hour later though.
After a few minutes I saw a tall scrub-clad person holding a baby. It took me a few seconds to recognize it was Leo. And that baby was ours! I could only see Leo's eyes and could see the crinkle of a big smile and that same adoration that is forever on his face. I saw the small patch of Nathan's face between the blankets before they again were taken to the other room. Leo told me the weight and length and I couldn't believe it. No wonder he wouldn't come out the old-fashioned way!
We all went to a recovery room where Nathan was finishing with his cleaning and testing. I was close by being tended to as well. Some family were there too for their first quick peek. I was pretty out of it but I know my mom was by my side for a short time and then they were all saying goodbye for the night to let us rest. Leo bought Nate over again. I couldn't wait to hold my baby!
It wasn't until a little after 11pm that I did get to hold Nathan for the first time. The nurses left him in our room for a few hours so we could get used to the idea that this kid was ours. We locked eyes and assessed each other. I don't know about him, but I approve.
We had the nurses take Nathan to the nursery for the evening so we could sleep. HA! There is no sleeping when something like this happens. So much to digest! I tried but I don't know that I got much sleep despite being so tired. Plus, who can sleep when there are people coming in and out of your room every hour, then the baby being brought in every three hours.
Tuesday we welcomed some company to come meet the first grandson of our immediate family. It was a rough day for me being sore from the surgery but I did get up at some point to stretch out and shower. Wednesday was much of the same but I was able to walk a but more and dress in real clothes versus a hospital gown. The nurses were nice during this time to get us through the yucky, painful and uncomfortable parts. The food wasn't too bad either. They have a rather large menu to choose from and I can get anything I want. Leo managed to benefit from this and snacked on any extras I could add on.
Thursday morning we were very much ready to go home. The doctors came and went to give us last minute checks and check lists. It's crazy how many people come in and out of your room while you are in the hospital. I have heard that after you have a kid your modesty is out the window. It's completely true. From doctors poking and prodding to nurses helping you do the simplest things to get through the day (Don't take advantage of the fact you can pee on your own!), you don't care who sees what. It's nice to not be shy about it, but it's weird for others who aren't quite there in life. If you have gone through the experience you know what I mean.
Thursday at noon we were on our way home. Nathan was a champ and slept the whole way. It was fun to bring him home and show him his room. Too bad he slept through the tour. He sleeps through most things. This kid is a sleeper through and through - truly Leo's son.
Thursday night, being our first at home just us, was a rough one. We knew it was coming but until you live it you have no idea. The feeding takes time to get used to, knowing what baby wants is hard to read at first, and having the confidence that you are doing it all right (and that it won''t last forever) adds to the long, rough road that is your first 24 hours at home.
Friday night went much better. My Mom (AKA GiGi) volunteered to stay the night to help us out. We started off ok but a little past midnight her services were needed. Thank goodness for mothers! She took care of Nate the rest of the night and Leo and I slept! It was such a relief to get some sleep, in our own beds. And GiGi was very spoiled to spend so much time with Nate. He sure is a spoiled little guy!
Today we welcomed more visitors. Nonni and Grandpa Stan came a couple times before going home, Aunt Kerri & Uncle Rob came to visit at the hospitl, GiGi has been around everyday and then Pop (my Dad) and Uncle Greg & Aunt Danielle came down for the weekend. It was planned last minute - they saw his picture and just couldn't wait to meet him.
Now we are all enjoying each others company. Nathan was awake for quite a while this afternoon and is now enjoying a nap which is his usual state. It's funny how all eyes are on baby as if there is nothing else to look at or talk about. He is mesmerizing.
Sorry it took so long to get the details out. I know most of you saw pics and heard the news anyway. But don't lie - you have been checking the blog everyday anyway. I don't blame you.
Ok, time to feed - again! More to come as our perfect little man turns our world upside down and right side up again.