Saturday, January 31, 2009

We're ready . . . ?!

Today we finished part two of our birthing class. It was a bit silly and filled with a lot of things we knew, but Leo did need to know where to drop off his laboring wife anyway so it was good to get a tour and hear how they do things at the hospital. Not too painful but we're glad to have it over with.

So does that mean we're ready?! I know, you're never REALLY ready. But we're getting to be as ready as you can be. Which means this little booger will be late. That's how these things go!

So I've updated the pic in the slide show but it's hard to see a difference. It's much more obvious in person, especially since you get the sound effects of my efforts to move around along with the visual. But here is another picture of me. I don't enjoy pictures of me these days but everyone tells me to shut up, "you're pregnant!" So you are welcome to continue to lie to me. It makes me feel better.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby's Room

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Yay Snow!

We have a nice covering that I was very excited to get up and witness this morning - and I'm still up! More to come later when it gets light enough to take pictures of. In the meantime. I'm enjoying the quiet and freshness of the white stuff by myself.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Nesting & Running

They say nesting is part of your life as baby time gets closer. Leo and I are both going through it - although differently. He feels the pressure financially I think where I feel it in every other way. The nesting instinct combined with the time I seem to have these days means the laundry is done, the dishes are done and even the bathroom gets cleaned more often. Today I was going to attempt to clean the oven, but that job seems a tad dangerous and maybe even impossible. I don't think I can reach my arms too far in there to clean effectively and then there's the belly in the way. Maybe I can persuade a parent to take on the task one of these days. You wouldn't want your grandchild inhaling oven cleaning fumes now would you?

But being fastidious about being organized isn't really new to me. What is a little excessive is the dreams I have about nesting as well. Last night I dreamed I was living in one of our old houses in Valley Cottage and I was cleaning junk out of the house with my mom. And I saw every little piece of trash too. Every piece of paper, single sock and left over toy from my whole life. Does your brain need to purge? Maybe that's what's happening. Funny thing is, I was pregnant in my dream too. I was wearing maternity short and was every bit as uncomfortable as I actually was in my sleep. Great, huh?

I also dream about running. Even when I was able to run I didn't do it much and when I did I didn't love it. But now that my body feels so tight and . . . weak I guess . . . I want to get out and run. Will I actually run when I can again? Don't know. But I know I will be eager to get my curves back (the ones that are convex versus concave . . . or however it goes to look cute and thin versus cute and pregnant).

At any rate, it's amazing I do any dreaming. I suppose it means I get a few hours of REM sleep even when it feels like I don't on some days.

In other dreamy news, Raleigh is expecting snow. YAY! The original report was for just a chance but now they are saying a few inches. It may actually cover the grass completely. And so, in true southern fashion I have planned to stay in all day tomorrow. Because, seriously, people just don't function down here properly as I'm sure I have lamented about in the past. I told my mom to stay put too. Although WE can handle the weather, others cannot and unplowed roads are common and expected until late in the day (or the next). Oh, and if you need milk and bread it is not unusual to go to the store today - before anything has even happened - and see that the stock is low for fear we might DIE with the slightest threat of weather. Oh, did I mention they delayed school one day last week because it was COLD?! I don't know if I will ever get used to the panic that ensures here over nothing.

Yawn . . . is it nap time yet? Well, I am excited about The Bachelor, Lost, Snow, my massage appointment this week, my Uppercase Living Open House and the rest of those chocolate chip cookies I made the other day. All this makes up for the lack of breath in my lungs (Baby Trend is taking up a lot of room) and the pain in my hips (and he is getting heavy). There is a always a bright side!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm a jerk

I'm watching the Biggest Loser and enjoying a piece of Key Lime Pie.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm officially . . .

. . . pregnant. I know. You're thinking. "Jen, I don't know how to tell you this but you've been pregnant for almost eight months!". Well, let me tell you something. There is being pregnant and REALLY being pregnant. It's official when:
* getting ready in the morning requires you to catch your breath and rest
* you can't reach into the bottom of the hamper for the dirty clothes as well as the washer to get those damn wet clothes out
* putting on your socks takes all your mental focus
* some days you need actual assistance putting your socks on by another person
* some days you need that assistance for other articles of clothing
* you scare yourself when you see your reflection and ask "who put that fun house mirror in here?"
* you pee so often in a day you can't remember if you just went or if that was an hour ago
* even your maternity shirts are getting too short
* you're practically bent over the kitchen sink to clean dishes because you simply can't stand that close anymore
* the pen you use to update the grocery list finds a permanent new home on the floor because it's too much effort to bend down and pick it up (Leo likes this one)
* you're laptop doesn't really fit on your lap anymore
* your husband doesn't fit on his side of the bed because of the excess of pillows (I'm up to 4)
* Tums becomes as necessary as air
* your husband actually helps with chores without being asked - not because he wants to but because you are pathetic trying to do it yourself
* you sound like an old lady every time exertion of any kind is attempted - including getting up, sitting down and turning over
* your thinking slows down to the pace of growing grass in November
* you can't see the southern hemisphere of your own stomach - even in the mirror
THAT'S how I know something must be going on. Also interesting, I have been laughing a lot. Call it giddiness and excitement if you will but I think it's something else.When something makes me laugh my belly moves like I'm a fattened up Santa on Christmas Eve. Seeing myself jiggle when I giggle makes me laugh even more so I'm laughing because I look and feel ridiculous. I suppose the side effects could be worse.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good Morning

Ok, not an ideal good morning - seeing as it's another early one for me for no reason. But I've been sitting here thinking about the fact that I have about 9 more weeks of this unpredictable body so I had better change my attitude before I lose my mind. It helps to read forums where other pregnant ladies bitch about the last few months too and I've come to a few realizations:
#1 It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone.
#2 It's not forever and is merely a blip in time in the long run.
#3 It could always be worse - there could be two in there!
#5 I'm lucky. Some never get to experience this.
So as much as I am annoyed and frustrated by being awake at odd hours and feeling completely "off" during the daytime hours, I'm doing my best to suck it up and enjoy it. Yes, enjoy it. As I was coming to terms with it just a little while ago I felt Baby Trend performs his latest Cirque de Soleil act while hiccuping. How cute is that? He was reminding mommy it's ok and that he will behave and entertain me when he is out.

Luckily, all this pondering makes me sleepy. A bit of cereal to quench the hunger pains, then I'm off to bed again. Good thing for Sundays. Leo gets to sleep in with me!