Monday, September 29, 2008
Oh the Horrors
I just realized . . . this will be my last full week in my twenties . . . and I can't even celebrate. Well, not the way the rest of you can. At least I will remember it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
No News
I'm sorry to report there is no news. This doesn't make sense unless you knew we had a dr's appt today. We did. We went. And there isn't much to report. I peed in a cup, we listened to the heartbeat and I was told I can still sleep on my stomach for the time being. Yay! Next time will be another sonogram visit and we will find out the sex. If you want to find out too, send a self addresed stamped envelope and $5 to . . . Haha . . . we could start a serious little college fund if we actually did that. We are as anxious to find out as you are but it will be another four weeks of guessing and calling he/ she "it".
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hello and Happy Sunday. And what a happy Sunday it is - especially since I was able to nap his afternoon. I haven't been sleeping well so whatever I can get during the day helps a lot. Mother Nature knows what she is doing. If it takes sleepless nights and random naps now to get used to how life will be in 25 weeks or so, then so be it!
The last week was very busy for both Leo and I. Leo worked well into the late hours of the day doing his whole recruiting thang. Pray for lots of hires! I have been busy too and this week will be much of the same - an Arbonne meeting here, an Uppercase appointment there and then all the other miscellany I have going on. However will I find the time to register for the little one's new belongings?! That is next on the list. I have been doing some research but Leo and I just have to make that Babies R Us trip and investigate all the doodads in person. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not.
In other pregnancy news, let me answer the questions you are dying to know the answers to. . .
No, we don't know the sex yet. We should be able to find out in a month or so. There is the smallest of chances our next appointment will reveal something but I'm not expecting to walk away with that knowledge just yet.
Yes, my belly is growing but I don't think it's much to gawk at. Well, I personally do since I look down and see less of my feet than usual, but that's just my perspective. Soon it will be more apparent (rather than an akward guess) and we will find some way to post a slideshow of the changes so far. I would never put pictures up that just show my belly in a before without the after. I don't even like being photographed at the beach. But when there is comparison and a human being growing inside me involved it's a little different.
Moving on, no I have no specific cravings. I am pickier some days; I get an idea of what I want to eat in my mnd and there is nothing else I desire until I get it. But since it's different every day I don't know if that would be classified as a craving. Sometimes I want salty (and yes pickles do taste more delicious on some days) and some days it's all about ice cream. But I do alway have a large baggy of goldfish crackers near by and everyday is a new eating adventure.
No, I still have not been sick (knock on wood). One day last week I did have a little heaving attack but it was just because I took my vitamin on an empty stomach. Never do that. But since my stomach was empty, nothing came of it so it doesn't count as getting sick. Hey, you asked!
And finally there are no names picked and we're not likely to tell you anyway. Leo and I are having fun throwing different ones back and forth. Maybe I wouldn't call it fun - it's a bit stressful when the fate of your childrens popularity and possibly it's personality rides on your idea of what's cute, unique and meaningful in a name. I'm sure that all our ideas will be thrown out the window anyway when he/ she is born. They will probably come looking like something we never thought of and it will stick. I've heard it happen!
So that's that. We are resting before another busy week begins and I am counting down the days until we leave for our weekend trip to Asheville. Enjoy the first day if Autumn!
BTW, don't mind our freaky looking baby twirling around over there on the right. I couldn't find a better one. I figure as long as ours looks better than that then we are ok!
The last week was very busy for both Leo and I. Leo worked well into the late hours of the day doing his whole recruiting thang. Pray for lots of hires! I have been busy too and this week will be much of the same - an Arbonne meeting here, an Uppercase appointment there and then all the other miscellany I have going on. However will I find the time to register for the little one's new belongings?! That is next on the list. I have been doing some research but Leo and I just have to make that Babies R Us trip and investigate all the doodads in person. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not.
In other pregnancy news, let me answer the questions you are dying to know the answers to. . .
No, we don't know the sex yet. We should be able to find out in a month or so. There is the smallest of chances our next appointment will reveal something but I'm not expecting to walk away with that knowledge just yet.
Yes, my belly is growing but I don't think it's much to gawk at. Well, I personally do since I look down and see less of my feet than usual, but that's just my perspective. Soon it will be more apparent (rather than an akward guess) and we will find some way to post a slideshow of the changes so far. I would never put pictures up that just show my belly in a before without the after. I don't even like being photographed at the beach. But when there is comparison and a human being growing inside me involved it's a little different.
Moving on, no I have no specific cravings. I am pickier some days; I get an idea of what I want to eat in my mnd and there is nothing else I desire until I get it. But since it's different every day I don't know if that would be classified as a craving. Sometimes I want salty (and yes pickles do taste more delicious on some days) and some days it's all about ice cream. But I do alway have a large baggy of goldfish crackers near by and everyday is a new eating adventure.
No, I still have not been sick (knock on wood). One day last week I did have a little heaving attack but it was just because I took my vitamin on an empty stomach. Never do that. But since my stomach was empty, nothing came of it so it doesn't count as getting sick. Hey, you asked!
And finally there are no names picked and we're not likely to tell you anyway. Leo and I are having fun throwing different ones back and forth. Maybe I wouldn't call it fun - it's a bit stressful when the fate of your childrens popularity and possibly it's personality rides on your idea of what's cute, unique and meaningful in a name. I'm sure that all our ideas will be thrown out the window anyway when he/ she is born. They will probably come looking like something we never thought of and it will stick. I've heard it happen!
So that's that. We are resting before another busy week begins and I am counting down the days until we leave for our weekend trip to Asheville. Enjoy the first day if Autumn!
BTW, don't mind our freaky looking baby twirling around over there on the right. I couldn't find a better one. I figure as long as ours looks better than that then we are ok!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Apparently we are scheduled to experience a bit of weather from Hannah this
weekend. This tropical storm is not yet a Hurricane but we should be getting rain and wind and all tha good stuff. I don't know about you, but as long as there is nothing planned I'm all about rain on a Saturday. What a nice time to sleep in, watch movies and be a rag-a-muffin in general. Ike, though is something to worry about (I guess) or at least if you are in it's path, close to the ocean (Mommy Sharon and Stan can always come stay here!).

In other news, since I wear both the weather man hat as well as news reporter in general, Leo and I saw there is a new attraction in downtown Raleigh. The new convention center is done and will
open soon. The cool thing they have added to it is called the Shimmer Wall. It's a wall (duh) with squares on it that reflect light with the wind. Here you see a tree - because Raleigh's nick name apparently is the City of Oaks. Who knew? Anyway, at night there are lights too. It's pretty cool.

This week, a friend of mine just gave birth to a little girl (on Labor Day!). Congrats Meredith and Marco. And we found out not too long ago our neighbors are expecting their 2nd, very close to us on the calendar!
As for me, I am getting my energy back slowly and digging out of the e-mails and papers that have been multiplying everywhere. Tomorrow I will be 13 weeks along and officially through with the first trimester. Yay!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Baby Trend
How lucky are you . . . two posts in one day.
We went to Target today. I wanted to scare - I mean SHARE with Leo what is involved with choosing all the necessary items for baby. We have plenty of time but it never hurts to look and see what's out there. And we will need plenty of time to work through all the choices. It's truly mind-boggling.
Anyway, we were walking past the car seat section when Leo saw one that had "Baby Trend" written right on it! I got all excited I can't even explain. There are already
products with our baby's name right on it! Apparently Baby Trend is a company and they have everything we would ever need. If there was ever an easy way to weed through the choices this is the way. It's a good enough reason for me.

As an add-on to my earlier post Leo reminded me of another Prince Charming moment this week. When I was having a chocolate craving and playfully suggested he go to the nearest gas station and get some goodies, he dutifully put on his shoes, took his keys and wallet from the table and made the trip. Really, he's the best ever!
Luckiest Girl in the World
I really do have a prince charming on my hands. Yesterday it was time to mown the lawn, AKA cut those damn weeds in our yard. Along with some lovely fungi I might add. If only I could grow beautiful flowering bushes like the mushrooms that appear in our back yard. Anyway, Leo went out to fulfill his duties as landscaper and I went out to help with the trimming. When he was done with his part he came over and took the edger from me and said "I'll finish. You go get some water and rest." What a wonderful man! He won't let his pregnant wife to too much and he reminds me to stay well hydrated. Actually I call Leo the water nazi because he has to constantly remind me to keep my glass full of h2o - I'm terrible at drinkng enough.
Today we are just hanging out around the house. We've been keeping our eyes on the weather channel and the storm footage down south. It's scary and interesting at the same time. I saw that Al Roker was right there in the heart of it and I had to wonder - does he like putting his life at risk or did he just get the short end of the stick in this case? I don't get it. I wish they would put Ann Curry or that stupid Viera woman down there. They drive me nuts.
Since when am I so opinionated about anchor-people?
Anyway, enjoy your labor day wherever you are. And Happy Birthday to Grandma Lilian who is 94 today and Mombo! And another Happy to Timothy tomorrow. Love & Miss you!
So although he may not be perfect in every way, he is perfect where it really matters!
Last week I went to the dr's again and got a wonderul new picture to share. It's actually quite amazing . . . Cool huh?! Leo did not come with me to the appointment but I'm sure he
will next time so he doesn't miss out on the cinematic adventure that is a 3-D sonogram! They can turn the picture every which way to check out every part you like. And no . . . we do not know the sex yet. It's still several weeks away until we will know.

Today we are just hanging out around the house. We've been keeping our eyes on the weather channel and the storm footage down south. It's scary and interesting at the same time. I saw that Al Roker was right there in the heart of it and I had to wonder - does he like putting his life at risk or did he just get the short end of the stick in this case? I don't get it. I wish they would put Ann Curry or that stupid Viera woman down there. They drive me nuts.
Since when am I so opinionated about anchor-people?
Anyway, enjoy your labor day wherever you are. And Happy Birthday to Grandma Lilian who is 94 today and Mombo! And another Happy to Timothy tomorrow. Love & Miss you!
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